IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai

IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai - Best Place to Travel

what is emara's secret? what is hidden behind that disguise? who is emara? the one with the brave heart

IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai

IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai, hurry to the rescue of the weak

your conscience will be your guide and answer the call your strength is a kind heart and a bright mind the fear of the climb wont stop emara oppression or terror won't satisfy emara to the rescue of the weak emara

what is emara's secret? what is hidden behind that disguise? who is emara? the one with the brave heart

IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai

IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai, hurry to the rescue of the weak

your conscience will be your guide and answer the call your strength is a kind heart and a bright mind the fear of the climb wont stop emara oppression or terror won't satisfy emara to the rescue of the weak emara

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