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welcome to the world of happy ramu... thanks for watching ... be careful abour our children.... subscribe for more updates... :-) formula one feaver .. from ferrai world abu dhabi... aron yonda and matt sloan blamesocietyfilms chad vader – day shift manager adam montoya seananners known for his extensive let's play videos as well as cooperation with other gamers such as felix kjellberg and mark fischbach. alex day nerimon has had top hits after vlogging on youtube. alex jones thealexjoneschannnel american radio host and investigative journalist. he is well known for his loud, angry, usually serious, and sometimes comical rant on politics. alex is the host of an internet radio show called, the alex jones show, which began in as a live tv broadcast. it then became video-oriented in april , . he is also the founder of a youtube news show called, infowars nightly news with alex jones, which was first aired online in the beginning of , which continues to this day. alexa goddard alexamusictv british r&b singer who charted in the uk top after promoting herself through youtube alexis jordan alexisjordan singer-songwriter, actress and first season contestant on america's got talent; signed to jay-z's roc nation label through her exposure on her youtube channel. andrew gunadie gunnarolla, dietgunnarolla, team andrew better known as gunnarolla on youtube. canadian internet personality, musician, and video producer. angry grandpa theangrygrandpashow, grandpascorner known for videos of him violently raging and reacting to various pranks and events amanda baggs silentmiaow featured on a cnn health blog amber lee ettinger barelypolitical known as obama girl from the video i got a crush... on obama and stars in many barelypolitical episodes amy walker amiablewalker most notable for her video, accents and mastery of world accents. ana gomes ferreira anafree known as ana free a singer-songwriter from portugal. andrea russett gettoxfabxforever vlogger and radio dj from fort wayne, indiana whose video appeared in the justin bieber movie never say never and has over , subscribers on youtube as of may . andy mckee andymckee a fingerstyle guitarist who is signed to the us-american record label candyrat records. anthony padilla and ian hecox smosh, ianh, askcharlie, anthonypadilla, elsmosh, shutupcartoons, smoshgames known as smosh. the second most subscribed youtube channel, with over , , subscribers as of august . austin mahone austinmahone pop singer who built large online following during . angie miller angiekristinemiller christian singer who was made known for her covers and coming in fourth place on american idol. busers channels notes references baba ali ummahfilms known for the reminder series and ask baba ali series. bachir boumaaza athenewins video gamer and social activist who is widely referred to by his online pseudonym athene. ben breedlove ouradvice you, breedlovetv, totalrandomness known for dealing out relationship advice to his peers in vlogs. ben going boh m known as boh m blimey cow blimeycow, blimeycowvlog, jordanmichaeltaylor, amy taylorcomedy trio known for videos relating to christianity, homeschooling, music, relationships, and social media. bobby miller bobbymiller, soulpancake comedian, host, filmmaker bo burnham boburnham, mahnrubob comedian, comedic singer, musician, songwriter, and actor. brandon hardesty artietsmitw well known movie scene impersonator. brooke brodack brookers actress, editor, director. known for her crazed numa fan and chips videos. cusers channels notes references caitlin hill thehill catherine wayne boxxybabee, anewhopeee, bodaciousboxxy popular for her comedic youtube videos under the pseudonym boxxy. fights between her supporters and her detractors lead to an online war. cenk uygur theyoungturks journalist and political commentator, host of the largest online news show in the world. charice pempengco charice filipina singer who rose to popularity through youtube; currently set to join the cast of glee for its second season charles trippy ctfxc star in the internet reality show, internet killed television. also does skits on his original channel. charlie mcdonnell charlieissocoollike, charlieissoboredlike, charlieate a british vlogger and singer songwriter. member of the chartjackers team, chameleon circuit and sons of admirals. chartjackers chartjackers, chartjackersproject a band who made a song, i've got nothing, to raise money for children in need . chris crocker itschriscrocker an openly gay blogger who became notable for creating the leave britney alone! video. christiaan van vuuren christiaanvanvuuren gained notable popularity after starting to record videos from within quarantine. christina grimmie zeldaxlove singer-songwriter christine gambito happyslip, christinegambito famous with her filipino jokes, accent and virtues. clara chung claracmusic singer, guitarist corey vidal apprenticea famous for star wars john williams is the man and how-to dance videos. cory williams smpfilms, themeankitty, dudelikehella known as mr. safety from smp films, organizer of the as one youtube gathering craig benzine wheezywaiter started vlogging about his job as a waiter, then quit his job to become a full youtuber and video maker after he became a hit. dusers channels notes references dan brown pogobat, danbrownuniverse developer of the dan brown method of solving a rubik's cube; won second annual youtube video awards instructional category for how to solve a rubik's cube. dancing dolls replay cover dance unit. covered dances of such artists as girls' generation and ne . over million views on youtube and nico nico douga combined prior to its professional singing debut on sony music entertainment japan with the hit single touch -a.s.a.p.- shanghai darling. the unit's account replay was created on april , and deleted prior to its major label debut. dane boedigheimer daneboe, realannoyingorange, gagfilms, superboebros creator of the annoying orange video series. is currently also a television series aired on cartoon network daniel howell danisnotonfire, danisnotinteresting a british vlogger and radio host; co-host of super amazing project dave carroll and band, sons of maxwell sonsofmaxwell created three popular music videos, beginning with united breaks guitars in protest of carroll's treatment at the hands of united airlines which proved a public relations debacle for the airline. david choi davidchoimusic, davidchoitalk singer-songwriter. david cohen davidcohenmusic singer, songwriter, former contestant on american idol david mccleary sheldon mac lethal rapper, producer, radio host. in november , mac lethal released a video on youtube of him rapping over the beat to look at me now while he prepares a dish of pancakes in his kitchen. the video became a viral hit and got millions of views in a matter of days and led to interviews on websites like cnn and the washington post. denny blaze denny blaze denny blaze, commonly known by his stage name the average homeboy, blazin hazen, is an american rapper made famous for a demo tape produced in the late s featuring his single the average homeboy. derek muller veritasium creator of veritasium and host of youtube's geek week. destorm power destorm, destormtv singer, songwriter, and video editor. often collaborates with other youtube personalities and artists, including mystery guitar man and vassy. doctor steel doctorsteel steampunk industrial musician, entertainer, and visual artist douglas sarine and kent nichols digitalfilmmaker creators of ask a ninja eusers channels notes references edward edd gould eddsworld flash animator and creator of the eddsworld series. was noticed on youtube by the bbc and tve who both commissioned for the creation of animations for their organizations. was also chosen to create an opening animation for the united nations climate change conference after catching the attention of the planning committee on youtube. died in . edward muscare edarem former child molestor who achieved popularity for his eccentric videos of himself. in , he was imprisoned for uploading videos to youtube, thereby breaking his probation's ban on using a computer. elle and blair fowler allthatglitters , ellesglittergossip elle , otherjuicystar , juicystar blair sisters who post beauty and style-related tutorials and vlogs elliott morgan, lee newton, and joe bereta sourcefed hosts of sourcefed's minutes or less news show and comment commentary launched by philip defranco. eric calderone erock metal guitarist, he covered theme songs and other songs from media into heavy metal music, including star wars, halo, and michael jackson. in early , calderone won golden gods award, an award for an outstanding heavy metal performance. esmã©e denters esmeedenters cover-artist, she covered songs by musicians like justin timberlake and natasha bedingfield. in , she went on to start her professional career after attracting the attention of dutch media scouts and justin timberlake, now she sings original songs. fusers channels notes references felix kjellberg pewdiepie, pewdie video game playthroughs and commentary. the most subscribed channel on youtube, he currently has over million subscribers, and over billion video views. fine brothers thefinebros, thefinebros , mymusicshow creators producers of the react video series kids, teens, elders and youtubers react and mymusic sitcom. also known for timed spoiler videos. freddie wong and brandon laatsch freddiew, freddiew creator of many mini action movies. they have gained over million subscribers since beginning uploading videos in . fox bronte monalisanaked alternative artist known for his comedic rants on modern day culture and putting himself in cringe-worthy situations to make his artwork. gusers channels notes references gary brolsma newnuma creator of the numa numa dance. gavin free theslowmoguys, roosterteeth, letsplay, gamefails director, producer, and cinematographer. germã¡n garmendia holasoygerman, holasoygerman chilean video producer and aspiring actor. the third most subscribed channel on youtube, he currently has over million subscribers. garmendia makes monological observational comedy videos. in july , el paã­s called him the most popular latin american on youtube today. gille gillesound singer glozell green glozell actress, comedian and singer grace helbig dailygrace actress, comedian and video blogger from los angeles. citation needed the gregory brothers schmoyoho thegregorybrothers creators of several songified videos using autotune, most notably the bed intruder song, the double rainbow song, winning! w charlie sheen , and the auto-tune the news series. greyson chance greyson singer discovered by ellen degeneres, signed to record label. notable for his cover of lady gaga's hit paparazzi. greg benson mediocrefilms, mediocrefilms creator of the retarded policeman. husers channels notes references harley morenstein epicmealtime epic meal time cooking show harry and charlie davies-carr hdcyt charlie bit my finger huang yi xin back dormitory boys hannah harto hart myharto, yourharto she is best known for starring in my drunk kitchen, a weekly series on youtube in which she cooks something while extremely intoxicated. apart from her main channel, she also runs a second channel where she talks about life in general and gives her opinions on various topics. hannah minx misshannahminx, bonusminx japanese lessons via jwow japanese word of the week segment, japanese culture, minxy and jinxy fashion tips, travel tips, humor, skits, and more! hikaru kaihatsu hikakin, hikakintv, hikakinblog japanese human beatbox, food and product reviews humza arshad humzaproductions most notable for his ongoing web series diary of a bad man, with episode being one of the most viewed videos in the uk for . iusers channels notes references iman crosson alphacat, iman actor, nationally known obama impersonator; co-editor of we are the world for haiti youtube edition . jusers channels notes references jack conte jackcontemusic indie musician, singer, and songwriter jack douglass jacksfilms, jackisanerd, shutupdennis, featuredfridays, catlvr creator of your grammar sucks and the wtf blanket jack harries jacksgap jack started vlogging as a way to document his gap year, sometimes together with his twin brother finn and won a large following with hundreds of tumblr fansites, over million video views october and , followers on twitter october . he and his brother finn were profiled as two of the uk's most famous youtube vloggers in the daily telegraph. jack rebney, the winnebago man jack rebney's profane video outtakes first circulated underground on vhs tape before youtube turned him into an online sensation. the reclusive rebney, age , is the subject of a feature film, winnebago man, to be released in theaters summer . dated info jack vale jackvalefilms hidden camera pranks on the general public. jake foushee moonwalkhd teen voiceover artist who was signed to abrams artist agency during his appearance on ellen. known for my movie trailer guy impression. james provan gir creator of pancakes! james rolfe cinemassacre formerly jamesnintendonerd , james rolfe filmmaker and video game reviewer, known for his angry video game nerd sketches. jamie grace jgracepro singer-songwriter discovered by grammy winner tobymac and signed to gotee records. janoskians janoskians, daresundays an australian web-based comedy group jesse wellens & jeana smith prankvsprank, bfvsgf, nylahkitty, downrangegaming couple pranking each other jenna mourey jennamarbles, jennamarblesvlog most subscribed woman in the world; best known for her video how to trick people into thinking you're good looking. she is the third most subscribed user of all time. jessica rose, yousef abu-taleb, jackson davis, and alexandra dreyfus lonelygirl from lonelygirl jodie rivera venetianprincess previously, no. most subscribed female on youtube prior to michellephan surpassing her. joe bereta and luke barats baratsandbereta creators of barats and bereta joe luginbill josephluginbill host of joe's kitchen, a youtube cooking show. joe penna mysteryguitarman, jp musician and animator. most subscribed brazilian auteur. citation needed joey graceffa joeygraceffa, joeygraceffagames vlogger, actor and host at his videos' topics are varied and include challenges, song covers, the hunger games trilogy and gaming walkthroughs. john bain totalhalibut, totalbiscuit first impressions of indie-games, starcraft commentator john and hank green vlogbrothers of brotherhood . jon schmidt, steven sharp nelson, tel stewart, paul anderson, and al van der beek. the piano guys musial group jonathan paula, jory caron, & riley mcillwain jpizzle , jon, jory creators of, is it a good idea to microwave this?, movie night, and other original web series. jordan maron captainsparklez notable for making minecraft music videos and walkthroughs, etc. josh chomik thecomputernerd notable for developing musical parodies juan mann juanmann of the free hugs campaign judith bustos latigresadelorientec la tigresa del oriente, peruvian singer and make-up artist whose youtube exposure led to a contract with warner bros. mexico judson laipply judsonlaipply judson laipply is an american motivational speaker from bucyrys, ohio best known for his performance in the evolution of dance clip. it’s the fourth-most watched clip on youtube as of july . julia nunes jaaaaaaa singer, songwriter, guitar and ukulele player. has performed with ben folds and appears regularly at the bonnaroo music festival. justin bieber kidrauhl canadian singer who was discovered on youtube and signed a major record deal with usher, becoming one of the world's biggest superstars at only years old. his justin bieber – baby music video has over , , views, making it the second most viewed video in youtube history as of december . ijustine ijustine, otherijustine, ijustinesiphone, ijustinegaming, ijustinereviews, video blogger and comedian. justine's first viral video was a video of her opening a bill sent to her by at&t mobility titled iphone bill. she currently voices passion fruit in the high fructose adventures of annoying orange on cartoon network. kusers channels notes references karen alloy spricket regional emmy award-winning entertainer and comedian. ken sekine megwin video blogger and comedian kevin nalty nalts video blogger and comedian. kevin wu kevjumba, jumbafund comedian reality star of the amazing race . he currently host pre-commercials called flicks on cartoon network. kina grannis kinagrannis singer-songwriter formerly signed to interscope records. mostly known for her song in your arms. kip kay kipkay prankster, gadget creator. ksiolajidebt ksiolajidebt, ksiolajidebthd gamer, part-time comedian, also rather loud. kurt hugo schneider kurthugoschneider producing youtube music videos in collaboration with other musicians. he is best known for his production of music videos for sam tsui. kurt j mac kurtjmac youtube gaming commentator and host of far lands or bust, an attempt to walk to the minecraft far lands without any mods or cheats. he uses this series as a walk-a-thon for child's play charity, and has so far raised over $ , , earning him the title of platinum sponsor. kutiman kutiman multi-instrumentalist, composer, arranger, bandleader, and creator of thruyou. kyle myers fpsrussia, morefpsrussia, fps host of the fpsrussia show lusers channels notes references laina wzr known as the overly attached girlfriend lauren luke panacea make-up artist lim jeong-hyun funtwohimself lisa donovan lisanova, lisa lisa lavie lisalavie singer-songwriter; co-producer of we are the world for haiti youtube edition , yanni vocalist - . lloyd ahlquist epiclloyd, erb rapper, comedy theater, songwiter, co-founder of the epic rap battles of history lucas cruikshank fred, lucas lucas from jkl productions. has one of the highest numbers of subscribers on youtube. he currently stars in the main role as fred figglehorn in fred the show on nickelodeon. musers channels notes references magibon mririan mamrie hart youdeserveadrink, mametown comedic actress, writer, and performer. on her main channel, youdeserveadrink, she primarily posts weekly instructional mixology videos, with a unique cocktail presented in each, allowing her to combine her past work experience as a bartender with performing. she periodically collaborates with other youtube personalities such as hannah hart and grace helbig. marcus butler marcusbutlertv, moremarcus british vlogger known for greeting with a slow hello! in every video maria aragon rojuanearagon a -year-old filipino-canadian singer who became popular after lady gaga posted a link to her piano cover of born this way in her twitter page. the singer wrote can’t stop crying watching this. this is why i make music. she is the future. the two eventually got to perform together during the latter's monster ball tour in toronto, canada. she has also performed live at the ellen degeneres show. aragon has performed for and with canadian prime minister stephen harper. mariã© digby mariedigby singer-songwriter whose career picked up when she posted a video of herself covering the rihanna song umbrella. marina orlova hotforwords a russian philologist who is a youtube star that teaches the etymology of english words. mark fischbach markipliergame, markiplierno longer active , markipliertwitch video game playthroughs and commentary. he is also known for a web-series named drunk minecraft. he currently has over , subscribers, and over million video views. martin billany littlekuriboh taken down , cardgamesftw, ninjabridge, obeymyrod aka littlekuriboh; creator of yu-gi-oh! the abridged series, a popular parody of the anime yu-gi-oh!; winner of funniest youtube channel in the mashable open web awards. megan and liz meganandliz, meganandlizbeauty achieved some popularity on youtube, appeared on the oprah winfrey show. melody oliveria bowiechick meme molly mememolly internet personality and former presenter of rocketboom daily news. merton pianochatimprov singer-songwriter, music improviser. mia rose miaarose singer-songwriter michael agrusso itsjustsomerandomguy creator of hi, i'm a marvel...and i'm a dc video series, youtube celebrity among comic book movie fans with panels at new york comic con and michael buckley whatthebuckshow, michael buckley, bucksphone known for his celebrity news show, what the buck?! michael stevens vsauce, vsauce , vsauce , wesauce know as the bearded nunin barely political episodes. michael wesch mwesch his video, web . ... the machine is us ing us was viewed over million times. wesch has won several awards for his work with video, including a wired magazine rave award and the john culkin award for outstanding media praxis from the media ecology association. michelle phan michellephan vietnamese-american make-up artist and owner of skincare line iqqu; she produces beauty tutorials videos and is the spokesperson for lancã´me. miranda sings mirandasings and mirandavlogz character created by comedian colleen ballinger that satirizes bad, but egotistical singers who post videos of themselves singing and vloging on youtube. mister epic mann misterepicmann and misterepicmann created the viral video how animals eat their food and several others moymoy palaboy moymoypalaboy filipino comic and singing duo, known for lip sync videos. nusers channels notes references natalie tran communitychannel first australian youtuber to pass one million subscribers. nataly dawn natalydawn indie musician, singer, and songwriter. noah kalina nk notable for his video noah takes a photo of himself every day for years opusers channels notes references pat condell patcondell comedian, antitheist, of his videos were published to dvd. paul robinett renetto peter oakley geriatric geriatric gripes and grumbles, mentions his service for britain during wwii peter schiff schiffreport a financial broker and ceo of euro pacific capital, peter schiff is known for the video peter schiff was right – nd edition by youtuber jdouche. his internet fame created a grassroots movement which prompted him to run for senate in connecticut, albeit unsuccessfully. peter shukoff nicepeter, nicepetertoo, erb, erb a self described comic guitar hero best known for the musical comedy on his youtube channel, nicepeter, and co-creating the comedial series known as epic rap battles of history, along with epiclloyd. phil davison theonlygodiszeus local politician from minerva, ohio. his impassioned stump speech as a candidate for treasurer of stark county, ohio has been viewed more than a million times on youtube. phil lester amazingphil, lessamazingphil british vlogger and bbc radio host; co-host of super amazing project phil mason thunderf t atheist vlogger, creator of the video series why people laugh at creationists philip defranco sxephil, philipdefranco news reporter, known for the philip defranco show, and being the creator of sourcefed. phillip wang, wesley chan and ted fu wongfuproductions film-making trio. known for film shorts, music videos for other musicians and their vlogs called wong fu weekends. pomplamoose pomplamoosemusic a musical duo composed of jack conte and nataly dawn. psy officialpsy his gangnam style music video is recognized by guinness world records as the most viewed and most liked video in youtube history, and for being the first to surpass billion views. qrusers channels notes references randy pausch gave the lecture really achieving your childhood dreams. randy phillips areyousuprised while serving in the united states air force to come out as a homosexual during the final months of the u.s. military's policy known as don't ask, don't tell ray william johnson raywilliamjohnson, yourfavoritemartian, breakingnyc the fourth most subscribed channel on youtube, reviews viral videos, recently started a second animated music video channel. rebecca black rebecca an american teen who became famous after posting her song friday that received more than million views and hugely negative comments dubbing the song the worst song ever. rebecca flint xbextahx a british teen who became known as beckii cruel by recreating a dance called the danjo. she now has a record deal with tokuma japan communications. rhett and link rhettandlink, rhettandlink known as rhett mclaughlin and link neal. ronald jenkees ronaldjenkees american composer and musician rucka rucka ali wheres rucka, itsrucka, ruckawho, ruckawhat, ruckas black he has been labelled one of the most successful artists to come out of youtube, where he has received over million hits with hits such as ching chang chong and justin's beaver. citation needed ryan higa nigahiga, higatv the sixth most subscribed youtube channel. he is known for his video how to be a ninja. susers channels notes references salman khan khanacademy educational videos on a wide range of topics. sam tsui thesamtsui best known for covering and performing songs by popular artists, as well as original medleys and mashups. samwell brownmarkfilms most notable for the video what what in the butt . sammy stephens teedadawg best known for a commercial for flea market montgomery in which stephens, raps about the store claiming it's just like a mini mall. santhosh pandit krishnanum radhayum he is a malayalam movie actor and director who was criticized for making the low-budget movie krishnanum radhayum. the song rathri subharathri from the movie became an instant hit with the malayali population around the world. sarah austin pop sarah meyers sara niemietz saraniemietz singer, song writer, actress featured on the ellen degeneres show sean plott day tv a kansas born starcraft brood war professional who has since become a popular starcraft commentator and e-sports promoter. sean is most famous for his daily show; where he breaks down sc games for analysis, and shoutcasting at events such as mlg and dreamhack sgt scott moore gowithmemila known for his successful viral video campaign asking mila kunis to the marine corps ball while stationed in afghanistan. his video achieved nation-wide news attention and has been viewed over million times. shane dawson shanedawsontv, shanedawsontv , shane makes comedy sketches, featuring several well-known characters. shay carl shaycarl, shaytards, shayloss, iphonetard daily life vlogger, comedian, in top most subscribed list and has appeared on no ordinary family. simon and martina simonandmartina, simonandmartinabonus creators of the eat your kimchi videos and website spencer and dylan householdhacker known as traveler real name unknown and dylan frosty brain ; youtube channel, household hacker, is the th most subscribed as of august . straight no chaser sncmusic straight no chaser was an undergraduate a capella group whose -year-old version of days of christmas went viral in . atlantic records signed them to a five album deal because of their youtube success. sungha jung jwcfree guitarist tusers channels notes references taryn southern hott hill hillary clinton campaign video. tay zonday tayzonday, tayvox most notable for the chocolate rain video. ted williams most notable for the man with the golden radio voice. terra naomi terranaomi singer-songwriter formerly signed to island records tessa violet meekakitty american vlogger – comedy. the laughing baby spacelord known as haha, laughing baby, cute adorable baby thomas ridgewell tomska, darksquidge known for appearance in eddsworld and the asdfmovie series. he has appeared on the one show and bbc news. tiffany alvord tiffanyalvord singer-songwriter and cover artist, among the top most subscribed music channels on youtube. tim chantarangsu timothydelaghetto , thetimothydelaghetto, traphikmusik, timsbakery filmmaker, musician, vlogger, rapper. also known as traphikrap name tj terroja kirk theamazingatheist, tjdoeslife known for his rants on religion, pop culture and societal issues. toby dale directortoby filmmaker. toby turner tobuscus, tobyturner, tobygames comedian, actor, known for his literal trailers and reviewing various videos on youtube cute, win, fail and playing nerville on annoying orange. tom cassell thesyndicateproject, syndicatecentral known for his minecraft and call of duty videos. tom dickson blendtec star of will it blend? tyler oakley tyleroakley vlogger and advocate for gay youth, presenting on topics such as queer politics and pop culture. uvusers channels notes references venus palermo venusangelic had a # hit with a cover of i love it. vi hart vihart mathemusician with over a million hits viktoriya yermolyeva vkgoeswild pianist with over a million hits who's worked with lazar berman and nine inch nails drummer brian viglione. wusers channels notes references william sledd williamsledd vlogger that produces videos which center around fashion. matthew woodworth woodysgamertag video game vlogger. videos mainly based around the call of duty series. also co-host of the pain killer already pka podcast. winner of season of dance showdown. xyusers channels notes references the yogscast yogscast lewis and simon, yogscast hannah, yogscast duncan, yogscast sips, yogscast sjin, yogscast martyn, yogscast nilesy, yogscast panda, hat films, yogscast rythian, yogscast zoey, yogscast strippin, yogscast kim, yogscast parv, yogscast zylus, yogscast davechaos producers of comedic gaming videos and minecraft parodies of famous songs. best known for their minecraft series. ysabella brave ysabellabrave a vocalist that was signed by cordless recordings. yuya mariand castrejon lady makeup, yuyacst mexican vlogger who posts beauty, relationships, decoration and style-related tutorials and vlogs. particularly known for her high pitched voice, she is the latin american woman with the most youtube suscribers. zusers channels notes references zack drapala ghostrobo best known for his gameplay walkthrough commentaries. zdoggmd zdoggmd a doctor known for his hiphop inspired medical comedy videos. zoe sugg aka zoella zoella , morezoella her vlogs and blog posts centre around beauty, fashion and lifestyle. she was named best beauty blogger at the cosmopoltian blog awards on . zoella was also awarded with the best british vlogger award in bbc radio 's teen awards . by subscribersthe following is a chart featuring a list of the most subscribed youtube channels, including vevo channels with approximate subscribers . as of september , rank channel subscriber count pewdiepie . million smosh . million holasoygerman . million jennamarbles . million raywilliamjohnson . million nigahiga . million rihannavevo . million machinima . million onedirectionvevo . million rb . million heellenshow . million freddiew . million officialpsy . million roosterteeth . million eminemvevo . million werevertumorro . million taylorswiftvevo . million yogscast lewis and simon . million justinbiebervevo . million thefinebros . million theofficialskrillex . million epicmealtime . million skydoesminecraft . million tobygames . million portadosfundos . million captainsparklez . million thelonelyisland . million thesyndicateproject . million collegehumor . million vsauce . million elektrarecords . million shanedawsontv . million tobuscus . million katyperryvevo . million michellephan . million ukfdubstep . million fpsrussia . million nba . million league of legends . million davidguettavevo . million nickiminajatvevo . million movieclipstrailers . million lady makeup . million boyceavenue . million adelevevo . million enchufetv . million programagalofrito . million adamthomasmoran . million prankvsprank . million pinkvevo . million see alsoferal horses are born and live in the wild, but are descended from domesticated animals.[129] many populations of feral horses exist throughout the world.[156][157] studies of feral herds have provided useful insights into the behavior of prehistoric horses,[158] as well as greater understanding of the instincts and behaviors that drive horses that live in domesticated conditions.[159]there are also semi-feral horses in many parts of the world, such as dartmoor and the new forest in the uk, where the animals are all privately owned but live for significant amounts of time in wild conditions on undeveloped, often public, lands. owners of such animals often pay a fee for grazing rights.[160][161]breedsmain article horse breed, list of horse breeds, and horse breedingthe concept of purebred bloodstock and a controlled, written breed registry has come to be particularly significant and important in modern times. sometimes purebred horses are incorrectly or inaccurately called thoroughbreds. thoroughbred is a specific breed of horse, while a purebred is a horse or any other animal with a defined pedigree recognized by a breed registry.[162] horse breeds are groups of horses with distinctive characteristics that are transmitted consistently to their offspring, such as conformation, color, performance ability, or disposition. these inherited traits result from a combination of natural crosses and artificial selection methods. horses have been selectively bred since their domestication. an early example of people who practiced selective horse breeding were the bedouin, who had a reputation for careful practices, keeping extensive pedigrees of their arabian horses and placing great value upon pure bloodlines.[163] these pedigrees were originally transmitted via an oral tradition.[164] in the 14th century, carthusian monks of southern spain kept meticulous pedigrees of bloodstock lineages still found today in the andalusian horse.[165]breeds developed due to a need for form to function, the necessity to develop certain characteristics in order to perform a particular type of work.[166] thus, a powerful but refined breed such as the andalusian developed as riding horses with an aptitude for dressage.[166] heavy draft horses developed out of a need to perform demanding farm work and pull heavy wagons.[167] other horse breeds developed specifically for light agricultural work, carriage and road work, various sport disciplines, or simply as pets.[168] some breeds developed through centuries of crossing other breeds, while others descended from a single foundation sire, or other limited or restricted foundation bloodstock. one of the earliest formal registries was general stud book for thoroughbreds, which began in 1791 and traced back to the foundation bloodstock for the breed.[169] there are more than 300 horse breeds in the world today.[170]interaction with humansworldwide, horses play a role within human cultures and have done so for millennia. horses are used for leisure activities, sports, and working purposes. the food and agriculture organization fao estimates that in 2008, there were almost 59,000,000 horses in the world, with around 33,500,000 in the americas, 13,800,000 in asia and 6,300,000 in europe and smaller portions in africa and oceania. there are estimated to be 9,500,000 horses in the united states alone.[171] the american horse council estimates that horse-related activities have a direct impact on the economy of the united states of over $39 billion, and when indirect spending is considered, the impact is over $102 billion.[172] in a 2004 poll conducted by animal planet, more than 50,000 viewers from 73 countries voted for the horse as the world's 4th favorite animal.[173]communication between human and horse is paramount in any equestrian activity;[174] to aid this process horses are usually ridden with a saddle on their backs to assist the rider with balance and positioning, and a bridle or related headgear to assist the rider in maintaining control.[175] sometimes horses are ridden without a saddle,[176] and occasionally, horses are trained to perform without a bridle or other headgear.[177] many horses are also driven, which requires a harness, bridle, and some type of vehicle.[178]sport a horse and rider in dressage competition at the olympicsmain articles equestrianism, horse racing, horse training, and horse tackhistorically, equestrians honed their skills through games and races. equestrian sports provided entertainment for crowds and honed the excellent horsemanship that was needed in battle. many sports, such as dressage, eventing and show jumping, have origins in military training, which were focused on control and balance of both horse and rider. other sports, such as rodeo, developed from practical skills such as those needed on working ranches and stations. sport hunting from horseback evolved from earlier practical hunting techniques.[174] horse racing of all types evolved from impromptu competitions between riders or drivers. all forms of competition, requiring demanding and specialized skills from both horse and rider, resulted in the systematic development of specialized breeds and equipment for each sport. the popularity of equestrian sports through the centuries has resulted in the preservation of skills that would otherwise have disappeared after horses stopped being used in combat.[179]horses are trained to be ridden or driven in a variety of sporting competitions. examples include show jumping, dressage, three-day eventing, competitive driving, endurance riding, gymkhana, rodeos, and fox hunting.[180] horse shows, which have their origins in medieval european fairs, are held around the world. they host a huge range of classes, covering all of the mounted and harness disciplines, as well as in-hand classes where the horses are led, rather than ridden, to be evaluated on their conformation. the method of judging varies with the discipline, but winning usually depends on style and ability of both horse and rider.[181] sports such as polo do not judge the horse itself, but rather use the horse as a partner for human competitors as a necessary part of the game. although the horse requires specialized training to participate, the details of its performance are not judged, only the result of the rider's actions—be it getting a ball through a goal or some other task.[182] examples of these sport of partnership between human and horse include jousting, in which the main goal is for one rider to unseat the other,[183] and buzkashi, a team game played throughout central asia, the aim being to capture a goat carcass while on horseback.[182]horse racing is an equestrian sport and major international industry, watched in almost every nation of the world. there are three types flat racing; steeplechasing, i.e. racing over jumps; and harness racing, where horses trot or pace while pulling a driver in a small, light cart known as a sulky.[184] a major part of horse racing's economic importance lies in the gambling associated with it.[185]work a mounted police officer in polandthere are certain jobs that horses do very well, and no technology has yet developed to fully replace them. for example, mounted police horses are still effective for certain types of patrol duties and crowd control.[186] cattle ranches still require riders on horseback to round up cattle that are scattered across remote, rugged terrain.[187] search and rescue organizations in some countries depend upon mounted teams to locate people, particularly hikers and children, and to provide disaster relief assistance.[188] horses can also be used in areas where it is necessary to avoid vehicular disruption to delicate soil, such as nature reserves. they may also be the only form of transport allowed in wilderness areas. horses are quieter than motorized vehicles. law enforcement officers such as park rangers or game wardens may use horses for patrols, and horses or mules may also be used for clearing trails or other work in areas of rough terrain where vehicles are less effective.although machinery has replaced horses in many parts of the world, an estimated 100 million horses, donkeys and mules are still used for agriculture and transportation in less developed areas. this number includes around 27 million working animals in africa alone.[190] some land management practices such as cultivating and logging can be efficiently performed with horses. in agriculture, less fossil fuel is used and increased environmental conservation occurs over time with the use of draft animals such as horses.