Dubai Desert Safari

Dubai Desert Safari - Best Place to Travel

assalam-u-alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu we’ve received a lot of requests from our viewers to upload a video specifically about getting a vehicle out when it is stuck in sand in a desert so---here you go!„ the vehicle is stuck now if your vehicle is stuck in the sand, don’t panic! there are many ways to get it out of sand!„ what you see in this video of the most common cases of how a vehicle gets stuck in a desert

Dubai Desert Safari

Dubai Desert Safari, when your vehicle is stuck horizontally, it’s easy to get the vehicle out what you need to do is just dig a little bit under the wheel that is stuck and lower the tire pressure however, if you get stuck like this, it tough for you and your family to come out of the car and also for „the car to move unless another vehicle pulls it out we’ll now l show you a simple way to get out of this situation without waiting for another other vehicle „to pull you out„ as you see

we call this particular situation “triangular” where you need another vehicle to pull you out!!! but if „you are alone in the desert, who’ll pull you out?„ normally no one goes to desert without a pulling wire, but if you did may allah have mercy on you „ if this vehicle had a differential lock, it could come out easily but if like this vehicle, if your car didn’t have a diff lock, it wouldn’t come out easily even if it was a 4x4 vehicle so, here you are stuck in the desert all alone and the vehicle doesn’t have diff lock system, not to worry we’ll show you a simple way to add a diff lock in your vehicle we have exaggerated the situation a little bit here the way the vehicle is shown to be stuck, but „normally most people get into a very similar situation this would typically happen either with the right front tire with left rear or with the left front tire with „the right rear ok- as you can see the wire and a small small hook ! a word of caution here!l going to the desert without a wire could be really dangerous as „sometimes it would be really hard to find someone to help you

mr turki here will now show us how much a wire can help you in this spot of bother and he is working on snapchat, have you got viewers on snapchat?„ now all from youtube will also go on snapchat turki: you’ll need a small rope or something similar like this to wrap it with the tire abu faisal: do you need another hook? i have one turki: no thanks! this is enough abu faisal: great! this will show our viewers how we can manage this with the least number of things ok- so this is how you wrap the tire with the wire you have turki: this rope will be enough

au faisal: ok- so anything like a rope that you can find in the desert will do the job for you!„ at risk of repeating myself too often, if you are going to desert without a wire--- forget about doing this a wire will cost you maybe just 35-40 riyals, but it could be the most important things you are carrying when going to the desert as you see, the wire is getting wrapped around the tire itself let us zoom in the camera to get a clearer view of what is happening so now the wrapped wire is hooked to the rear what you need to do next is to open up some space from under the front tire by digging a little bit what has happened now is that both the tires are locked just as it would happen if there was a diff „lock in your vehicle!„ so, --this vehicle didn’t have a diff lock and this was a dangerous situation but with what we show you „here, you can still pull yourself out

ok--- go ahead!!!„ the tire now will get locked and vroom!!!!!!!!!!!!! as you see, the tire came out without any issue as the tires are locked thank you turki. so by the grace of allah the vehicle came out without any issues!!!!! that’s it! just go back a little bit so that we can open the wire so this is how you get out by the will of allah one last time ---- you cannot do this without a wire!!!!!

assalam-u-alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu we’ve received a lot of requests from our viewers to upload a video specifically about getting a vehicle out when it is stuck in sand in a desert so---here you go!„ the vehicle is stuck now if your vehicle is stuck in the sand, don’t panic! there are many ways to get it out of sand!„ what you see in this video of the most common cases of how a vehicle gets stuck in a desert

Dubai Desert Safari

Dubai Desert Safari, when your vehicle is stuck horizontally, it’s easy to get the vehicle out what you need to do is just dig a little bit under the wheel that is stuck and lower the tire pressure however, if you get stuck like this, it tough for you and your family to come out of the car and also for „the car to move unless another vehicle pulls it out we’ll now l show you a simple way to get out of this situation without waiting for another other vehicle „to pull you out„ as you see

we call this particular situation “triangular” where you need another vehicle to pull you out!!! but if „you are alone in the desert, who’ll pull you out?„ normally no one goes to desert without a pulling wire, but if you did may allah have mercy on you „ if this vehicle had a differential lock, it could come out easily but if like this vehicle, if your car didn’t have a diff lock, it wouldn’t come out easily even if it was a 4x4 vehicle so, here you are stuck in the desert all alone and the vehicle doesn’t have diff lock system, not to worry we’ll show you a simple way to add a diff lock in your vehicle we have exaggerated the situation a little bit here the way the vehicle is shown to be stuck, but „normally most people get into a very similar situation this would typically happen either with the right front tire with left rear or with the left front tire with „the right rear ok- as you can see the wire and a small small hook ! a word of caution here!l going to the desert without a wire could be really dangerous as „sometimes it would be really hard to find someone to help you

mr turki here will now show us how much a wire can help you in this spot of bother and he is working on snapchat, have you got viewers on snapchat?„ now all from youtube will also go on snapchat turki: you’ll need a small rope or something similar like this to wrap it with the tire abu faisal: do you need another hook? i have one turki: no thanks! this is enough abu faisal: great! this will show our viewers how we can manage this with the least number of things ok- so this is how you wrap the tire with the wire you have turki: this rope will be enough

au faisal: ok- so anything like a rope that you can find in the desert will do the job for you!„ at risk of repeating myself too often, if you are going to desert without a wire--- forget about doing this a wire will cost you maybe just 35-40 riyals, but it could be the most important things you are carrying when going to the desert as you see, the wire is getting wrapped around the tire itself let us zoom in the camera to get a clearer view of what is happening so now the wrapped wire is hooked to the rear what you need to do next is to open up some space from under the front tire by digging a little bit what has happened now is that both the tires are locked just as it would happen if there was a diff „lock in your vehicle!„ so, --this vehicle didn’t have a diff lock and this was a dangerous situation but with what we show you „here, you can still pull yourself out

ok--- go ahead!!!„ the tire now will get locked and vroom!!!!!!!!!!!!! as you see, the tire came out without any issue as the tires are locked thank you turki. so by the grace of allah the vehicle came out without any issues!!!!! that’s it! just go back a little bit so that we can open the wire so this is how you get out by the will of allah one last time ---- you cannot do this without a wire!!!!!

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