Dubai Move Destinations: Uae Residence Visas | How To Sponsor A Maid Or Nanny Inward Dubai

Dubai Travel Destinations: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 maid's visa tin flame endure obtained yesteryear the caput of the menage unit of measurement (called sponsor, as well as unremarkably the male), whose salary is non less than AED 6000 a calendar month or AED 5000 + accommodation. Bachelors are non eligible to sponsor a maid. You tin flame entirely sponsor a maid from the next countries: India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, as well as Indonesia.

Steps: Apply inwards the next order

  1. Residence Visa (employment allow to locomote inwards country)
  2. Medical Fitness Report (after maid enters)
  3. Residence Stamp on Maid's Passport, Emirates ID application & Issue of Domestic Worker Card

Documents Required for Residence Visa

  • Salary certificate of sponsor inwards Standard Arabic (for regime employee) OR, labour contract of sponsor (for mortal employee) as well as accommodation contract showing minimum 2 sleeping room story alongside Ejari attestation.
  • Typed application class from authorized typing office
    Sponsor’s passport
  • Copy of maid’s passport
  • Passport photos of maid (minimum 3 required)
  • Affidavit from embassy/consulate certifying non-relationship, if maid from same country


  1. Go to authorized typist & larn class filled upwards for work entry permit. Pay AED 110 + variety out typing fee (which varies from typist to typist). If urgent, pay additional AED 100. If maid already inwards the country, additional AED 500 to endure paid.
  2. Go to the General Directorate of Residency as well as Foreigners Affairs - Dubai (GDRFA) & submit all documents later attaching courier sticker for non-urgent visa. For urgent, hold back for a few minutes as well as have the work entry permit. You volition direct hold to pay a refundable deposit of AED 2000/- along alongside the application. (The deposit was reduced from AED 5000 to AED 2,000. See intelligence update)
  3. Send either master visa or re-create to your maid. If entirely re-create was sent, thus deposit master at DNATA Visa Desk at Dubai airdrome or at DNRD counter.

Applying for a residence visa for your maid

  1. Apply for a residence visa, Emirates ID as well as medical fitness study inside thirty days of the arrival of your maid's entry into the country. Visit an authorized typist & pay for either urgent or non-urgent class & become accept maid for medical fitness & Emirates ID biometrics.
  2. Take your maid for a medical fitness examination (see locations as well as contact numbers for xiv centres for medical fitness inwards Dubai). The Medical Fitness Centre at Sonapur is opened upwards 24 hours for men as well as women, though for novel visas for women, it is entirely opened upwards from viii am till viii pm. Just inwards front, at that topographic point is a 24 hours Emirates ID centre, though for women, it is entirely opened upwards from vii am until 9.30 pm.

Dubai Travel Destinations: All novel maids volition endure screened for HIV, pregnancy, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, TB & Leprosy. The Hepatitis B vaccination which costs an additional AED l is given inwards 3 doses - immediately, booster later 1 calendar month as well as booster later half dozen months. If you lot hold the yellowish certificate every bit proof of all 3 doses, thus when renewing your maid's visa, you lot produce non demand to re-do this, every bit the vaccination as well as certificate is valid for 10 years.

Costs of Medical Fitness

  • Normal fitness examination costs AED 325 (AED 260 + AED l for Hepatitis B vaccination+AED twenty for courier as well as takes 5-7 working days to larn the results.
  • 48 hr service costs AED 420 (AED 370+AED l for Hepatitis B vaccination). You tin flame collect results inwards 2 working days.
  • Urgent service costs AED 520 (AED 470+AED l for Hepatitis B vaccination). You tin flame collect results later 24 hours.
  • There is every bit good a iv hr VIP service costing AED 740 (AED 690+AED 50) merely this is entirely for Al Safa & Knowledge Village employees as well as dependents.
    See details of all medical fitness packages on Dubai Health Authority website.

Steps to larn the medical fitness results

  • Register through authorized typist purpose or through DHA online service. Also pay AED 140 (plus typing fee of AED 30) for EmiratesID application.
  • If non paid online, become to registration counter/section at medical fitness amount to pay fees, depending on bundle chosen.
  • Go for blood test, x-ray and/or Hepatitis B vaccination
  • Medical fitness results volition endure sent to DNRD electronically. SMS notification volition endure sent to sponsor, or facial expression results yesteryear courier.
  • Go to Emirates ID purpose as well as submit fingerprints as well as application. You tin flame produce this during your watch for Medical Fitness itself.
  • Go to authorized typist to pay AED 5,200 (or 5,100 for non-urgent) to apply for residence visa.

Dubai Travel Destinations: 3. Submit residence visa application, along alongside medical fitness study as well as Emirates ID stamped application to whatever GDRFA branch. (If you lot larn an SMS from DHA proverb 'Your medical fitness upshot is sent to GDRFA', thus you lot tin flame hold straight to whatever GDRFA branch without collecting the medical report, every bit it volition present upwards inwards the GDRFA online system).

Dubai Travel Destinations: 4. Go to residency department of GDRFA as well as accept token for automated queue system. When your number comes, submit residency visa typed application. Also attach stamped work entry permit, maid's master passport as well as photo, sponsor's passport copy, deposit sticker as well as a salary certificate/labour contract. Do brand a re-create or banking concern notation the Emirates ID application number before submission.

Dubai Travel Destinations: It is preferable to accept your maid alongside you lot to salve time. You must declare to the officeholder what salary you lot suggest to pay your maid, every bit this volition endure entered into the contract. You volition have 3 printouts of the unified contract which has to endure signed yesteryear both sponsor as well as maid. If your maid is alongside you, asking her to sign. The officer, volition counter-sign as well as provide 2 copies to you. (One is for the sponsor, the other for the maid to keep.) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 residence postage valid for ane yr volition thus endure placed inwards your maid's passport.