[191][192] logging with horses can result in reduced damage to soil structure and less damage to trees due to more selective logging.[193]entertainment and culturesee also horses in art and horse worshipmodern horses are often used to reenact many of their historical work purposes. horses are used, complete with equipment that is authentic or a meticulously recreated replica, in various live action historical reenactments of specific periods of history, especially recreations of famous battles.[194] horses are also used to preserve cultural traditions and for ceremonial purposes. countries such as the united kingdom still use horse-drawn carriages to convey royalty and other vips to and from certain culturally significant events.[195] public exhibitions are another example, such as the budweiser clydesdales, seen in parades and other public settings, a team of draft horses that pull a beer wagon similar to that used before the invention of the modern motorized truck.[196]horses are frequently seen in television, films and literature. they are sometimes featured as a major character in films about particular animals, but also used as visual elements that assure the accuracy of historical stories.[197] both live horses and iconic images of horses are used in advertising to promote a variety of products.[198] the horse frequently appears in coats of arms in heraldry, in a variety of poses and equipment.[199] the mythologies of many cultures, including greco-roman, hindu, islamic, and norse, include references to both normal horses and those with wings or additional limbs, and multiple myths also call upon the horse to draw the chariots of the moon and sun.[200] the horse also appears in the 12-year cycle of animals in the chinese zodiac related to the chinese calendar.[201]therapeutic usesee also hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback ridingpeople of all ages with physical and mental disabilities obtain beneficial results from association with horses. therapeutic riding is used to mentally and physically stimulate disabled persons and help them improve their lives through improved balance and coordination, increased self-confidence, and a greater feeling of freedom and independence.[202] the benefits of equestrian activity for people with disabilities has also been recognized with the addition of equestrian events to the paralympic games and recognition of para-equestrian events by the international federation for equestrian sports fei .[203] hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding are names for different physical, occupational, and speech therapy treatment strategies that utilize equine movement. in hippotherapy, a therapist uses the horse's movement to improve their patient's cognitive, coordination, balance, and fine motor skills, whereas therapeutic horseback riding uses specific riding skills.[204]horses also provide psychological benefits to people whether they actually ride or not. equine-assisted or equine-facilitated therapy is a form of experiential psychotherapy that uses horses as companion animals to assist people with mental illness, including anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, behavioral difficulties, and those who are going through major life changes.[205] there are also experimental programs using horses in prison settings. exposure to horses appears to improve the behavior of inmates and help reduce recidivism when they leave.[206]warfaremain article horses in warfareturkish cavalry, 1917horses have been used in warfare for most of recorded history. the first archaeological evidence of horses used in warfare dates to between 4000 to 3000 bc,[207] and the use of horses in warfare was widespread by the end of the bronze age.[208][209] although mechanization has largely replaced the horse as a weapon of war, horses are still seen today in limited military uses, mostly for ceremonial purposes, or for reconnaissance and transport activities in areas of rough terrain where motorized vehicles are ineffective. horses have been used in the 21st century by the janjaweed militias in the war in darfur.[210]productshorses are raw material for many products made by humans throughout history, including byproducts from the slaughter of horses as well as materials collected from living horses.products collected from living horses include mare's milk, used by people with large horse herds, such as the mongols, who let it ferment to produce kumis.[211] horse blood was once used as food by the mongols and other nomadic tribes, who found it a convenient source of nutrition when traveling. drinking their own horses' blood allowed the mongols to ride for extended periods of time without stopping to eat.[211] the drug premarin is a mixture of estrogens extracted from the urine of pregnant mares pregnant mares' urine , and was previously a widely used drug for hormone replacement therapy.[212] the tail hair of horses can be used for making bows for string instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, and double bass.[213]horse meat has been used as food for humans and carnivorous animals throughout the ages. it is eaten in many parts of the world, though consumption is taboo in some cultures,[214] and a subject of political controversy in others.[215] horsehide leather has been used for boots, gloves, jackets,[216] baseballs,[217] and baseball gloves. horse hooves can also be used to produce animal glue.[218] horse bones can be used to make implements.[219] specifically, in italian cuisine, the horse tibia is sharpened into a probe called a spinto, which is used to test the readiness of a pig ham as it cures.[220] in asia, the saba is a horsehide vessel used in the production of kumis.[221]caremain article horse caresee also equine nutrition, horse grooming, veterinary medicine, and farrierchecking teeth and other physical examinations are an important part of horse care.horses are grazing animals, and their major source of nutrients is good-quality forage from hay or pasture.[222] they can consume approximately 2% to 2.5% of their body weight in dry feed each day. therefore, a 450-kilogram 990 lb adult horse could eat up to 11 kilograms 24 lb of food.[223] sometimes, concentrated feed such as grain is fed in addition to pasture or hay, especially when the animal is very active.[224] when grain is fed, equine nutritionists recommend that 50% or more of the animal's diet by weight should still be forage.[225]horses require a plentiful supply of clean water, a minimum of 10 us gallons 38 l to 12 us gallons 45 l per day.[226] although horses are adapted to live outside, they require shelter from the wind and precipitation, which can range from a simple shed or shelter to an elaborate stable.[227]horses require routine hoof care from a farrier, as well as vaccinations to protect against various diseases, and dental examinations from a veterinarian or a specialized equine dentist.[228] if horses are kept inside in a barn, they require regular daily exercise for their physical health and mental well-being.[229] when turned outside, they require well-maintained, sturdy fences to be safely contained.[230] regular grooming is also helpful to help the horse maintain good health of the hair coat and underlying skin.[231]child sexual abuse or child molestation is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation.[1][2] forms of child sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities regardless of the outcome , indecent exposure of the genitals, female nipples, etc. to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires, or to intimidate or groom the child, physical sexual contact with a child, or using a child to produce child pornography.[1][3][4]the effects of child sexual abuse can include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] complex post-traumatic stress disorder,[8] propensity to further victimization in adulthood,[9] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[10] sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest.[11]the global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 19.7% for females and 7.9% for males, according to a 2009 study published in clinical psychology review that examined 65 studies from 22 countries. using the available data, the highest prevalence rate of child sexual abuse geographically was found in africa 34.4% , primarily because of high rates in south africa; europe showed the lowest prevalence rate 9.2% ; america and asia had prevalence rates between 10.1% and 23.9%.[12] in the past, other research has concluded similarly that in north america, for example, approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children.[13][14][15] most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often brothers, fathers, uncles or cousins; around 60% are other acquaintances such as 'friends' of the family, babysitters, or neighbors; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual abuse cases.[13] most child sexual abuse is committed by men; studies show that women commit 14% to 40% of offenses reported against boys and 6% of offenses reported against girls.[13][14][16] some sources report that most offenders who sexually abuse prepubescent children are pedophiles,[17] but some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia.[18][19]under the law, child sexual abuse is an umbrella term describing criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor or exploits a minor for the purpose of sexual gratification.[4][20] the american psychiatric association states that children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults, and condemns any such action by an adult an adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior.[21]youtube, hd, the avengers age of ultron, joss whedon, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the accidental genius, , drama, the avengers age of ultron, joss whedon, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the accidental genius, , drama, the parsifal mosaic, ron howard, drama, mystery, thrilleredge of tomorrow, doug liman, action, sci_fi, perry mason, , comedy, crime, edge of tomorrow, doug liman, action, sci_fi, perry mason, , comedy, crime, tehran, , drama, thrillerrobocop, 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john curran, adventure, biography, drama, untitled paul feig project, paul feig, comedy, ghost in the shell, , action, crime, drama, sci_fired sonja, simon west, action, adventure, thriller, do-gooders, , comedy, red sonja, simon west, action, adventure, thriller, do-gooders, , comedy, luke cage, , action, crime, drama, fantasy, thrillerthird person, paul haggis, drama, romance, attorneys at raw, , comedy, third person, paul haggis, drama, romance, attorneys at raw, , comedy, doctor strange, , adventure, fantasyblood ties, guillaume canet, crime, drama, thriller, untitled aziz ansari randy project, , comedy, blood ties, guillaume canet, crime, drama, thriller, untitled aziz ansari randy project, , comedy, uncharted drake's fortune, , actionhow to train your dragon 2, dean deblois, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, let's do this, , comedy, how to train your dragon 2, dean deblois, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, let's do this, , comedy, maximum ride, james patterson, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, sci_fi, thrillerthe secret life of walter mitty, ben stiller, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, business trip, , comedy, the secret life of walter mitty, ben stiller, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, business trip, , comedy, the hands of shang-chi, , action, adventure, crimehell & back, tom gianas, ross shuman, animation, comedy, untitled pee-wee-herman project, , adventure, comedy, hell & back, tom gianas, ross shuman, animation, comedy, untitled pee-wee-herman project, , adventure, comedy, the killing sea, , action, drama, romancehaunter, vincenzo natali, horror, mystery, thriller, untitled sherlock holmes project, , comedy, haunter, vincenzo natali, horror, mystery, thriller, untitled sherlock holmes project, , comedy, peony in love, , dramathe counselor, ridley scott, crime, drama, thriller, a whole new hugh, , comedy, the counselor, ridley scott, crime, drama, thriller, a whole new hugh, , comedy, get santa, christopher smith, comedy, familythis is the end, evan goldberg, seth rogen, comedy, fantasy, friday night lights, , drama, sport, this is the end, evan goldberg, seth rogen, comedy, fantasy, friday night lights, , drama, sport, in vitro, , horror, thrillerthe redemption of cain, will smith, drama, the man who killed don quixote, terry gilliam, adventure, the redemption of cain, will smith, drama, the man who killed don quixote, terry gilliam, adventure, the kind one, ridley scott, crime, drama, thrillercaptain phillips, paul greengrass, action, adventure, biography, crime, drama, thriller, mr. vertigo, , fantasy, captain phillips, paul greengrass, action, adventure, biography, crime, drama, thriller, mr. vertigo, , fantasy, before i go to sleep, rowan joffe, mystery, thrillerthe legend of cain, will smith, drama, the defective detective, , fantasy, the legend of cain, will smith, drama, the defective detective, , fantasy, wool, j blakeson, sci_finoah, darren aronofsky, drama, fantasy, time bandits, , adventure, comedy, fantasy, sci_fi, , sidney hall, shawn christensen, drama12 years a slave, steve mcqueen, biography, drama, history, the matarese circle, , action, drama, mystery, thriller, , gucci, jordan scott, biography, drama, historymandela long walk to freedom, justin chadwick, biography, drama, history, as she climbed across the table, , drama, romance, sci_fi, , town house, , comedy, dramalast vegas, jon turteltaub, comedy, london fields, mathew cullen, crime, mystery, thriller, , reykjavik, mike newell, labor day, jason reitman, drama, league of monster slayers, aaron woodley, fantasy, , nemesis, joe carnahan, action, adventure, fantasysabotage, david ayer, action, crime, drama, thriller, tt0379788, , , , settle down, , dramaout of the furnace, scott cooper, drama, thriller, brooklyn loves michael jackson, , drama, , the passage, matt reeves, action, adventure, fantasy, horrorinsidious chapter 2, james wan, horror, thriller, untitled marion barry biopic, spike lee, biography, , untitled luca guadagnino project, luca guadagnino, dramacarrie, kimberly peirce, drama, horror, miss better living through crime, , crime, drama, thriller, , fly me to the moon, sharon maguire, comedy, romancefinding dory, andrew stanton, animation, adventure, comedy, family, time traveler, , drama, , the last werewolf, , dramathe world's end, edgar wright, action, comedy, sci_fi, untitled j.j. abrams billy ray project, , adventure, , blood red road, , dramaduke nukem, , action, comedy, sci_fi, thriller, zanbato, , action, sci_fi, , conspiracy of paper, , dramafrozen, chris buck, jennifer lee, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, musical, mystery, romance, thriller, boilerplate, j.j. abrams, action, sci_fi, , empire of the summer moon, , westernleft behind, vic armstrong, action, sci_fi, thriller, infinitely polar bear, maya forbes, comedy, , the color of lightening, ridley scott, drama, westernrush, ron howard, action, biography, drama, sport, 7 minutes in heaven, jack bender, mystery, thriller, , internet dates from hell, , comedyserena, susanne bier, drama, mystery on fifth avenue, , drama, mystery, , champions, , drama, action, adventure, sci_fithe heat, paul feig, action, comedy, crime, little darlings, , comedy, , an ordinary spy, , dramaanchorman 2 the legend continues, adam mckay, comedy, untitled brad parker j.j. abrams matt reeves project, bradley parker, action, , untitled les grossman project, , comedythe colony, jeff renfroe, action, sci_fi, thriller, hot for teacher, , comedy, , selling time, , thriller, horrornymphomaniac, lars von trier, drama, one last thing before i go, mike nichols, drama, , the wild bunch, , westernher, spike jonze, comedy, drama, romance, sci_fi, the invisible woman, , drama, thriller, , the hunger 2, , horrorbelle, amma asante, drama, nailed, david o. russell, comedy, romance, , untitled chippendales project, , biographythe fifth estate, bill condon, biography, drama, thriller, king of the nudies, , biography, drama, , warriors, , action, adventure, crime, dramathe wind rises, hayao miyazaki, animation, biography, drama, history, romance, untitled ice cube david o. russell project, , action, drama, , shadow divers, , adventure, dramafighting back, martin j. thomas, action, crime, thriller, untitled buddy cianci biopic, david o. russell, biography, crime, drama, , hell's angels, , dramabig eyes, tim burton, biography, drama, maps to the stars, david cronenberg, drama, , lucky strike, , actionthe good dinosaur, , animation, comedy, family, fantasy, shadow of the colossus, josh trank, adventure, fantasy, , foreverman, , action, adventure, dramaonly lovers left alive, jim jarmusch, drama, horror, romance, tt1674777, , , , apollo rising, , dramanon-stop, jaume collet-serra, action, mystery, thriller, the flash, greg berlanti, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, , tigress, , comedy, dramamr. peabody & sherman, rob minkoff, animation, adventure, family, sci_fi, wonder woman, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , the annihilator, , action, adventureblue jasmine, woody allen, comedy, drama, untitled tom hardy outlaw biker project, , action, drama, , legion of 5, , animation, actionthe family, luc besson, comedy, crime, thriller, jinx, , , , venom, josh trank, action, dramarunner runner, brad furman, crime, drama, thriller, agent 13, , action, sci_fi, , untitled keith gordon project, keith gordon, thrilleraugust osage county, john wells, comedy, drama, florence of arabia, , comedy, , the keys to the street, julius sevcã­k, thrillergrace of monaco, olivier dahan, biography, drama, ladies night, fred savage, comedy, , motor city, albert hughes, action, crime, drama, mystery, thrillerromeo and juliet, carlo carlei, drama, romance, cities of refuge, , crime, thriller, , fully automatic, , action, comedysuite franã§aise, saul dibb, drama, romance, war, uptown saturday night, adam mckay, comedy, , the envoy, , action, thrillerthe congress, ari folman, animation, sci_fi, wheeler dealers, , drama, , don quixote, , adventure, drama, fantasyjustin and the knights of valour, manuel sicilia, animation, adventure, joe, , drama, , untitled ben 10 project, , action, adventure, comedy, family, sci_fifata morgana, juha wuolijoki, thriller, the american can, edward zwick, drama, , forbidden planet, , sci_ficollider, jason butler, sci_fi, angelology, , drama, , hood, andy wachowski, lana wachowski, action, adventure, dramalee daniels' the butler, lee daniels, biography, drama, the last pharaoh, , drama, , line of sight, mike mccoy, action, thrillerhow i live now, kevin macdonald, action, drama, thriller, war, tt0790809, , , , untitled project x sequel, , comedythe rover, david michã´d, drama, tt0783529, , , , world war x, , actionparanoia, robert luketic, drama, thriller, tt0454139, , , , the galton case, , crimeveronica mars, rob thomas, comedy, crime, drama, tt0460872, , , , tt1376410, , killing season, mark steven johnson, action, drama, thriller, welcome to the sticks, , comedy, , gypsy, , biography, comedy, drama, musicalsaving mr. banks, john lee hancock, biography, comedy, drama, family, history, music, time share, , comedy, , dirty dozen, , action, drama, warblood, nick murphy, crime, drama, thriller, annie, will gluck, comedy, drama, family, musical, , homecourt advantage, , dramateenage mutant ninja turtles, jonathan liebesman, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, sci_fi, untitled dr. s. allen counter project, , drama, , tt0806098, , kane & lynch, , action, crime, drama, thriller, what would kenny do?, , comedy, , diamond anniversary, , comedytop gun 2, , action, monster witness relocation program, , sci_fi, , hench, , action, comedy, crimeuntitled batman reboot, , action, crime, drama, brushback, malcolm d. lee, comedy, , goosebumps, rob letterman, horrormad max fury road, george miller, action, adventure, sci_fi, the billionaire's vinegar, david koepp, drama, , bachelorette, , comedyescape plan, mikael hã¥fstrã¶m, action, mystery, thriller, cooked, , drama, , the complete history of my sexual failures, jay roach, comedyhancock 2, , action, fantasy, newton's law, , adventure, comedy, family, , world's most wanted, , action, thrillertwo eyes staring, scott derrickson, horror, mystery, thriller, my wife hates your wife, dany boon, comedy, , the insane laws, , comedywinter's tale, akiva goldsman, fantasy, sisters of mercy, , comedy, drama, romance, , tt0446741, , real steel 2, , action, drama, sci_fi, the city that sailed, , drama, fantasy, , the boys, adam mckay, actionrobopocalypse, , action, sci_fi, thriller, overboard, , comedy, romance, , man-witch, , comedyinterstellar, christopher nolan, sci_fi, interpol, , comedy, , planet terry, , comedyvoyage of time, terrence malick, drama, college fright night, brad leo lyon, comedy, horror, , invertigo, d.j. caruso, dramasalt 2, , action, crime, mystery, thriller, tt1656174, , , , criminal macabre, , horroruntitled blade runner project, ridley scott, sci_fi, the eternal, justin mcconnell, action, crime, drama, horror, , the art of racing in the rain, , comedy, dramasafe haven, , drama, scholomance the devil's school, , horror, , untitled big man japan sequel, , comedy, sci_fizombieland 2, , action, comedy, horror, flowers for algernon, , drama, , save the date, , drama, romanceavatar 2, james cameron, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the long run, laura trevino, drama, , skyscraper, , action, thrillerindiana jones 5, steven spielberg, action, adventure, comedy, ghost graduation, , comedy, fantasy, , heat, simon west, crime, drama, thrillerghostbusters iii, , action, comedy, sci_fi, harold and the purple crayon, , animation, , untitled big man japan remake, , comedy, sci_fidune, , sci_fi, the magnificent seven, , action, , to catch a thief, , crime, mystery, romance, thrilleruntitled daredevil reboot, , action, adventure, crime, drama, thriller, paper wings, , drama, romance, , agent ox, , action, adventure, sci_fisilver surfer, , action, fantasy, sci_fi, adventurer's club, , adventure, , untitled ryan reynolds bradley cooper project, , action, comedyhercules the thracian wars, brett ratner, action, adventure, the hardy men, , comedy, , escape from new york, , action, thrillerthe chronicles of narnia the silver chair, , fantasy, red light winter, adam rapp, drama, , a lion called christian, , comedy, familypirates of the caribbean 6, , action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, an enemy of the people, , drama, , 100 cupboards, , fantasyblack panther, , action, drama, sci_fi, my monster, mark ruffalo, drama, , the ring 3d, , drama, horrorthe chronicles of narnia the magician's nephew, , fantasy, low down, jeff preiss, biography, drama, family, music, , frankenstein, guillermo del toro, horrorharker, eli roth, action, fantasy, thriller, untitled basketball project, , drama, , dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, guillermo del toro, horrorlucifer the movie, ray griggs, action, the disciple program, morten tyldum, thriller, , the haunted mansion, guillermo del toro, action, drama, family, fantasy, horror, mysterycliffhanger, , action, adventure, thriller, tt1992269, , , , the bloody benders, , thrillerarabian nights, chuck russell, action, adventure, drama, the wheelman, john singleton, action, adventure, thriller, , drood, guillermo del toro, drama, thrillerassassin's creed, , action, adventure, sci_fi, hannibal the conqueror, vin diesel, adventure, biography, drama, history, , book of life, jorge r. gutierrez, animationterminator, alan taylor, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, the machine, adam shankman, action, comedy, , beauty and the beast, guillermo del toro, fantasyi am legend 2, , action, sci_fi, thriller, the bricklayer, , action, thriller, , death the high cost of living, neil gaiman, fantasyi, robot 2, , sci_fi, the garden of last days, , drama, , the orphanage, mark pellington, horror, thrilleravatar 3, james cameron, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, manhunt, breck eisner, action, thriller, , saturn and the end of days, guillermo del toro, national treasure 3, jon turteltaub, action, adventure, brilliant, robert luketic, thriller, , trollhunters, guillermo del toro, rodrigo blaas, animationbad boys 3, michael bay, action, crime, thriller, bobby blue sky, , comedy, , alma, rodrigo blaas, animation, fantasy, horror, mysterythe brazilian job, , action, adventure, crime, thriller, untitled nat faxon and jim rash action comedy, , action, comedy, , midnight delivery, , action, dramaxxx the return of xander cage, , action, adventure, thriller, clown girl, , comedy, , untitled space adventure project, , adventure, sci_fitoy story 4, , animation, comedy, fantasy, pride and prejudice and zombies, burr steers, horror, romance, thriller, , world war robot, , action, warpoltergeist, gil kenan, horror, thriller, chaos walking, robert zemeckis, sci_fi, , shattered union, , thrillertomorrowland, brad bird, mystery, sci_fi, frank or francis, charlie kaufman, comedy, musical, , alien legion, , sci_fihellraiser, , horror, tell no one, , thriller, , how to survive a garden gnome attack, , animationbattle angel, james cameron, action, adventure, romance, sci_fi, thriller, the stand, scott cooper, adventure, drama, fantasy, horror, sci_fi, thriller, , timeless, , sci_fiakira, jaume collet-serra, action, drama, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, nathan decker, , comedy, drama, , stoneheart, , action, adventure, fantasytt0284236, , , the trade, , drama, sport, , airman, gil kenan, animation, adventure, family, sci_fiparadise lost, , comedy, dali & i the surreal story, , drama, , charles fort, , horrorthe addams family, , animation, brick mansions, camille delamarre, action, crime, drama, , an animated american, , animationaustin powers 4, , comedy, ruby tuesday, gaã«tan brizzi, paul brizzi, animation, musical, , dark life, , adventurett2007511, , , volcano, , crime, drama, , demonologist, , horrorthe unpleasant profession of jonathan hoag, alex proyas, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, liars a-e , richard linklater, comedy, romance, , measle and the wrathmonk, thor freudenthal, comedyamerican jesus, , action, comedy, nagasaki deadline, , action, thriller, , bound by flesh, leslie zemeckis, documentaryhyperion, , sci_fi, the dive, martin campbell, drama, , the alchemist, , dramathe equalizer, antoine fuqua, action, crime, thriller, untitled james cameron project, , , , the seven samurai, scott mann, action, drama, historytt1230526, , , the last train from hiroshima the survivors look back, james cameron, drama, history, , the lives of others, , dramasingularity, roland emmerich, sci_fi, untitled animated action adventure, dusan strugar, animation, , tulip fever, justin chadwick, drama, romancemajor matt mason, robert zemeckis, action, a walk among the tombstones, scott frank, action, crime, drama, , solomon grundy, danny boyle, comedy, dramajupiter ascending, andy wachowski, lana wachowski, action, adventure, sci_fi, important artifacts and personal property from the collection of lenore doolan and harold morris, including books, street fashion, and jewelry, , comedy, romance, , tt0787509, , the revenant, alejandro gonzã¡lez iã±ã¡rritu, adventure, drama, the marriage plot, , drama, , come drink with me, , actionlast man, fred schepisi, drama, war, torrente, , action, comedy, crime, , rain in spain, , drama, romancethe mission, , action, drama, thriller, untitled sacha baron cohen project, , comedy, , untouchable, tom shadyac, comedy, dramaxoxo, george nolfi, crime, drama, mystery, romance, thriller, untitled freddie mercury biopic, , biography, , knight rider, , action, crime, sci_fi, thrillerthe key man, ã“skar thã³r axelsson, thriller, masters of the universe, , action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, , halloween iii, patrick lussier, horrordevil's knot, atom egoyan, biography, crime, drama, thriller, the ax, chan-wook park, comedy, crime, drama, thriller, , the only living boy in new york, marc webb, dramathe snowman, , crime, drama, running wild, kevin kerslake, crime, drama, thriller, , the has-beens, seth gordon, comedyblood nation, , fantasy, thriller, ion, , sci_fi, , ground control to major tom, seth gordon, comedy, romancegold, , drama, elfquest, , action, adventure, fantasy, , citizen hughes the power, the money and the madness, , biography, dramahoudini, francis lawrence, drama, untitled mike tyson biopic, , biography, drama, , the general, darren aronofsky, dramathe red star, josh trank, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, war, the power of duff, , drama, , tt0843323, , unknown soldier, , action, fantasy, welcome to the jungle, , animation, adventure, family, , the third side of the river, celina murga, dramathe current war, timur bekmambetov, drama, ninja scroll, , action, adventure, fantasy, , silence, martin scorsese, drama, historyvan helsing, rupert sanders, action, adventure, fantasy, the creed of violence, todd field, action, crime, drama, , furious love, martin scorsese, dramathe adventures of tintin prisoners of the sun, peter jackson, animation, adventure, tombstone smackdown, frank coraci, comedy, , the long play, , drama, musicjeepers creepers iii, victor salva, horror, mystery, thriller, beasts of no nation, cary fukunaga, drama, war, , untitled martha mitchell project, diane ladd, dramaconstantine 2, , action, drama, fantasy, horror, thriller, no blood, no guts, no glory, gavin o'connor, drama, , silver ghost, richard attenborough, dramamission impossible 5, christopher mcquarrie, action, adventure, thriller, it, cary fukunaga, horror, thriller, , the five obstructions scorsese vs. trier, martin scorsese, documentaryuntitled cloverfield sequel, , action, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, the great wall, , mystery, thriller, , the rise of theodore roosevelt, , adventure, biography, drama, history, warfoundation, roland emmerich, sci_fi, the ten o'clock people, tom holland, horror, thriller, , revenge of the green dragons, wai-keung lau, andrew loo, action, crime, dramahighlander, , action, fantasy, sci_fi, creepshow, , horror, , high and low, mike nichols, crime, drama, thrillerid forever part i, roland emmerich, action, adventure, sci_fi, firestarter, , sci_fi, thriller, , a star is born, clint eastwood, drama, musical, romancekill bill vol. 3, quentin tarantino, action, crime, thriller, rose madder, , horror, , big tuna, michael mann, pirates of the caribbean dead men tell no tales, joachim rã¸nning, espen sandberg, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, pet sematary, , horror, , damage control, , dramarambo last stand, , action, thriller, tt2403027, , , , the tam, , dramasherlock holmes 3, , action, mystery, thriller, the reaper's image, mark pavia, thriller, , waiting for robert capa, , biographyuntitled spawn reboot, , thriller, the one, kevin costner, comedy, , death of a dissident, michael mann, crimezorro, , action, infinity, , drama, , go like hell, joseph kosinski, actionwarcraft, duncan jones, action, adventure, fantasy, wings, , comedy, drama, fantasy, , agincourt, michael mann, drama, history, waruntitled mummy reboot, andrã©s muschietti, action, adventure, fantasy, tt1326273, , , , inherent vice, paul thomas anderson, crimetomb raider, , action, adventure, fantasy, delirium, rodrigo garcã­a, adventure, fantasy, romance, sci_fi, , halo, , action, adventure, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, fallen, scott hicks, adventure, drama, fantasy, romance, thriller, , deadpool, tim miller, action, fantasy, sci_fi, wicked lovely, mary harron, fantasy, romance, , cobra the space pirate, alexandre aja, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, firelight, , fantasy, , better living through chemistry, geoff moore, david posamentier, comedy, drama, gone, , action, , cocaine cowboys, peter berg, drama, untitled max landis project, brandon landers, adventure, , when corruption was king, , crime, drama, runaways, , action, drama, , the raven, ricardo de montreuil, action, sci_fi, thriller, splinter cell, , action, adventure, crime, drama, thriller, , three mississippi, sean anders, comedy, the suicide forest, hideo nakata, action, thriller, , the partner, , thriller, the elephant man, david dobkin, biography, drama, , bait and switch, , action, comedy, corpus christi, richard kelly, drama, thriller, , sharky's machine, , action, crime, drama, el fuego caliente, , comedy, , quasimodo, yimou zhang, drama, airtight, , crime, , tt1134807, , , whiskey river, , drama, , the normal heart, ryan murphy, drama, travel writing, , drama, , the side effect, ti west, horror, sci_fi, pig scrolls, barry sonnenfeld, animation, , zoolander 2, justin theroux, comedy, dominion dinosaurs versus aliens, barry sonnenfeld, action, sci_fi, , dark void, , action, sci_fi, the spellman files, barry sonnenfeld, comedy, , heavy rain, , adventure, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, men are from mars, women are from venus, bryan buckley, comedy, romance, , spy vs. spy, ron howard, action, comedy, olympia, , action, adventure, drama, , the punisher, , action, matt helm, , drama, , the raid, , action, the big one, , drama, , starship troopers, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, the defenders, , adventure, , cicero, david yates, biography, the 28th amendment, florian henckel von donnersmarck, drama, mystery, thriller, , clash of the titans 3, , action, adventure, fantasy, untitled view-master project, , action, adventure, family, , the zombie survival guide, , drama, horror, sci_fi, deep sea cowboys, , adventure, , preacher, d.j. caruso, adventure, drama, sci_fi, paradise lost, , action, drama, fantasy, , scarface, david yates, crime, drama, thriller, stay close, , drama, , gods and kings, ang lee, drama, history, defending jacob, steve kloves, mystery, thriller, , monopoly, , comedy, the jungle book, steve kloves, drama, , king of the elves, , animation, fantasy, ness, , crime, drama, history, thriller, , the true confessions of charlotte doyle, , action, adventure, family, this gun for hire, , thriller, , the night stalker, edgar wright, crime, mystery, thriller, untitled explorers project, brian beletic, adventure, , 2012 the war for souls, , sci_fi, videodrome, adam berg, horror, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, , the tiger, michaã«l r. roskam, adventure, drama, thriller, tt0790790, , , , marco polo, a young man in love, , adventure, a killing on carnival row, tarsem singh, fantasy, horror, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, , gertrude bell, ridley scott, biography, city of lies, tim robbins, comedy, romance, , cleopatra, ang lee, biography, history, booksmart, , comedy, , the gambler, rupert wyatt, drama, eating animals, christopher dillon quinn, documentary, , sinatra, martin scorsese, biography, drama, best buds, , comedy, , the irishman, martin scorsese, crime, drama, jane got a gun, gavin o'connor, action, drama, western, , fleming, , biography, drama, quartermain, , adventure, , the devil in the white city, , drama, history, thriller, damaged, , action, drama, , wargames, seth gordon, drama, thriller, sci_fi, dan dare, , sci_fi, , cyclops, james mangold, action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, the ten best days of my life, , comedy, , steve jobs, , biography, dark places, gilles paquet-brenner, drama, mystery, thriller, , untitled whitey bulger project, ben affleck, crime, drama, object of beauty, , drama, romance, , shadow runner, , action, thriller, electric slide, tristan patterson, action, biography, crime, drama, thriller, , asteroids, roland emmerich, action, no good deed, sam miller, thriller, , the witches, guillermo del toro, fantasy, untitled m. night shyamalan project, m. night shyamalan, drama, mystery, thriller, , battle royale, , action, sci_fi, thriller, five against a bullet, , action, thriller, , faster, pussycat kill kill, quentin tarantino, action, stano, john g. avildsen, , , untitled 12-year project, richard linklater, drama, mantivities, michael patrick jann, comedy, , myth, , action, sci_fi, tt2402219, , , , dead island, , horror, the boys in the boat, kenneth branagh, drama, sport, , untitled julius caesar project, jonathan liebesman, drama, italian shoes, kenneth branagh, drama, , odysseus, jonathan liebesman, action, drama, fantasy, boy nobody, , action, , the girl who played with fire, , action, mystery, thriller, the disappearance of eleanor rigby, ned benson, drama, , 1984, , drama, days and nights, christian camargo, drama, , afterburn, tommy wirkola, comedy, sci_fi, testament of youth, , drama, , chronicle 2, , action, sci_fi, thriller, closer to the moon, nae caranfil, drama, , the lost symbol, mark romanek, drama, mystery, city state, james mangold, crime, thriller, , the illustrated man, zack snyder, drama, mystery, sci_fi, juliet, james mangold, drama, romance, , the last photograph, zack snyder, adventure, drama, three little words, james mangold, drama, , bloodshot, matthew vaughn, action, drama, fantasy, tt0770789, , , , the golden age, , sci_fi, the gunslinger, , western, , iq 83, , sci_fi, shoe addicts anonymous, , comedy, , septimus heap magyk, david frankel, adventure, fantasy, the harbor, robert moresco, crime, thriller, , battlestar galactica, bryan singer, sci_fi, nightlight, scott beck, bryan woods, , , freedom formula, , action, forever, gareth edwards, sci_fi, , capeshooters, , action, monsters dark continent, tom green, drama, sci_fi, thriller, , temeraire, peter jackson, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, queen of the desert, werner herzog, biography, drama, , untitled third tintin film, , adventure, untitled dia de los muertos project, lee unkrich, animation, , chappie, neill blomkamp, comedy, sci_fi, death wish, gerardo naranjo, action, crime, drama, thriller, , untitled rfk new regency project, , biography, continue, joe carnahan, action, comedy, , tender is the night, , drama, romance, cross brothers, joe carnahan, drama, , father daughter time a tale of armed robbery and eskimo kisses, matt damon, crime, umbra, martin campbell, thriller, , untitled michael banks and j. gordon cooney, jr. project, , drama, white jazz, joe carnahan, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, , cleo, , drama, musical, romance, the angriest man in brooklyn, phil alden robinson, comedy, drama, , the great antonio, , comedy, affected provincial's companion, , comedy, , making jack falcone, , crime, untitled paul revere project, , drama, , untitled jodie foster sci-fi thriller, , sci_fi, thriller, inamorata, , drama, romance, , flora plum, , drama, romance, the grand budapest hotel, wes anderson, comedy, drama, , cockeyed, jodie foster, drama, tt0923844, , , , my stroke of insight, ron howard, drama, in the hand of dante, , drama, , 20,000 leagues under the sea captain nemo, , action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, attica, , adventure, fantasy, , the automatic detective, , animation, fierce invalids home from hot climates, , comedy, , the goon, jeff fowler, tim miller, animation, action, adventure, comedy, horror, my american lover, lasse hallstrã¶m, drama, romance, , panic attack, , thriller, happy days, terry zwigoff, drama, , black hole, david fincher, drama, horror, romance, the vault, , action, sci_fi, thriller, , untitled dorothea lange project, leslie dektor, drama, caliber, john woo, action, , the reincarnation of peter proud, david fincher, thriller, the thin man, , comedy, crime, drama, mystery, romance, , the big short inside the doomsday machine, , drama, desperate hours, , drama, , the fortress of solitude, alfonso gomez-rejon, drama, shantaram, garth davis, action, crime, drama, thriller, , the imperfectionists, , drama, rex mundi, , adventure, drama, fantasy, , the night