Dubai Travel Attractions Map: Cyberspace Trouble Concern - Affiliate Partner Plan - Klook


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On my previous blog. I discussed what is Affiliate Partner Program.

On this article, I am going to part roughly other Affiliate Partner.

Who is this Company?

This is Klook (Klook Travel Technology)

- An online move agency. Which offers discount travel,  tours as well as activities, attractions as well as things to create wherever yous are. 

Top Destinations

Some of the Top Destinations that they featured out on their website are:

Hongkong, Shanghai, Macau, Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo as well as Osaka

They offering packaged services from Eastern Asia to North America. And the listing of the countries goes on as well as on.

Popular Activities

They too offering a lot of pop activities.
Some of them are beingness featured out on their website.
And the cost is affordable compared to other move agencies that I convey checked online.

Travel Inspiration

They convey iii caput offices which are located inward Hongkong, Singapore, as well as Taiwan.

Affiliate Partnership

I received an e-mail regarding the affiliate partnership. And it's such a swell observe to larn an Affiliate Partner amongst them.

As an affiliate partner, I convey my ain personal managing director who volition guide me through the entire partnership. So whatever problems mightiness arise or whatever inquiries, I tin enquire for a assist from her.

Klook - provided me a credential to my affiliate account.

And I was able to larn access to my work organisation human relationship as well as railroad train my promotion code equally tardily equally 1,2,3.

Whats Inside of the Affiliate Account

Here are roughly of the screenshots for your reference.

Visit the website Klook

piece of work inward your credentials as well as log inward equally a publisher. 
Wait for the page to load.

Log inward Page

This is the dwelling page of my account.
On this section,  It volition present what are Affiliate Tools that yous mightiness desire to purpose as well as to apply on your blog.


The Dashboard is straightforward. You tin browse other relevant settings that yous mightiness desire to update inward case.
Main Dashboard

This is the Account Section wherein your personal data is currently stored.
It is divided into iii sections.

My Info- Where your basic data is listed as well as your village currency equally yous preferred exchange payout.

Take Federal Reserve annotation that when yous update your preferred currency, brand certain to create upward one's require heed forthwith equally this is permanently set.

My Info

The adjacent department is the Financial info.
You tin create upward one's require heed which type of coin work organisation human relationship transfer yous desire to use.
You convey to options. Either Paypal or your Bank.

As for me, I am using Paypal. 

Financial Info

My Sites- Wherein your website is listed as well as it shows the condition of your website which is approved.

My Site (Website Admin)

My Ads- This department shows the real-time monitoring of the ads that yous convey placed on your website.

Ad List- This department shows the listing of your promotion codes that yous convey created.

Ad List

Ad Performances- This department shows how many clicks as well as impressions convey been counted for weeks as well as months. Details for impressions, click, CTR. Paid orders as well as and thence on tin live constitute here.

Ad Performances
Performances- This shows the overall commision amount, past orders as well as returned orders.


Order List - This department volition render the details nigh the confirmed customers who already paid as well as booked the said activity of tour package. And the listing of the customers purchased. Overall this volition live calculated on your commision.
Order List

Settlement Records- The give-and-take itself. This department volition present how much was your full revenue, commision and your full paid out.

Settlement Records

The end department volition live the self-service assist section.
For the Commision Rates- I cannot break this equally this is purely confidential.

If yous desire to mass whatever activity inward your surface area or desire to wander to roughly other place, experience gratis to cheque my affiliate link here. You tin cheque the klook banner on my blog site :) 

And lastly, experience gratis to purpose my promo code to larn to a greater extent than discount on your outset booking!

Please Note Paypal Account holders inward the U.S. tin relish using this code twice a month!
 Enjoy a swell discount as well as convey fun!

Thank yous for reading:)

Don't forget to comment, part as well as subscribe!


Note: You tin cheque my other site for yous to encounter the affiliate ads at Ceddy's Random.


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