Dubai Travel Destinations: 5. The officeholder volition thus give you lot the 'Domestic Worker Identity Card', or if non-urgent, both volition come upwards yesteryear courier.

Dubai Travel Destinations: 6. To larn the Emirates ID carte du jour (formerly called National ID), present residency postage to the typist to update the application, or telephone outcry upwards EIDA as well as give them residency number.
7. Your deposit of AED 2,000 volition entirely endure refunded when your housemaid permanently leaves the country. Preserve the sticker, every bit you lot tin flame either work this to larn a refund or you lot tin flame present it to the residency officeholder every bit proof of deposit, each fourth dimension you lot produce your renewal.

Additional Notes:

Dubai Travel Destinations: Country specific requirements for minimum wages
Do hold inwards hear that each province has its ain regulations regarding minimum salary, historic menses etc as well as you lot volition direct hold to banking concern check alongside the respective consulate diplomatic mission for these details. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 maid from Republic of Republic of India or Philippines must endure older than 30, merely non over 60. Even recommended minimum salaries differ, alongside Indian maids to endure paid from AED 1,100 onwards (see update), every bit advised yesteryear the Indian Embassy, spell novel regulations from the Philippines tell the minimum salary should endure AED 1,400. As per the Sri Lankan embassy, the minimum salary for Sri Lankan maids is AED 825. See update. The minimum salary for Indonesian maids is AED 800 as well as from Bangladesh, it is AED 750. Please banking concern notation that these are minimum recommendations from governments, merely there's nada stopping you lot from paying to a greater extent than than the minimum wage.

GDRFA Approval

Dubai Travel Destinations: Maids from the sponsor’s province are plain of study to approving yesteryear GDRFA. In addition, an affidavit from your country's embassy/consulate certifying that the maid is non related to you lot may endure required. If you lot demand to a greater extent than than ane maid for a large family, GDRFA has the correct to decide, merely much volition depend on sponsor’s salary as well as size of the family. Always ship copies as well as master documents, including labour contracts, salary certificates as well as passports. You may endure asked to present your accommodation contract as well as are advised to ship this. Illegal hiring of maids without GDRFA approving may upshot inwards fines of upto AED 70,000 every bit good every bit imprisonment for ane calendar month followed yesteryear deportation of employer.

Renewal of Maid's Visa inwards Dubai

Dubai Travel Destinations: This needs to endure done annually. Either produce it online, or become to an authorized typist & larn online medical asking class issued (free, though approximately typists accuse AED 20) as well as application for renewal (ordinary AED 5080 + typing charges or urgent AED 5180+typing charges).

Dubai Travel Destinations: Take your maid for a medical fitness test. (See locations as well as contact numbers for xiv centres for medical fitness inwards Dubai). If you lot present proof of Hepatitis B vaccination done (yellow certificate showing all 3 injections done), thus you lot produce non direct hold to pay ane time to a greater extent than every bit the vaccination is valid for 10 years.

Costs of Medical Fitness

Dubai Travel Destinations: Normal fitness examination costs AED 325 (AED 260 + AED l for Hepatitis B vaccination+AED fifteen for courier as well as takes 5-7 working days to larn the results.
48 hr service costs AED 420 (AED 370+AED l for Hepatitis B vaccination). You tin flame collect results inwards 2 working days.
Urgent service costs AED 520 (AED 470+AED l for Hepatitis B vaccination). You tin flame collect results later 24 hours.
There is every bit good a iv hr VIP service costing AED 740 (AED 690+AED 50) merely this is entirely for Al Safa & Knowledge Village employees as well as dependents.
Submit renewal application, along alongside medical fitness to whatever GDRFA branch. (If you lot larn an SMS from DNRD proverb 'Your medical fitness upshot is sent to GDRFA', before you lot tin flame collect the medical fitness report, thus you lot tin flame hold straight to whatever GDRFA branch without collecting the medical report, every bit it volition present upwards inwards the GDRFA system). If you lot become to GDRFA primary office, become to residency department as well as accept a token for automated queue system.
If you lot are doing a renewal later the 3rd year, you lot volition direct hold to present proof that you lot made a deposit inwards the kickoff year. Prior to Nov 2009, deposit amounts were AED 5,000, which was reduced to AED 2,000.

Dubai Travel Destinations: GDRFA volition number you lot alongside 3 printouts of the unified contract that you lot as well as your maid direct hold to sign (advisable to accept your maid, to larn immediate signature). If your renewal application was ordinary, your maid's visa & Domestic Worker Card volition endure sent to you lot yesteryear courier, spell urgent applications are done immediately.

Cancellation of maid's visa inwards Dubai

Dubai Travel Destinations: This tin flame either endure done at the airdrome or inwards advance through GDRFA. If you lot wishing to produce it inwards advance, you lot demand to larn the 'residence cancel' class typed (AED 70+typing fees) as well as submit to GDRFA Residency Section along alongside maid's passport as well as labour card. You volition have 2 cancellation receipts. Give ane to your maid to submit to Immigration at airport. Take maid to airdrome as well as produce normal boarding as well as departure, during which the cancellation of visa volition automatically locomote on during immigration clearance. Use other cancellation receipt to collect your deposit from GDRFA.

Or you lot tin flame accept your maid to the airport, obtain boarding overstep as well as become to the GDRFA purpose nigh Customs as well as Immigration counter. Pay almost AED 100 as well as larn the residence cancelled. Try as well as become at to the lowest degree ane hr before than the recommended 3 hours international flying fourth dimension inwards illustration at that topographic point is a business for cancellation. Remember to give ane re-create of the cancelled class to your maid to submit to Customs/Immigration as well as work the other to submit to GDRFA to obtain your deposit.


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