manager, , action, drama, thriller, the ginger man, , drama, , battling boy, , action, honeymoon with harry, , comedy, drama, , beautiful boy, cameron crowe, drama, untitled allan loeb baseball project, , drama, , zebra murders, , drama, american sniper, clint eastwood, action, , the killer, , action, here there be monsters, jaume collet-serra, sci_fi, fantasy, , untitled linda trest project, , drama, me and my shadow, alessandro carloni, animation, , untitled jerry lee lewis project, terrence malick, biography, without remorse, christopher mcquarrie, action, thriller, war, , vlad, anthony mandler, drama, horror, romance, cali, nick cassavetes, action, comedy, , selma, ava duvernay, drama, history, thriller, super max, david s. goyer, action, drama, thriller, , peace like a river, , drama, yellow earth, max mannix, drama, war, , marching powder, josã© padilha, drama, queer, steve buscemi, drama, , chasing vermeer, p.j. hogan, adventure, mystery, mis-fits, l.d. napier, comedy, , the book of joe, , comedy, untitled bill & ted project, dean parisot, comedy, , the odyssey, , adventure, drama, sci_fi, metal gear solid, , action, adventure, sci_fi, , the operators, , drama, war, the hobbit there and back again, peter jackson, adventure, fantasy, , miki falls, , comedy, idea in america, cecilia miniucchi, comedy, , churchill and roosevelt, , drama, bloom, scott ellis, comedy, , the dark tower, ron howard, fantasy, horror, sci_fi, western, jekyll, , drama, horror, sci_fi, , untitled luc besson angelina jolie project, luc besson, thriller, passengers, brian kirk, adventure, sci_fi, , untitled kay scarpetta project, , crime, thriller, entourage, doug ellin, comedy, , bond 24, sam mendes, action, adventure, crime, thriller, kung fu panda 3, jennifer yuh, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, , brooklyn, john crowley, drama, trolls, mike mitchell, animation, adventure, family, fantasy, , on chesil beach, mike newell, drama, maggie, henry hobson, drama, horror, thriller, , netherland, , drama, the drummer, randall miller, biography, , lost in austen, , drama, dance of the mirlitons, evan greenberg, comedy, , middlemarch, , , the penguins of madagascar, simon j. smith, animation, adventure, comedy, family, , butcher's crossing, , drama, western, home, tim johnson, animation, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , patriot down, , action, thriller, minions, kyle balda, pierre coffin, animation, comedy, family, , untitled barry manilow project, , comedy, musical, romance, untitled alaska adventure project, gavin hood, adventure, drama, , american idiot, michael mayer, drama, musical, timeless, vadim perelman, drama, , the story of edgar sawtelle, , drama, mystery, captain blood, michael spierig, peter spierig, action, adventure, , boone's lick, , drama, western, journey 3 from the earth to the moon, brad peyton, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , how starbucks saved my life, , comedy, drama, take my wife, tyler perry, drama, , talk of the town, , comedy, untitled charley pride project, craig brewer, biography, drama, music, romance, , 1776, , drama, history, war, untitled jerry bruckheimer dwayne johnson project, , drama, , summer hours, , drama, dan mintner badass for hire, david leitch, comedy, , a wilderness of monkeys, , comedy, drama, solace, afonso poyart, mystery, thriller, , they marched into sunlight, , drama, war, the song of names, vadim perelman, drama, , agent zigzag, james bobin, comedy, snow white and the huntsman 2, , action, adventure, drama, fantasy, , jungle cruise, , adventure, heart of the sea, ron howard, drama, , in the garden of beasts, michel hazanavicius, drama, lie down in darkness, scott cooper, drama, , portofino, , thriller, the wind, nic mathieu, sci_fi, , the many deaths of barnaby james, , drama, article ii, lorna davis, drama, , travis mcgee, paul greengrass, adventure, biography, drama, mystery, everest, doug liman, drama, , the chancellor manuscript, marc forster, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, trust your eyes, todd phillips, thriller, , conspiracy of fools, robert schwentke, drama, the homesman, tommy lee jones, drama, , atari, , biography, drama, baywatch, robert ben garant, comedy, , untitled twilight zone project, joseph kosinski, drama, sci_fi, thriller, horns, alexandre aja, drama, fantasy, horror, thriller, , satori, , thriller, phineas and ferb, , animation, adventure, comedy, family, , aquaman, , action, adventure, sci_fi, tt2380181, , , , brave new world, ridley scott, sci_fi, leo the lion, , animation, , live by night, ben affleck, crime, drama, the trick or treaters, , animation, , the infiltrator, , action, drama, thriller, illusions the adventures of a reluctant messiah, , action, , logan's run, , action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, thriller, madame bovary, sophie barthes, drama, , untitled nicolas winding refn project, nicolas winding refn, comedy, carol, todd haynes, drama, romance, , untitled dorian doc paskowitz biopic, , biography, the warded man, paul w.s. anderson, fantasy, horror, , untitled will gluck emma stone project, will gluck, comedy, reach me, john herzfeld, drama, , little white corvette, michael diliberti, comedy, star wars episode vii, j.j. abrams, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , at the mountains of madness, , adventure, fantasy, horror, thriller, star wars episode viii, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , amped, alex proyas, sci_fi, thriller, star wars episode ix, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , e.d.f., , action, sci_fi, the last of the tribe, , drama, , 8 o'clock in the morning, matt reeves, sci_fi, thriller, attica, doug liman, drama, , g, , sci_fi, luna, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , high rise, ben wheatley, sci_fi, the rough diamond, , drama, , fantastic voyage, shawn levy, adventure, sci_fi, the wonder, peter hewitt, adventure, family, fantasy, , the runner, marc forster, sci_fi, the loft, erik van looy, thriller, , the how-to guide for saving the world, barry sonnenfeld, action, comedy, sci_fi, overdrive, antonio negret, action, thriller, , knight of cups, terrence malick, drama, romance, untitled lisandro alonso project, lisandro alonso, drama, , concrete island, brad anderson, drama, thriller, untitled tron legacy sequel, joseph kosinski, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , the black hole, joseph kosinski, sci_fi, the keeping room, daniel barber, drama, , hunter killer, mcg, action, thriller, relanxious, christopher storer, comedy, , untitled romantic dramedy, , comedy, drama, romance, ted 2, , comedy, , racing dreams, lance acord, action, untitled mark wahlberg hacker project, , action, thriller, , thunder run, simon west, action, drama, war, point blank, , action, thriller, , the forever war, ridley scott, sci_fi, the amory wars, , fantasy, sci_fi, , dumb and dumber to, bobby farrelly, peter farrelly, comedy, avon man, , comedy, , pierre pierre, larry charles, comedy, the fighter 2, , drama, , walter the farting dog, tim hill, comedy, dynamo, , drama, sport, , ripley's believe it or not!, ron zimmerman, action, adventure, biography, drama, murder mystery, anne fletcher, action, comedy, drama, mystery, romance, , sober buddies, , comedy, a million ways to die in the west, seth macfarlane, comedy, western, , me time, , comedy, child 44, daniel espinosa, drama, thriller, , under cover, , comedy, animal rescue, michaã«l r. roskam, crime, drama, , one hit wonders, ryan murphy, comedy, musical, locke, steven knight, drama, thriller, , mommy & me, , comedy, untitled animal poaching project, , drama, , untitled michael patrick king project, michael patrick king, comedy, tt2463184, , , , one of the guys, , comedy, samarkand, , drama, , untitled kay cannon project, peter sollett, comedy, romance, birdsong, rupert wyatt, drama, history, romance, war, , get happy the life of judy garland, , biography, drama, the ends of the earth, , biography, drama, romance, , puzzler, , thriller, the greatest showman on earth, michael gracey, drama, musical, , get smart 2, peter segal, comedy, unbound captives, madeleine stowe, drama, western, , engagement games, , comedy, orders to kill, lee daniels, drama, , your voice in my head, francesca gregorini, drama, carousel, , drama, musical, romance, , untitled buddy cop project, , action, comedy, untitled hugh jackman project, , action, adventure, , jamaica, jonathan levine, comedy, prometheus 2, , adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , art of the steal, , crime, thriller, the mountain between us, hany abu-assad, drama, , einstein theory, , sci_fi, irish myths, , fantasy, , untitled workplace comedy, , comedy, at swim-two-birds, brendan gleeson, , , the b team, , action, comedy, genius, michael grandage, drama, , sausage party, conrad vernon, greg tiernan, animation, comedy, tt2215603, , , , b.o.o. bureau of otherworldly operations, anthony leondis, animation, comedy, family, rosaline, alex timbers, comedy, , megalomania, michel gondry, paul gondry, animation, tt2190984, , , , true story, rupert goold, drama, crimson peak, guillermo del toro, horror, , the adventurer's handbook, akiva schaffer, adventure, comedy, pacific rim 2, , action, sci_fi, , pure imagination, , comedy, romance, the secret garden, , drama, fantasy, , untitled tomorrowland project, , sci_fi, dark universe, guillermo del toro, fantasy, sci_fi, , lore, dave green, action, adventure, army of darkness 2, , action, comedy, fantasy, horror, , monster hunter's survival guide, , action, adventure, the shadow, , action, crime, drama, thriller, , ciudad, john pogue, action, drama, thriller, angelfall, , fantasy, , yakuza, gavin o'connor, crime, drama, murder of a cat, gillian greene, comedy, thriller, , blood brothers, sergey bodrov, thriller, tales from the hanging head, alfonso cuarã³n, sara driver, animation, family, fantasy, , the contortionist's handbook, , drama, romance, thriller, collider, edgar wright, sci_fi, , what's left of us, , drama, this dark endeavor the apprenticeship of victor frankenstein, matt reeves, action, drama, adventure, , d, roman polanski, drama, history, birdman, alejandro gonzã¡lez iã±ã¡rritu, comedy, , true crimes, roman polanski, crime, drama, thriller, age of rage, marc webb, fantasy, , the farm, , drama, reincarnate, daniel stamm, mystery, thriller, , untitled mississippi basketball project, , drama, mortal engines, peter jackson, sci_fi, , cobalt 60, zack snyder, action, sci_fi, after earth 2, m. night shyamalan, sci_fi, , dead sea, brandon slagle, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, focus, glenn ficarra, john requa, comedy, , now wait for last year, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, yukikaze, , action, sci_fi, , ubik, michel gondry, sci_fi, the twilight zone, , mystery, , flow my tears, the policeman said, , sci_fi, angry birds, clay kaytis, fergal reilly, animation, , nebulus, brian t. jaynes, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, 22 jump street, phil lord, chris miller, action, comedy, , tt0446706, , , beware the night, scott derrickson, action, crime, horror, thriller, , the fantastic four, josh trank, action, fantasy, sci_fi, dracula untold, gary shore, action, drama, fantasy, horror, war, , bolivar, kealan o'rourke, animation, our kind of traitor, susanna white, thriller, , sgt. rock, francis lawrence, action, adventure, the salvation, kristian levring, drama, western, , panzer 88, peter briggs, action, fantasy, thriller, war, fast & furious 7, james wan, action, crime, thriller, , magic kingdom for sale, , adventure, fantasy, sinister 2, , horror, , heart shaped box, neil jordan, thriller, the amazing spider-man 3, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , lucid, , action, the amazing spider-man 4, , action, adventure, fantasy, thriller, , mr. and mrs. jones, , action, comedy, the expendables 3, patrick hughes, action, adventure, thriller, , amulet, , adventure, family, batman vs. superman, zack snyder, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , the battle of midway, , action, drama, war, run all night, jaume collet-serra, action, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, , those across the river, tod williams, horror, transcendence, wally pfister, action, drama, sci_fi, thriller, , robotech, nic mathieu, action, adventure, sci_fi, war, midnight special, jeff nichols, drama, sci_fi, , in the small, francis lawrence, drama, native, , drama, , the incredible mr. limpet, , animation, comedy, inside passage, , thriller, , the toxic avenger, steve pink, action, comedy, the boy who played with fusion, jeff nichols, thriller, , nick fury, , action, adventure, thriller, the juliet, rupert sanders, drama, sci_fi, , human nature, darren aronofsky, action, sci_fi, the kill list, rupert sanders, thriller, , justice league, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, 90 church, rupert sanders, crime, , green lantern 2, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, untitled rupert sanders sci-fi project, rupert sanders, sci_fi, , the glass castle, destin cretton, drama, untitled dea project, rupert sanders, drama, , sweet tea, sissy spacek, drama, safari, robert stromberg, sci_fi, , heatseekers, timur bekmambetov, action, the flatwoods monster, r. michael givens, horror, , zombies vs. robots, , action, tomorrow, when the war began 3, stuart beattie, action, , inherit the earth, , action, adventure, sci_fi, star trek 3, rupert wyatt, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , gideon's sword, michael bay, action, half-life, , sci_fi, , the hauntrepreneur, , fantasy, portal, , sci_fi, , ouija, stiles white, action, adventure, thriller, wunderkind, , action, thriller, , the monster squad, rob cohen, action, comedy, horror, sci_fi, the stops along the way, j.j. abrams, mystery, , untitled michael bay taylor lautner project, , action, thriller, god particle, julius onah, sci_fi, , existence 2.0, alfred gough, miles millar, adventure, all i've got, ron howard, drama, , fiasco heights, , thriller, untitled j.j. abrams animated project, , animation, , butcherhouse chronicles, frank borin, horror, micronauts, j.j. abrams, action, , confidential alien project, robert glickert, sci_fi, 11 22 63, , mystery, , voices from the dead, , thriller, drama, untitled j.j. abrams earthquake project, , action, drama, thriller, , untitled james hunt biopic, steven spielberg, action, biography, drama, untitled lance armstrong project, , drama, , pirate latitudes, steven spielberg, drama, untitled j.j. abrams diamond heist project, , action, crime, drama, , the 39 clues, , adventure, let the great world spin, , drama, , the rivals, michael sucsy, drama, untitled josh campbell matt stuecken project, , thriller, , chocky, steven spielberg, fantasy, sci_fi, the legend of conan, paul verhoeven, action, adventure, fantasy, , the trial of the chicago 7, , drama, triplets, ivan reitman, comedy, , cal of the wild, , comedy, captive, , drama, thriller, , bride of frankenstein, , horror, boston strangler, , thriller, , arrested development, , comedy, untitled josh hamilton project, casey affleck, drama, sport, , sick day, , comedy, race to the south pole, , drama, , mockingbird, bryan bertino, horror, horrible bosses 2, sean anders, comedy, , paranormalists, , action, comedy, sci_fi, badlanders, enzo g. castellari, western, , true north, , comedy, drama, killer crow, quentin tarantino, drama, , 364, ron howard, drama, apaches, , drama, , ballers, malcolm d. lee, comedy, sport, campaign dads, , comedy, , real genius, , comedy, sci_fi, the imitation game, morten tyldum, biography, drama, thriller, , the most wonderful time, jessie nelson, comedy, the man who, paul mcguigan, biography, drama, , the originals, bryce dallas howard, drama, the lost city of z, james gray, action, adventure, biography, drama, history, , the emperor's children, scott cooper, comedy, consequence, , drama, , the hunger games mockingjay - part 1, francis lawrence, action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, game boys, , action, sci_fi, , amnesty, ron howard, adventure, thriller, gemini man, , action, drama, sci_fi, , those who kill, joe carnahan, action, crime, thriller, flying horse, gary oldman, drama, , blood wars, , action, thriller, magik, stephen wallis, animation, fantasy, , the strange adventures of h.p. lovecraft, ron howard, thriller, horse soldiers, nicolai fuglsig, drama, , bra boys, , comedy, killing rommel, , drama, , the school, oliver hirschbiegel, drama, shake, , thriller, , magnum p.i., rawson marshall thurber, action, adventure, comedy, drama, mystery, kill the messenger, michael cuesta, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, , mr. machine, , comedy, king of heists, , action, biography, drama, , the incredible shrinking man, , action, comedy, sci_fi, slingshot, , action, biography, drama, sport, , no hearts club, , comedy, untitled steve mcqueen biopic, ivan zachariã¡s, biography, drama, , frenemy of the state, , adventure, untitled lance armstrong biopic, stephen frears, biography, drama, sport, , lowriders, ricardo de montreuil, drama, untitled cameron crowe project, cameron crowe, adventure, comedy, romance, , merman, , romance, dark invasion, , thriller, , in black and white, , biography, drama, red blooded american, , drama, , the rosenthal suite, , comedy, untitled kokowaah remake, , comedy, , would you rather, , comedy, bad blood and trouble, j blakeson, thriller, , the boss of it all, mitchell hurwitz, comedy, chef, john wells, comedy, , inside man 2, spike lee, crime, drama, thriller, the man from primrose lane, , crime, drama, thriller, , lensman, , sci_fi, avatar 4, james cameron, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, ,she was still at school when offered her first film role, starring opposite dileep in ishtam in 2001. there followed roles in partnership with dileep, in films such as mazhathullikkilukkam, kunjikoonan, kalyanaraman, pandippada, gramaphone and pattanathil sundaran.the most popular character of navya is that of 'balamani' in nandanam. critics commented that balamani is a very memorable one. like any live wire girl, she is opinionated, works hard and dishes out her verdict on anything and anyone if you want it or not. navya lived the character of balamani in a flawless performance.she won the kerala state film award for best actress in 2002 for nandanam.2 prithviraj sukumaran is considered as her best partner in films. prithviraj-navya nair jodi was popular in 2002-2003. prithviraj and navya came together for the first time in 'nandanam' 2002 . they went on to act together in movies such as 'vellithira', 'ammakkilikoodu' and 'calendar'. she has been paired with superstars of the malayalam film industry including mohanlal, mammooty, suresh gopi, jayaram, dileep, prithviraj sukumaran, and jayasurya. she has had plastic surgery performed on her lips when she tore them while shooting a malayalam film immini nalloral.many of her films were remade in other languages,like kunjikoonan and nandanam. she is attracted to offbeat movies, such as saira and kanne madanguka. saira was the opening film in the section tous les cinemas du monde at the cannes international film festival in 2007, which was the 4th malayalam film screened at the cannes international film festival. saira has participated in 21 other international film festivals like usa, brazil, israel, russia, italy, greece, zimbabwe, belgium, bangladesh etc. the film was selected at the indian panorama 2006. critics wrote that navya nair has brilliantly portrayed saira during different stages of her life - as the plucky journalist and as the helpless victim of rape and police harassment and portrayal of karunya in kanne madanguka, from a simple school girl with just studies in her mind, she turns to a wage earner and the changes in her character are very well done. she won the state award again in 2005 for her performance in kanne madanguka and saira.3her debut in tamil cinema came with azhagiya theeye and her first role in kannada cinema was in gaja but the most notable one was the 2009 tamil movie aadum koothu, which won the national award for the best tamil film. the t.v.chandran film revolved around a character called manimekala played by navya nair. she was considered for the national award for best actress, which happened for the third time, the first two times being in 2002 for nandanam and in 2005 for saira. she concentrated on performance oriented character in tamil as she had done in malayalam. she won the kalaimamani award. even though she has done only a few kannada movies, all were commercially and critically successful.she has around 50 movies to her credit. after marriage she made her comeback as a judge in munch dance dance in asianet.after marriage, she came back to film through 'scene onnu nammude veedu' in which she had the role of a school teacher named wow!! dubai miracle garden, really d miracle of 45 million flowers dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle gardendubai miracle garden, the most beautiful and biggest natural flower garden in the world, dubai miracle garden, the highest flower pyramid in the world, the longest flower wall in the world, a visit to the miracle gardens at dubailand. the botanical masterpiece is home to 45 million flowers and recently opened it's doors to visitorslocation dubai land, dubai. entry fee aed 20 -, nearest metro station mall of emirates taxi fare from metro station aed 30 -thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.madhuri dixit debuts as playback singerin her next flick gulaab gang.romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs 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vice president uae, prime minister and ruler of dubai, and similar in concept to its long-established sister show gitex shopper which takes place every autumn, the spring version runs from 3 – 6 april 2013, 2014, 2015. and will offer the crazy offers on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the world’s leading tech brands. with a wide range of products under one roof in sheikh s romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du aeed halls 1, 2 and 3, gitex shopper spring will offer the best bargains on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the region’s power retailers, including e-max, e-city, jacky’s electronics, jumbo electronic and sharaf dg. visitors can expect more choice, more convenience and a great shopping experience and stand a chance to win a car everyday! in addition to platinum sponsor samsung, other brands and retailers represented at the show include blackberry, dell, nikon, nokia, one mobile, and many more. gitex shopper spring 2013, 2014, 2015 at the dubai world trade centerdwtc !!created under the directive of his highness sheikh mohammed bin rashid al maktoum, vice president uae, prime minister and ruler of dubai, and similar in concept to its long-established sister show gitex shopper which takes place every autumn, the spring version runs from 3 – 6 april 2013, 2014, 2015. and will offer the crazy offers on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the world’s leading tech brands. with a wide range of products under one roof in sheikh saeed halls 1, 2 and 3, gitex shopper spring will offer the best bargains on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the region’s power retailers, including e-max, e-city, jacky’s electronics, jumbo electronic and sharaf dg. visitors can expect more choice, more convenience and a great shopping experience and stand a chance to win a car everyday! in addition to platinum sponsor samsung, other brands and retailers represented at the show include blackberry, dell, nikon, nokia, one mobile, and many more. at the center of the stars court of al ain mall lies a water fountain with a winged horse statue. it resembles the fantastical and mythological creature named pegasus, though this statue looks more of a bronze. pegasus, by the way, is a winged divine horse usually in white color in the greek mythology playing with water inside water fall from dubai mall. playing with water inside water fall from dubai mall. playing with water inside water fall from dubai mall. kavya madhavan - is an indian film actress who works in malayalam cinema. she made her debut in pookkalam varavayi 1991 as a child artist. she won the kerala state film award for best actress twice, for her performances in the films perumazhakkalam 2004 and khaddama 2010 . after the divorce with nishan she continued her acting career.then kavya acted with her most successful partner onscreen dileep for pappy appacha which brings another success to her career.aishwarya and aaradhya bachchan make the bachchans proud and happy kuttipattalam kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,v,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalammkuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam, kuttipattalam kuttipattalamkuttipattalam kuttipattalam kuttipattalam, v, kuttipattalam, aishwarya rai is an indian film actress. she worked as a model before starting her acting career, and ultimately won the miss india and miss world pageant titles in 1994 ranjini haridas born on 23 april 1982 in kochi, kerala, is a popular television asianet idea star singer anchor, leading model and former miss kerala. idea star singer anchor renjini haridas is doing the heroin role in malayalam film 'entry'. bethenny frankel and husband jason hoppy have called it quits after almost three years of marriage. it brings me great sadness to say that jason and i are separating. this was an extremely difficult decision that as a woman and a mother, i have to accept as the best choice for our family, frankel said in a statement sunday. we have love and respect for one another and will continue to amicably co-parent our daughter who is and will always remain our first priority, the statement continues. this is an immensely painful and heartbreaking time for us. deepika padukone has revealed that shah rukh khan makes her feel special.she told ians i feel shah rukh is still the same as before. he is as talented as he was then. now i have got even closer to him than before. you never get bored with him! he always makes me feel special.the actor will be reuniting with khan in the upcoming romance chennai express.preity zinta's dimpled smile won the heart of millions. she is an indian film actress. she has appeared in hindi films of bollywood, as well as telugu, punjabi and english language films. today most of the girls are stick-thin and that's a tragedy - raveena tandon i stopped .. but u can't !! can u dine with lalettan mohanlal fans enjoying with lalettan in dubaidehraadundiary adhyayan suman, rohit bakhshi, ragini nandwani, ashwini kalsekar milind ukey thriller dekha jo pehli baar shahnawaz khan, kanika kotnala, charu asopa mohd. shamim khan romance meri shadi karao gurdeep mehndi syed noor comedyraywilliamjohnson jennamarbles nigahiga rihannavevo machinima pewdiepie onedirectionvevo holasoygerman freddiew movies theellenshow eminemvevo bluexephos theofficialskrillex tv shows epicmealtime werevertumorro collegehumor taylorswiftvevo roosterteeth fpsrussia thelonelyisland justinbiebervevo erb tobygames shanedawsontv michellephan youtube riotgamesinc tobuscus captainsparklez ukfdubstep officialpsy thefinebros thesyndicateproject adelevevo katyperryvevo sauce nba realannoyingorange davidguettavevo kevjumba nickiminajatvevo bruno mars boyceavenue ign barely political adamthomasmoran sxephil ianh prankvsprank nationalgeographic ladygagavevo mysteryguitarman smtown linkinparktv machinimarespawn evo lmfaovevo kassemg vetealaversha nqtv kurthugoschneider just for laughs gags topgear lady16makeup chrisbrownvevo canal parafernalha fred yourfavoritemartian zeldaxlove64 portadosfundos kidrauhl monsieurdream shanedawsontv2 maroon5vevo nicepeter macbarbe07 thisishorosho thexfactorusa skydoesminecraft beyoncevevo redbull lindseystomp whiteboy7thst charlieissocoollike programagalofrito felipe neto smoshgames hishedotcom itskingsleybitch seananners pitbullvevo badlipreading ksiolajidebt caelike timothydelaghetto2 tomska pinkvevo rajdhani express leander paes, jimmy sheirgill, priyanshu chatterjee, sudhanshu pandey ashok kohli drama, social table no.rajeev khandelwal, tena desae, paresh rawal aditya datt thriller gangoobai sarita joshi, purab kohli, meeta vasisht priya krishnaswamy drama matru ki bijlee ka mandola imran khan, anushka sharma, pankaj kapoor, shabana azmi vishal bhardwaj comedy pyaar mein aisa hota hai mohd nazim, aanamika bawa, rohit rajawat rajeesh kumar romance bandook aditya om, manisha kelkar, arshad khan shiv sagar, aditya om crime inkaar arjun rampal, chitrangda singh sudhir mishra romance, crime mumbai mirror sachiin joshi, gihani khan, prakash raj ankush bhatt crime, thriller akaash vani kartik tiwari, nushrat bharucha luv ranjan comedy, romance main krishna hoon rajniesh duggall, juhi chawla, hrithik roshan, katrina kaif rajiv s. ruia animation race saif ali khan, anil kapoor, john, deepika, jacqueline, ameesha abbas-mustan action, thriller david neil nitin mukesh, chiyaan vikram, vinay virmani, lara dutta bejoy nambiar comedy, crime listen. amaya farooq sheikh, deepti naval, swara bhaskar avinash kumar singh drama mai. asha bhosle, padmini kolhapure, shivani joshi, ram kapoor mahesh kodiyal drama deewana main deewana govinda, priyanka chopra k. c. bokadia comedy, romance vishwaroop kamal haasan, pooja kumar, shekhar kapur, rahul bose kamal haasan thriller abcd - any body can dance prabhu dheva, salman yusuf khan, lauren gottlieb, prince, dharmesh remo dsouza dance special 2akshay kumar, kajal aggarwal, manoj bajpayee, anupam kher neeraj pandey crime the unsound shadaab khan, anurita jha alok shrivastav thriller jayanta bhai ki luv story vivek oberoi, neha sharma vinnil markan crime murder randeep hooda, aditi rao hydari, mona laizza vishesh bhatt thriller feb 2kai po che! sushant singh rajput, amit sadh, raj kumar yadav, amrita puri abhishek kapoor drama feb 2zila ghaziabad sanjay dutt, arshad warsi, vivek oberoi, minissha lamba anand kumar action bloody isshq akash singh, shilpa anand arup dutta romance, thriller i, me aur main john abraham, chitrangda singh, prachi desai kapil sharma romance the attacks of 26 1nana patekar, sanjeev jaiswal, ganesh yadav ram gopal varma crime beehad - the ravines maa ingh deep, mangal singh, sunil sawara krishna mishra drama saare jahaan se mehnga sanjay mishra, vishwa mohan badola, zakir hussain anshul sharma comedy 3g neil nitin mukesh, sonal chauhan sheershak anand, shantanu ray chhibber thriller jolly l.l.b. arshad warsi, amrita rao, boman irani subhash kapoor comedy mere dad ki maruti saqib saleem, rhea chakraborty, prabal punjabi, ram kapoor ashima chibber comedy aatma bipasha basu, nawazuddin siddiqui suparn verma thriller rangrezz jackky bhagnani, priya anand, rajpal yadav priyadarshan drama sona spa naseeruddin shah, aahana kumrah, shruti vyas makrand deshpande thriller warning santosh barmola, suzana rodrigues gurmmeet singh thriller zindagi 50-5riya sen, veena malik, rajpal yadav, rajan verma rajiv s. ruia social himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah bhatia, paresh rawal sajid khan action chasme baddoor ali zafar, tapsee pannu, siddharth david dhawan comedy rise of the zombie luke kenny, kirti kulhari luke kenny, devaki singh thriller, horror commando vidyut jamwal, pooja chopra, jaideep ahlawat dilip ghosh drama nautanki saala! ayushmann khurrana, kunaal roy kapur, abhishek bachchan, evelyn sharma rohan sippy comedy, romance ek thi daayan emraan hashmi, konkona sen sharma, kalki koechlin, huma qureshi kannan iyer thriller i love ny sunny deol, kangna ranaut radhika rao, vinay sapru comedy, romance shootout at wadala john abraham, anil kapoor, ronit roy, siddhant kapoor, kangna ranaut sanjay gupta crime bombay talkies amitabh bachchan, rani mukerji, katrina kaif, ranbir kapoor anurag, karan, zoya, dibakar drama aashiqui aditya roy kapur, shraddha kapoor, shaad randhawa mohit suri romance ankur arora murder case kay kay menon, paoli dam, arjun mathur suhail tatari thriller gippi riya vij, taaha shah sonam nair children go goa gone saif ali khan, kunal khemu, vir das krishna dk, raj nidimoru comedy, action zanjeer ram charan, priyanka chopra apoorva lakhia action, thriller aurangzeb arjun kapoor, sasha aagha atul sabharwal romance mickey virus manish paul, varun badola, manish choudhary saurabh varma thriller hum hai raahi car ke dev goel, adah sharma, juhi chawla, sanjay dutt jyotin goel comedy, romantic yeh jaawani hai deewani ranbir kapoor, deepika padukone ayan mukerji romance yamla pagla deewana sunny deol, bobby deol, dharmendra, neha sharma sangeeth sivan comedy bang bang bangkok namit khanna, sahil anand, sidhant gupta vikram pradhan comedy, action fukrey pulkit samrat, richa chadda, manjot singh mrigdeep singh lamba comedy policegiri sanjay dutt, prakash raj, om puri, prachi desai k. s. ravikumar action ramaiya vastavaiya girish taurani, shruti haasan, randhir kapoor, vinod khanna prabhu dheva romance, musical shortcut romeo neil nitin mukesh, ameesha patel, puja gupta susi ganesh romance, thriller ghanchakkar emraan hashmi, vidya balan, rajesh sharma rajkumar gupta comedy, romance raanjhnaa dhanush, sonam kapoor aanand. l. rai romance gulaab gang madhuri dixit, juhi chawla, mahi gill, tannishtha chatterjee soumik sen crime, social lootera ranveer singh, sonakshi sinha vikramaditya motwane romance bhaag milkha bhaag farhan akhtar, sonam kapoor, dalip tahil rakeysh omprakash mehra drama, sports d-day arjun rampal, rishi kapoor, irrfan, huma qureshi nikhil advani thriller singh sahab the great sunny deol, amrita rao, johny lever anil sharma social aman ki aasha ali zafar, yaami gautam e niwas drama kaanchi rishi kapoor, mithun chakraborty subhash ghai musical phata poster nikla hero shahid kapoor, ileana dcruz rajkumar santoshi drama satyagraha amitabh bachchan, kareena kapoor, ajay devgn, manoj bajpayee prakash jha drama madras cafe ayushmann khurrana, rashi khanna, john abraham, sheetal malhar shoojit sircar thriller kuku mathur ki jhand ho gayi siddharth gupta, simran kaur mundi bejoy nambiar comedy bullet raja saif ali khan, sonakshi sinha, jimmy sheirgill tigmanshu dhulia action ungli sanjay dutt, emraan hashmi, kangna ranaut, neha dhupia rensil dsilva comedy queen kangna ranaut, rajkumar yadav vikas bahl romance chennai express shahrukh khan, deepika padukone rohit shetty comedy gunday ranveer singh, arjun kapoor, priyanka chopra ali abbas zafar crime, romance highway randeep hooda, alia bhatt imtiaz ali romance besharam ranbir kapoor, pallavi sharda, rishi kapoor, neetu singh abhinav kashyap romance ragini mms sunny leone bhushan patel thriller, horror boss akshay kumar, aditi rao hydari, shiv pandit, mithun chakraborty anthony dsouza drama mental salman khan, daisy shah, sana khan sohail khan romance gori tere pyar mein imran khan, kareena kapoor punit malhotra romance rambo rajkumar shahid kapoor, sonakshi sinha prabh gh, deepika padukone sanjay leela bhansali drama krrish hrithik roshan, priyanka chopra, vivek oberoi rakesh roshan sci-fi dedh ishqiya madhuri dixit, arshad warsi, naseeruddin shah abhishek chaubey romance, thriller shaadi ke side effects farhan akhtar, vidya balan saket chowdhary comedy, romance dhoom aamir khan, katrina kaif, abhishek bachchan, uday chopra vijay krishna acharya action naino mein sapna himmatwala amit kumar sajid-wajid saadi gali nautanki saala! ayushmann khurrana, neeti mohan ayushmann khurrana, rochak kohli taki taki himmatwala mika singh, shreya ghoshal sajid-wajid haaay mere dad ki maruti panjabi mc, manake panjabi mc hookah bar khiladi 78himesh reshammiya, vineet singh, aman trikha himesh reshammiya 1mere dad ki maruti mere dad ki maruti diljit dosanjh sachin gupta radha student of the year shreya ghoshal, vishal-shekhar, udit narayan vishal-shekhar 2ishq shava jab tak hai jaan raghav mathur, shilpa rao a r rahman 2yaaram ek thi daayan sunidhi chauhan, clinton cerejo vishal bhardwaj new entry - ishq wala love student of the year shekhar ravjiani, salim merchant, neeti mohan vishal-shekhar 2vele student of the year shekhar ravjiani vishal-shekhar 12fevicol se dabangg mamta sharma, wajid, keerthi sagathia sajid-wajid 11the disco song student of the year benny dayal, sunidhi chauhan, nazia hassan vishal-shekhar 12long drive khiladi 78mika singh himesh reshammiya 11dil ko aaya sukoon rangrezz rahat fateh ali khan, hiral brahmbhatt sajid-wajid saans jab tak hai jaan mohit chauhan, shreya ghoshal a r rahman 12punjabiyaan di battery mere dad ki maruti mika singh, yo yo honey singh sachin gupta 1thank god its friday himmatwala sunidhi chauhan sajid-wajid 1jhooth boliya jolly l.l.b. kamal khan krsna 1naa jaane i, me aur main neeraj shridhar, anushka manchanda sachin-jigar 1babli badmaash shootout at wadala priyanka chopra, john abraham ahmed khan taki taki himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah farah khan naino mein sapna himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah bhatia farah khan tum hi ho aashiqui aditya roy kapoor, shraddha kapoor - haaay! mere dad ki maruti rhea chakraborthy, saqib saleem rajeev surti dhoka dhoka himmatwala surveen chawla, amruta khanvilkar, mona tripha farah khan ishq shava jab tak hai jaan shahrukh khan, katrina kaif vaibhavi merchant fevicol se dabangg kareena kapoor, salman khan farah khan radha student of the year alia bhatt, sidharth malhotra, varun dhawan bosco-caesar bum pe laat himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah bhatia farah khan harlem shake baauer single mad decent thrift shop macklemore, ryan lewis ft. wanz the heist macklemore, llc when i was your man bruno mars unorthodox wmg lets get ready to rhumble pj & duncan psyche sony bmg stay rihanna ft. mikky ekko unapologetic the island def jam music group just give me a reason p!nk ft. nate ruess the truth about love rca records i knew you were trouble taylor swift red big machine records started from the bottom drake started from the bottom cash money records feel this moment pitbull ft. christina aguilera global warming rca records mirrors justin timberlake the 20 2experience rca records main fan bhagat singh da bikkar bai senti mental diljit dosanjh sony music baghi sadda haq jazzy b jazzy b records tauba tauba daddy cool munde fool amrinder gill speed records jatt senti bikkar bai senti mental jassi jaraj sony music classmate remix daddy cool munde fool jassi gill, kaur b speed records new entry - lamian caran long car raja baath t-series soohe khat afsaaney sartaaj de satinder sartaaj firdaus production raatan daddy cool munde fool amrinder gill speed records new entry - desi gaana lucky di unlucky story gippy grewal gippy grewal records new entry - pardesi jhanjhar harjeet harman t-series annayum rasoolumrajeev ravi fahadh faasil, andrea jeremiah romance enterajesh touchriver siddique, anjali patil, lakshmi menon drama entry rajesh amanakara baburaj, ranjini haridas, bhagath manuel, sija rose action, drama lisammayude veedubabu janardhanan meera jasmine, rahul madhav, salim kumar drama my fan ramu nikhil k. menon saiju kurup, rajeev pillai comedy nee ko njaa chagireesh sunny wayne, parvathy nair comedy isaac newton s o philipose v bosse lal, nedumudi venu, abhinaya, tini tom comedy maad dad revathy s varma lal, nazriya nazim, meghana raj drama yathrakkoduvilbasil zak sreejith vijay, vidya, thilakan drama romans boban samuel kunchacko boban, biju menon, niveda thomas, aparna nair comedy annum innum ennumrajesh nair nishan, jishnu, thilakan drama 1nakhangalsuresh krisshnan rakendu, madan mohan, megha, sumesh family, thriller 1oru yathrayilpriyanandanan, major ravi, rajesh amanakara, mathews vineeth kumar, remya nambeesan, lakshmi gopalaswami anthology, drama 1proprietors kammath & kammath thomson k. thomas mammootty, dileep, rima kallingal, karthika nair comedy, action 1players vasudev sanal jayasurya, kavya madhavan, jishnu, nishanth sagar romance, drama 1lokpal joshiy mohanlal, kavya madhavan drama 1dracula 2013, 2014, 2015d vinayan sudheer sukumaran, prabhu, shraddha das, monal gajjar, thilakan horror 1natholi oru cheriya meenallav. k. prakash fahadh faasil, kamalinee mukherjee, rima kallingal, aishwarya romance, comedy 1oru nerinte nombaramp. sivaram anoop david, vaigha, ashamol, baby hridya drama 1celluloid kamal prithviraj, mamta mohandas, chandni biopic 2cowboy p. balachandrakumar asif ali, mythili, bala action, comedy 2breaking news live sudhir ambalapadu kavya madhavan, mythili, vineeth drama 2black butterfly rajaputra ranjith mithun, malavika romance 2housefull linson antony tini tom, jyothirmayi comedy 2am local call manu sudhakaran lal, nishan, kailash, shritha sivadas thriller 2david & goliath rajeev nath jayasurya, anoop menon, soumya, anumol thriller 2shutter joy mathew lal, sreenivasan, sajitha madathil thriller 2kili poyivinay govind asif ali, aju varghese stoner film 2omega.exe binoy george hareesh raj, vineeth, sanchu, iniya drama 2rose guitarinaalranjan pramod richard joy thomas, athmeeya rajan, rejith menon romance,music 3mahatma ayyankalisooriya deva saju, sajilal, madhu biopic 3rebecca uthup kizhakkemala sunder das ann augustine, sidharth bharathan, jishnu sports film,romance,drama 3lucky star deepu anthikad jayaram, rachana narayanankutty, mukesh comedy,drama 3pakaramsreevallabhan om prakash, radhika, siddique thriller,revenge 3radio umer mohammed iniya, sarayu, nishan, sreejith vijay drama 3poombattakalude taazhvaaram v.m.akhilesh nima, rajesh mohan, prethiknjan, dhirar, sandhra drama 3dolls shalil kallur john, sruthi nair,parvathy nair romance,drama 3papilio buddha jayan k. cherian sreekumar, saritha sunil, prakash bare, thampi antony, padmapriya drama, environmental film 3ithu manthramo thanthramo kuthanthramo sainu pallithazhathu mukesh, baburaj, suraj venjaramoodu, sruthi lakshmi, nayana comedy 3kanaa paadam ameen jawher bhasi, aarya gaythri drama 4ithu pathiramanal m. padmakumar unni mukundan, jayasurya, remya nambeesan action 4good idea p. k. sakir sreejith vijay , hanna bella, unni sivapal romance 4red wine salam bappu mohanlal, fahad fazil, asif ali, meghana raj, meera nandan, mia romance 4amen lijo jose pellissery indrajith, fahadh faasil , swati reddy, rachana romance 4dots sugeeth kunchacko boban, biju menon, prathap pothan, janani iyer romance 4yathra thudarunnu jayan sivapuram lakshmi gopalaswami, irshad, nedumudi venu drama 4kutteem kolum guinness pakru guinness pakru, aditya, sanusha, leya drama 4edit malayalam dubbed filmsno. release date title original title original language director cast genre ref january hai ram charan orange telugu bhaskar ram charan teja, genelia dsouza, shazahn padamsee, sanchita shetty action, romance 4march pizza pizza tamil karthik subbaraj vijay sethupathi, ramya nambeesan thriller 4march naayak naayak telugu v. v. vinayak ram charan teja, kajal aggarwal, amala paul action, romance this table will be updated after each new release.edit notable deathsmonth date name age profession notable films march rajasulochana 7actress manasakshi joseph chacko505158actor snapaka yohannan.the the people5sukumari 7actress chettathi.odaruthammava aalariyam.boeing boeing.vandanam.mizhikal sakshi.gramam kalla thuppakki logiyas kutty anand, sampath ram, viccy, prabhakaran, sravanthika kanavu kadhalan udhay, saritha yadav kurumbukkara pasanga t. samydurai sanjeev, monica, manobala, pandiarajan mayil paarai nanbargal gavanathirkku k. jayakumar varshan, manisha jith, sanjeev nimidangal geetha krishna sashan, priyanka, suman, atul kulkarni crime alex pandian suraj karthi, anushka shetty, santhanam, nikita thukral, milind soman, suman action-masala produced by kjsurya productions kanna laddu thinna aasaiya k. s. manikandan santhanam, srinivasan, vishakha singh, sethu comedy produced by hand made films & sri thenandal films samar thiru vishal, trisha krishnan, sunaina action produced by balaji real media puthagam vijay adhiraj sathya, jagapati babu, rakul preet singh, sanjay bharati, rachana maurya drama produced by ram pictures private limited vijayanagaram tanveer sivan, haasini, bhanu chander, aryan pathaayiram kodi srinivasan sundar dhruv bhandari, madalasa sharma, vivek comedy kadal mani ratnam gautham karthik, thulasi nair, arjun, arvind swamy, lakshmi manchu drama produced by madras talkies david bejoy nambiar vikram, jiiva, tabu, isha sharvani, lara dutta drama produced by reliance mediaworks vishwaroopam kamal haasan kamal haasan, pooja kumar, rahul bose, andrea jeremiah spy thriller produced by rajkamal international nesam nesapaduthe illunu oru sandhippu ravi lallin vimal, dipa shah, oviya romance vana yuddham a. m. r. ramesh kishore, arjun, vijayalakshmi, lakshmi rai ameerin aadhi bhagavan ameer sultan jayam ravi, neetu chandra, sudha chandran action produced by anbu pictures ariyathavan puriyathavan j. k j. k, unnimaya drama produced by jk productions haridas g. n. r. kumaravelan kishore, sneha, prithviraj das drama produced by dr v ram production private limited paati aandava perumal sathish kumar sivan, sasi, idhaya, jeeva romance produced by r. jana chuda chuda idhayan idhayan, durga, shobina, udhayana chandamama radhakrishnan karunas, shweta basu prasad, harish kalyan comedy produced by classic cinemas lollu dada parag parag k. viyasan mansoor ali khan, shilpha comedy produced by vijayamuralee naangam pirai 3d vinayan sudheer sukumaran, prabhu, thilakan, monal gajjar, shraddha das horror produced by akash films vellachi velu viswanath pintu, suchitra unni, ganja karuppu romance produced by k. ananthan mathil mel poonai barani jayapal vijay vasanth, vibha natarajan thriller produced by peenics creations 1onbadhule guru p. t. selvakumar vinay rai, aravind akash, premgi amaren, lakshmi rai comedy 1pesamal pesinaal 1sundaattam brahma g. dev irfan, arundhathi, madhu produced by film fame production 1garuda paarvai 1karumpuli 1paradesi bala adharvaa, vedhicka, dhansika drama produced by b studios 1vatthikuchi kinslin dhileban, anjali, jayaprakash, saranya, sampath raj thriller produced by murugadoss productions & fox star studios 1karuppampatti tha. prabhu raja cholan ajmal ameer, aparnaa bajpai, alice tantardini drama produced by sundar pictures kan pesum varthaigal r. balaji mirchi senthil, iniya romance produced by sri krithik creations 2maranthen mannithen kumar nagendra aadhi, taapsee, lakshmi manchu, sundeep kishan produced by manchu productions 2chennaiyil oru naal shaheed kader sarathkumar, cheran, prakash raj, prasanna, nassar, radhika, iniya, parvathi menon drama produced by kjsurya productions kedi billa killadi ranga pandiraj vimal, sivakarthikeyan, bindu madhavi, regina cassandra comedy produced by pasanga productions azhagan azhagi nandha periyasaamy jack, aarthi comedy keeripulla feroze khan yuvan, disha pandey, ganja karuppu action settai r. kannan arya, anjali, hansika motwani, santhanam, premgi amaren comedy produced by sun pictures january – marchopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. a dark truth magnolia pictures damian lee director screenwriter ; andy garcia, kim coates, eva longoria, forest whitaker, deborah kara unger, devon bostick, al sapienza, steven bauer, kevin durand, claudette lali action, thriller table no. 2eros international aditya datt director ; jimmy-sen screenplay ; tena desae, rajeev khandelwal, paresh rawal action, thriller texas chainsaw 3d lionsgate john luessenhop director ; kirsten elms, adam marcus, debra sullivan screenplay ; alexandra daddario, dan yeager, trey songz, scott eastwood, tania raymonde horror the grandmaster block pictures jet tone films wong kar-wai director screenplay ; tony leung chiu-wai, zhang ziyi, song hye-kyo, chang chen, zhao benshan, yuen woo-ping, xiaoshenyang, cung le, lo hoi-pang, leung siu-lung, julian cheung, lo mang, berg ng action, drama gangster squad warner bros. ruben fleischer director ; will beall screenplay ; ryan gosling, emma stone, sean penn, josh brolin, robert patrick, michael peã±a, giovanni ribisi, anthony mackie, nick nolte, wade williams, mireille enos, sullivan stapleton, frank grillo action, crime, drama a haunted house open road films michael tiddes director ; marlon wayans, rick alvarez screenplay ; marlon wayans, nick swardson, david koechner, essence atkins, cedric the entertainer, alanna ubach, jamie noel comedy, horror matru ki bijlee ka mandola fox star studios vishal bhardwaj director screenplay ; abhishek chaubey screenplay ; imran khan, anushka sharma, pankaj kapur, shabana azmi, arya babbar, aamir khan, ajay devgan romantic comedy 1broken city 20th century fox allen hughes director ; brian tucker screenplay ; mark wahlberg, russell crowe, catherine zeta-jones, barry pepper, kyle chandler, natalie martinez, justin chambers, alona tal, jeffrey wright, catherine kim poon, justin chambers, alona tal, james rawlings, james ransone, judd lormand crime, drama 1luv indomina media sheldon candis director screenplay ; common, dennis haysbert, danny glover, charles s. dutton, meagan good drama 1mama universal pictures andres muschietti director screenplay ; neil cross, barbara muschietti screenplay ; jessica chastain, nikolaj coster-waldau, daniel kash, david fox horror, thriller 1officer down anchor bay films brian a miller director ; john chase screenplay ; stephen dorff, dominic purcell, david boreanaz, soulja boy, stephen lang, james woods, walton goggins, tommy flanagan, oleg taktarov, johnny messner action 1the last stand lionsgate kim ji-woon director ; andrew knauer, jeffrey nachmanoff screenplay ; arnold schwarzenegger, forest whitaker, peter stormare, jaimie alexander, rodrigo santoro, zach gilford, johnny knoxville, harry dean stanton, luis guzmã¡n, gã©nesis rodrã­guez, daniel henney action 1hansel and gretel. witch hunters paramount pictures mgm mtv films tommy wirkola director screenplay ; dante harper screenplay ; jeremy renner, gemma arterton, zoe bell, famke janssen, peter stormare, ingrid bolso berdal, derek mears, thomas mann, pihla viitala, robin atkin downes, rainer bock, monique ganderton, joanna kulig action, fantasy 1john dies at the end magnolia pictures don coscarelli director screenplay ; paul giamatti, clancy brown, glynn turman, doug jones, daniel roebuck, jimmy wong, angus scrimm comedy, horror 1knife fight ifc films bill guttentag director screenplay ; chris lehane screenplay ; rob lowe, carrie-anne moss, jamie chung, richard schiff, eric mccormack, julie bowen, jennifer morrison, amanda crew, saffron burrows, shirley manson, davey havok political thriller 1movie 4relativity media patrik forsberg director screenplay ; elizabeth banks, steven brill, steve carr, rusty cundieff, james duffy, griffin dunne, peter farrelly, james gunn, bob odenkirk, brett ratner, jonathan van tulleken directors ; steve baker, will carlough, matt portenoy, greg pritikin, rocky russo, jeremy sosenko, elizabeth wright shapiro screenplay ; hugh jackman, emma stone, gerard butler, chloã« grace moretz, elizabeth banks, kristen bell, naomi watts, anna faris, chris pratt, kate winslet, josh duhamel, richard gere, uma thurman, halle berry, patrick warburton, christopher mintz-plasse, liev schreiber, seann william scott, jason sudeikis, kate bosworth, bobby cannavale, justin long, j. b. smoove, kieran culkin, leslie bibb, terrence howard, jack mcbrayer, tony shalhoub, matt walsh, stephen merchant, jimmy bennett, emily alyn lind, jeremy allen white comedy 2parker filmdistrict taylor hackford director ; john mclaughlin screenplay ; jason statham, jennifer lopez, bobby cannavale, clifton collins, jr., wendell pierce, michael chiklis, nick nolte, sala baker crime, action 2race tips music films abbas-mustan director ; shiraz ahmed screenplay ; anil kapoor, saif ali khan, deepika padukone, john abraham, jacqueline fernandez, ameesha patel, rajesh khattar, bipasha basu action 2bullet to the head warner bros. walter hill director screenplay ; alessandro camon screenplay ; sylvester stallone, sung kang, sarah shahi, adewale akinnuoye-agbaje, christian slater, jason mamoa, jon seda, brian van holt crime, action 2sound city therapy studios dave grohl director ; mark monroe screenplay ; documentary 2stand up guys lionsgate fisher stevens director ; noah haidle screenplay ; al pacino, christopher walken, julianna margulies, mark margolis, alan arkin, bill burr crime, comedy 2the haunting in connecticut 2. ghosts of georgia gold circle films tom elkins director ; dave coggeshall screenplay ; chad michael murray, abigail spencer, katee sackhoff, cicely tyson, emily alyn lind horror 2warm bodies summit entertainment jonathan levine director screenplay ; nicholas hoult, teresa palmer, rob corddry, john malkovich, analeigh tipton, dave franco, cory hardrict horror, romance 2a glimpse inside the mind of charles swan iii a2roman coppola director screenplay ; charlie sheen, jason schwartzmann, bill murray, katheryn winnick, patricia arquette, aubrey plaza, mary elizabeth winstead comedy, drama 2identity thief universal pictures seth gordon director ; steve conrad, craig mazin screenplay ; jason bateman, melissa mccarthy, amanda peet, john cho, clark duke, maggie elizabeth jones, mary-charles jones, jon favreau, gã©nesis rodrã­guez, eric stonestreet, t.i., ben falcone, morris chestnut, justin wheelon crime, comedy 3side effects open road films steven soderbergh director ; scott z. burns screenplay ; rooney mara, jude law, channing tatum, catherine zeta-jones, vinessa shaw, david costabile drama, thriller 3special 2viacom 1motion pictures neeraj pandey director screenplay ; akshay kumar, kajal aggarwal, anupam kher, jimmy shergill, divya dutta, manoj bajpai, kharaj mukherjee, rajesh sharma, kishor kadam, deepraj rana crime, drama, thriller 32top gun 3d paramount pictures tony scott director ; jim cash, jack epps jr. screenplay ; tom cruise, kelly mcgillis, val kilmer, james tolkan, tom skerritt, rick rossovich, michael ironside, john stockwell, tim robbins, whip hubley, barry tubb, david patterson, adrian pasdar, clarence gilyard, jr., duke stroud, linda rae jurgens action, drama 3journey to the west. conquering the demons huayi brothers china film group stephen chow, derek kwok director ; huang bo, shu qi, wen zhang, show luo, chrissie chau action, comedy 3beautiful creatures warner bros. richard lagravenese director screenplay ; viola davis, alice englert, emma thompson, emmy rossum, jeremy irons, alden ehrenreich, thomas mann, kyle gallner fantasy, romance 3a good day to die hard 20th century fox john moore director ; skip woods screenplay ; bruce willis, jai courtney, sebastian koch, yuliya snigir, radivoje bukvic, cole hauser, amaury nolasco, mary elizabeth winstead action, thriller 3murder fox star studios vishesh bhatt director screenplay ; randeep hooda, aditi rao hydari, sara loren thriller 3safe haven relativity media lasse hallstrã¶m director ; dana stevens, leslie bohem screenplay ; josh duhamel, julianne hough, david lyons, cobie smulders, mimi kirkland, noah lomax, mike pniewski drama, romance 3escape from planet earth the weinstein company cal brunker director screenplay ; bob barlen screenplay ; brendan fraser, rob corddry, jessica alba, william shatner, sarah jessica parker, jane lynch, sofã­a vergara, george lopez, craig robinson comedy, family, sci-fi 4bless me, ultima arenas entertainment carl franklin director screenplay ; mã­riam colã³n, benito martinez, dolores heredia, cã¡stulo guerra drama 4dark skies dimension films scott charles stewart director screenplay ; keri russell, josh hamilton, dakota goyo horror, sci-fi 4kai po che! utv motion pictures abhishek kapoor director screenplay ; chetan bhagat screenplay ; sushant singh rajput, amit sadh, raj yadav, amrita puri, ajay jadeja drama, musical 4snitch summit entertainment ric roman waugh director screenplay ; justin haythe screenplay ; dwayne johnson, susan sarandon, benjamin bratt, barry pepper action 4over relativity media jon lucas, scott moore director screenplay ; miles teller, justin chon, skylar astin, sarah wright, franã§ois chau, jonathan keltz, daniel booko, dustin ybarra comedy 4i, me aur main reliance entertainment kapil sharma director screenplay ; shrishti behl arya screenplay ; john abraham, prachi desai, chitrangada singh, zarina wahab, raima sen drama, musical 4jack the giant slayer warner bros. new line cinema bryan singer director ; dan studney, darren lemke, christopher mcquarrie screenplay ; nicholas hoult, eleanor tomlinson, stanley tucci, ewan mcgregor, bill nighy, ian mcshane, eddie marsan, john kassir action, adventure, fantasy 4phantom rcr media group todd robinson director screenplay ; ed harris, david duchovny, william fichtner, sean patrick flanery thriller 4stoker fox searchlight pictures park chan-wook director ; wentworth miller screenplay ; mia wasikowska, nicole kidman, matthew goode, dermot mulroney, jacki weaver, alden ehrenreich, lucas till thriller 4the last exorcism part ii cbs films ed gass-donnelly director screenplay ; damien chazelle screenplay ; ashley bell, spencer treat clark, muse watson, louis herthum, judd lormand horror, thriller 5dead man down filmdistrict niels arden oplev director ; j.h. wyman screenplay ; colin farrell, noomi rapace, dominic cooper, terrence howard, wade barrett action 5emperor lionsgate roadside attractions peter webber director ; vera blasi david klass screenplay ; matthew fox, tommy lee jones, eriko hatsune, toshiyuki nishida drama 5oz the great and powerful walt disney pictures sam raimi director ; david lindsay-abaire, mitchell kapner screenplay ; james franco, mila kunis, michelle williams, rachel weisz, joey king, zach braff, bruce campbell, abigail spencer, tony cox, bill cobbs fantasy, adventure, family 5spring breakers a2harmony korine director screenplay ; james franco, selena gomez, vanessa hudgens, ashley benson, rachel korine, heather morris, gucci mane action, comedy 5the call tristar pictures brad anderson director ; richard dovidio screenplay ; abigail breslin, halle berry, morris chestnut, michael eklund, michael imperioli, david otunga mystery 5the incredible burt wonderstone warner bros. new line cinema don scardino director ; chad kultgen, john francis daley, jonathan m. goldstein screenplay ; steve carell, jim carrey, steve buscemi, olivia wilde, james gandolfini, alan arkin, gillian jacobs, zachary gordon, brad garrett, jay mohr, david copperfield comedy 5welcome to the punch ifc films eran creevy director screenplay ; james mcavoy, mark strong, andrea riseborough, elyes gabel, peter mullan, david morrissey, daniel mays, johnny harris, dannielle brent, jason flemyng thriller 5admission focus features paul weitz director screenplay ; karen croner screenplay ; tina fey, paul rudd, michael sheen, gloria reuben, wallace shawn, lily tomlin comedy 5inappropriate comedy freestyle releasing vince offer director screenwriter ; ari shaffir, ken pringle screenplay ; rob schneider, michelle rodriguez, adrien brody, lindsay lohan comedy 5love and honor ifc films danny mooney director ; jim burnstein, garrett k. schiff screenplay ; liam hemsworth, aimee teegarden, teresa palmer, austin stowell romance, drama 6olympus has fallen filmdistrict antoine fuqua director ; creighton rothenburger, katrin benedikt screenplay ; gerard butler, aaron eckhart, morgan freeman, rick yune, dylan mcdermott, angela bassett, radha mitchell, ashley judd, melissa leo action 6the croods 20th century fox dreamworks animation chris sanders, kirk demicco directors screenplay ; nicolas cage, ryan reynolds, emma stone, catherine keener, clark duke, cloris leachman adventure, comedy, family 6g.i. joe. retaliation paramount pictures mgm hasbro jon chu director ; rhett reese, paul wernick screenplay ; channing tatum, ray park, dwayne johnson, bruce willis, elodie yung, d.j. cotrona, adrianne palicki, ray stevenson, byung-hun lee, jonathan pryce, rza, walton goggins, joseph mazzello, deray davis, robert baker action, adventure, sci-fi 6himmatwala utv motion pictures sajid khan director screenplay ; ajay devgan, tamannaah, paresh rawal, adhyayan suman, zarina wahab, leena jumani, surveen chawla, amruta khanvilkar, sayantani ghosh, mona thiba, dheer charan srivastav action, romance 6temptation lionsgate tyler perry director screenplay ; jurnee smollett, lance gross, robbie jones, vanessa williams, kim kardashian, brandy norwood, ella joyce drama, romance 6the host open road films andrew niccol director screenplay ; saoirse ronan, max irons, jake abel, diane kruger, william hurt, frances fisher sci-fi, romance, teen 6the place beyond the pines focus features derek cianfrance director screenplay ; ben coccio, darius marder screenplay ; ryan gosling, bradley cooper, rose byrne, eva mendes, ray liotta, bruce greenwood, ben mendelsohn, dane dehaan crime, drama 6wrong drafthouse films mr. oizo director screenplay ; jack plotnick, ã‰ric judor, alexis dziena, steve little, william fichtner, regan burns, arden myrin, maile flanagan, gary valentine comedy 6edit april – juneopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. evil dead tristar pictures fede alvarez director screenplay ; diablo cody, sam raimi, rodo sayagues screenplay ; jane levy, shiloh fernandez, lou taylor pucci, elizabeth blackmore, jessica lucas horror 6jurassic park 3d universal pictures steven spielberg director ; michael crichton, david koepp screenplay ; sam neill, laura dern, jeff goldblum, richard attenborough, bob peck, martin ferrero, joseph mazzello, ariana richards, samuel l. jackson, bd wong, wayne knight adventure, sci-fi 7upstream color erbp shane carruth director screenplay ; amy seimetz, thiago martins romance, thriller 7trance fox searchlight pictures danny boyle director , john hodge, joe ahearne screenplay james mcavoy, vincent cassell, rosario dawson crime 7warner bros. brian helgeland director screenplay ; harrison ford, chadwick boseman, christopher meloni, ryan merriman, brad beyer, toby huss, t. r. knight, alan tudyk, hamish linklater biography, drama, sports 7disconnect ld entertainment henry alex-rubin director ; andrew stern screenplay ; jason bateman, hope davis, frank grillo, michael nyqvist, paula patton, andrea riseborough, alexander skarsgã¥rd, max thieriot, colin ford, jonah bobo, haley ramm crime 7scary movie dimension films malcolm d. lee director screenplay ; david zucker, pat proft screenplay ; ashley tisdale, lindsay lohan, charlie sheen, terry crews, kate walsh, molly shannon, heather locklear, erica ash, mike tyson, audrina patridge, kendra wilkinson comedy, horror 7home run samuel goldwyn films provident films david boyd director ; scott elrod, dorian brown, vivica a. fox, charles henry wyson drama 7oblivion universal pictures joseph kosinski director ; william monahan, michael arndt, karl gajdusek screenplay ; tom cruise, olga kurylenko, andrea riseborough, morgan freeman, nikolaj coster-waldau, melissa leo action, sci-fi 7the lords of salem sony pictures rob zombie director screenwriter ; sheri moon zombie, bruce davison, jeff daniel phillips, meg foster, sid haig, lisa marie horror 7pain & gain paramount pictures michael bay director ; christopher markus, stephen mcfeely, scott rosenberg screenplay ; mark wahlberg, dwayne johnson, ed harris, ken jeong, anthony mackie, tony shalhoub, rebel wilson, rob corddry action, comedy 7the big wedding lionsgate justin zackham director screenplay ; robert de niro, katherine heigl, diane keaton, amanda seyfried, topher grace, ben barnes, christine ebersole, susan sarandon, robin williams romantic comedy 8iron man marvel studios shane black director screenplay ; drew pearce screenplay ; robert downey, jr., ben kingsley, don cheadle, gwyneth paltrow, guy pearce, james badge dale, ashley hamilton, rebecca hall, jon favreau, paul bettany, stephanie szostak, william sadler action, adventure, sci-fi 8aftershock dimension films radius-twc nicolas lopez director screenplay ; eli roth, guillermo amoedo screenplay ; eli roth, andrea osvã¡rt, ariel levy, nicolas martinez, lorenza izzo, natasha yarovenko, selena gomez horror, thriller 8the great gatsby warner bros. baz luhrmann director screenplay ; leonardo dicaprio, tobey maguire, joel edgerton, carey mulligan, isla fisher, jason clarke, elizabeth debicki, amitabh bachchan drama, romance 8peeples lionsgate tina gordon chism director screenplay ; craig robinson, kerry washington, david alan grier, s. epatha merkerson, tyler williams, melvin van peebles, diahann carroll, malcolm barrett, kali hawk, ana gasteyer, kimrie lewis-davis comedy 8black rock ld entertainment katie aselton director screenplay ; mark duplass screenplay ; katie aselton, lake bell, kate bosworth horror 8star trek into darkness paramount pictures bad robot j. j. abrams director ; roberto orci, alex kurtzman, damon lindelof screenplay ; chris pine, zachary quinto, zoe saldana, karl urban, anton yelchin, john cho, simon pegg, alice eve, peter weller, benedict cumberbatch, bruce greenwood, nolan north, nazneen contractor, noel clarke action, adventure, sci-fi 8epic 20th century fox blue sky studios chris wedge director ; tom j. astle, matt ember, james v. hart, william joyce, daniel shere screenplay ; beyoncã© knowles, colin farrell, josh hutcherson, amanda seyfried, christoph waltz, aziz ansari, pitbull, jason sudeikis, chris odowd, steven tyler, blake anderson, judah friedlander adventure, comedy, fantasy, family 8fast and furious universal pictures justin lin director ; chris morgan screenplay ; paul walker, vin diesel, dwayne johnson, michelle rodriguez, luke evans, joe taslim, jordana brewster, tyrese gibson, gina carano action 8the hangover part iii warner bros. todd phillips director screenplay ; craig mazin screenplay ; bradley cooper, zach galifianakis, ed helms, ken jeong, mike epps, mike tyson, heather graham, john goodman, sasha barrese, sondra currie, justin bartha, jeffrey tambor, gillian vigman, jamie chung comedy 8now you see me summit entertainment louis leterrier director ; josh appelbaum, andre nemec, ed solomon, boaz yakin, edward ricourt screenplay ; jesse eisenberg, isla fisher, morgan freeman, woody harrelson, mark ruffalo, michael caine, common, dave franco, elias koteas, laura cayouette, david warshofsky crime 9the east fox searchlight pictures zal batmanglij director screenplay ; brit marling screenplay ; brit marling, alexander skarsgard, ellen page, julia ormond, patricia clarkson drama 9the purge universal pictures james demonaco director screenplay ; ethan hawke, lena headey, max burkholder, edwin hodge, rhys wakefield sci-fi, thriller 9after earth columbia pictures m. night shyamalan director ; stephen gaghan, gary whitta screenplay ; jaden smith, will smith, isabelle fuhrman, zoe kravitz sci-fi 9much ado about nothing lionsgate roadside attractions joss whedon director screenplay ; amy acker, nathan fillion, clark gregg, fran kranz comedy 9the internship 20th century fox shawn levy director ; vince vaughn screenplay ; vince vaughn, owen wilson, dylan obrien, rose byrne, jessica szohr, max minghella, aasif mandvi, john goodman, will ferrell, joanna garcia, eric andre, josh brener, tiya sircar, tobit raphael, josh gad comedy 9man of steel warner bros. dc comics zack snyder director ; david s. goyer screenplay ; henry cavill, amy adams, kevin costner, diane lane, russell crowe, ayelet zurer, michael shannon, antje traue, christopher meloni, laurence fishburne, richard schiff, harry lennix action, adventure 9the bling ring a2sofia coppola director screenplay ; emma watson, israel broussard, katie chang, claire julien, taissa farmiga, leslie mann, gavin rossdale, paris hilton comedy, crime 9this is the end columbia pictures mandate pictures evan goldberg, seth rogen directors screenplay ; seth rogen, jay baruchel, james franco, craig robinson, danny mcbride, jonah hill, emma watson, jason segel, paul rudd, michael cera, rihanna, kevin hart, david krumholtz, mindy kaling, aziz ansari comedy, sci-fi 9monsters university walt disney pictures pixar animation studios dan scanlon director ; billy crystal, john goodman, steve buscemi, joel murray, sean hayes, dave foley, peter sohn, charlie day, kelsey grammer, frank oz, dan gerson, julia sweeney, helen mirren, alfred molina, ken jeong, rob riggle, j. b. smoove comedy, family 9world war z paramount pictures gk films marc forster director ; matthew michael carnahan, drew goddard screenplay ; brad pitt, mireille enos, james badge dale, daniella kertesz, matthew fox, david morse action, horror, thriller 10the heat 20th century fox paul feig director ; katie dippold, lee eisenberg, gene stupnitsky screenplay ; sandra bullock, melissa mccarthy, kaitlin olson, tony hale, demian bichir, michael rapaport, taran killam, thomas f. wilson action, comedy 10white house down columbia pictures roland emmerich director ; james vanderbilt screenplay ; channing tatum, jamie foxx, maggie gyllenhaal, james woods, richard jenkins, joey king, jason clarke action 10edit july – septemberopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. despicable me universal pictures illumination entertainment chris renaud, pierre coffin directors ; cinco paul, ken daurio screenplay ; steve carell, kristen wiig, miranda cosgrove, russell brand, al pacino, steve coogan, ken jeong, moises arias comedy, family 10the lone ranger walt disney pictures gore verbinski director ; ted elliott, terry rossio, eric aronson, justin haythe screenplay ; armie hammer, johnny depp, ruth wilson, william fichtner, helena bonham carter, james badge dale, barry pepper, tom wilkinson, james frain action, adventure, western 10the way, way back fox searchlight pictures nat faxon, jim rash directors screenplay ; steve carell, toni collette, allison janney, annasophia robb, sam rockwell, maya rudolph, liam james, amanda peet, rob corddry comedy, drama 10grown ups columbia pictures dennis dugan director ; fred wolf screenplay ; adam sandler, kevin james, chris rock, david spade, taylor lautner, david henrie, patrick schwarzenegger, nick swardson, cheri oteri, salma hayek, steve buscemi, milo ventimiglia, maria bello, aly michalka, maya rudolph, alexander ludwig, andy samberg, steve austin, will forte, taran killam, jon lovitz, akiva schaffer, jorma taccone, tim meadows, shaquille oneal, colin quinn, bobby moynihan, paul brittain comedy 10pacific rim warner bros. guillermo del toro director ; travis beacham screenplay ; charlie hunnam, idris elba, charlie day, rinko kikuchi, max martini, willem dafoe, robert kazinsky, clifton collins, jr., diego klattenhoff, ron perlman, robert maillet, burn gorman action, sci-fi 10the conjuring warner bros. new line cinema james wan director ; chad hayes, carey hayes screenplay ; patrick wilson, vera farmiga, ron livingston, lili taylor, shannon kook, mackenzie foy, joey king, shanley caswell, hayley mcfarland, steve coulter, john brotherton thriller, horror 10girl most likely lionsgate roadside attractions robert pulcini, shari springer berman directors ; michelle morgan screenplay ; kristen wiig, annette benning, matt dillon, christopher fitzgerald, darren criss comedy 10red summit entertainment dc comics dean parisot director ; erich hoeber, jon hoeber screenplay ; bruce willis, john malkovich, helen mirren, mary-louise parker, catherine zeta-jones, byung-hun lee, karl urban, neal mcdonough, anthony hopkins, david thewlis action, comedy 1.i.p.d. universal pictures robert schwentke director ; matt manfredi, phil hay screenplay ; ryan reynolds, jeff bridges, kevin bacon, stephanie szostak, mary-louise parker, marissa miller, mike omalley, james hong, robert knepper action, comedy 11turbo 20th century fox dreamworks animation david soren director screenplay ; robert siegel, darren lemke screenplay ; ryan reynolds, paul giamatti, michael pena, luis guzmã¡n, bill hader, richard jenkins, ken jeong, michelle rodriguez, maya rudolph, ben schwartz, kurtwood smith, snoop dogg, samuel l. jackson comedy, family 11blue jasmine sony pictures classics woody allen director, screenwriter ; alec baldwin, cate blanchett, bobby cannavale, louis c.k., andrew dice clay, sally hawkins, peter sarsgaard, michael stuhlbarg comedy 11fruitvale the weinstein company ryan coogler director screenplay ; michael b. jordan, octavia spencer, melonie diaz, ahna oreilly, kevin durand, chad michael murray drama 11the wolverine 20th century fox marvel entertainment james mangold director ; christopher mcquarrie, mark bomback screenplay ; hugh jackman, hiroyuki sanada, hal yamanouchi, tao okamoto, rila fukushima, will yun lee, svetlana khodchenkova, brian tee action, adventure 113the smurfs columbia pictures sony pictures animation raja gosnell director ; j. david stern, david n. weiss, karey kirkpatrick, jay sherick, david ronn screenplay ; neil patrick harris, jayma mays, sofã­a vergara, hank azaria, tim gunn, brendan gleeson, katy perry, jonathan winters, alan cumming, fred armisen, george lopez, anton yelchin, john oliver, christina ricci, j.b. smoove, frank welker adventure, family, comedy 11rise of an empire warner bros. noam murro director ; zack snyder, kurt johnstad screenplay ; rodrigo santoro, eva green, sullivan stapleton, jack oconnell, andrew tiernan, callan mulvey, ygal naor, ashraf barhom, andrew pleavin action, fantasy 11guns universal pictures baltasar kormã¡kur director ; blake masters screenplay ; mark wahlberg, denzel washington, paula patton, bill paxton, edward james olmos, james marsden, allie deberry action, crime 118the spectacular now a2james ponsoldt director ; scott neustadter, michael weber screenplay ; miles teller, shailene woodley, kaitlyn dever, brie larson, dayo okeniyi, kyle chandler, bob odenkirk, andre royo, mary elizabeth winstead drama 12elysium columbia pictures neill blomkamp director screenplay ; matt damon, jodie foster, sharlto copley, wagner moura, alice braga, diego luna, william fichtner futuristic, sci-fi 12metallica. through the never picturehouse nimrã³d antal director screenplay ; dane dehaan, lars ulrich, kirk hammett, james hetfield, robert trujillo documentary, music 12planes walt disney pictures klay hall director ; dane cook, stacy keach, brad garrett, priyanka chopra, carlos alazraqui, roger craig smith, teri hatcher, david croft, julia louis-dreyfus, john cleese, colin cowherd, cedric the entertainer, gabriel iglesias, val kilmer, anthony edwards, oliver kalkofe, grey delisle, rob paulsen, brent musburger family, comedy 12were the millers warner bros. new line cinema rawson thurber director ; sean anders, steve faber, bob fisher, dan fybel, john morris, rick rinaldi screenplay ; jennifer aniston, emma roberts, ed helms, jason sudeikis, thomas lennon, nick offerman, kathryn hahn, will poulter comedy 12kick-ass universal pictures jeff wadlow director screenplay ; matthew vaughn screenplay ; aaron johnson, chloã« grace moretz, christopher mintz-plasse, john leguizamo, donald faison, robert emms, morris chestnut, nicolas cage, lyndsy fonseca, lindy booth, jim carrey, clark duke action, comedy 125percy jackson. sea of monsters 20th century fox thor freudenthal director ; scott alexander, larry karaszewski screenplay ; logan lerman, alexandra daddario, douglas smith, mary birdsong, yvette nicole brown, missi pyle, nathan fillion, anthony head, paloma kwaitkowski, leven rambin, stanley tucci, robert maillet adventure, fantasy, family 12the to do list cbs films maggie carey director screenplay ; aubrey plaza, rachel bilson, bill hader, andy samberg, scott porter, connie britton, clark gregg, christopher mintz-plasse, donald glover, johnny simmons, sarah steele, alia shawkat, nolan gould comedy 12the mortal instruments. city of bones screen gems harald zwart director ; jessica postigo, i. marlene king screenplay ; lily collins, jamie campbell bower, robert sheehan, jemima west, kevin durand, robert maillet, lena headey, jared harris, godfrey gao, jonathan rhys meyers, aidan turner action, fantasy, teen 12youre next lionsgate adam wingard director ; simon barrett screenplay ; sharni vinson, joe swanberg, aj bowen, nicholas tucci, barbara crampton horror 13closed circuit focus features john crowley director ; steven knight screenplay ; eric bana, rebecca hall, riz ahmed, jim broadbent, kenneth cranham, anne-marie duff, ciaran hinds, julia stiles crime 13getaway warner bros. courtney solomon, yaron levy directors ; sean finegan, gregg maxwell parker screenplay ; ethan hawke, selena gomez, jon voight action 13this is us tristar pictures morgan spurlock director ; harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn malik, liam payne documentary, musical 13random the weinstein company olly blackburn director ; anthony jaswinski screenplay ; haley bennett, ashley greene, lucas till horror 13about time universal pictures richard curtis director screenplay ; rachel mcadams, domhnall gleeson, bill nighy, tom hollander, margot robbie, lydia wilson, vanessa kirby comedy, sci-fi 13riddick universal pictures david twohy director screenplay ; vin diesel, karl urban, katee sackhoff, dave bautista action, sci-fi 13battle of the year screen gems benson lee director ; brin hill, chris parker screenplay ; josh holloway, laz alonso, josh peck, caity lotz, chris brown, terrence jenkins, luis rosado, weronika rosati, jesse erwin, ivan velez, steve terada musical 13i, frankenstein lionsgate stuart beattie director screenplay ; kevin grevioux screenplay ; aaron eckhart, socratis otto, yvonne strahovski, miranda otto, aden young, bill nighy, jai courtney horror, suspense thriller 13machete kills open road films robert rodriguez director ; kyle ward screenplay ; amber heard, mel gibson, sofia vergara, jessica alba, danny trejo, charlie sheen, alexa vega, michelle rodriguez, vanessa hudgens, antonio banderas, cuba gooding jr., william sadler, lady gaga, demian bichir, marko zaror action 13insidious chapter filmdistrict james wan director ; leigh whannell screenplay ; patrick wilson, rose byrne, lin shaye, ty simpkins horror 14prisoners warner bros. denis villeneuve director ; aaron guzikowski screenplay ; jake gyllenhaal, hugh jackman, paul dano, melissa leo, viola davis, maria bello, terrence howard crime 14rush universal pictures ron howard director ; peter morgan screenplay ; chris hemsworth, daniel bruhl, olivia wilde, alexandra maria lara action, thriller 14baggage claim fox searchlight pictures david e. talbert director screenplay ; paula patton, trey songz, adam brody, djimon honsou, christina milian, taye diggs comedy 14cloudy with a chance of meatballs columbia pictures sony pictures animation cody cameron, kris pearn directors ; john francis daley, jonathan m. goldstein, erica rivinoja screenplay ; anna faris, bill hader, andy samberg, kristen schaal, james caan, neil patrick harris, benjamin bratt, terry crews, will forte family, comedy 14runner, runner 20th century fox brad furman director ; brian koppelman, david levien screenplay ; ben affleck, justin timberlake, gemma arterton, anthony mackie crime 14the tomb summit entertainment mikael hafstrom director ; miles chapman, jason keller screenplay ; sylvester stallone, arnold schwarzenegger, jim caviezel, vincent donofrio, 5cent, vinnie jones, sam neill, amy ryan, faran tahir action 14edit october – decemberopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. delivery man touchstone pictures dreamworks pictures ken scott director screenplay ; cobie smulders, chris pratt, vince vaughn, britt robertson comedy 14gravity warner bros. alfonso cuaron director screenplay ; jonas cuaron, rodrigo garcia screenplay ; sandra bullock, george clooney sci-fi 14paranoia relativity media robert luketic director ; barry levy, jason dean hall screenplay ; liam hemsworth, harrison ford, gary oldman, lucas till, amber heard, julian mcmahon, richard dreyfuss crime 14sin city. a dame to kill for dimension films frank miller, robert rodriguez director screenplay ; william monahan screenplay ; mickey rourke, jessica alba, michael madsen, rosario dawson, clive owen, jaime king, jamie chung, alexa vega, dennis haysbert, joseph gordon-levitt, josh brolin, ray liotta, juno temple, jeremy piven, bruce willis, eva green, stacy keach action, crime 15captain phillips columbia pictures paul greengrass director ; billy ray screenplay ; tom hanks, catherine keener, max martini, yul vazquez, michael chernus, chris mulkey, corey johnson, david warshofsky, john magaro, angus macinnes biography 15the devils rapture ld entertainment christian e. christiansen director ; karl mueller screenplay ; jennifer carpenter, alycia debnam-carey, rufus sewell, thomas mcdonell, adelaide kane, leah pipes, colm meaney, stacey edwards, ric reitz horror 15haunt 20th century fox mac carter director ; andrew barrer screenplay ; jacki weaver, liana liberato, danielle chuchran, harrison gilbertson, kasia kowalska, aline andrade, brenden whitney, maggie scott, sebastian michael barr, jarrod phillips horror 15oldboy filmdistrict spike lee director ; mark protosevich screenplay ; samuel l. jackson, elizabeth olsen, josh brolin, sharlto copley crime 15the butler the weinstein company lee daniels director screenplay ; danny strong screenplay ; forest whitaker, oprah winfrey, david oyelowo, liam neeson, john cusack, alan rickman, jane fonda, robin williams, james marsden, aml ameen, liev schreiber biography 15carrie screen gems mgm kimberly peirce director ; roberto aguirre-sacasa screenplay ; chloã« grace moretz, julianne moore, gabriella wilde, portia doubleday, judy greer, ansel elgort, alex russell, cynthia preston, michelle nolden horror, thriller 15malavita relativity media luc besson director screenplay ; michael caleo screenplay ; robert de niro, michelle pfeiffer, dianna agron, tommy lee jones, vincent pastore crime 15seventh son warner bros. sergei bodrov director ; matt greenberg, chuck leavitt, steve knight, max borenstein screenplay ; jeff bridges, ben barnes, julianne moore, alicia vikander, kit harington, antje traue, olivia williams, djimon honsou action, adventure, fantasy 15paranormal activity paramount pictures oren peli director ; katie featherston horror 15the worlds end focus features edgar wright director screenplay ; simon pegg screenplay ; simon pegg, rosamund pike, martin freeman, nick frost comedy 16enders game summit entertainment gavin hood director screenplay ; asa butterfield, ben kingsley, harrison ford, hailee steinfeld, abigail breslin, viola davis, nonso anozie, moises arias, aramis knight, jimmy jax pinchak, brendan meyer, stevie ray dillmore, andrea powell, conor carroll, suraj parthasarathy, khylin rhambo action, adventure, sci-fi 16free birds relativity media jimmy hayward director ; craig mazin, david i. stern, john j. strauss screenplay ; woody harrelson, owen wilson, dan fogler, amy poehler, lesley nicol, george takei, colm meaney, keith david comedy, family 16last vegas cbs films jon turteltaub director ; dan fogelman, adam brooks screenplay ; robert de niro, morgan freeman, michael douglas, mary steenburgen, kevin kline comedy 16august. osage county the weinstein company john wells director ; tracy letts screenplay ; julia roberts, meryl streep, benedict cumberbatch, margo martindale, chris cooper, sam shepard, misty upham comedy, drama 16thor. the dark world walt disney pictures marvel studios alan taylor director ; robert rodat, don payne, christopher yost, stephen mcfeely, christopher markus screenplay ; chris hemsworth, natalie portman, tom hiddleston, jaimie alexander, idris elba, zachary levi, stellan skarsgã¥rd, anthony hopkins, ray stevenson, tadanobu asano, christopher eccleston, kat dennings, adewale akinnuoye-agbaje, rene russo action, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy 16the best man holiday universal pictures malcolm d. lee director screenplay ; taye diggs, nia long, morris chestnut, harold perrineau, terrence howard, regina hall comedy 16the counselor 20th century fox ridley scott director ; cormac mccarthy screenplay ; brad pitt, michael fassbender, javier bardem, cameron diaz, penelope cruz, natalie dormer, john leguizamo, dean norris crime 16the fifth estate touchstone pictures dreamworks pictures bill condon director ; josh singer screenplay ; benedict cumberbatch, daniel bruhl, laura linney, anthony mackie, david thewlis, peter capaldi drama 16the wolf of wall street paramount pictures martin scorsese director ; terence winter screenplay ; leonardo dicaprio, jonah hill, matthew mcconaughey, kyle chandler, jean dujardin, margot robbie, jon bernthal, rob reiner, p.j. byrne crime, drama 16the hunger games. catching fire lionsgate francis lawrence director ; simon beaufoy, michael arndt screenplay ; jennifer lawrence, josh hutcherson, liam hemsworth, woody harrelson, elizabeth banks, lenny kravitz, stanley tucci, donald sutherland, toby jones, philip seymour hoffman, jena malone, amanda plummer, willow shields, lynn cohen, patrick st. esprit, meta golding, sam claflin, jeffrey wright action, adventure, sci-fi, teen 17frozen walt disney pictures jennifer lee director screenplay ; chris buck director ; shane morris screenplay ; kristen bell, idina menzel, josh gad, jonathan groff family, musical, adventure, comedy 17mandela. long walk to freedom the weinstein company justin chadwick director ; william nicholson screenplay ; idris elba, naomie harris, tony kgoroge, riaad moosa, zolani mkiva, jamie bartlett, lindiwe matshikiza, deon lotz, terry pheto drama 17a madea christmas lionsgate tyler perry director screenplay ; tyler perry comedy 17the hobbit. the desolation of smaug warner bros. new line cinema mgm peter jackson director screenplay ; fran walsh, philippa boyens, guillermo del toro screenplay ; martin freeman, ian mckellen, richard armitage, graham mctavish, ken stott, aidan turner, dean ogorman, mark hadlow, jed brophy, adam brown, john callen, peter hambleton, william kircher, james nesbitt, stephen hunter, benedict cumberbatch, andy serkis, hugo weaving, barry humphries, mikael persbrandt, lee pace, stephen fry, luke evans, cate blanchett, christopher lee, sylvester mccoy, elijah wood, ian holm, orlando bloom, evangeline lilly, ryan gage, mike mizrahi, jeffrey thomas, conan stevens, bret mckenzie, billy connolly adventure, fantasy 17monuments men columbia pictures 20th century fox george clooney director screenplay ; grant heslov screenplay ; daniel craig, cate blanchett, george clooney, bill murray, john goodman, jean dujardin, bob balaban war 17anchorman. the legend continues paramount pictures adam mckay director screenplay ; will ferrell screenplay ; will ferrell, christina applegate, paul rudd, david koechner, steve carell, kristen wiig, james marsden, dylan baker, meagan good, harrison ford, greg kinnear, josh lawson comedy 17saving mr. banks walt disney pictures john lee hancock director ; kelly marcel, sue smith screenplay ; tom hanks, emma thompson, colin farrell, paul giamatti, jason schwartzman, ruth wilson, b.j. novak drama 17walking with dinosaurs 3d 20th century fox neil nightengale, pierre de lespinois, barry cook directors ; john collee, theodore thomas screenplay ; charlie rowe family 17ronin universal pictures carl rinsch director ; chris morgan, hossein amini screenplay ; keanu reeves, hiroyuki sanada, kou shibasaki, tadanobu asano, rinko kikuchi action, adventure, fantasy 17jack ryan paramount pictures kenneth branagh director ; david koepp, adam cozad, anthony peckham, steve zaillian screenplay ; chris pine, kevin costner, keira knightley, kenneth branagh action, adventure 18american bullshit columbia pictures david o. russell director screenplay ; eric warren singer screenplay ; christian bale, bradley cooper, amy adams, jennifer lawrence, jeremy renner, louis c.k. crime 18the secret life of walter mitty 20th century fox ben stiller director ; steve conrad screenplay ; ben stiller, kristen wiig, shirley maclaine, patton oswalt, adam scott, kathryn hahn comedy, fantasy 18grace of monaco the weinstein company olivier dahan director ; arash amel screenplay ; nicole kidman, paz vega, tim roth, frank langella, parker posey, milo ventimiglia, derek jacobi biography 18twelve years a slave fox searchlight pictures steve mcqueen director screenplay ; john ridley screenplay ; michael fassbender, chiwetel ejiofor, paul dano, benedict cumberbatch, paul giamatti, garret dillahunt, sarah paulson, scoot mcnairy, ruth negga, alfre woodard, michael kenneth williams, brad pitt drama 18edit notable deathsmonth date name age nationality profession notable films january patti page 8american actress, singer boys night out.elmer gantry barbara werle 8american actress, singer battle of the bulge.the rare breed.krakatoa, east of java.harum scarum.charro!.tickle me.seconds.gone with the west.gunfight in abilene council cargle 7american actor detroit 9000.jackie brown ned wertimer 8american actor pirates of the caribbean. at worlds end.the strongest man in the long last love.mame.bad company.santa claus conquers the martians.the pack.lets rock.some kind of a nut.c.c. and company.the impossible years tony lip 8american actor the godfather.goodfellas.raging bull.the pope of greenwich village.year of the dragon.lock up.innocent blood.whos the man.donnie brasco.last rites.29th street.heart martha greenhouse 9american actress the stepford wives.bananas.up the down staircase.the group.daniel claude prã©fontaine 7canadian actor black robe.some girls david r. ellis 6american director, stuntman, actor snakes on a destination films.shark night.cellular.homeward bound ii. lost in san trek v. the final frontier.lethal weapon.rocky iii.airplane ii. the times at ridgemont high.harriet the spy.road house.hotel for dogs.smokey and the bandit.bound for glory.warlock. the armageddon.rudyard kiplings the jungle book.ghost dad.days of thunder.the strongest man in the world.catchfire.blind fury.the mighty quinn matthew dickens 5french-american actor, choreographer aviator rex trailer 8american actor, singer jaws.mermaids.the way west mariangela melato 7italian actress flash fine.dancers billy varga 9american actor raging bull.miss sadie thompson.oklahoma and costello meet the keystone kops.convicts 4.stewardess school bille brown 6australian actor the chronicles of narnia. the voyage of the dawn treader.killer elite.the man who sued god.singularity.fierce creatures.the dish.dirty and white.oscar and lucinda.passion conrad bain 8canadian-american actor bananas.c.h.o.m.p.s..coogans bluff.the anderson tapes.postcards from the edge.a new leaf.lovers and other strangers.i never sang for my!.madigan.last summer.a lovely way to die.who killed mary whats er name.up the sandbox.a fans notes perrette pradier 7french actress behold a pale of cards.that man in istanbul jeff cahill 4american actor the blues brothers.the shadow michael winner 7english director, producer death wish films.the mechanic.chatos land.the sentinel.the big sleep.the cool mikado.the system.the stone killer.scorpio.the games.ill never forget whatsisname.lawman.the nightcomers.won ton ton, the dog who saved hollywood.appointment with death.firepower.a chorus of disapproval.the wicked lady leslie frankenheimer 6american set designer blade runner.the blues brothers.the from the heart.rapid fire.even money susan douglas rubes 8austrian-canadian actress five.targets.the private affairs of bel ami.lost boundaries.forbidden journey janice knickrehm 8american actress halloween. the curse of michael myers.slc punk!.little secrets normand corbeil 5canadian composer double jeopardy.white noise. the light.the statement.the contract.the art of war.the assignment.screamers.extreme ops patricia lovell 8australian producer picnic at hanging rock.gallipoli.summerfield.monkey grip.break of day lloyd phillips 6south african-new zealand producer the legend of zorro.vertical limit.the stripes.beyond borders.1monkeys.warlords of the 21st century.nate and hayes.ruby cairo sally starr 9american actress the outlaws is coming.the in crowd.mannequin two. on the move bernard horsfall 8english actor braveheart.gandhi.stone of at the devil.on her majestys secret service.guns at batasi.brass target.the one that got away.high flight.the angry in the moon.the steel bayonet garrett lewis 7american set decorator hook.pretty woman.steel magnolias.mrs. crashers.face with dick and jane.georgia rule.panic room.i am sam.bubble boy.bedazzled.bram stokers dracula.glory.beaches.hidalgo.enemy of the state.against all odds.sweet dreams.dear god.the monster squad gilbert clayton 9american set designer, actor armageddon.batman & robin.throw momma from the train.the untouchables.sphere.dying young.grandview, u.s.a..breakheart pass.american gigolo.outrageous fortune.lucas february robin sachs 6english actor the lost world. jurassic park.oceans eleven.galaxy quest.northfork.vampire circus.the six wives of henry viii.the disappearance john kerr 8american actor class of 44.king of women from hell.the pit and the pendulum.tea and sympathy.gaby.south pacific.the cobweb.the vintage.girl of the night peter gilmore 8german-english actor carry on.warlords of atlantis.oh! what a lovely war.the abominable dr. phibes.the great st trinians train lover my son.the jokers.freelance.ive gotta horse stuart freeborn 9english make-up artist star wars.superman.2001. a space odyssey.the omen.oh! what a lovely war.the adventure of sherlock holmes smarter brother.alices adventures in wonderland.oliver twist.the story of robin hood and his merrie men.santa claus. the movie.tarzan goes to india.oscar wilde.murder on the orient express.the optimists of nine elms.young winston gerry hambling 8english film editor pink floyd—the the name of the father.the whole truth.the life of david gale.angelas ashes.absolute beginners.midnight express.mississippi burning.the commitments.the boxer.the road to wellville.shoot the moon.white squall.angel heart.leonard part 6.birdy.bugsy malone paul tanner 9american actor the glenn miller story.orchestra wives.sun valley serenade chris brinker 4american producer, director the boondock saints.the boondock saints ii. all saints day.whiskey bay alan sharp 7scottish-american screenwriter the hired hand.ulzanas raid.billy two hats.night moves.the osterman weekend.rob roy.damnation alley.the last run rick huxley 7english actor catch us if you can.pit of darkness gerry day 9american screenwriter the black hole.the watcher in the woods richard j. collins 9american screenwriter the adventures of hajji of russia.thousands cheer.the gun is quick.journey into fear.little giant.riot in cell block 11.rulers of the or die.edge of eternity.spanish affair.china venture harald siepermann 5german animator enchanted.tarzan.mulan.treasure chimps.who framed roger rabbit.balto richard briers 7english actor peter pan.spice world.frankenstein.hamlet.the three musketeers.henry v.murder, she in distress.watership down.much ado about nothing.the four musketeers.fathom.the you like it.peters friends.loves labours lost.cockneys vs zombies.a chorus of disapproval elspet gray 8scottish actress four weddings and a funeral.goodbye, mr. chips.the girl in a swing.the night we got the bird.the blind in waiting.reluctant heroes matt mattox 9american actor, dancer guys and dolls.theres no business like show brides for seven brothers.good of norway.the band wagon.till the clouds roll by.easy to wed.ziegfeld follies.yolanda and the thief.gentlemen prefer blondes.pepe.the merry widow.dreamboat.walking my baby back home.the girl rush john brascia 8american actor, dancer white me in las vegas.the wrecking crew.executive action.the ambushers.walking tall lou myers 7american actor the wedding stella got her groove back.the fighting temptations.its kind of a funny story.cobb.volcano.tin cup.bulworth.goodbye lover bob godfrey 9australian-english animator, actor great.the road to hong kong.the big parade.inn for!.a hard days night.the bliss of mrs. blossom del tenney 8american actor, director, producer, screenwriter the horror of party beach.the curse of the living corpse.i eat your skin.the wild one.satan in high heels.stalag 1george ives 8american actor intolerable cruelty.the man who wasnt there.the secret war of harry rods to hell.get to know your rabbit.the ballad of josie dale robertson 8american actor the man from button willow.sitting bull.son of sinbad.lure of the wilderness.the secret of convict lake.the boy with green hair.take care of my little me mister.two flags west.flamingo of the lawless.blood on the arrow.high terrace.return of the texan.golden girl.lydia bailey bonnie franklin 6american actress a summer place.the wrong man.the kettles in the ozarks pat keen 7english actress fierce creatures.clockwise.shadowlands.the rachel papers.without a clue.a kind of loving.we think the world of you.the sailors return ric menello 6american screenwriter tougher than leather.two lovers michael d. moore 9canadian-american actor, director the dramatic life of abraham lincoln.the king of kings.the man from red gulch.the impossible mrs. bellew.manslaughter.something to think about.cytherea paradise, hawaiian style.buckskin.kill a dragon.the fastest guitar eye for an eye.the unpainted woman fran warren 8american actress, singer abbott and costello meet captain imperium robert relyea 8american producer last action hero.the day of the dolphin.blame it on rio arthur storch 8american actor the exorcist.the strange one.girl of the night.the mugger kenny ball 8english actor live it up!.its trad, dad! sybil christopher 8welsh-american actress the last days of dolwyn.kitty damiano damiani 9italian director amityville ii. the possession.the devil is a woman willy switkes 8american actor tootsie.playing for keeps.ghostbusters driver.bananas.the french unmarried woman.the arrangement malachi throne 8american actor catch me if you can.beau geste.the greatest.stunts edward bland 8american composer, director cry of jazz.a soldiers story.ganja & hess subas herrero 6filipino actor delta force 2. the colombian mama white mama.bamboo gods and iron men.the big bird cage.enter the ninja.too hot to handle.supercock.savage sisters terry lightfoot 7english actor, arranger plenty.its trad, dad! leverne mcdonnell 4australian actress the interview.four of a kind.oscar and lucinda.gross misconduct frank thornton 9english actor are you being served.the three musketeers.the private life of sherlock lmes.gosford park.gonks go beat.carry on screaming!.the magic christian.a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.the bed-sitting room.victim.the assassination bureau.the dock brief.the bliss of mrs. blossom.battle of the v-1.the rise and rise of michael rimmer.bless this house.up the chastity belt.the big sex please, were british rosine delamare 10french costume designer the madwoman of chaillot.the night of the generals.the day of the jackal.hello-goodbye.the 25th hour.the roots of heaven.a little romance.a time for loving risã« stevens 9american actress, singer going my way.journey back to oz.the chocolate soldier.carnegie hall jack stokes 9english animator yellow submarine.the princess and the goblin.heavy metal.the water babies.tarzoon. shame of the jungle david early 7american actor dawn of the dead.the silence of the lambs.zack and miri make a for the money.creepshow.houseguest.double dragon.innocent blood.the dark half.passed away.monkey shines.the prince of pennsylvania norman palmer 9american film editor white wilderness.midnight madness.the shaggy d.a..the gnome-mobile.the incredible journey.the legend of lobo.ten who dared.rascal.the african lion.the living desert peter duryea 7american actor lt. robin crusoe, u.s.n..catalina caper.the carpetbaggers.taggart don payne 4american screenwriter thor.fantastic four. rise of the silver super ex-girlfriend.thor. the dark world fay kanin 9american screenwriter, actress goodbye, my pal gus.rhapsody.the opposite sex.teachers pet.the right approach.the outrage.sunday punch.blondie for victory.swordsman of and famous.a double life richard griffiths 6english actor harry potter.pirates of the caribbean. on stranger tides.superman ii.gandhi.hugo.sleepy hollow.bedtime stories.the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.the naked gun 2â½. the smell of fear.greystoke. the legend of tarzan, lord of the apes.the history boys.withnail and i.chariots of fire.jackboots on whitehall.venus.stage beauty.the french lieutenants woman.ragtime.king ralph.blame it on the bellboy.shanghai surprise.gorky park.a private function.britannia hospital.vatel.funny bones.guarding tess.breaking shouldnt happen to a vet title russian title director cast genre notes stalingrad fedor bondarchuk petr fedorov, dmitry lysenkov, alexey barabash, andrey smolyakov war drama considered as russia’s first big-budget 3d movie alexey uchitel - action territory alexandre melnik - history, adventure dark world. balance . oleg asadulin maria pirogova, pavel priluchniy fantasy, science fiction sequel for dark world viy. returning . oleg stepchenko alexey chadov fantasy, science fiction ku! kin-dza-dza-dza! ! -- tatyana ilina nikolai gubenko, andrei leonov dystopia, animation animated version for kin-dza-dza-dza! minutes 2vasily serikov denis nikiforov, viktor sukhorukov action drama based on true events adalbert ox vyacheslav rudenko roman savushkin, natalia prozorova history, drama arventour irina evteeva - fantasy the invisibles sergey komarov ilya lyubimov, ekaterina guseva, andrei merzlikin fantasy science fiction metro anton megerdicheva sergei puskepalis, anatoly bely disaster ristin, wiig, will, ferrell, smosh, smosh, and, pewdiepie, pewdiepie, and, smosh, pewdiepie, smosh, smosh, pewdiepie, pewdiepie, animals, are, loose, youtube, smosh, games, smoshgames, pewdiepie, plays, pewdiepie, bully, smoshgames, pewdiepie, smosh, games, pewdiepie, i, got, a, boy, snsd, i, got, a, boy, i, got, a, boy, snsd, girls, generation, snsd, girls, generation, i, got, a, boy, smtown, girls, generation, i, got, a, boy, mv, snsd, i, got, a, boy, mv, i, got, a, boy, mv, girl, generaion, i, got, a, boy, i, got, a, boy, girls, generation, i, got, a, boy, snsd, mv, snsd, i, got, a, boy, live, got, a, boy, i, got, a, boy, music, girls, generation, dancing, queen, i, gotta, boy, girl, snsd, i, got, a, boy, live, got, a, boy, invisible, driver, prank, invisible, drive, thru, prank, drive, thru, invisible, driver, prank, 2, drive, thru, invisible, driver, prank, magicofrahat, magic, of, rahat, drive, thru, invisible, driver, drive, thru, prank, drive, thru, pranks, invisible, driver, drive, through, invisible prank, invisible, drive, thru, pranks, rahat, magicofrahat, invisible, driver, drive, thru, pranks, invisible, drive, thru, invisible, invisible, driver, prank, 2, drive, thru, invisible, prank, invisible, driver, prank, magic, of, rahat, invisible, driver, prank, penguin, magic, drive, thru, drive, thru, prank, invisible, invisible, drive, through, magicofrahat, channel, invisible, driver, drive, thru, prank, drive, through, prank, invisible, drive, through, prank, penguin, magic, ranks, drive, thru, static, shock, no, driver, prank, drive, thru, invisable, driver, prank, floating, cup, prank, drive, through, pranks, driverless, car, prank, rahat, magician, invisable, driver, prank, drive, thru, drive, through, invisible, driver, prank, car, prank, magicofrahat, drive, thru, drive, through, invisible, driver, ghost, driver, prank, drive, through, invisible, invisable, drive, thru, prank, penguin, magic, invisible, car, seat, prank, invisable, drive, thru, .africa, algeriaalgiers, zoo, oran, zoo, beninjardin, botanique, et, zoologique, de, luniversitã©, dabomey, calavi, burkina, fasoouagadougou, zoo, cameroonmvog, betsi, zoo, yaoundã©, congo,, democratic, republic, of, thejardin, zoologique, et, botanique, deala, parc, zoologique, de, lubumbashi, zoo, national, de, kinshasa, cã´te, divoireabidjan, zoo, egyptalexandria, zoo, giza, zoo, qariyet, el, assad, lions, village , ethiopiaaddis, ababa, lion, zoo, ghanakumasi, zoo, kenyamwaluganje, elephant, sanctuary, kwale, district,, coast, province, libyatripoli, zoo, tripoli, benghazi, zoo, il, bosco, , benghazi, madagascartsimbazaza, zoo, antananarivo, croc, farm, antananarivo, lemurs, park, near, antananarivo1, parc, ivoloina, toamasina, madagascar, exotic, marozevo, parc, endemika, sainte, marie, malawiblantyre, zoological, gardens, malibamako, zoo, moroccojardins, exotiques, de, bouknadel, parc, zoologique, de, rabat, mozambiquejardim, zoolã³gico, de, moã§ambique, maputo, nigeriaabuja, childrens, zoo, abuja, audu, bako, zoo, kano, enugu, zoo, enugu, ibadan, university, zoo, ibadan, jos, wildlife, park, sanda, kyarimi, zoo, maiduguri, senegalparcs, forestier, et, zoologique, de, hann, dakar, south, africabester, birds, and, animals, zoo, park, bloemfontein, zoo, east, london, zoological, gardens, emerald, zoo, vanderbijlpark, hartebeesport, dam, snake, and, animal, park, johannesburg, zoo, lory, park, zoo, national, zoo, pretoria, elephant, sanctuary, plettenberg, bay, plettenberg, bay2, elephant, sanctuary, hartbeespoort, dam, hartbeespoort, dam3, elephant, sanctuary, hazyview, hazyview4, world, of, birds, wildlife, sanctuary, and, monkey, park, cape, town5, sudankhartoum, zoo, tanzaniadar, es, salaam, zoo, dar, es, salaam6, saa, nane, museum, and, zoo, mwanza, tunisiazoo, du, parc, de, belvedere,, tunis, ugandauganda, wildlife, education, centre, entebbe7, zambiamunda, wanga, zoo, lusaka8, asia, afghanistankabul, zoo, kabul, armeniayerevan, zoo, yerevan, azerbaijanbaku, zoo, baku, bangladeshmain, article, list, of, zoos, bangladesh, bhutanmotithang, takin, preserve, motithang, chinabadaling, safari, world, beijing, zoo, bifengxia, wild, animal, park, che, gdu, zoo, dalian, forest, zoo, hangzhou, zoo, harbin, northern, forest, zoo, guangzhou, zoo, guangzhou, panyu, chime, long, night, zoo, guangzhou, xiangjian, safari, park, jinan, safari, park, nanjing, hongshan, forest, zoo, qingdao, forest, wildlife, world, qingdao, zoo, shanghai, zoo, shanghai, wild, animal, park, shenzhen, safari, park, suzhou, zoo, tianjin, zoo, edward, youde, aviary, hong, kong, park, hong, kong, wetland, park, hong, kong, zoological, and, botanical, gardens, kadoorie, farm, and, botanic, garden, lai, chi, kok, zoo, closed , ocean, park, hong, kong, breeding, centers, bifengxia, giant, panda, base, chengdu, research, base, of, giant, panda, breeding, wolong, giant, panda, breeding, center, sichuan, indiamain, article, list, of, zoos, india, indonesiabatu, secret, zoo,, batu, east, java, bali, safari, and, marine, park,, gianyar, bali, bali, zoo,, ubud, bali, kebun, binatang, bandung, bandung,west, java, kebun, binatang, surabaya, surabaya,, east, java, kebun, binatang, gembiraloka, yogyakarta, kebun, binatang, ragunan, jakarta, taman, safari, bogor,, west, java, taman, safari, ii, pasuruan,, east, java, iranamol, zoo, bandar, abbas, zoo, darabad, museum, of, wildlife, tehran, isfahan, zoo, tehran, zoo,, tehran, iraqbaghdad, zoo, israelarena, tropical, world, herzliya, beer, sheba, municipal, zoological, garden, beersheba, carmel, hai, bar, nature, reserve, haifa, childrens, zoo, saad, educational, zoo, of, haifa, biological, institute, haifa, hai, kef, rishon, lezion, hai, park, kiryat, motzkin, hamat, gader, crocodile, farm,, terrarium, and, mini, zoo, hamat, gader, i., meier, segals, garden, zoological, research, tel, aviv, jerusalem, bird, observatory, jerusalem, monkey, park, kfar, daniel, nahariya, zoo, botanical, garden, nahariya, nir, david, australian, animal, park, nir, david, petah, tikva, zoo, petah, tikva, tel, aviv, bird, park, tel, aviv, tisch, family, biblical, zoological, gardens, jerusalem, zoological, center, of, tel, aviv, ramat, gan, ramat, gan, japanmain, article, list, of, zoos, japan, kazakhstanalmaty, zoo, almaty, karaganda, zoo, karaganda, shymkent, zoo, shymkent, temirtau, aquapark, of, childrens, park, temirtau, north, koreakorea, central, zoo, pyongyan, g, south, koreabusan, childrens, grand, park, busan, everland, zoo, topia, yongin, seoul, childrens, zoo, gwacheon, seoul, grand, park, zoo, gwacheon, kuwaitkuwait, zoo, kuwait, city, al, omariya, macautwo, dragon, throat, public, garden, malaysiakuala, lumpur, bird, park, kuala, lumpur, zoo, melaka, ayer, keroh,, malacca, national, zoo, of, malaysia, zoo, negara , ulu, klang,, kuala, lumpur, zoo, taiping, taiping,, perak, lok, kawi, wildlife, park, lok, kawi,, sabah, zoo, johor, johor, bahru,, johor, zoo, terengganu, kemaman,, terengganu, sunway, lagoon, wildlife, park, petaling, jaya,, selangor, sunway, petting, zoo, subang, jaya,, selangor, lost, world, petting, zoo, ipoh,, perak, kuala, krai, mini, zoo, kuala, krai,, kelantan, butterfly, &, reptiles, sanctuary, malacca, kuala, lumpur, butterfly, park, kuala, lumpur, penang, butterfly, farm, teluk, bahang,, penang, bukit, jambul, orchid,, hibiscus, and, reptile, farm,, penang, taman, teruntum, mini, zoo, taman, teruntum,, pahang, kuala, lumpur, deer, park, kuala, lumpur, danga, bay, mini, zoo, danga, bay,, johor, afamosa, animal, world, safari, alo, r, gajah,, malacca, langkawi, bird, paradise, langkawi,, kedah, snake, and, reptile, farm, perlis, langkawi, crocodile, farm, langkawi,, kedah, ayer, keroh, crocodile, farm, ayer, keroh,, malacca, jong, crocodile, farm, kuching,, sarawak, sandakan, crocodile, farm, sandakan,, sabah, myanmaryadanabon, zoological, gardens, mandalay, nepalcentral, zoo,, jawalakhel, pakistanmain, article, list, of, zoos, pakistan, palestinian, territoriesgaza, zoo, gaza, qalqilya, zoo, west, bank, philippinesalbay, park, and, wildlife, legazpi, city,, albay9, animal, island, zoo , binakayan,, kawit,, cavite10, animal, wonderland, star, city,, pasay, city, ark, avilon, zoo, frontera, verde,, ortigas, avenue,, pasig, city, ave, maria, sanctuary, and, park, carcar, city,, cebu, avilon, zoo, rodriguez,, rizal, baluarte, zoo, vigan, city,, ilocos, sur11, birds, international, quezon, city, botolan, wildlife, farm, san, juan,, botolan,, zambales12, cavite, city, zoological, and, botanical, park, sampaguita, road,, seabreeze, subdivision,, santa, cruz,, cavite, city,, cavite, cebu, city, zoo, and, conservation, zoo, calunasan,, cebu, city,, cebu, corregidor, aviary, and, theme, park, corregidor, island,, cavite, crocolandia, foundation, biasong,, talisay, city,, cebu, davao, crocodile, park, diversion, highway,, ma, a,, davao, city13, dfamily, park, mini, zoo, talamban,, cebu, city,, cebu, eden, nature, park, and, resort, toril,, davao, city14, father, 645, pm, 1 22 2013, 2014, 2015tropas, spaceship, 2000, zoo, zamboanguita,, negros, oriental, laguna, wildlife, park, and, rescue, center, la, vista, pansol, complex,, pansol,, calamba, city,, laguna, lombija, wildlife, park, and, heritage, resort, napandong,, nueva, valencia,, guimaras15, lungsod, kalikasan, quezon, city, malabon, zoo, and, aquarium, governor, pascual, street,, potrero,, malabon, city, manila, orchidarium, and, butterfly, pavilion, rizal, park,, manila, manila, zoological, and, botanical, garden,, m., adriatico, street,, malate,, manila, mari, wildlife, conservation, park, lambunao,, iloilo, maze, park, and, resort, mini, zoo, mimbalot, buru, un,, iligan, city,, lanao, del, norte, negros, forests, &, ecological, foundation, south, capitol, road,, bacolod, city,, negros, occidental16, ninoy, a, uino, parks, &, wildlife, center, diliman,, quezon, city, palawan, butterfly, garden, santa, monica,, puerto, princesa, city,, palawan, palawan, wildlife, rescue, and, conservation, center, irawan,, puerto, princesa, city,, palawan, paradizoo, mendez,, cavite17, paradise, reptile, zoo, puerto, galera,, oriental, mindoro, philippine, eagle, center, malagos,, davao, city18, philippine, tarsier, and, wildlife, sanctuary, corella,, bohol19, racsos, woodland, mini, hotel, and, wildlife, resort, rizal, tuguisan,, guimbal,, iloilo, residence, inn, mini, zoo, barrio, neogan,, tagaytay, city,, cavite20, san, fernando, mini, zoo, and, butterfly, sanctuary, san, fernando, city,, la, union, sagbayan, peak, tarsier, sanctuary, and, butterfly, dome, sagbayan,, bohol21, silangang, nayon, mini, zoo, pagbilao,, quezon, silliman, university, center, tropical, conservation, studies, also, known, as, a.y., reyes, zoological, and, botanical, garden , ipil, street,, daro,, dumaguete, city22, silliman, university, marine, laboratory, bantayan,, dumaguete, city23, win, rescue, center, subic, bay, freeport, zone,, zambales, zoo, paradise, of, world, zamboanguita,, negros, oriental, zoobic, safari, subic,, zambales24, zoocobia, fun, zoo, clark, freeport, zone,, angeles, city,, pampanga25, qatardoha, zoo, doha, singaporejurong, bird, park, jurong, reptile, park, closed, 2006 , night, safari, singapore, river, safari, singapore, crocodile, farm, closed, 2012 , singapore, zoo, sri, lankaahungalla, animal, park, dehiwala, zoo, pinnawela, zoo, taiwan1, lan, wild, animal, rescue, centre, far, east, animal, farm, feng, hung, ku, bird, park, hsinchu, city, zoo, kaohsiung, zoo, leefoo, zoo, national, museum, of, marine, biology aquarium, ocean, world, yehliu, wanli, pintung, rescue, centre, taipei, zoo, taipei, thailandchiang, mai, night, safari, chiang, mai, zoo, crocodiles, farm, and, elephant, theme, show, sampran, nakorn, pathom, samutprakarn, crocodile, farm, and, zoo, dusit, zoo, elephant, nature, park, chiang, mai, province, khao, kheow, open, zoo, khao, kho, open, zoo, khao, suan, kwang, zoo, lopburi, zoo, nakhon, ratchasima, zoo, pata, zoo, bangkok, phuket, zoo, phuket, safari, park, kanchanaburi, kanchanaburi, 26, safari, world, songkhla, zoo, sriracha, tiger, zoo, chonburi, million, years, park, and, pattaya, crocodiles, farm, united, arab, emiratesal, ain, zoo, al, ain, dubai, zoo, dubai, emirates, park, zoo,, abu, dhabi, uzbekistantashkent, zoo, tashkent, vietnamsaigon, zoo, and, botanical, gardens, saigon, ha, noi, zoo, ha, noi, australia oceania, australiamain, article, list, of, zoos, australia, fijikula, eco, park, sigatoka, guamcushing, zoo, tumon, new, caledoniaparc, forestier, de, noumã©a, noumã©a, new, zealandauckland, zoo, auckland, brooklands, zoo, new, plymouth, caroline, bay, aviary, timaru, franklin, zoo, tuakau, hamilton, zoo, hamilton, kingdom, of, zion, whangarei, kiwi, birdlife, park, queenstown, kiwi, house,, otorohanga, living, art, wildlife, park, tauranga, natureland, zoo, nelson, orana, wildlife, park, christchurch, otago, museum, butterfly, house, dunedin, wellington, zoo, wellington, willowbank, wildlife, reserve, christchurch, papua, new, guineathe, rainforest, habitat, lae, europe, albaniatirana, zoo, tirana, austriaalpenzoo, innsbruck, innsbruck, haus, des, meeres, vienna, tiergarten, hellbrunn, salzburg, tiergarten, schã¶nbrunn, vienna, schloss, herberstein, zoo, and, nature, park, schloss, herberstein,, styria, zoo, salzburg, salzburg, zoo, schmiding, krenglbach, near, wels, belarusgrodno, zoo, grodno, minsk, zoo, minsk, belgiumantwerp, zoo, antwerp, olmen, zoo, olmen,, mol, pairi, daiza, cambron, casteau, planckendael, muizen,, mechelen28, bellewaerde, ieper, bosnia, and, herzegovinapionirska, dolina, sarajevo, trapisti, banja, luka, bulgarialovech, zoo, lovech, pleven, zoo, pleven, plovdiv, zoo, plovdiv, sofia, zoo, sofia, stara, zagora, zoo, stara, zagora, varna, zoo, varna, croatiabizik, family, zoo, naå¡ice, milec, family, zoo, ruå¡cica, osijek, zoo, osijek, split, zoo, split, zagreb, zoo, zagreb, cypruslimassol, zoo, czech, republicbrno, zoo, brno, chleby, zoo, chleby, homutov, zoo, chomutov, decã­n, zoo, decã­n, dvur, krã¡lovã©, zoo, dvur, krã¡lovã©, nad, labem, hodonã­n, zoo, hodonã­n, hlubokã¡, nad, vltavou, zoo,, hlubokã¡, nad, vltavou, jihlava, zoo, jihlava, liberec, zoo, liberec, olomouc, zoo, olomouc, ostrava, zoo, ostrava, plzen, zoo, plzen, prague, zoo, prague, ãšstã­, nad, labem, zoo, ãšstã­, nad, labem, zlã­n, leå¡nã¡, zoo, zlã­n, zoopark, vyå¡kov, vyå¡kov, zoopark, zã¡jezd, zã¡jezd, denmarkaalborg, zoo, aalborg, copenhagen, zoo, copenhagen, ebeltoft, zoo, ebeltoft, givskud, zoo, givskud, jesperhus, mors, island , odense, zoo, odense, randers, tropical, zoo, randers, ree, park, ebeltoft, safari, ebeltoft, estoniaelistvere, loomapark, elistvere,, jãµgeva, county, tallinn, zoo, tallinn, 1939 , finlandã„htã¤ri, zoo, escurial, zoo, and, flower, park27, kitee, zoo, korkeasaari,, an, island, zoo, outside, helsinki, 1889 , kuopio, zoo, orimattilan, kotielã¤inpuisto, orimattila, pikkukili, lieksa28, ranua, zoo, ranua, sã¤rkã¤nniemi, childrens, zoo, tampere, tropicario, helsinki., zoolandia, near, turku, francecitadel, of, besanã§on, besanã§on, cleres, zoological, park, clã¨res, jardin, zoologique, dacclimatation, du, bois, de, boulogne, paris, jardin, zoologique, de, la, tãªte, dor, parc, de, la, tãªte, dor,, lyon, la, palmyre, zoo, les, mathes, la, vallã©e, des, singes, romagne, mã©nagerie, du, jardin, des, plantes, paris, parc, animalier, de, sainte, croix, rhodes, parc, des, fã©lins, nesles, parc, des, oiseaux, villars, les, dombes29, parc, phå“nix, nice, parc, zoologique, de, la, haute, touche, obterre, parc, zoologique, de, lunaret, montpellier, parc, zoologique, et, botanique, de, mulhouse, mulhouse, planete, sauvage, safari, park , port, saint, pã¨re, rã©serve, africaine, &, parc, zoologique, et, botanique, de, thoiry, thoiry, rã©serve, africaine, de, sigean, sigean, safari, de, peaugres, peaugres, zoo, and, botanical, garden, of, branfã©rã©, le, guerno, zoo, damnã©ville, amnã©ville, zoo, de, cerza, hermival, les, vaux, zoo, de, douã©, douã©, la, fontaine, zoo, de, la, flã¨che, la, flã¨che, zoo, de, vincennes, paris, zooparc, de, beauval, saint, aignan, sur, cher, germanymain, article, list, of, zoos, germany, gibraltaralameda, wildlife, conservation, park, greeceattica, zoological, park, athens, zoological, park, of, st., paul, thessaloniki, hungarybudakeszi, wildlife, park, budakeszi, budapest, zoo, &, botanical, garden, budapest, debrecen, zoo, jã¡szberã©ny, zoo, &, botanical, garden, kittenberger, kã¡lmã¡n, zoo, &, botanica, l, garden, veszprã©m, miskolc, zoo, pã©cs, zoo, sã³stã³, zoo, nyã­regyhã¡za, szeged, wildlife, park, tropicarium, budapest, xantus, jã¡nos, zoo, gyor, irelanddublin, zoo, phoenix, park,, dublin, fota, wildlife, park, county, cork, italyparco, faunistico, cappeller, cartigliano,, vicenza30, bioparco, di, roma, rome, lo, zoo, di, napoli, naples, parco, natura, viva, bussolengo, parco, faunistico, le, cornelle, valrembo, zoo, di, pistoia, pistoia, villa, dorleans, palermo, parco, zoo, falconara, ancona, parco, zoo, di, lignano, sabbiadoro, zoosafari, fasanolandia, fasano, latviariga, zoo, latgales, zoo, daugavpils31, lithuanialithuanian, zoo, kaunas, macedoniabitola, zoo, bitola, skopje, zoo, skopje, moldovachisinau, zoo,, chisinau, monacojardin, animalier, netherlandsapenheul, apeldoorn, apes, and, monkeys, only,, most, of, them, not, separated, from, public , artis, amsterdam, bestzoo, best, burgers, zoo, arnhem, castle, arcen, arcen, dierenpark, amersfoort, amersfoort, dierenpark, emmen, emmen, dierenpark, &, reptielenhuis, de, oliemeulen, tilburg, dierenpark, tilburg, tilburg, closed , dierenpark, wissel, epe, dierenrijk, mierlodiergaarde, blijdorp,, rotterdam, dolfinarium, harderwijk, gaiapark, kerkrade, zoo, kerkrade, ouwehands, dierenpark, rhenen, rhenen, papegaaienpark, nop, oerle, reptielenzoo, serpo, delft, safaripark, beekse, bergen, hilvarenbeek, taman, indonesia, kallenkote, uilen, en, dierenpark, de, paay, beesd, vogelpark, avifauna, alphen, aan, den, rijn, zoo, labyrinth, boekelo, boekelo, zoo, park, overloon, overloon, norwaykristiansand, zoo, and, amusement, park, kristiansand, namsskogan, familiepark32, polar, zoo, bardu33, vassfaret, bear, park, flã¥34, polandmiejski, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, wybrzeza, w, gdansku, oliwie, gdansk, ogrã³d, zoobotaniczny, w, toruniu, torun, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, krakowie, krakã³w, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, lodzi, lã³dz, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, plocku, plock, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, poznaniu, poznan, stare, zoo, nowe, zoo, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, zamosciu, zamosc, silesian, zoological, garden, chorzã³w, warsaw, zoo, warsaw, zoo, opole, opole, zoological, garden, wroclaw, wroclaw, portugalbadoca, safari, park, vila, nova, de, santo, andrã©35, lisbon, zoo, lisbon, parque, biolã³gico, de, gaia, vila, nova, de, gaia36, parque, zoolã³gico, de, lagos, lagos37, zoo, de, lourosa, lourosa38, zoo, da, maia, maia39, zoomarine, albufeira,, algarve40, zoo, santo, inã¡cio, zoo, santo, inã¡cio, vngaia41, romaniabaia, mare, zoological, garden, baia, mare, braov, zoological, garden, braov, cartierul, noua42, braila, zoological, garden, braila, bucov, zoological, garden, bucov, near, ploiesti, buhusi, zoological, garden, buhusi, near, bacau, calarasi, zoological, garden, calarasi, caracal, zoological, garden, caracal, craiova, zoological, garden, craiova, focsani, zoological, garden, focsani, galati, zoological, garden, galati, iasi, zoological, garden, iasi, onesti, zoological, garden, onesti, oradea, zoological, garden, oradea, piatra, neamt, zoological, garden, piatra, neamt, pitesti, zoological, garden, pitesti, rã¢mnicu, vã¢lcea, zoological, garden, rã¢mnicu, vã¢lcea, slatina, zoological, garden, slatina, tã¢rgoviste, zoological, garden, tã¢rgoviste, tecuci, zoological, garden, tecuci, timisoara, zo, ological, garden, timisoara43, zarnesti, zoological, garden, zarnesti, near, braov, zoo, baneasa, bucharest, zoo, bã¢rlad, bã¢rlad, zoo, hunedoara, hunedoara, zoo, resita, resita, zoo, sibiu, sibiu, zoo, tã¢rgu, mures, tã¢rgu, mures44, russiaabakan, wildlife, cente, abakan, cheboksary, zoo, cheboksary, chita, zoo, chita, ekaterinburg, zoo, ekaterinburgivanovo, zoo, ivanovo, kaliningrad, zoo, kaliningrad , kazan, zoo, kazan, khabarovsk, zoo, khabarovsk, krasnoyarsk, park, of, flory, and, fauny, roev, ruchei, krasnoyarsk, leningrad, zoo, saint, petersburg, lipetsk, zoo, lipetsk, moscow, zoo, moscow, novosibirsk, zoo, novosibirsk, omsk, zoo, bolshereche,, omsk, penza, zoo, penza, perm, zoo, perm, rostov, on, don, zoo, rostov, on, don, samara, zoo, samara, tula, exotarium, tula, yakutsk, zoo, yakutsk, serbiabelgrade, zoo, belgrade, beogradski, zoo, vrt, dobre, nade, belgrade, good, hope, zoological, garden , jagodina, zoo, jagodina, palic, zoo, palic, bor, zoo, bor, zoo, park, koki, indija, zoo, miki, kolut, slovakiabojnice, zoo, bojnice, bratislava, zoo, bratisla, va, koå¡ice, zoo, koå¡ice, spiå¡skã¡, novã¡, ves, zoo, spiå¡skã¡, novã¡, ves, zoo, stropkov, stropkov, slovenialjubljana, zoo, ljubljana, spainbarcelona, zoo, barcelona, las, ãguilas, jungle, park, tenerife, loro, parque, tenerife, mundomar, benidorm, parque, de, la, naturaleza, de, cabã¡rceno, obregã³n45, parque, zoolã³gico, de, guadalajara, guadalajara46, parque, zoolã³gico, y, jardã­n, botã¡nico, alberto, durã¡n, jerez, de, la, frontera47, rancho, texas, park, lanzarote, terra, natura, murcia, valencia, bioparc, valencia48, zoo, aquarium, de, madrid, madrid, zoo, de, fuengirola, mã¡laga49, zoo, de, santillana, santillana, del, mar, zoo, de, sevilla, seville50, swedenborã¥s, djurpark, borã¥s, frã¶sã¶, zoo, frã¶sã¶n, furuviksparken, gã¤vle, grã¶nã¥sens, ã„lgpark, kosta, orsa, grã¶nklitt, orsa, gutezoo, ljugarn, jã¤rvzoo, jã¤rvsã¶, junsele, djur, och, nã¶jespark, junsele, kolmã¥rden, wildlife, park, brã¥viken, bay, lycksele, zoo, lycksele, motala, zoo.gangnam style baby justin bieber featuring ludacris on the floor jennifer lopez featuring pitbull love the way you lie eminem featuring rihanna party rock anthem lmfao featuring lauren bennett and goonrock charlie bit my finger – again! harry and charlie davies-carrwaka waka this time for africa shakirabad romance lady gagaai se eu te pego michel telã³ call me maybe carly rae jepsen, danza kuduro don omar featuring lucenzo , not afraid eminem rain over me pitbull featuring marc anthony rolling in the deep adele somebody that i used to know gotye featuring kimbra the lazy song bruno mars never say never justin bieber featuring jaden smith what makes you beautiful one direction firework katy perry party in the u.s.a. miley cyrus super bass nicki minaj oppa is just my style psy & hyuna one time justin bieber the gummy bear song gummibã¤r whats my name rihanna featuring drake grenade bruno mars just the way you are bruno mars give me everything pitbull featuring ne-yo, afrojack, and nayer only girl in the world rihanna sexy and i know it lmfao aiken drum scotlanda was an apple pie englanda wise old owl usaa-tisket, a-tasket usaas i was going by charing cross englandas i was going to st ives englandbaa, baa, black sheep englandbilly boy usabingo englandbobby shaftos gone to sea englandbye, baby bunting englandcock a doodle doo englanddid you ever see a lassie usa scotlanddiddle, diddle, dumpling, my son john englandding dong bell englanddoctor foster englandeeny, meeny, miny, moe britain or usaeeper weeper englandfive little speckled frogs usafrog went a-courting englandgeorgie porgie englandgirls and boys come out to play englandgoosey goosey gander englandhere we go round the mulberry bush englandhey diddle diddle englandhickory dickory dock englandhot cross buns englandhow many miles to babylon scotlandhumpty dumpty englandif wishes were horses, beggars would ride britaini do not like thee, doctor fell englandi had a little nut tree englandi love little pussy englandits raining, its pouring usaitsy bitsy spider usajack and jill englandjackanory englandjack be nimble englandjack sprat englandladybird ladybird britainlavenders blue englandlittle arabella miller usalittle bo peep englandlittle boy blue englandlittle jack horner englandlittle miss muffet englandlittle poll parrot englandlittle robin redbreast englandlittle tommy tucker englandlondon bridge is falling down englandlucy locket england or usamary had a little lamb usamary, mary, quite contrary englandmatthew, mark, luke and john britainmondays child englandneedles and pins englandnow i lay me down to sleep usanuts in may englandold king cole englandold mcdonald had a farm usaold mother hubbard englandon top of old smoky usaone for sorrow britainone, two, buckle my shoe england or usaone, two, three, four, five englandoranges and lemons englandpat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, bakers man englandpease porridge hot englandpeter peter pumpkin eater usapeter piper englandpolly put the kettle on englandpoor mary englandpop goes the weasel englandpretty little dutch girl usathe queen of hearts britainpussy cat pussy cat britainrain rain go away englandride a cock horse to banbury cross englandring a ring o roses englandrock-a-bye baby englandroses are red englandround and round the garden britainrow, row, row your boat usarub a dub dub englandsee saw margery daw britainsimple simon englandsing a song of sixpence englandsolomon grundy britainstar light, star bright usasticks and stones britaintaffy was a welshman englandten little indians usathe farmer in the dell germanythe grand old duke of york englandthe lion and the unicorn englandthe muffin man englandthere was a crooked man britainthere was an old woman who lived in a shoe englandthere was an old woman who lived under a hill englandthree wise men of gotham englandthis is the house that jack built englandthis little piggy englandthis old man englandthree blind mice englandthree little kittens usatinker, tailor englandto market, to market englandtom, tom, the pipers son britaintweedledum and tweedledee britaintwinkle twinkle little star britaintwo little dickie birds britainwee willie winkie scotlandwhat are little boys made of britainwho killed cock robin englandwind the bobbin up englandafrica algeriaalgiers zoooran zoobeninjardin botanique et zoologique de luniversitã© dabomey-calaviburkina fasoouagadougou zoocameroonmvog-betsi zoo - yaoundã©ongo, democratic republic of thejardin zoologique et botanique dealaparc zoologique de lubumbashizoo national de kinshasacã´te divoireabidjan zooegyptalexandria zoogiza zooqariyet el assad lions village ethiopiaaddis ababa lion zooghanakumasi zookenyamwaluganje elephant sanctuary - kwale district, coast provincelibyatripoli zoo - tripolibenghazi zoo il bosco - benghazimadagascartsimbazaza zoo - antananarivocroc farm - antananarivolemurs park - near antananarivo parc ivoloina - toamasinamadagascar exotic - marozevoparc endemika - sainte-mariemalawiblantyre zoological gardensmalibamako zoomoroccojardins exotiques de bouknadelparc zoologique de rabatmozambiquejardim zoolã³gico de moã§ambique - maputonigeriaabuja childrens zoo - abujaaudu bako zoo - kanoenugu zoo - enuguibadan university zoo - ibadanjos wildlife parksanda kyarimi zoo - maidugurisenegalparcs forestier et zoologique de hann - dakarsouth africabester birds and animals zoo parkbloemfontein zooeast london zoological gardensemerald zoo vanderbijlparkhartebeesport dam snake and animal parkjohannesburg zoolory park zoonational zoo - pretoriathe elephant sanctuary plettenberg bay - plettenberg bay the elephant sanctuary hartbeespoort dam - hartbeespoort dam the elephant sanctuary hazyview - hazyview world of birds wildlife sanctuary and monkey park - cape town sudankhartoum zootanzaniadar es salaam zoo - dar es salaam saa nane museum and zoo - mwanzatunisiazoo du parc de belvedere, tunisfriguia park, bouficha ugandauganda wildlife education centre - entebbe zambiamunda wanga zoo - lusaka asia afghanistankabul zoo - kabularmeniayerevan zoo - yerevanazerbaijanbaku zoo - bakubangladeshmain article list of zoos in bangladeshbhutanmotithang takin preserve - motithangchinabadaling safari worldbeijing zoobifengxia wild animal parkchengdu zoodalian forest zoo angzhou zooharbin northern forest zooguangzhou zooguangzhou panyu chime-long night zooguangzhou xiangjian safari parkjinan safari parknanjing hongshan forest zooqingdao forest wildlife worldqingdao zooshanghai zooshanghai wild animal parkshenzhen safari parksuzhou zootianjin zooedward youde aviary - hong kong parkhong kong wetland parkhong kong zoological and botanical gardenskadoorie farm and botanic gardenlai chi kok zoo closed ocean park hong kongbreeding centersbifengxia giant panda basechengdu research base of giant panda breedingwolong giant panda breeding center - sichuan indiamain article list of zoos in india indonesiabatu secret zoo, batu - east javabali safari and marine park, gianyar - balibali zoo, ubud - balikebun binatang bandung - bandung, west javakebun binatang surabaya - surabaya, east javakebun binatang gembiraloka - yogyakartakebun binatang ragunan - jakartataman safari - bogor, west javataman safari ii - pasuruan, east java iranvakil abad zoo, mashhadamol zoobandar abbas zoodarabad museum of wildlife, tehranisfahan zootehran zoo, tehraniraqbaghdad zooisraelarena tropical world - herzliyabeer sheba municipal zoological garden - beershebacarmel hai-bar nature reserve - haifachildrens zoo - saadeducational zoo of the haifa biological institute - haifahai kef - rishon lezionhai park - kiryat motzkinhamat-gader crocodile farm, terrarium and mini zoo - hamat gaderi. meier segals garden for zoological research - tel avivjerusalem bird observatory - jerusalemmonkey park - kfar danielnahariya zoo-botanical garden - nahariyanir-david australian animal park - nir davidpetah tikva zoo - petah tikvatel-aviv bird park - tel avivtisch family biblical zoological gardens - jerusalemzoological center of tel aviv-ramat gan - ramat ganjapanmain article list of zoos in japankazakhstanalmaty zoo - almatykaraganda zoo - karagandashymkent zoo - shymkenttemirtau aquapark of childrens park - temirtaunorth koreakorea central zoo - pyongyangsouth koreabusan childrens grand park - busaneverland zoo-topia - yonginseoul childrens zoo - gwacheonseoul grand park zoo - gwacheonkuwaitkuwait zoo - kuwait cityal omariyamacautwo dragon throat public gardenmalaysiakuala lumpur bird park - kuala lumpurzoo melaka - ayer keroh, malaccanational zoo of malaysia zoo negara - ulu klang, kuala lumpurzoo taiping - taiping, peraklok kawi wildlife park - lok kawi, sabahzoo johor - johor bahru, johorzoo terengganu - kemaman, terengganusunway lagoon wildlife park - petaling jaya, selangorsunway petting zoo - subang jaya, selangorlost world petting zoo - ipoh, perakkuala krai mini zoo - kuala krai, kelantanbutterfly & reptiles sanctuary - malaccakuala lumpur butterfly park - kuala lumpurpenang butterfly farm - teluk bahang, penangbukit jambul orchid, hibiscus and reptile farm, penangtaman teruntum mini zoo - taman teruntum, pahangkuala lumpur deer park - kuala lumpurdanga bay mini zoo - danga bay, johorafamosa animal world safari - alor gajah, malaccalangkawi bird paradise - langkawi, kedahsnake and reptile farm - perlislangkawi crocodile farm - langkawi, kedahayer keroh crocodile farm - ayer keroh, malaccajong crocodile farm - kuching, sarawaksandakan crocodile farm - sandakan, sabahmyanmaryadanabon zoological gardens - mandalaynepalcentral zoo, jawalakhelpakistanmain article list of zoos in pakistanpalestinian territoriesgaza zoo - gazaqalqilya zoo - west bankphilippinesalbay park and wildlife - legazpi city, albay animal island zoo - binakayan, kawit, cavite 1animal wonderland - star city, pasay cityark avilon zoo - frontera verde, ortigas avenue, pasig cityave maria sanctuary and park - carcar city, cebuavilon zoo - rodriguez, rizalbaluarte zoo - vigan city, ilocos sur 1birds international - quezon citybotolan wildlife farm - san juan, botolan, zambales 1cavite city zoological and botanical park - sampaguita road, seabreeze subdivision, santa cruz, cavite city, cavitecebu city zoo and conservation zoo - calunasan, cebu city, cebucorregidor aviary and theme park - corregidor island, cavitecrocolandia foundation - biasong, talisay city, cebudavao crocodile park - diversion highway, ma-a, davao city 1dfamily park mini-zoo - talamban, cebu city, cebueden nature park and resort - toril, davao city 1father tropas spaceship 200zoo - zamboanguita, negros orientallaguna wildlife park and rescue center - la vista pansol complex, pansol, calamba city, lagunalombija wildlife park and heritage resort - napandong, nueva valencia, guimaras 1lungsod kalikasan - quezon citymalabon zoo and aquarium - governor pascual street, potrero, malabon citymanila orchidarium and butterfly pavilion - rizal park, manilamanila zoological and botanical garden, m. adriatico street, malate, manilamari-it wildlife conservation park - lambunao, iloilomaze park and resort mini-zoo - mimbalot buru-un, iligan city, lanao del nortenegros forests & ecological foundation - south capitol road, bacolod city, negros occidental 1ninoy aquino parks & wildlife center - diliman, quezon citypalawan butterfly garden - santa monica, puerto princesa city, palawanpalawan wildlife rescue and conservation center - irawan, puerto princesa city, palawanparadizoo - mendez, cavite 1paradise reptile zoo - puerto galera, oriental mindorophilippine eagle center - malagos, davao city 1philippine tarsier and wildlife sanctuary - corella, bohol 2racsos woodland mini-hotel and wildlife resort - rizal-tuguisan, guimbal, iloiloresidence inn mini-zoo - barrio neogan, tagaytay city, cavite 2san fernando mini-zoo and butterfly sanctuary - san fernando city, la unionsagbayan peak tarsier sanctuary and butterfly dome - sagbayan, bohol 2silangang nayon mini-zoo - pagbilao, quezonsilliman university center for tropical conservation studies also known as the a.y. reyes zoological and botanical garden - ipil street, daro, dumaguete city 2silliman university marine laboratory - bantayan, dumaguete city 2win rescue center - subic bay freeport zone, zambaleszoo paradise of the world - zamboanguita, negros orientalzoobic safari - subic, zambales 2zoocobia fun zoo - clark freeport zone, angeles city, pampanga 2qatardoha zoo - dohasingaporejurong bird parkjurong reptile park closed 2006 night safari - singaporeriver safarisingapore crocodile farm closed 2012 singapore zoosri lankaahungalla animal parkdehiwala zoopinnawala elephant orphanagepinnawala elephant safari 2taiwan1-lan wild animal rescue centrefar east animal farmfeng-hung-ku bird parkhsinchu city zookaohsiung zooleefoo zoonational museum of marine biology aquariumocean world - yehliu wanlipintung rescue centretaipei zoo - taipei thailandchiang mai night safarichiang mai zoocrocodiles farm and elephant theme show sampran - nakorn pathomsamutprakarn crocodile farm and zoodusit zooelephant nature park - chiang mai provincekhao kheow open zookhao kho open zookhao suan kwang zoolopburi zoonakhon ratchasima zoopata zoo - bangkokphuket zoo - phuketsafari park kanchanaburi - kanchanaburi 2safari worldsongkhla zoosriracha tiger zoo - chonburithe million years park and pattaya crocodiles farmunited arab emiratesal ain zoo - al aindubai zoo - dubaiemirates park zoo, abu dhabiuzbekistantashkent zoo - tashkentvietnamsaigon zoo and botanical gardens - saigonha noi zoo - ha noiaustralia oceania australiamain article list of zoos in australiafijikula eco park - sigatokaguamcushing zoo - tumonnew caledoniaparc forestier de noumã©a - noumã©anew zealandauckland zoo - aucklandbrooklands zoo - new plymouthcaroline bay aviary - timarufranklin zoo - tuakauhamilton zoo - hamiltonkingdom of zion - whangareikiwi birdlife park - queenstownkiwi house, otorohangaliving art wildlife park - tauranganatureland zoo - nelsonorana wildlife park - christchurchotago museum butterfly house - dunedinwellington zoo - wellingtonwillowbank wildlife reserve - christchurchpapua new guineathe rainforest habitat - laeeurope albaniatirana zoo - tiranaaustriaalpenzoo innsbruck - innsbruckhaus des meeres - viennatiergarten hellbrunn - salzburgtiergarten schã¶nbrunn - viennaschloss herberstein zoo and nature park - schloss herberstein, styriazoo salzburg - salzburgzoo schmiding - krenglbach near welsbelarusgrodno zoo - grodnominsk zoo - minskbelgiumantwerp zoo - antwerpolmen zoo - olmen, molpairi daiza - cambron-casteauplanckendael - muizen, mechelen 2bellewaerde - ieperbosnia and herzegovinapionirska dolina - sarajevotrapisti - banja lukabulgarialovech zoo - lovechpleven zoo - plevenplovdiv zoo - plovdivsofia zoo - sofiastara zagora zoo - stara zagoravarna zoo - varnacroatiabizik family zoo - naå¡icemilec family zoo - ruå¡cicaosijek zoo - osijeksplit zoo - splitzagreb zoo - zagrebcypruslimassol zooczech republicbrno zoo - brnochleby zoo - chlebychomutov zoo - chomutovdecã­n zoo - decã­ndvur krã¡lovã© zoo - dvur krã¡lovã© nad labemhodonã­n zoo - hodonã­nhlubokã¡ nad vltavou zoo, hlubokã¡ nad vltavoujihlava zoo - jihlavaliberec zoo - liberecolomouc zoo - olomoucostrava zoo - ostravaplzen zoo - plzenprague zoo - pragueãšstã­ nad labem zoo - ãšstã­ nad labemzlã­n - leå¡nã¡ zoo - zlã­nzoopark vyå¡kov - vyå¡kovzoopark zã¡jezd - zã¡jezddenmarkaalborg zoo - aalborgcopenhagen zoo - copenhagenebeltoft zoo - ebeltoftgivskud zoo - givskudjesperhus - mors island odense zoo - odenseranders tropical zoo - randersree park - ebeltoft safari - ebeltoftestoniaelistvere loomapark - elistvere, jãµgeva countytallinn zoo - tallinn 1939 finlandã„htã¤ri zooescurial zoo and flower park 2kitee zookorkeasaari, an island zoo outside helsinki 1889 kuopio zooorimattilan kotielã¤inpuisto - orimattilapikkukili - lieksa 3ranua zoo - ranuasã¤rkã¤nniemi childrens zoo - tamperetropicario - helsinki.zoolandia - near turkufrancecitadel of besanã§on - besanã§oncleres zoological park - clã¨resjardin zoologique dacclimatation du bois de boulogne - parisjardin zoologique de la tãªte dor - parc de la tãªte dor, lyonla palmyre zoo - les mathesla vallã©e des singes - romagnemã©nagerie du jardin des plantes - parisparc animalier de sainte-croix - rhodesparc des fã©lins - neslesparc des oiseaux - villars-les-dombes 3parc phå“nix - niceparc zoologique de la haute-touche - obterreparc zoologique de lunaret - montpellierparc zoologique et botanique de mulhouse - mulhouseplanete sauvage safari park - port-saint-pã¨rerã©serve africaine & parc zoologique et botanique de thoiry - thoiryrã©serve africaine de sigean - sigeansafari de peaugres - peaugreszoo and botanical garden of branfã©rã© - le guernozoo damnã©ville - amnã©villezoo de cerza - hermival-les-vauxzoo de douã© - douã©-la-fontainezoo de la flã¨che - la flã¨chezoo de vincennes - pariszooparc de beauval - saint-aignan-sur-chergermanymain article list of zoos in germanygibraltaralameda wildlife conservation parkgreeceattica zoological park - athenszoological park of st. paul - thessalonikihungarybudakeszi wildlife park - budakeszibudapest zoo & botanical garden - budapestdebrecen zoojã¡szberã©ny zoo & botanical gardenkittenberger kã¡lmã¡n zoo & botanical garden - veszprã©mmiskolc zoopã©cs zoosã³stã³ zoo - nyã­regyhã¡zaszeged wildlife parktropicarium - budapestxantus jã¡nos zoo - gyorirelanddublin zoo - phoenix park, dublinfota wildlife park - county corkitalyparco faunistico cappeller - cartigliano, vicenza 3bioparco di roma - romelo zoo di napoli - naplesparco natura viva - bussolengoparco faunistico le cornelle - valrembozoo di pistoia - pistoiavilla dorleans - palermoparco zoo falconara - anconaparco zoo di lignano sabbiadorozoosafari fasanolandia - fasanolatviariga zoolatgales zoo - daugavpils 3lithuanialithuanian zoo - kaunasmacedoniabitola zoo - bitolaskopje zoo - skopjemoldovachisinau zoo, chisinaumonacojardin animaliernetherlandsapenheul - apeldoorn apes and monkeys only, most of them not separated from the public artis - amsterdambestzoo - bestburgers zoo - arnhemcastle arcen - arcendierenpark amersfoort - amersfoortdierenpark emmen - emmendierenpark & reptielenhuis de oliemeulen - tilburgdierenpark tilburg - tilburg closed dierenpark wissel - epedierenrijk - mierlodiergaarde blijdorp, rotterdamdolfinarium - harderwijkgaiapark kerkrade zoo - kerkradeouwehands dierenpark rhenen - rhenenpapegaaienpark nop - oerlereptielenzoo serpo - delftsafaripark beekse bergen - hilvarenbeektaman indonesia - kallenkoteuilen- en dierenpark de paay - beesdvogelpark avifauna - alphen aan den rijnzoo labyrinth boekelo - boekelozoo park overloon - overloonnorwaykristiansand zoo and amusement park - kristiansandnamsskogan familiepark 3polar zoo - bardu 3vassfaret bear park - fl㥠3polandmiejski ogrã³d zoologiczny wybrzeza w gdansku-oliwie - gdanskogrã³d zoobotaniczny w toruniu - torunogrã³d zoologiczny w krakowie - krakã³wogrã³d zoologiczny w lodzi - lã³dzogrã³d zoologiczny w plocku - plockogrã³d zoologiczny w poznaniu - poznan stare zoonowe zooogrã³d zoologiczny w zamosciu - zamoscsilesian zoological garden - chorzã³wwarsaw zoo - warsawzoo opole - opolezoological garden in wroclaw - wroclawportugalbadoca safari park - vila nova de santo andrã© 3lisbon zoo - lisbonparque biolã³gico de gaia - vila nova de gaia 3parque zoolã³gico de lagos - lagos 3zoo de lourosa - lourosa 4zoo da maia - maia 4zoomarine - albufeira, algarve 4zoo santo inã¡cio - zoo santo inã¡cio - vngaia 4romaniabaia mare zoological garden - baia marebraov zoological garden - braov cartierul noua 4braila zoological garden - brailabucov zoological garden - bucov near ploiestibuhusi zoological garden - buhusi near bacaucalarasi zoological garden - calarasicaracal zoological garden - caracalcraiova zoological garden - craiovafocsani zoological garden - focsanigalati zoological garden - galatiiasi zoological garden - iasionesti zoological garden - onestioradea zoological garden - oradeapiatra neamt zoological garden - piatra neamtpitesti zoological garden - pitestirã¢mnicu vã¢lcea zoological garden - rã¢mnicu vã¢lceaslatina zoological garden - slatinatã¢rgoviste zoological garden - tã¢rgovistetecuci zoological garden - tecucitimisoara zoological garden - timisoara 4zarnesti zoological garden - zarnesti near braovzoo baneasa - bucharestzoo bã¢rlad - bã¢rladzoo hunedoara - hunedoarazoo resita - resitazoo sibiu - sibiuzoo tã¢rgu mures - tã¢rgu mures 4 russiaabakan wildlife cente - abakancheboksary zoo - cheboksarychita zoo - chitaekaterinburg zoo - ekaterinburgivanovo zoo - ivanovokaliningrad zoo - kaliningrad kazan zoo - kazankhabarovsk zoo - khabarovskkrasnoyarsk park of flory and fauny roev ruchei - krasnoyarskleningrad zoo - saint petersburglipetsk zoo - lipetskmoscow zoo - moscownovosibirsk zoo - novosibirskomsk zoo - bolshereche, omskpenza zoo - penzaperm zoo - permrostov-on-don zoo - rostov-on-donsamara zoo - samaratula exotarium - tulayakutsk zoo - yakutsk serbiabelgrade zoo - belgrade beogradski zoo vrt dobre nade - belgrade good hope zoological garden jagodina zoo - jagodinapalic zoo - palicbor zoo - borzoo park koki - indijazoo miki - kolut slovakiabojnice zoo - bojnicebratislava zoo - bratislavakoå¡ice zoo - koå¡icespiå¡skã¡ novã¡ ves zoo - spiå¡skã¡ novã¡ veszoo stropkov - stropkov slovenialjubljana zoo - ljubljana spainbarcelona zoo - barcelonacabarceno natural park - cantabrialas ãguilas jungle park - tenerifeloro parque - tenerifemundomar - benidormparque de la naturaleza de cabã¡rceno - obregã³n 4parque zoolã³gico de guadalajara - guadalajara 4parque zoolã³gico y jardã­n botã¡nico alberto durã¡n - jerez de la frontera 4rancho texas park - lanzaroteterra natura - murciavalencia bioparc - valencia 5zoo aquarium de madrid - madridzoo de fuengirola - mã¡laga 5zoo de santillana - santillana del marzoo de sevilla - seville 5 swedenborã¥s djurpark - borã¥sfrã¶s㶠zoo - frã¶sã¶nfuruviksparken - gã¤vlegrã¶nã¥sens ã„lgpark - kostaorsa grã¶nklitt - orsagutezoo - ljugarnjã¤rvzoo - jã¤rvsã¶junsele djur- och nã¶jespark - junselekolmã¥rden wildlife park - brã¥viken baylycksele zoo - lyckselemotala zoo - motalanordens ark - bohuslã¤nã–lands djur- och nã¶jespark - fã¤rjestaden, ã–landparken zoo - eskilstunaskã¥nes djurpark - hã¶ã¶r only containing nordic species skansen - stockholmslottsskogens djurpark - gã¶teborgystad djurpark - ystad switzerlandknies kinderzoo - rapperswiltierpark dã¤hlhã¶lzli - berntierpark goldau - goldautierpark lange erlen - baselwildpark bruderhaus - winterthurle bois du petit chateau - la chaux-de-fondswildpark langenberg - langnau am albiswildpark peter und paul - st. gallenzoo basel - baselzã¼rich zoologischer garten - zã¼rich turkeyankara zoo - ankarasoganli zoo - bursadarica zoo - istanbulnatural life park of sasali - izmirgaziantep zoo - gazianteppolonezkã¶y animal park - polonezkã¶ysile zoo - sile ukrainekharkiv zookherson zookiev zooodessa zooyalta zoo united kingdommain page template british zoosafrica alive - east angliaamazon world zoo - isle of wightamazona - east angliaamazonia world of reptiles - east angliabanham zoo - east angliabeale park - berkshire, englandbelfast zoo - belfast, northern irelandbelle vue zoological gardens - manchester closed 1977 birdland park and gardens - bourton-on-the-water, gloucestershirebirdworld - surrey, englandbirmingham nature centre - birminghamblackbrook zoological park - staffordshireblackpool zoo - lancashireblair drummond safari park - stirlingshire, scotlandborth animalarium - mid walesbristol zoo gardens - bristolbutterfly and wildlife park - lincolnshire 5camperdown wildlife centre part of camperdown country park - dundeechessington zoo - londonchester zoo - cheshirecolchester zoo - east angliacotswold wildlife park - oxfordshirecricket st thomas wildlife park - somersetcurraghs wildlife park - isle of mandartmoor zoological park - devondrayton manor zoo - part of drayton manor theme park, staffordshiredrusillas zoo park - east sussexdudley zoo - west midlandsdurrell wildlife park - jersey, channel islandsedinburgh zoo - edinburgh, scotlandexmoor zoo - devonfive sisters zoo - west calder, scotlandflamingo land resort - north yorkshirefolly farm adventure park and zooglasgow zoo - glasgow, scotland closed 2003 hamerton zoo - east angliaharewood bird gardens - at harewood house, west yorkshirethe hawk conservancy - hampshirehighland wildlife park - highland, scotlandhowletts wild animal park - kentinternational centre for birds of prey - gloucestershireisle of wight zoo - isle of wightknaresborough zoo - north yorkshire closed 1985 knowsley safari park - merseysidelakeland wildlife oasis - cumbrialinton zoological gardens - east anglialondon zoo - londonlongleat safari park - wiltshirelotherton hall bird garden - aberford, leeds, west yorkshiremanchester zoological gardens - broughton, salfordmarwell wildlife - hampshiremonkey world - dorsetnew forest wildlife park - hampshirenewquay zoo - cornwallnoahs ark zoo farm - bristolpaignton zoo - devonparadise park, cornwall - cornwallparadise wildlife park - hertfordshirepettitts animal adventure park - east angliaplantasia - swansea, walesport lympne wild animal park - kentsealife great yarmouth - east angliaseaview wildlife encounter - isle of wightshaldon wildlife trust - devonsouth lakes wild animal park - cumbriasouthport zoo - merseyside closed 2004 surrey zoological gardens - kenningtonthe living rainforest - berkshiretropiquaria - west somersetthrigby hall - east angliatropical world at roundhay park - leedstwycross zoo - leicestershirewales ape and monkey sanctuary formerly cefn-yr-erw primate sanctuary - waleswelsh mountain zoo - north waleswest midland safari park - worcestershirewetheriggs zoo and animal sanctuary - cumbriawhipsnade zoo - east angliawildwood discovery park - kentwindsor safari park - windsorwingham wildlife park - kentwoburn safari park - bedfordshireyorkshire wildlife park - doncaster north america belizebelize zoo bermudabermuda aquarium, museum and zoo canadamain article list of zoos in canada costa ricaafrica miainstituto clodomiro picadojardin de las mariposasla marina animal rescue centerla paz waterfall gardenslas pumas cat zoomundo de los insectosmonkey parkparque viboranaparque zoolã³gico nacional simã³n bolã­varranarium - monteverdereptilandiasnaketour serpentariumspirogyra jardin de mariposasthe ara project - alajuelatropical frog gardenworld of snakeszoo ave guatemalaauto safari chapinla aurora zoo mexicoafricam safari - pueblachapultepec zoo - mexico cityguadalajara zoo - guadalajara, jaliscoparque de aragã³n zoo - mexico cityparque loro - pueblazoo leã³n - leã³n, guanajuatozoofari - cuernavaca, moreloszoolã³gico benito juã¡rez - morelia, michoacã¡nzoolã³gico los coyotes - mexico cityzoolã³gico zacango - toluca, mã©xico statezoomat - tuxtla gutiã©rrez, chiapas panamaparque municipal summit - panama city puerto ricodr. juan a. rivero zoo - mayagã¼ez united statesmain article list of zoos in the united states south america argentinabubalcã³ - general roca, rã­o negrobuenos aires zoo - buenos airesestaciã³n de crã­a de animales salvajes - la plata, buenos aires provincemar del plata aquarium - mar del plata, buenos aires provincemendoza zoological park - mendoza, mendoza provincemundo marino - san clemente del tuyãº, buenos aires provinceparque independencia bahã­a blanca zoo - bahã­a blanca, buenos aires provincerawson zoo - rawson, chubut provincetemaikã¨n - belã©n de escobar, buenos aires provincezoo batã¡n - mar del plata, buenos aires provincezoo cã³rdoba - cã³rdoba, cã³rdoba provincezoo corrientes - corrientes, corrientes provincezoo de amã©rica - rivadavia, buenos aires province 2zoo de varela - florencio varela, buenos aires provincezoo la plata - la plata, buenos aires provincezoo lujã¡n - lujã¡n, buenos aires provincezoo paraiso - mar del plata, buenos aires provincezoo yku huasi - malvinas argentinas, buenos aires province brazil acrezoolã³gico do parque chico mendes - rio branco amazonasparque zoolã³gico municipal - manauszoolã³gico do centro de instruã§ã£o de guerra na selva - manaus 5 bahiaparque zoobotã¢nico getãºlio vargas - salvador 5parque zoobotã¢nico rolf - mata de sã£o joã£o 5 cearã¡parque zoolã³gico sargento prata - fortaleza distrito federaljardim zoolã³gico de brasã­lia - brasã­lia 5 goiã¡sparque zoolã³gico de goiã¢nia - goiã¢nia mato grossoparque zoolã³gico de rondonã³polis - rondonã³poliszoolã³gico da universidade federal de mato grosso - cuiabã¡zoolã³gico municipal de alta floresta - alta floresta minas geraisfundaã§ã£o zoo-botã¢nica de belo horizonte - belo horizontejardim zoolã³gico lauro palhares - parã¡ de minasparque zoobotã¢nico de pouso alegre - pouso alegreparque zoobotã¢nico doutor mã¡rio frota - varginhazoolã³gico municipal amaro sã¡tiro de araãºjo - montes claros 5zoolã³gico municipal de sete lagoas - sete lagoaszoolã³gico municipal de trãªs pontas - trãªs pontaszoolã³gico municipal parque do sabiã¡ - uberlã¢ndiazoolã³gico municipal parque dos jacarandã¡s - uberaba parã¡parque zoobotã¢nico do museu paraense emã­lio goeldi - belã©m 5parque zoobotã¢nico de carajã¡s - parauapebas 6 paranã¡parque ecolã³gico municipal danilo galafassi - cascavelzoolã³gico de matelã¢ndia - matelã¢ndiazoolã³gico municipal de curitiba - curitibazoolã³gico bosque guarani - foz do iguaã§u 6parque das aves - foz do iguaã§u 6 paraã­baparque zoolã³gico arruda cã¢mara - joã£o pessoa pernambucoparque dois irmã£os zoo botanical park dois irmaos - recife 6parque zoolã³gico municipal antã´nio melo verã§osa - vitã³ria de santo antã£o piauã­parque zoobotã¢nico - teresina rio de janeirojardim zoolã³gico de niterã³i - niterã³i 6rio de janeiro zoo - rio de janeiro 6zoolã³gico municipal de volta redonda - volta redonda 6 rio grande do sulpampas safari - gravataã­ 6parque zoolã³gico - sapucaia do sul 6zoolã³gico do litoral - osã³riozoolã³gico municipal de cachoeira do sul - cachoeira do sulzoolã³gico municipal de canoas - canoas rondã´niazoolã³gico de vilhena - vilhena roraimazoolã³gico do sã©timo batalhã£o de infantaria de selva - boa vista santa catarinaparque ecolã³gico e zoobotã¢nico de brusque - brusqueparque cyro gevaerd santur - balneã¡rio camboriãºparque zoobotã¢nico de joinville - joinvillezoolã³gico pomerode - pomerode 6 sã£o paulojardim zoobotã¢nico de franca - francaparque ecolã³gico dr. antã´nio t. viana - sã£o carlos 7parque ecolã³gico municipal cid almeida franco - americana 7parque zoolã³gico de ilha solteira - ilha solteirasã£o paulo zoo - sã£o pauloparque zoolã³gico dr. fã¡bio de sã¡ barreto - ribeirã£o pretoparque zoolã³gico eugãªnio walter - boituva 7parque zoolã³gico municipal de guarulhos guarulhos municipal zoological park quinzinho de barros - sorocaba 7zoolã³gico de jardinã³polis - jardinã³poliszoolã³gico municipal de araã§atuba dr. flã¡vio leite ribeiro - araã§atubazoolã³gico municipal de bauru - bauru 7zoolã³gico municipal de buri - burizoolã³gico municipal de campinas - campinaszoolã³gico municipal de catanduva - catanduvazoolã³gico municipal de garã§a dr. belã­rio guimarã£es brandã£o - garã§azoolã³gico municipal de leme - lemezoolã³gico municipal de limeira - limeira 7zoolã³gico municipal de lins - linszoolã³gico municipal de mogi guaã§u - mogi guaã§uzoolã³gico municipal de mogi mirim luiz gonzaga amoãªdo campos - mogi-mirimzoolã³gico municipal de pedreira - pedreirazoolã³gico municipal de piracicaba - piracicabazoolã³gico municipal de santa bã¡rbara doeste - santa bã¡rbara doestezoolã³gico municipal de sã£o bernardo do campo - sã£o bernardo do campozoolã³gico municipal de sã£o josã© do rio preto - sã£o josã© do rio preto 7zoolã³gico municipal de sã£o vicente - sã£o vicentezoolã³gico municipal de taboã£o da serra - taboã£o da serrazoolã³gico municipal henrique pedroni - sumarã©zoolã³gico municipal nestor bologna - vargem grande do sulzoolã³gico vale dos bichos - sã£o josã© dos campos 7zooparque itatiba - itatiba 7 sergipeboa luz eco parque - laranjeiras 7parque zoolã³gico - aracaju chilebuin zoo - buin, chilechilean national zoo - santiago, chilequilpue zoo - quilpue, chilela serena zoo - la serena, chileconcepciã³n zoo - concepciã³n, chileparque safari de rancagua - rancagua, chile colombiacali zoo - calihacienda nã¡poles - medellã­njaime duque park zoo - bogotã¡matecaã±a city zoo - pereirasanta fe zoo - medellã­n 8santa marta aquarium - santa martasantacruz zoo - san antonio del tequendama 3barranquilla zoo - barranquilla ecuadorguayabamba zoo - quito guyanaguyana zoo peruzoolã³gico de quistococha - iquitos, loretoparque de las leyendas, san miguel, limaparque zoolã³gico de huachipa - ate, limazoocriadero - lima 8 uruguaypan de azãºcar nature reserve - cerro pan de azãºcarparque lecocq - montevideozoolã³gico municipal villa dolores - montevideo fictional zoosjurassic park - with genetically reconstructed dinosaursslaughterhouse-five - humans in a zoo on another planethugos zoo - aliens from another planet displayed on earthprehistoric park - prehistoric animalsquahog zoo - in family guyspringfield zoo - in the simpsonsdillydale zoo - in the mr. men show 3rd season various lists of the wonders of the world have been compiled from antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world's most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures.the seven wonders of the ancient world is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the mediterranean rim. the number seven was chosen because the greeks believed it to be the representation of perfection and plenty because it was the number of the five planets known anciently plus the sun and moon.many similar lists have been made.contents hide seven wonders of the ancient worldlists from other erasrecent lists 3.american society of civil engineers3.new7wonders foundation3.usa today's new seven natural wonders of the world3.new7wonders of wonders of the underwater wonders of the industrial world3.other lists of wonders of the worldseven wonders of the solar systemsee alsonotesreferencesfurther readingexternal linksseven wonders of the ancient worldmain article seven wonders of the ancient worldthe great pyramid of giza, the only wonder of the ancient world still in existence the colosseum in rome the great wall of china hagia sophia stonehenge machu picchu taj mahal empire state building golden gate bridge the victoria falls contain the largest sheet of falling water in the world in terms of area cn tower chichen itza old city of jerusalem the aurora borealis or northern lights grand canyon the great barrier reef the london sewerage system's original abbey mills pumping stationthe historian herodotus 48– ca. 42bce , and the scholar callimachus of cyrene ca. 30– 24bce at the museum of alexandria, made early lists of seven wonders. their writings have not survived, except as references.the seven wonders were great pyramid of gizahanging gardens of babylonstatue of zeus at olympiatemple of artemis at ephesusmausoleum at halicarnassuscolossus of rhodeslighthouse of alexandriathe earliest lists had the ishtar gate as the seventh wonder of the world instead of the lighthouse of alexandriacitation needed.the list known today was compiled in the middle ages—by which time many of the sites were no longer in existence. today, the only ancient world wonder that still exists is the great pyramid of giza.lists from other erasin the 19th and early 20th centuries, some writers wrote about lists with names such as wonders of the middle ages, seven wonders of the middle ages, seven wonders of the medieval mind, and architectural wonders of the middle ages. however it is unlikely that these lists originated in the middle ages because the word medieval was not invented until the enlightenment-era, and the concept of a middle age did not become popular until the 16th century. brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable refers to them as later listssuggesting the lists were created after the middle ages.many of the structures on these lists were built much earlier than the medieval ages, but were well known.3typically representative are 2345stonehengecolosseumcatacombs of kom el shoqafagreat wall of chinaporcelain tower of nanjinghagia sophialeaning tower of pisaother sites sometimes included on such lists taj mahal6cairo citadel7ely cathedral8cluny abbey9recent listsfollowing in the tradition of the classical list, modern people and organisations have made their own lists of wonderful things ancient and modern. some of the most notable lists are presented below.american society of civil engineersthe american society of civil engineers compiled a list of wonders of the modern world 10wonder date started date finished location channel tunnel december 1, 198may 6, 199strait of dover, between the united kingdom and france cn tower february 6, 197june 26, 1976, tallest freestanding structure in the world 1976–2007. toronto, ontario, canada empire state building january 22, 193may 1, 1931, tallest structure in the world 1931–1967. first building with 100+ stories. new york, ny, u.s. golden gate bridge january 5, 193may 27, 193golden gate strait, north of san francisco, california, u.s. itaipu dam january 197may 5, 198paranã¡ river, between brazil and paraguay delta works zuiderzee works 192may 10, 199netherlands panama canal january 1, 188january 7, 191isthmus of panama new7wonders foundationmain article new7wonders of the worldin 200an initiative was started by the swiss corporation new7wonders foundation to choose the new7wonders of the world from a selection of 20existing monuments.1twenty-one finalists were announced january 1, 2006.1egyptians were not happy that the only surviving original wonder, the great pyramid of giza, would have to compete with the likes of the statue of liberty, the sydney opera house, and other landmarks, calling the project absurd. in response, giza was named an honorary candidate.1the results were announced on july 7, 2007, in lisbon, portugal 14wonder date of construction location great wall of china since 7th century bc1china petra c. 10bc jordan christ the redeemer opened october 12, 193brazil machu picchu c. ad 145peru chichen itza c. ad 60mexico colosseum completed ad 8italy taj mahal completed c. ad 164india great pyramid of giza honorary candidate completed c. 256bc egypt usa today's new seven wondersin november 200the american national newspaper usa today in conjunction with the american television show good morning america revealed a list of new seven wonders as chosen by six judges.1the wonders were announced one per day over a week on good morning america. an eighth wonder was chosen on november 24, 200from viewer feedback.17number wonder location potala palace lhasa, tibet, china old city of jerusalem jerusalemn polar ice caps polar regions papahanaumokuakea marine national monument hawaii, united states internet earth mayan ruins yucatã¡n peninsula, mã©xico great migration of serengeti and masai mara tanzania and kenya grand canyon viewer-chosen eighth wonder arizona, united states seven natural wonders of the worldsimilar to the other lists of wonders, there is no consensus on a list of seven natural wonders of the world, and there has been debate over how large the list should be. one of the many existing lists was compiled by cnn 18grand canyongreat barrier reefharbor of rio de janeiromount everestauroraparã­cutin volcanovictoria fallsnew7wonders of naturemain article new7wonders of naturenew7wonders of nature 2007–11 , a contemporary effort to create a list of seven natural wonders chosen through a global poll, was organized by the same group as the new7wonders of the world campaign.iguazu fallsjeju islandkomodo islandpuerto princesa underground rivertable mountainhalong bayamazon rainforestseven wonders of the underwater worldthe seven underwater wonders of the world was a list drawn up by cedam international, an american-based non-profit group for divers, dedicated to ocean preservation and 198cedam brought together a panel of marine scientists, including dr. eugenie clark, to pick underwater areas which they considered to be worthy of protection. the results were announced at the national aquarium in washington dc by actor lloyd bridges, star of tv's sea hunt 19palaubelize barrier reefgreat barrier reefdeep-sea ventsgalã¡pagos islandslake baikalnorthern red seaseven wonders of the industrial worldmain article seven wonders of the industrial worldbritish author deborah cadbury wrote seven wonders of the industrial world, a book telling the stories of seven great feats of engineering of the 19th and early 20th centuries. in 200the bbc made a seven-part documentary series on the book, with each episode dramatising the construction of one of the wonders. the seven industrial wonders are ss great easternbell rock lighthousebrooklyn bridgelondon sewerage systemfirst transcontinental railroadpanama canalhoover damother lists of wonders of the worldnumerous other authors and organisations have composed lists of the wonders of the world. travel writer howard hillman published two books on the subject, one with man-made wonders, and one with natural wonders.202british biographer, science writer, and novelist ronald w. clark published a book of man-made and natural wonders titled wonders of the world, which lists 5wonders, one for each week of the year.22seven wonders of the solar systemin a 199article, astronomy magazine listed the seven wonders of the solar system. this article was later made into a video.23enceladusthe great red spotthe asteroid beltthe surface of the sunthe oceans of earththe rings of saturnolympus monssee alsoeighth wonder of the worldworld heritage list – a list of over 90sites deemed by unesco to be of outstanding universal valuenational seven wonders seven wonders of canadaseven wonders of colombiatimes of india's list of seven wonders of indiaseven wonders of polandseven wonders of portugalseven wonders of russiaseven wonders of serbiaseven wonders of ukraineseven wonders of wales1treasures of spainseven wonders of fore fore abbey, ireland the world's most livable cities is an informal name given to any list of cities as they rank on a reputable annual survey of living conditions. two examples are the mercer quality of living survey and the economist intelligence unit's global liveability report.liveability rankings are designed for use by employers assigning hardship allowances as part of job relocation. there have been numerous arguments over the expansion of livability rankings for other purposes. however, the annual city rankings attract extensive media coverage, are a popular topic of discussion.citation neededmelbourne city skyline at night, the world's most livable city according to the eiu.contents hide the eiu's global liveability reportmercer's quality of living surveymonocle's most livable cities indexsee alsoreferencesexternal linksedit the eiu's global liveability reportthe eiu's global liveability reportcity country rating melbourne australia 99.vienna austria 97.vancouver canada 97.toronto canada 97.adelaide australia 96.calgary canada australia 96. helsinki finland 96.perth australia 95.auckland new zealand, australia was ranked by the economist intelligence unit as the world's most livable city since 20.3the economist intelligence unit's eiu most recent global liveability report shows cities in australia, canada, austria, finland and new zealand as the ideal destinations, thanks to a widespread availability of goods and services, low personal risk, and an effective infrastructure. it does not take into account climate or the cost of living as a factor in 'liveability.' the economist intelligence unit has been criticized by the new york times for being overly anglocentric, stating that the economist clearly equates livability with speaking english.4their august 20report placed melbourne, australia as the most livable city in the world, with vienna, austria taking second place, followed by vancouver, canada2, unchanged from the top three of the previous year.5other australian cities also ranked highly in the survey, with adelaide holding equal 5th position, with calgary in canada. sydney was at 7th position and perth at 9th. a third canadian city, toronto was among the top ten, holding the 4th spot. toronto is the largest city by population among the top ten cities, with nearly six million inhabitants within its metropolitan area.edit mercer's quality of living surveymercer 20quality of living survey6sdc city country vienna austria zurich switzerland auckland new zealand munich germany vancouver canada dã¼sseldorf germany frankfurt germany geneva switzerland copenhagen denmark bern switzerland sydney australia ienna, austriamain article mercer quality of living surveyamerican global human resource and related financial services consulting firm mercer releases annually the quality of living survey, comparing 2cities based on 3criteria. new york is given a baseline score of 0and other cities are rated in comparison. important criteria are safety, education, hygiene, health care, culture, environment, recreation, political-economic stability and public transportation.the list helps multi-national companies decide where to open offices or plants, and how much to pay the 2list of cities, the top of the list was dominated by europe, canada, and new zealand; and switzerland and germany both had cities in the top 0. the first entries from other countries were sydney at , singapore at 25, honolulu at 29, and tokyo at 46. baghdad was at the bottom of the list. of the 2cities at the bottom, were in africa. compared to lists for previous years, cities in south asia mainly india , east asia mainly china , the middle east and eastern europe were clearly on the rise.the 20rankings also identified the cities with the best eco-ranking based on water availability and drinkability, waste removal, quality of sewage systems, air pollution and traffic congestion. calgary was at the top of this index score 45.7 , followed by honolulu in second place score 45. and ottawa and helsinki in joint third score 39.9 . wellington in new zealand 5 , minneapolis 6 , adelaide 7 and copenhagen filled the next four slots, while kobe, oslo and stockholm shared ninth place. port-au-prince in haiti ranked at the bottom of this table with a score of only 27.8.edit monocle's most livable cities indexmonocle's most livable cities index 202city country 2zurich switzerland 02 helsinki finland 0 copenhagen denmark 03 vienna austria 06 munich germany 04 melbourne australia 05 tokyo japan 09 sydney australia 07 auckland new zealand 3 stockholm sweden helsinki, finlandsince 2007, the lifestyle magazine monocle has published an annual list of livable cities. the list in 200was named the most livable cities index and presented 2top locations for quality of life.important criteria in this survey are safety crime, international connectivity, climate sunshine, quality of architecture, public transportation, tolerance, environmental issues and access to nature, urban design, business conditions, pro-active policy developments and medical care.the 20rankings continued thus kyoto , fukuoka 2 , hong kong 3 , paris 4 , singapore 5 , hamburg 6 , honolulu 7 , berlin 8 , vancouver 9 , madrid 20 , barcelona 2 , portland 22 , san francisco 23 , montrã©al 24 and geneva 25 .hot n cold dubai gummy bear song gummy bear song bangla song gonna git get funny video funny bollywood malayalam movie india arie funny video funny video funny video linkin park linkin park shark attack bbc news asianet 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movies india song baby justin bieber tamil songs funniest video ever south park episodes faint linkin park prehistoric shark funny asianet live news love songs hindi hot revolver harlem shake dubai crazy frog jcb song dabangg song 4 chors song funny vedios funny fails new bollywood songs malayalam movie full india music funny videos selena gomez youtube faint linkin park fred biggest shark funny news bloopers gma news latest tv9 news full movie miley cyrus dubai accidents best love song funny songs malayalam song birugali kannada song funny songs scary videos bollywood comedy malayalam comedy movie cricket india wiz khalifa chris brown honey singh justin bieber numb shark vs octopus bollywood news tv patrol news aaj tak news full hindi movies britney spears gta dubai city miley cyrus bruno mars best song ever elfenlied comedy videos funny cat best bollywood songs malayalam movie 2012 made in india shakira hidden video akon linkin park catalyst iridescent linkin park giant shark pakistan news cnn news today hindi news hindi movie songs hot sauce abu dhabi justin bieber baby justin bieber baby rihanna diljit gaddafi funny dogs justin bieber bollywood dances silsila malayalam album lauryn hill funny justin bieber baby funny videos linkin park songs nickelback worlds biggest shark news reporter bloopers news today news in hindi hindi movies 2010 avril lavigne soulja boy jls chammak challo american hits 2012 rajnikanth funny videos funny bloopers bollywood thriller mallu welcome to india usher funny accidents justin bieber baby metallica jurassic park theme shark boy ary news indiavision news live news channel funny video rihanna jumeirah beach dubai fred bangla song kolaveri di golden touch punjabi funny funny baby videos bollywood movies 2010 tamil movies india pakistan party rock anthem kumki video songs shakira justin bieber baby 106 and park kenny the shark itn news bangla news paper bollywood news hindi sad songs justin bieber wild wadi dubai mean kitty song akon waka waka shakira kailash kher songs comedy happy birthday funny bollywood songs 2010 malayalam movie, long beautiful india arie one direction 3d video hindi songs taylor swift linkin park papercut hammerhead shark geo news live latest news asianet news comedy sad songs hot dance russell peters dubai titanic song best song ever pashto song department film full funny stuff funny or die indian dance malayalam full movies india aire cat daddy funny babies hot michael jackson linkin park catalyst tiger shark top gear salman khan tamil news latest hindi songs hot kiss funny video lady gaga taylor swift sad song break your heart funny accident funny dog videos drake bollywood flow traffic malayalam movie india vs england nickelback funniest video google linkin park papercut linking park family guy shark bill bailey abscbn news breaking news album songs hindi hot avril lavigne russell peters party rock anthem jls new song love songs eminem balakrishna funny videos funny prank calls bollywood dance performance new malayalam songs la india seduceme black eyed peas telugu video songs fuccccking video rihanna green day eagle vs shark channel 4 news sri lanka news abp news live latest hindi movies lady gaga skydive dubai bruno mars lady gaga malayalam film songs kashmiri song karnabawafai cricket funny videos funny fights hindi movie mohanlal erykah badu kanye west one direction kolaveri di papercut linkin park three days grace giant squid news fail kantipur news today ndtv hindi old songs hot in here prostitution in dubai numa numa song bed intruder song bodyguard songs kambakkht ishq funny cricket videos funny song bollywood actress hindi songs india arie therapy christina aguilera lesbionic video gangnam style original new divide southpark pool shark bbc news intro malayalam news 24 bhakti songs hindi so what uae katy perry black eyed peas selena gomez indian girl dance funny animal videos gummy bear song nyan cat bollywood hindi movie alicia keys mariah carey baby justin bieber mankatha video songs shakira linkin park live funny video funny news asianet news funny pakistan news hindi songs 2011 hot mom dubai massage double rainbow song minecraft song arabic songs careless rapsody funny kids fights bollywood love songs comedy malayalam prostitution in india tik tok katy perry hd video songs avril lavigne disturbed laughing shark onion news network express news funny video hindi songs 2012 fred atlantis gangnam style funny song punjabi song guzaraish udi udi funny baby funniest video ever bollywood comedy scenes dileep malayalam movie estupida la india eminem not afraid jism2 video songs funny joggers park evanescence baby shark song rap news ndtv news suvarna news new songs 2011 supa hot fire ski dubai birthday song llama song songs hilary duff memories funny dance funny football old bollywood songs tamil songs air india kesha nicki minaj music video enrique soulja boy basking shark news anchor fail ary news telugu news old songs party rock anthem accident in dubai minecraft song nicki minaj barney snowwwhite silly song bunty funny punjabi funny jokes bollywood movies 2011 ordinary malayalam movie therapy india arie bruno mars download youtube video chikni chameli pitbull south park songs shark surfing funny video fox news star news live romantic songs inna hot dubai girl poop song katy perry thuppaki song song of mohanlal dogs funny funny clips new bollywood movies malayalam hot teacher india songs akon bruno mars badrinath video songs eminem not afraid likin park shark videos cnn news tv patrol world malayalam news new hindi movies hot for words dubai night club song rihanna new song kolavari song faishion hot sholay funny pranks funny bollywood remix malayalam hit songs voice of india friday rebecca black pitbull eminem summer of 69 chris brown shark song e news geo news today dd news old hindi movies womanizer dubai fireworks 2012 britney spears bruno mars grenade lazy song cbr1000rr motorvisio cricket kevin hart salman khan malayalam album incredible india pitbull harlem shake telugu songs baby justin bieber bleed it out bull shark bbc news countdown sun news geo news youtube beyonce cars dubai kim kardashian song one direction arabic song cailou song jokes funny funny videos ever indian music malayalam new movies ready for love boyfriend justin bieber masala video hd video gangnam style catalyst linkin park family guy news reporter fail malayalam news live todays news headlines duck tales hindi hot girl dancing pinays in dubai banana song blur song 2 bangla movie cocktail movie very funny videos cats bollywood awards 2012 mohanlal movies pakistan vs india stanky leg waka waka shakira tamil songs eminem lose yourself linken park bear vs shark bbc news 24 manorama news channel india tv news romantic songs hindi snoop dogg dubai dance bar emo song annoying orange happy birthday abba xmas song funny advertisement dogs funny hindi movies malayalam interview marc anthony inspirational video shakira waka waka baby funny video numb encore mac miller crocodile vs shark es news malayalam full movie salman khan comedy hot stuff fishing in dubai llama song cup song elmo song dasavatharam songs cats funny funny cartoons bollywood makeup cocktail malayalam movie india vs srilanka telephone lady gaga miley cyrus ayan video songs joggers park songs new divide baby shark 11-sep 24 oras google hollywood movies hot rod lincoln burj al arab the last song britney spears christmas songs call me maybe mr.bean funny videos funny pictures bollywood hot scenes chocolate malayalam movie michael jackson cupid shuffle amalayer video chammak challo linkinpark slipknot funny cats family guy malayalamanorama news paper youtube hindi video songs hot hot heat sama dubai revelation song selena gomez tom and jerry indian famous song funny video accidents lil wayne bollywood wedding songs prithviraj malayalam x factor india glee tamil video songs funny babies lil wayne korn dog bites shark bbc news today nepali news sun tv news hindi album songs funny dubai call girls christmas songs london underground song hot song ingrid michaelson everybody funny vedio funny dog bollywood awards vodafone comedy stars anthony hamilton lady gaga telephone nanban video songs trisha booth video david guetta numa numa shark night trailer hignfy cory aquino news india news new songs hot tottie usher dubai metro train thong song funny video crazy frog depaatment song amazing video dx funny moments latest bollywood songs malayalam old songs chris brown scary videos gangnam style dance taylor swift funny video breaking benjamin mako shark news at ten sun tv news zee news interview hindi hot hot pockets dubai rotating building spongebob squarepants pink malayalam full movie 911 lyrics funniest video ever funny prank bollywood awards 2011 pranayam malayalam movie pakistan carrie underwood jennifer lopez hindi video songs jurassic park theme papercut linkin park huge shark abc news tv9 telugu news sun news live comedy videos hot dog illuminati in dubai black eyed peas earth song justin bieber baby eminem mission impossible football funny videos michael jackson bollywood songs 2009 old malayalam songs mr india ciara murder2 video songs bodyguard songs black eyed peas chocolate rain sublime pool shark star news abs-cbn news zee news live hindi comedy movies linkin park dubai escorts cuppy cake song glee shakira waka waka german song monkey funny video one direction awards 2012 bollywood malayalam devotional songs india traffic bedrock chammak challo rangam video songs miley cyrus paramore dog attacks shark news blooper bangladesh news indiavision news live hindi movies full hot scene shakira harlem shake song cheryl cole new song deathstar funny punjabi fat people falling item songs bollywood devotional songs malayalam india dance 50 cent usher tamil video songs honey singh blue slide park monster shark bill bailey news abc news cnn news tom and jerry love story hungama in dubai akon rocky theme song kites song baba song funny football videos nigahiga shahrukh khan idea star singer seduceme la india lady gaga paparazzi funny video clips comedy videos linken park drake great white fail dubai tv9 live rock on hannah montana funny seether country song family guy hindi movie chennai pranks funny baby laughing bollywood music video christian songs mariah carey thriller music video nursery rhymes video racha video songs likin park what ive done justin bieber latest news india news todays news honey singh hot moms massage in dubai smosh lil wayne new songs 2012 elefant song wwe funny things om shanti om malayalam cinema india movie rick ross kolaveri di linkin park nickelback nicki minaj lego shark attack bed intruder song hot news women funny news google let it rock atlantis hotel dubai ebay song n dubz christmas song aaj phir tumpe football funny annoying orange bollywood romantic songs malayalam new songs the truth alicia keys mallu hot murder2 video song akon beautiful jay z big shark justin bieber sri lankan news ibn7 news live full movie 2012 kissing gangnam style rocky theme song gummy bear kim kardashian song aaron kalkbrenner indian idol funny smosh bollywood hits manjadi malayalam shakira video paiya video songs ko video songs lady gaga south central park skrillex shark attack good news ntv news today latest news today rowdy rathore songs so hot harlem shake numa numa the cup song pitbull jaya he ghost videos crazy frog planet bollywood prithviraj wardrobe malfunction india hannah montana black eyed peas chammak challo video linking park numb park bom fishing shark news report bbc news today salman khan news yesudas hindi songs usher dubai aquarium elmo baby justin bieber nepali folk song julia song funny clip laughing baby movies malayalam movies 2012 coke studio india jonas brothers pregnancy video baby justin bieber coldplay akon frilled shark sky news bloopers aaj tak news tv 9 news hindi romantic songs young hot reshma in dubai nigahiga grenade bruno mars mappila song english christmas song baby laughing prank calls bollywood flow bodyguard malayalam movie mr india songs metallica motivational video bhanwari devi video dbz linkin park justin bieber jenna marbles asianet news english news ntv news punjabi songs justin bieber baby dubai prostitution area the assumption song sad song baby justin bieber aley hindi funny falls charlie the unicorn sytycd comedy india westbrooks bad romance taliban attack video britney spears eminem space bound lady gaga shark bite the onion news news fail news fuse murder shakira dubai marina linkin park songs punjabi songs garba song dx funny moments talking cats bollywood hollywood full malayalam movie truth india arie baby avril lavigne jannat 2 songs linkin park parody linkin park lyrics funny shark boris johnson manny pacquiao fox news best hindi songs hollywood undead fight in dubai gummy bear usher chris brown deadashell tom and jerry funny movies hindi urumi malayalam movie john legend demi lovato malayalam full movie pitbull 50 cent rihanna megamouth shark rihanna iran news today hot news movie hot and fluffy belly dance dynamite taio cruz teletubbies theme song britney spears americano cricket fights eminem zumba bollywood malayalam rhymes dekh india dekh rebecca black friday enthiran video songs velayutham video songs linkin park hd blink 182 funny pranks tv9 telugu news philippines news today assam news hd videos 1080p nelly dubai mall fountain your song crazy frog song duck song kaya bolti kaya funny punjabi videos funny crashes top bollywood songs kiprajodreloaded marc anthony- garth brooks singam video songs rowdy rathore songs bleed it out taylor swift mega shark good news week asianet funny news aajtak news bollywood songs katy perry firework dubai night life cat daddy hannah montana enrique iglesias himachal pradesh funny commercial funny soccer aaja nachle malayalam masala india australia cricket justin bieber boyfriend linkin park eega video songs evanescence fort minor octopus eats shark charlie brooker bbc nacked news jannat 2 songs kanye west burj dubai 2009 pink ketchup song the lazy song aaron paul kalkbrenner facebook hilarious bollywood mimicry old malayalam movie monica moves like jagger video phone park avenged sevenfold fishing karl pilkington banana news indian news hot wiggles hot potato dubai drift kanye west cher lloyd beyonce facebook stalker song gangnam style halo 3 funny bollywood hot scene malayalam melodies elmo india arie adele bangla song faint linkin park runaway shakira ktn news kenya live news ptc news hindi movies 2012 dubai car accident happy birthday adele barbie bipasa hot song balayya funny videos comedy slumdog millionaire hindi movies kamasultra india hollywood undead hd video 21 guns south park movie white shark iran news bahrain news hindi songs hindi full movies justin bieber ghostbusters theme song ps3 song nepali modern song kapoor ranbir michael jackson funny faces shakira jayaram malayalam movie mother india grenade bruno mars christina aguilera linkin park lyrics linkin park reanimation skrillex manchester news soco abs cbn cricket doraemon dubai tv tesla love song alphabet song bruno mars dev d wwe funny moments fail full bollywood movies malayalam nursery rhymes india maria jay z vettaikaran video songs powerless linkin park headstrong worlds largest shark salman khan snn news current news hindi songs old dubai autodrome hmong song taliban song kids song kids song animation funny random funny stuff bollywood sad songs malayalam albums traffic in india young jeezy how to kiss jurassic park movie eminem lose yourself pool shark sublime auto tune onion news zee tv race dubai desert safari pokemon our song malayalam comedy dara j famalie funny cartoons funny fat people indian sex mammootty movies bollywood jason aldean madonna not afraid eminem 50 cent shark surfer boxing news tv patrol philippines malayalam full movie hindi movies 2009 kidzania dubai alphabet song ellie goulding ordinary song hsp hip hop funny dog videos funny music videos kareena kapoor malayalam movies 2011 driving in india lady gaga alejandro funny clips transformers 3 south park wow tiger attack brian blessed aaj tak barq news doremon dubai movie gummi bear song christmas song korean song bhojpuri holi song funny movies dane cook bollywood dance steps spirit malayalam movie giants of india kid cudi mariah carey greenday south park facebook shark eats shark pathe news uae news ntv telugu news cocktail songs girls in dubai graduation song poop song cocktail songs dubstep dance kerala funny videos miley cyrus songs mallu hot india pakistan cricket beyonce single ladies kissing lp my chemical romance soul surfer yorkshire news santhosh pandit english news song randi in dubai carrie underwood kim kardashian song kambakht ishq song benjamin blã¼mchen song youtube funny kittens awards 2011 bollywood salt and pepper funny video like a g6 mallu park secret videos 3 doors down dolphins youtube sirasa news today telugu movies rockstar songs dubai air show nickelback chipmunk teri meri bodyguard chaska full song funny cat videos funny pics 2012 bollywood songs anwar malayalam movie inna india starships nicki minaj tsunami video songs macarthur park shark week 2011 ufo bnn news india tv hindi comedy scenes dubai mujra victorious minecraft english song dharkan dharkan song bike stunts funny dance bollywood workout malayalam news india arie truth motivational video indian songs jurasic park nigahiga funny videos ggn news tamil news today calcutta news race 2 songs dancing fountain dubai beer song linkin park your song biene maja song songs funny people falling india neelathamara malayalam movie nicki minaj fireflies hidden video cameras fort minor naruto shark night 3d stv news charice aajtak news live kolaveri di katy perry dubai jonas brothers thong song engeyum eppothum song hot college dress funny jokes hilarious videos bollywood hit songs christian malayalam songs master chef india maroon 5 burn it down kyle park gummy bear song tvb news saksi news latest aajtak news hindi sad hindi songs flash mob harlem shake banana song nursery rhymes earth song cartoons funny funny home videos bollywood movies 2012 malayalam serial usher kid rock linkin park reanimation coldplay jump the shark news music abu dhabi manorama news live shinchan hindi episodes dubai national school cupid shuffle christina aguilera new songs 2011 baalgeet honey singh justin bieber baby bollywood hot songs malayalam love songs elmo abcs india call me maybe pink floyd headstrong linkin park shark bites central news sun news tamil ntv telugu bhojpuri hot songs massage dubai whisper song drake baby song current movies comedy circus happy birthday bollywood masala beautiful malayalam movie hindi songs fireflies owl city linkin park latest hershey park snl land shark funny news reports snn news today kannada news instrumental hindi songs city of life 311 love song chicken song john cena engengo engengo song funny animation funny video clips new songs 2012 malayalam melody songs lauren hill shane dawson english songs fred goes swimming sharks eating people harlem shake zee news live tv9 news today hindi pop songs fitness first dubai assumption song youtube myanmar song bhumika chawla funny adds funny vids bollywood comedy movies malayalam films india news disturbed linkin park runaway avril lavigne shark movies asianet news live autotune the news malayalam comedy hindi film massage adams song the curry song rowdy rathore songs independent love song babies funny videos funny scary pranks bollywood makeup tutorial mayamohini full movie india srilanka alejandro lady gaga youtube pink pet shark bed intruder ndtv live tv malayalam full movie dubai beach hot christina aguilera harlem shake song tokyo drift song atzen google funny dancing bollywood videos bodyguard india england boom boom pow linkin park blackout skillet snickers shark commercial britney spears malayala manorama news santhosh pandit hindi sex movies salman khan badger song new songs waka waka choot funny punjabi dubbing jonas brothers innocent comedy malayalam x factor 2011 harlem shake papercut jurassic park 3 alligator attack frankie boyle malayalam funny news cnn news today cocktail full movie dubai flash mob edge theme song teletubbies bangla hot song cola berry song gangnam style kavya madhavan set india video phone beyonce its my life south park obama shark tales reginald d hunter malayalam live news ntv english songs dubai escort alicia keys tinie tempah black eyed peas beintehaa selena gomez malayalam mimicry jerry rivera raywilliamjohnson park scandal sandara park piranha news bloopers 2012 bbc news theme aajtak old hindi song dubai driving love song rihanna happy birthday chikni chameli nicki minaj grandmaster malayalam movie whitney houston rascal flatts maroon 5 abney park shark vs dolphin bbc news music syria news today wowowee in dubai john cena pitbull bangla movie song sneezing panda laugh india laugh mindless behavior water park south park scientology michael jackson bbc world news urdu news kidzania dubai mall paramore the last song abc lady gaga india arie live hey soul sister akon smack that miley cyrus shark attacks helicopter halo 4 news malayalamanorama news malayalam funny pranks eminem hailies song elmo song ketchup song funny babys keri hilson lincon park crazy shark sky news theme tamil news live thai song new song the duck song black eyed peas bethany hamilton charlie brooker news alexandra burke linkin park forgotten anaconda titanic gangnam style crazy frog comedy circus 2012 commando trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 campus superstar 2013, 2014, 2015 fnb advert 2013, 2014, 2015 tao quan 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 kids cute puppies hollywood undead gangnam style dance india dance yevadu leaked song malayalam film songs new songs 2012 himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer david guetta 2013, 2014, 2015 usjr scandal 2013, 2014, 2015 jennifer lopez american idol 2013, 2014, 2015 movies 2013, 2014, 2015 hai 2013, 2014, 2015 new movies 2013, 2014, 2015 fail compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 funny kids cute kitten hollywood undead undead gangnam style original dance nayak leaked video short film 2012 filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 kbc 6 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers 300 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 fails 2013, 2014, 2015 korea wenasa 2013, 2014, 2015 adele grammy 2013, 2014, 2015 kids react cute hairstyles undead hollywood psy gangnam style dil dosti dance baadshah leaked song www six film full movie 2012 wwe buko jireh lim grammys 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers russian meteor 2013, 2014, 2015 filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 house mix 2013, 2014, 2015 mgmt kids cute hollywood oppa gangnam style belly dance racha leaked song short film tamil ipl 2012 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 scavengers 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer harlem shake farming simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 superbowl commercials 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers carrie trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 kids mgmt cute kittens hollywood undead young gangam style just dance veena mms leaked film avengers trailer 2012 royal rumble 2013, 2014, 2015 skyfall fliptop 100500 billboard 2013, 2014, 2015 harlem shake 2013, 2014, 2015 mustang v6 new songs 2012 nigerian movies 2013, 2014, 2015 kids songs cute babies undead hollywood undead gangnam style lyrics hip hop dance julayi leaked song blue movie indian idol 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers tamil songs 2012 harlem shake original crash compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 mama trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 fail compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 mao asada 2013, 2014, 2015 ellen degeneres 2013, 2014, 2015 justin timberlake 2013, 2014, 2015 kids dancing cute mario bros hollywood undead city gangnam style dance hrithik roshan dance leaked video hindi songs olympics 2012 youtube call me maybe smugglaz dead 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 pes 2013, 2014, 2015 mtbs 2013, 2014, 2015 2012 tiger woods akon 2013, 2014, 2015 litizzetto 2013, 2014, 2015 kids singing cute animals hollywood undead bullet oppan gangnam style michael jackson oosaravelli leaked song tamil short film honey singh zanjeer trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 fliptop 2013, 2014, 2015 pnina tornai 2013, 2014, 2015 grammy awards 2013, 2014, 2015 tomorrowland 2013, 2014, 2015 belajar bhs korea kusal perera batting hindi movies full cold war kids cute cats young hollywood undead rangrezz gangnam style break dance nayak video songs hindi film wwe ccl 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 nba atif aslam harlem shake epic fails 2013, 2014, 2015 meri bassai 2013, 2014, 2015 solvathellam unmai 2013, 2014, 2015 emblem 3 2013, 2014, 2015 kids react to cute puppy bullet hollywood undead style prabhu deva dance nayak trailer malayalam film malayalam full movie undertaker returns 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs x factor 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 movies academy himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer onpc the cool kids cute girls hollywood whore gagnam style best dance ever nayak leaked song blue filmfare awards 2012 qubool hai nancy ajram pop danthology 2013, 2014, 2015 music lion dance 2013, 2014, 2015 phil heath 2013, 2014, 2015 club mix audi a4 2013, 2014, 2015 africa 2013, 2014, 2015 cool kids cute baby christmas in hollywood hair style michael jackson dance svsc shooting leaked monica bellucci film hindi songs comedy circus 2013, 2014, 2015 obama inauguration 2013, 2014, 2015 buko oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 live golden globes 2013, 2014, 2015 pope election 2013, 2014, 2015 googoosh academy 2013, 2014, 2015 rich kids cute win fail hollywood undead circles baby justin bieber street dance leaked mms malayalam full movie youtube race 2 songs 2013, 2014, 2015 movies 2013, 2014, 2015 indian songs 2013, 2014, 2015 snsd 2013, 2014, 2015 countdown kick andy 2013, 2014, 2015 super bowl 2013, 2014, 2015 crime patrol 2012 hide your kids cute couples hollywood undead california gangnam style parody gangnam style veena malik mms hindi film songs movies new songs 2012 porsche 911 turbo temptation of wife 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 dancehall 2013, 2014, 2015 kim kardashian 2013, 2014, 2015 sun tv songs kids bop cute dogs circles hollywood undead gayle gangnam style chance pe dance nayak tamil songs gangnam style nach baliye 5 gmc sierra 2013, 2014, 2015 nba 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 football manager 2013, 2014, 2015 surgeon simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 stardust awards 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers funny funny cats city hollywood undead gangnam style psy slow motion dance leaked mallu 2012 full movie himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 ibrahim tatlises american idol 2013, 2014, 2015 churchill live 2013, 2014, 2015 taylor swift xaawo kiin 2013, 2014, 2015 joyce meyer 2013, 2014, 2015 google stupcat kids fighting cute cat eminem gangnam robot dance splitsvilla finale leaked bf punar vivah aatma trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 khabarnak one direction robocop 2013, 2014, 2015 one direction 2013, 2014, 2015 house music town 2013, 2014, 2015 resling 2013, 2014, 2015 soniyan by rahat fat kids cute things exploding everywhere i go kolaveri di did gabbar singh malayalam short film tomorrowland 2012 kitkat advertise 2013, 2014, 2015 gags 2013, 2014, 2015 gangnam style mustang 2013, 2014, 2015 commercial football manager 2013, 2014, 2015 trance trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 wwe 2013, 2014, 2015 edward maya 2013, 2014, 2015 googoosh academy 2013, 2014, 2015 mgmt cute stephen jerzak michael buble hollywood ganganam style allu arjun dance mms leaked malayalam comedy jannat 2 songs abcd full movie malayalam movie ina kapatid anak filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 crime watch 2013, 2014, 2015 tomorrowland 2012 hoai linh 2013, 2014, 2015 akon hardwell ultra 2013, 2014, 2015 funny video cute girl hollywood undead pain justin bieber baby best dance yevadu trailer animated short film movies 2012 himmatwala songs katrina kaif 2013, 2014, 2015 nba bloopers 2013, 2014, 2015 taylor barneveld 2013, 2014, 2015 pop danthology 2013, 2014, 2015 fails compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 zee bangla nihanda gamane surgeon simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 kids in america cute couple hollywood michael buble obama gangnam style funny video maatran scenes leaked hot cocktail songs google barcelona 2013, 2014, 2015 movies 2013, 2014, 2015 tomb raider 2013, 2014, 2015 intersexions techno 2013, 2014, 2015 gi joe retaliation humor funny videos cute kitty undead style full movie dance songs official trailer oriya film songs khiladi 786 songs honey singh ellen degeneres wodota 2013, 2014, 2015 ustaz azhar 2013, 2014, 2015 fail compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 locnville choi trau 2013, 2014, 2015 boralu para failarmy justin bieber cute girls hairstyles undead undead hollywood style movie songs dance pe chance facebook malayalam hindi songs 2012 abcd movie songs 2013, 2014, 2015 cebu scandal 2013, 2014, 2015 private mujra 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 funny pranks bill maher 2013, 2014, 2015 kusal perera epic fails 2013, 2014, 2015 kids ranqe taking back sunday california hollywood undead gangnam style song belly dance arabic ayyo papam song katrina kaif google comedy circus 2012 altima 2013, 2014, 2015 new song 2013, 2014, 2015 wp rally 2013, 2014, 2015 american idols 2013, 2014, 2015 caknun 2013, 2014, 2015 samsung galaxy s4 incredible india 2013, 2014, 2015 little kids dancing cute boys hollywood undead levitate rajnikanth style gangnam style dance oosaravelli malayalam movie pavitra rishta wwe raw 2013, 2014, 2015 gayuma abra one direction simcity 2013, 2014, 2015 myles munroe 2013, 2014, 2015 beautiful creatures ipl 2013, 2014, 2015 highlights remzie osmani 2013, 2014, 2015 kids music cute polish lil wayne open gangnam style baby dance omkar spoof tamil short films talaash full movie ipl 2013, 2014, 2015 harlem shake dance 2013, 2014, 2015 upin ipin 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 opening dugem 2013, 2014, 2015 mr bean jennifer lawrence interview kids song cute kids universal studios hollywood gangnum style hot dance splitsvilla tamil film rowdy rathore songs balika vadhu sarah geronimo 2013, 2014, 2015 talaash full movie dj earworm 2013, 2014, 2015 funny fails 2013, 2014, 2015 salman khan babara nade funny video hide yo kids cute with chris hollywood undead lyrics psy dance music bhindi bazaar blue full movie new movies 2012 wwe 2013, 2014, 2015 najwa karam 2013, 2014, 2015 funny video race 2 songs gangnam style new year 2013, 2014, 2015 shine uye 2013, 2014, 2015 nonstop 2013, 2014, 2015 victory hardball 2013, 2014, 2015 kids movies cute songs levitate hollywood undead gangnam style live shakira mirchi aandhi film songs saath nibhana saathiya fear files 2013, 2014, 2015 hindi movie dj earworm 2013, 2014, 2015 rav4 2013, 2014, 2015 wwe 2013, 2014, 2015 vybz kartel 2013, 2014, 2015 charice x factor 2013, 2014, 2015 snoop dogg 2013, 2014, 2015 funny pranks cute dog hollywood undead live mammootty gangnam style dance videos businessman song leaked telugu short films songs gangnam style pusong bato harlem shake original snsd 2013, 2014, 2015 batista returns 2013, 2014, 2015 justin bieber skrillex volker pispers 2013, 2014, 2015 smosh stephen jerzak cute linkin park justin bieber funny dance judai jannat 2 funny video russell peters 2012 movies office 2013, 2014, 2015 nba 2013, 2014, 2015 highlights daft punk smosh skrillex cape town filmfare award 2013, 2014, 2015 full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 cape epic 2013, 2014, 2015 scene kids puppies slipknot honey singh step up 3 chitkabrey akshara gowda blue picture dil dosti dance dil dosti dance bangla natok 2013, 2014, 2015 royal rumble 2013, 2014, 2015 uzeyir 2013, 2014, 2015 super bowl 2013, 2014, 2015 wwe 2013, 2014, 2015 judika alex pandian songs schnitzelbank kids in love cute couple tumblr hollywood squares youtube contemporary dance mahie gill hot murder 2012 trailer chennai express trailer malayalam movies fail compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 yoruba movies 2013, 2014, 2015 ellen degeneres thrift shop macklemore billboard 2013, 2014, 2015 viswaroopam full movie helen meles 2013, 2014, 2015 black kids funny michael jackson gangnam style english hip hop yevadu teaser songs balika vadhu movie trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 adaalat abra gayuma outlander 2013, 2014, 2015 filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 thrift shop hai xuan hitha dura handa porsche boxster 2013, 2014, 2015 michael jackson cute love songs north hollywood shootout google bhangra dance bipasha leaked video youtube telugu movies himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 songs mustang 2013, 2014, 2015 5.0 biglang liko lexus ls 2013, 2014, 2015 royal rumble 2013, 2014, 2015 eminem x tuts 2013, 2014, 2015 eminem emin aliu 2013, 2014, 2015 little kids singing cute girly hairstyles avenged sevenfold gangnam style video amazing dance riya sen mms namitha funny video punar vivah punjabi songs 2013, 2014, 2015 nba bloopers 2012 nba raw 2013, 2014, 2015 world war z rizana nafeek the oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 kids incorporated cute nail designs pain hollywood undead baby justin bieber avengers google wwe summerslam 2012 commando songs 2013, 2014, 2015 nadeem sarwar 2013, 2014, 2015 all star 2013, 2014, 2015 jay chou inventor 2013, 2014, 2015 tutorials american idol 2013, 2014, 2015 doramadalawa this week eurovision 2013, 2014, 2015 pbs kids kittens papa roach style movie indian dance baadshah movie songs telugu short film 2012 movie trailers pavitra rishta trance music 2013, 2014, 2015 harlem shake song 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers cny 2013, 2014, 2015 indian movies 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 15 sitha mage riduna tomorrowland 2013, 2014, 2015 fred cute bunny hollywood undead interview oppa indian style bharatanatyam dance www film blue cocktail full movie dhoom 3 trailer ford escape 2013, 2014, 2015 nba highlights 2013, 2014, 2015 meteor russia 2013, 2014, 2015 cny song 2013, 2014, 2015 police brutality 2013, 2014, 2015 sumo 2013, 2014, 2015 tamil movies 2013, 2014, 2015 world war z soulja boy funny animals three days grace gangman style sreesanth dance imran khan songs tamil movies royal rumble 2012 new trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 funny accident 2012 question time 2013, 2014, 2015 school 2013, 2014, 2015 fairmont interschools 2013, 2014, 2015 winning eleven 2013, 2014, 2015 qubool hai today eurovision 2013, 2014, 2015 greece kids movie cute girl hairstyles madonna hollywood khiladi 786 songs dance ke superstars roadies desi blues film full movie crime patrol fliptop 2013, 2014, 2015 pba 2013, 2014, 2015 versace movies 2013, 2014, 2015 2012 movie trailers evil dead 2013, 2014, 2015 tamil e3 2013, 2014, 2015 funny cats funny video brokencyde gangnam style official sam anderson dance dookudu songs trisha in bathroom bigg boss 6 hindi songs craig ferguson sinulog 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 live academy awards 2013, 2014, 2015 tsagiin hurd 2013, 2014, 2015 golden parade 2013, 2014, 2015 best songs 2013, 2014, 2015 fat kids falling cute guys hollywood divorce gangnam style hd dharmesh sir audition ragini mms xx night time hindi movies cid cid 2013, 2014, 2015 cha cha dabarkads pes 2013, 2014, 2015 gameplay wwe pranks 2013, 2014, 2015 ftv januari 2013, 2014, 2015 pacific rim trailer gangnam style bad kids justin bieber hollywood undead apologize gangnam style rangrezz did season 3 mirchi leaked song hindi movie comedy circus 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 diamonds rihanna pes 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer michelle phan mtbs superbowl 2013, 2014, 2015 cristiano ronaldo 2013, 2014, 2015 tsagiin hurd 2013, 2014, 2015 the kids curse of curves young gangnam style indian hindi songs ram charan short films telugu wwe raw movies 2013, 2014, 2015 r8 2013, 2014, 2015 freestylers 2013, 2014, 2015 renault logan 2013, 2014, 2015 joyous celebration 17 2013, 2014, 2015 supercross spiders trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 humor 2013, 2014, 2015 stupcat kids with guns hairstyles hollywood undead pimpin opa gangnam style gangnam style original 7aam arivu trailer sex movie hollywood movies 2012 comedy circus hindi movies 2013, 2014, 2015 love songs audi s6 2013, 2014, 2015 victoria secret 2013, 2014, 2015 whackhead simpson 2013, 2014, 2015 wsc 2013, 2014, 2015 ape thaththa academy awards 2013, 2014, 2015 nigahiga cute nails hollywood tv gannam style kolaveri di baadshah leaked video trisha ek tha tiger new movies 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 smugglaz song pes 2013, 2014, 2015 faces all england 2013, 2014, 2015 pink juste debout 2013, 2014, 2015 thendral serial eminem too cute hollywood heights funny video dance steps honey singh movies race 2 songs zee tv full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2012 new pope 2013, 2014, 2015 superbowl 2013, 2014, 2015 justin bieber baby fusion santhanam comedy 2013, 2014, 2015 oscar 2013, 2014, 2015 nominations gummy bear song cute feet slipknot psychosocial indian gangnam style bollywood dance badsha trailer short films iifa awards 2012 bigg boss 6 nani girl on fire glk 2013, 2014, 2015 rihanna diamonds golf 7 2013, 2014, 2015 genesis coupe dj earworm 2013, 2014, 2015 ford mustang 2013, 2014, 2015 kids choice awards cute kitties hollywood records gana wala song michael jackson dangerous dammu leaked song kannada new songs 2012 movie star plus serials pas mantab 2013, 2014, 2015 sinulog 2013, 2014, 2015 champion 2013, 2014, 2015 django unchained trailer dj earworm 2013, 2014, 2015 santa fe 2013, 2014, 2015 selena gomez 2013, 2014, 2015 chris brown paramore drake funny video clips wedding dance orange leaked song bazigar film songs vijay awards 2012 saraswatichandra 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer gandang gabi vice hai 2013, 2014, 2015 chinese zodiac 2012 games 2013, 2014, 2015 24 oras tamil songs 2012 hindi movies mgmt electric feel cute cuddly kittens no.5 hollywood undead break up party akon mirchi teaser old hindi songs ishaqzaade full movie facebook honda accord 2013, 2014, 2015 tao lang loonie 2013, 2014, 2015 g dragon movie trailers horoscope 2013, 2014, 2015 one direction potpuri 2013, 2014, 2015 kids remix cutepolish nickelback race 2 songs jabbawockeez best dance kites telugu movies 2012 nautanki saala songs 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup 2013, 2014, 2015 robocop 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer gdc 2013, 2014, 2015 qubool hai funny fail 2013, 2014, 2015 hindi full movie ayaan tromso 2013, 2014, 2015 kids videos cats deuce pitbull arabic belly dance leaked song tamil songs roadies x 2013, 2014, 2015 funny accident 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 tight eyez 2013, 2014, 2015 iron man 3 flashback farming simulator spy kids fred breaking benjamin indian style dubstep dance gabbarsingh leaked song enrique iglesias new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 atlanta sx budots dance ismail yk 2013, 2014, 2015 gpl 2013, 2014, 2015 pranks michigan basketball 2013, 2014, 2015 wayo sangeeth infected 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer whip yo kids all time low justin bieber aiyya songs youtube baadshah ntr trailer justin bieber full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 john cena 2013, 2014, 2015 taylor swift viswaroopam full movie the soil kadal songs farming simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 just dance kids taylor swift american idol harlem shake dance again badshah video songs facebook malayalam full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 diamonds rihanna lyrics skoda octavia 2013, 2014, 2015 club penguin beyonce 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 altima mahela jayawardene fight new year 2013, 2014, 2015 kids these days cute baby animals eminem lose yourself style songs abcd movie songs naayak fear files ces 2013, 2014, 2015 jeep wrangler 2013, 2014, 2015 tom and jerry qubool hai nba 2k13 best smartphone 2013, 2014, 2015 hai hoai linh digu dasa 2 genta ismajli 2013, 2014, 2015 calvary kids cute puppy whistle hear me now gaganam style record dance poonam pandey mms saregamapa 2012 oblivion trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 pgt 2013, 2014, 2015 qvz 2013, 2014, 2015 aussie millions 2013, 2014, 2015 funny videos 2ne1 ccl 2013, 2014, 2015 highlights banjir jakarta 2013, 2014, 2015 cute kids funny videos hollywood undead scava new songs 2012 step up naayak leaked song summerslam 2012 ccl 2013, 2014, 2015 live farming simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 fmd extreme 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 wwe smackdown afcon 2013, 2014, 2015 final cid march 2013, 2014, 2015 remix 2013, 2014, 2015 hees cusub 2013, 2014, 2015 hillsong kids cute hair styles escape the fate gundam style zumba dance workout ann augustine leaked hindi full movie toofan trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 mama trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 english movies brit awards 2013, 2014, 2015 playstation 4 taylor swift new pope 2013, 2014, 2015 hits 2013, 2014, 2015 kids dance cute bunnies papa roach hollywood mohanlal gangnam style dance with me yevadu song leaked agneepath full movie mahadev life ok 2013, 2014, 2015 rnb 2013, 2014, 2015 100500 chinese movie 2012 movies crim petrol land cruiser 2013, 2014, 2015 tilburg moves 2013, 2014, 2015 liberty kids puppy miley cyrus gangnam style remix kathak dance raaz 3 songs dhoom 3 trailer hindi movies 2013, 2014, 2015 s8 mix avenue 2013, 2014, 2015 vw jetta 2013, 2014, 2015 crime patrol 2013, 2014, 2015 ces 2013, 2014, 2015 uz kino 2013, 2014, 2015 new music 2013, 2014, 2015 house 2013, 2014, 2015 family guy cute cat videos hollywood nights style telugu movie dance dance housefull 2 song battleship trailer 2012 funny video clips 2013, 2014, 2015 latest songs 2013, 2014, 2015 hyuna saravanan meenakshi congomikili 2013, 2014, 2015 sistar 2013, 2014, 2015 john cena 2013, 2014, 2015 bushido charlie bit me tobuscus california songs dance of death panja trailer cocktail hollywood movies filmfare awards 2012 nba 2k13 2013, 2014, 2015 squash 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 grammy awards pinoy henyo cydia tweaks 2013, 2014, 2015 maitre gims whitest kids laughing baby hollywood ending facebook michael jackson moonwalk eega trailer punjabi songs ipl auction 2013, 2014, 2015 salman khan new movies 2013, 2014, 2015 dance xpressionz 2013, 2014, 2015 youtube mix 2013, 2014, 2015 house mix 2013, 2014, 2015 monata 2013, 2014, 2015 trailers floriani 2013, 2014, 2015 kids fight gummy bear song lady gaga ganam style rajasthani dance mankatha songs leaked pitbull himmatwala full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 justin bieber 2013, 2014, 2015 earth hour 2013, 2014, 2015 fail compilation 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs tamil new movies hodan abdirahman 2013, 2014, 2015 gangnam style baby dubstep djokovic gangnam style punjabi dance badshah songs telugu sath nibhana sathiya ghanchakkar trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 kia carens 2013, 2014, 2015 gayuma abra lyrics goci bend 2013, 2014, 2015 carly rose sonenclar superman 2013, 2014, 2015 beyonce superbowl shakira waka waka eminem 2013, 2014, 2015 kids next door cute easy hairstyles hollywood movies punjabi gangnam style honey singh splitsville finale leaked cid songs 2011 mustang v6 showtime animatrix 2013, 2014, 2015 flight trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 madden 2013, 2014, 2015 mohombi fail 2013, 2014, 2015 mac miller kids cute proposals hollywood halo g abcd bhindi bazaar leaked avengers full movie new movies parker trailer nba 2012 highlights 2013, 2014, 2015 countdown 2013, 2014, 2015 full movies 2012 jeremy kyle 2013, 2014, 2015 monday night raw people are awesome jonas brothers smosh jonas brothers enrique iglesias songs businessman video songs agneepath songs himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 alabi alado 1 table tennis 2013, 2014, 2015 cindy trimm 2013, 2014, 2015 hai kich 2013, 2014, 2015 ipl auction 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer little kids cute love quotes circles call me maybe kids dance baadshah ntr comedy videos abcd movie trailer smugglaz dead ford escape 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 countdown mor diouf trinh tuan vy megabite 2013, 2014, 2015 playstation meeting 2013, 2014, 2015 lady gaga nevershoutnever hollywood undead diary dabangg 2 trailer jabbawockeez dhoom 3 trailer agneepath songs 2012 gangnam style original ford mustang 2013, 2014, 2015 sirena gloc 9 tolo tv superman 2013, 2014, 2015 world war z badminton 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 tamil songs boat race 2013, 2014, 2015 kids of america cute sneezing panda hollywood undead glory punjabi style google michael jackson gangnam style original elimination chamber 2013, 2014, 2015 dubstep 2013, 2014, 2015 smugglaz death mama trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 honda civic 2013, 2014, 2015 pop danthology 2013, 2014, 2015 remix 2013, 2014, 2015 deyata kirula 2013, 2014, 2015 sekil 2013, 2014, 2015 funny little kids nigahiga pimpin hollywood undead dance step up 2 chitkabrey full movie inkaar 2012 trailer madhubala supercross 2013, 2014, 2015 boyce avenue hai moi 2013, 2014, 2015 remix 2013, 2014, 2015 hangover 3 ittadi 2013, 2014, 2015 hiru mega blast ellen degeneres little kids fighting cute bunny song apologize hollywood undead gangnam style malayalam arabic dance zanjeer trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 parichay colors tv new tamil movies hagdan ron henley sharepoint excel 2013, 2014, 2015 css 2013, 2014, 2015 muqdisho 2013, 2014, 2015 bangla movie 2013, 2014, 2015 shihan sanremo 2013, 2014, 2015 pumped up kicks cute song city gam gam style salsa telugu songs undertaker returns 2012 pes 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 maroon 5 movies 2013, 2014, 2015 cydia tweaks 2013, 2014, 2015 ibiza 2013, 2014, 2015 mongol duu 2013, 2014, 2015 commando trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 ama supercross 2013, 2014, 2015 funny fat kids cute boy real world hollywood cocktail songs rowdy rathore songs dhoom 3 english movies filmfare 2013, 2014, 2015 2012 vice ganda jokes 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 trailers ford st 2013, 2014, 2015 de gea 2013, 2014, 2015 wwe raw 2013, 2014, 2015 outlook 2013, 2014, 2015 blood cute kitten surprise tech n9ne saturday saturday d3 gabbar singh comedy tamil songs 2012 inkaar full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 gayuma metallica australia 2013, 2014, 2015 trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 imagine dragons grammys 2013, 2014, 2015 film zone interdite 2013, 2014, 2015 kids wrestling love songs hollywood undead no.5 waka waka shakira prince dance group selena gomez ishaqzaade trailer 2012 official trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 ford explorer 2013, 2014, 2015 daniel padilla songs wrestling 2013, 2014, 2015 workers party 2013, 2014, 2015 argo trailer 2012 sagita 2013, 2014, 2015 isuru sangramaya tomas alazar 2013, 2014, 2015 stupid kids michelle phan rihanna tiger style classical dance sajitha betti wedding agent vinod songs abcd oscar nominations 2013, 2014, 2015 youtube seth macfarlane new songs 2012 cimorelli 2013, 2014, 2015 vijay tv shkurte gashi britney spears cute updos glory hollywood undead linkin park punjabi songs vettaikaran sasural simar ka salman khan edward maya kobe bryant highlights moscow 2012 movie trailers supercross 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 bmw tamil comedy gazmend rama 2013, 2014, 2015 super rich kids cat asking alexandria gnam style aerobics dance workout gangnam style raaz 3 songs trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 autodesk maya 2013, 2014, 2015 hipon 2012 badminton 2013, 2014, 2015 kevin hart eastenders jan 2013, 2014, 2015 ridee rayak 2013, 2014, 2015 papstwahl crazy kids cute kid hollywood shuffle rajini style monkey dance ishaqzaade euro 2012 iron man 3 django unchained trailer new songs mister you 2013, 2014, 2015 dua dunia office 2013, 2014, 2015 wrestling mania 2013, 2014, 2015 heute show rihanna cute baby laughing dead in ditches hindi songs pappu cant dance pawan kalyan movie trailers 2012 picture nissan gtr 2013, 2014, 2015 swag mix 2013, 2014, 2015 car crash 2013, 2014, 2015 billboard 2013, 2014, 2015 march movies 2012 wrestling hrithik roshan dance soosan firooz drake cute tumblr couples deuce america gum gum style abcd full movie mr.perfect songs songs 2012 sasural simar ka parker trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 happy tree 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british r&b singer who charted in the uk top after promoting herself through youtube alexis jordan alexisjordan singer-songwriter, actress and first season contestant on america's got talent; signed to jay-z's roc nation label through her exposure on her youtube channel. andrew gunadie gunnarolla, dietgunnarolla, team andrew better known as gunnarolla on youtube. canadian internet personality, musician, and video producer. angry grandpa theangrygrandpashow, grandpascorner known for videos of him violently raging and reacting to various pranks and events amanda baggs silentmiaow featured on a cnn health blog amber lee ettinger barelypolitical known as obama girl from the video i got a crush... on obama and stars in many barelypolitical episodes amy walker amiablewalker most notable for her video, accents and mastery of world accents. ana gomes ferreira anafree known as ana free a singer-songwriter from portugal. andrea russett gettoxfabxforever vlogger and radio dj from fort wayne, indiana whose video appeared in the justin bieber movie never say never and has over , subscribers on youtube as of may . andy mckee andymckee a fingerstyle guitarist who is signed to the us-american record label candyrat records. anthony padilla and ian hecox smosh, ianh, askcharlie, anthonypadilla, elsmosh, shutupcartoons, smoshgames known as smosh. the second most subscribed youtube channel, with over , , subscribers as of august . austin mahone austinmahone pop singer who built large online following during . angie miller angiekristinemiller christian singer who was made known for her covers and coming in fourth place on american idol. busers channels notes references baba ali ummahfilms known for the reminder series and ask baba ali series. bachir boumaaza athenewins video gamer and social activist who is widely referred to by his online pseudonym athene. ben breedlove ouradvice you, breedlovetv, totalrandomness known for dealing out relationship advice to his peers in vlogs. ben going boh m known as boh m blimey cow blimeycow, blimeycowvlog, jordanmichaeltaylor, amy taylorcomedy trio known for videos relating to christianity, homeschooling, music, relationships, and social media. bobby miller bobbymiller, soulpancake comedian, host, filmmaker bo burnham boburnham, mahnrubob comedian, comedic singer, musician, songwriter, and actor. brandon hardesty artietsmitw well known movie scene impersonator. brooke brodack brookers actress, editor, director. known for her crazed numa fan and chips videos. cusers channels notes references caitlin hill thehill catherine wayne boxxybabee, anewhopeee, bodaciousboxxy popular for her comedic youtube videos under the pseudonym boxxy. fights between her supporters and her detractors lead to an online war. cenk uygur theyoungturks journalist and political commentator, host of the largest online news show in the world. charice pempengco charice filipina singer who rose to popularity through youtube; currently set to join the cast of glee for its second season charles trippy ctfxc star in the internet reality show, internet killed television. also does skits on his original channel. charlie mcdonnell charlieissocoollike, charlieissoboredlike, charlieate a british vlogger and singer songwriter. member of the chartjackers team, chameleon circuit and sons of admirals. chartjackers chartjackers, chartjackersproject a band who made a song, i've got nothing, to raise money for children in need . chris crocker itschriscrocker an openly gay blogger who became notable for creating the leave britney alone! video. christiaan van vuuren christiaanvanvuuren gained notable popularity after starting to record videos from within quarantine. christina grimmie zeldaxlove singer-songwriter christine gambito happyslip, christinegambito famous with her filipino jokes, accent and virtues. clara chung claracmusic singer, guitarist corey vidal apprenticea famous for star wars john williams is the man and how-to dance videos. cory williams smpfilms, themeankitty, dudelikehella known as mr. safety from smp films, organizer of the as one youtube gathering craig benzine wheezywaiter started vlogging about his job as a waiter, then quit his job to become a full youtuber and video maker after he became a hit. dusers channels notes references dan brown pogobat, danbrownuniverse developer of the dan brown method of solving a rubik's cube; won second annual youtube video awards instructional category for how to solve a rubik's cube. dancing dolls replay cover dance unit. covered dances of such artists as girls' generation and ne . over million views on youtube and nico nico douga combined prior to its professional singing debut on sony music entertainment japan with the hit single touch -a.s.a.p.- shanghai darling. the unit's account replay was created on april , and deleted prior to its major label debut. dane boedigheimer daneboe, realannoyingorange, gagfilms, superboebros creator of the annoying orange video series. is currently also a television series aired on cartoon network daniel howell danisnotonfire, danisnotinteresting a british vlogger and radio host; co-host of super amazing project dave carroll and band, sons of maxwell sonsofmaxwell created three popular music videos, beginning with united breaks guitars in protest of carroll's treatment at the hands of united airlines which proved a public relations debacle for the airline. david choi davidchoimusic, davidchoitalk singer-songwriter. david cohen davidcohenmusic singer, songwriter, former contestant on american idol david mccleary sheldon mac lethal rapper, producer, radio host. in november , mac lethal released a video on youtube of him rapping over the beat to look at me now while he prepares a dish of pancakes in his kitchen. the video became a viral hit and got millions of views in a matter of days and led to interviews on websites like cnn and the washington post. denny blaze denny blaze denny blaze, commonly known by his stage name the average homeboy, blazin hazen, is an american rapper made famous for a demo tape produced in the late s featuring his single the average homeboy. derek muller veritasium creator of veritasium and host of youtube's geek week. destorm power destorm, destormtv singer, songwriter, and video editor. often collaborates with other youtube personalities and artists, including mystery guitar man and vassy. doctor steel doctorsteel steampunk industrial musician, entertainer, and visual artist douglas sarine and kent nichols digitalfilmmaker creators of ask a ninja eusers channels notes references edward edd gould eddsworld flash animator and creator of the eddsworld series. was noticed on youtube by the bbc and tve who both commissioned for the creation of animations for their organizations. was also chosen to create an opening animation for the united nations climate change conference after catching the attention of the planning committee on youtube. died in . edward muscare edarem former child molestor who achieved popularity for his eccentric videos of himself. in , he was imprisoned for uploading videos to youtube, thereby breaking his probation's ban on using a computer. elle and blair fowler allthatglitters , ellesglittergossip elle , otherjuicystar , juicystar blair sisters who post beauty and style-related tutorials and vlogs elliott morgan, lee newton, and joe bereta sourcefed hosts of sourcefed's minutes or less news show and comment commentary launched by philip defranco. eric calderone erock metal guitarist, he covered theme songs and other songs from media into heavy metal music, including star wars, halo, and michael jackson. in early , calderone won golden gods award, an award for an outstanding heavy metal performance. esmã©e denters esmeedenters cover-artist, she covered songs by musicians like justin timberlake and natasha bedingfield. in , she went on to start her professional career after attracting the attention of dutch media scouts and justin timberlake, now she sings original songs. fusers channels notes references felix kjellberg pewdiepie, pewdie video game playthroughs and commentary. the most subscribed channel on youtube, he currently has over million subscribers, and over billion video views. fine brothers thefinebros, thefinebros , mymusicshow creators producers of the react video series kids, teens, elders and youtubers react and mymusic sitcom. also known for timed spoiler videos. freddie wong and brandon laatsch freddiew, freddiew creator of many mini action movies. they have gained over million subscribers since beginning uploading videos in . fox bronte monalisanaked alternative artist known for his comedic rants on modern day culture and putting himself in cringe-worthy situations to make his artwork. gusers channels notes references gary brolsma newnuma creator of the numa numa dance. gavin free theslowmoguys, roosterteeth, letsplay, gamefails director, producer, and cinematographer. germã¡n garmendia holasoygerman, holasoygerman chilean video producer and aspiring actor. the third most subscribed channel on youtube, he currently has over million subscribers. garmendia makes monological observational comedy videos. in july , el paã­s called him the most popular latin american on youtube today. gille gillesound singer glozell green glozell actress, comedian and singer grace helbig dailygrace actress, comedian and video blogger from los angeles. citation needed the gregory brothers schmoyoho thegregorybrothers creators of several songified videos using autotune, most notably the bed intruder song, the double rainbow song, winning! w charlie sheen , and the auto-tune the news series. greyson chance greyson singer discovered by ellen degeneres, signed to record label. notable for his cover of lady gaga's hit paparazzi. greg benson mediocrefilms, mediocrefilms creator of the retarded policeman. husers channels notes references harley morenstein epicmealtime epic meal time cooking show harry and charlie davies-carr hdcyt charlie bit my finger huang yi xin back dormitory boys hannah harto hart myharto, yourharto she is best known for starring in my drunk kitchen, a weekly series on youtube in which she cooks something while extremely intoxicated. apart from her main channel, she also runs a second channel where she talks about life in general and gives her opinions on various topics. hannah minx misshannahminx, bonusminx japanese lessons via jwow japanese word of the week segment, japanese culture, minxy and jinxy fashion tips, travel tips, humor, skits, and more! hikaru kaihatsu hikakin, hikakintv, hikakinblog japanese human beatbox, food and product reviews humza arshad humzaproductions most notable for his ongoing web series diary of a bad man, with episode being one of the most viewed videos in the uk for . iusers channels notes references iman crosson alphacat, iman actor, nationally known obama impersonator; co-editor of we are the world for haiti youtube edition . jusers channels notes references jack conte jackcontemusic indie musician, singer, and songwriter jack douglass jacksfilms, jackisanerd, shutupdennis, featuredfridays, catlvr creator of your grammar sucks and the wtf blanket jack harries jacksgap jack started vlogging as a way to document his gap year, sometimes together with his twin brother finn and won a large following with hundreds of tumblr fansites, over million video views october and , followers on twitter october . he and his brother finn were profiled as two of the uk's most famous youtube vloggers in the daily telegraph. jack rebney, the winnebago man jack rebney's profane video outtakes first circulated underground on vhs tape before youtube turned him into an online sensation. the reclusive rebney, age , is the subject of a feature film, winnebago man, to be released in theaters summer . dated info jack vale jackvalefilms hidden camera pranks on the general public. jake foushee moonwalkhd teen voiceover artist who was signed to abrams artist agency during his appearance on ellen. known for my movie trailer guy impression. james provan gir creator of pancakes! james rolfe cinemassacre formerly jamesnintendonerd , james rolfe filmmaker and video game reviewer, known for his angry video game nerd sketches. jamie grace jgracepro singer-songwriter discovered by grammy winner tobymac and signed to gotee records. janoskians janoskians, daresundays an australian web-based comedy group jesse wellens & jeana smith prankvsprank, bfvsgf, nylahkitty, downrangegaming couple pranking each other jenna mourey jennamarbles, jennamarblesvlog most subscribed woman in the world; best known for her video how to trick people into thinking you're good looking. she is the third most subscribed user of all time. jessica rose, yousef abu-taleb, jackson davis, and alexandra dreyfus lonelygirl from lonelygirl jodie rivera venetianprincess previously, no. most subscribed female on youtube prior to michellephan surpassing her. joe bereta and luke barats baratsandbereta creators of barats and bereta joe luginbill josephluginbill host of joe's kitchen, a youtube cooking show. joe penna mysteryguitarman, jp musician and animator. most subscribed brazilian auteur. citation needed joey graceffa joeygraceffa, joeygraceffagames vlogger, actor and host at his videos' topics are varied and include challenges, song covers, the hunger games trilogy and gaming walkthroughs. john bain totalhalibut, totalbiscuit first impressions of indie-games, starcraft commentator john and hank green vlogbrothers of brotherhood . jon schmidt, steven sharp nelson, tel stewart, paul anderson, and al van der beek. the piano guys musial group jonathan paula, jory caron, & riley mcillwain jpizzle , jon, jory creators of, is it a good idea to microwave this?, movie night, and other original web series. jordan maron captainsparklez notable for making minecraft music videos and walkthroughs, etc. josh chomik thecomputernerd notable for developing musical parodies juan mann juanmann of the free hugs campaign judith bustos latigresadelorientec la tigresa del oriente, peruvian singer and make-up artist whose youtube exposure led to a contract with warner bros. mexico judson laipply judsonlaipply judson laipply is an american motivational speaker from bucyrys, ohio best known for his performance in the evolution of dance clip. it’s the fourth-most watched clip on youtube as of july . julia nunes jaaaaaaa singer, songwriter, guitar and ukulele player. has performed with ben folds and appears regularly at the bonnaroo music festival. justin bieber kidrauhl canadian singer who was discovered on youtube and signed a major record deal with usher, becoming one of the world's biggest superstars at only years old. his justin bieber – baby music video has over , , views, making it the second most viewed video in youtube history as of december . ijustine ijustine, otherijustine, ijustinesiphone, ijustinegaming, ijustinereviews, video blogger and comedian. justine's first viral video was a video of her opening a bill sent to her by at&t mobility titled iphone bill. she currently voices passion fruit in the high fructose adventures of annoying orange on cartoon network. kusers channels notes references karen alloy spricket regional emmy award-winning entertainer and comedian. ken sekine megwin video blogger and comedian kevin nalty nalts video blogger and comedian. kevin wu kevjumba, jumbafund comedian reality star of the amazing race . he currently host pre-commercials called flicks on cartoon network. kina grannis kinagrannis singer-songwriter formerly signed to interscope records. mostly known for her song in your arms. kip kay kipkay prankster, gadget creator. ksiolajidebt ksiolajidebt, ksiolajidebthd gamer, part-time comedian, also rather loud. kurt hugo schneider kurthugoschneider producing youtube music videos in collaboration with other musicians. he is best known for his production of music videos for sam tsui. kurt j mac kurtjmac youtube gaming commentator and host of far lands or bust, an attempt to walk to the minecraft far lands without any mods or cheats. he uses this series as a walk-a-thon for child's play charity, and has so far raised over $ , , earning him the title of platinum sponsor. kutiman kutiman multi-instrumentalist, composer, arranger, bandleader, and creator of thruyou. kyle myers fpsrussia, morefpsrussia, fps host of the fpsrussia show lusers channels notes references laina wzr known as the overly attached girlfriend lauren luke panacea make-up artist lim jeong-hyun funtwohimself lisa donovan lisanova, lisa lisa lavie lisalavie singer-songwriter; co-producer of we are the world for haiti youtube edition , yanni vocalist - . lloyd ahlquist epiclloyd, erb rapper, comedy theater, songwiter, co-founder of the epic rap battles of history lucas cruikshank fred, lucas lucas from jkl productions. has one of the highest numbers of subscribers on youtube. he currently stars in the main role as fred figglehorn in fred the show on nickelodeon. musers channels notes references magibon mririan mamrie hart youdeserveadrink, mametown comedic actress, writer, and performer. on her main channel, youdeserveadrink, she primarily posts weekly instructional mixology videos, with a unique cocktail presented in each, allowing her to combine her past work experience as a bartender with performing. she periodically collaborates with other youtube personalities such as hannah hart and grace helbig. marcus butler marcusbutlertv, moremarcus british vlogger known for greeting with a slow hello! in every video maria aragon rojuanearagon a -year-old filipino-canadian singer who became popular after lady gaga posted a link to her piano cover of born this way in her twitter page. the singer wrote can’t stop crying watching this. this is why i make music. she is the future. the two eventually got to perform together during the latter's monster ball tour in toronto, canada. she has also performed live at the ellen degeneres show. aragon has performed for and with canadian prime minister stephen harper. mariã© digby mariedigby singer-songwriter whose career picked up when she posted a video of herself covering the rihanna song umbrella. marina orlova hotforwords a russian philologist who is a youtube star that teaches the etymology of english words. mark fischbach markipliergame, markiplierno longer active , markipliertwitch video game playthroughs and commentary. he is also known for a web-series named drunk minecraft. he currently has over , subscribers, and over million video views. martin billany littlekuriboh taken down , cardgamesftw, ninjabridge, obeymyrod aka littlekuriboh; creator of yu-gi-oh! the abridged series, a popular parody of the anime yu-gi-oh!; winner of funniest youtube channel in the mashable open web awards. megan and liz meganandliz, meganandlizbeauty achieved some popularity on youtube, appeared on the oprah winfrey show. melody oliveria bowiechick meme molly mememolly internet personality and former presenter of rocketboom daily news. merton pianochatimprov singer-songwriter, music improviser. mia rose miaarose singer-songwriter michael agrusso itsjustsomerandomguy creator of hi, i'm a marvel...and i'm a dc video series, youtube celebrity among comic book movie fans with panels at new york comic con and michael buckley whatthebuckshow, michael buckley, bucksphone known for his celebrity news show, what the buck?! michael stevens vsauce, vsauce , vsauce , wesauce know as the bearded nunin barely political episodes. michael wesch mwesch his video, web . ... the machine is us ing us was viewed over million times. wesch has won several awards for his work with video, including a wired magazine rave award and the john culkin award for outstanding media praxis from the media ecology association. michelle phan michellephan vietnamese-american make-up artist and owner of skincare line iqqu; she produces beauty tutorials videos and is the spokesperson for lancã´me. miranda sings mirandasings and mirandavlogz character created by comedian colleen ballinger that satirizes bad, but egotistical singers who post videos of themselves singing and vloging on youtube. mister epic mann misterepicmann and misterepicmann created the viral video how animals eat their food and several others moymoy palaboy moymoypalaboy filipino comic and singing duo, known for lip sync videos. nusers channels notes references natalie tran communitychannel first australian youtuber to pass one million subscribers. nataly dawn natalydawn indie musician, singer, and songwriter. noah kalina nk notable for his video noah takes a photo of himself every day for years opusers channels notes references pat condell patcondell comedian, antitheist, of his videos were published to dvd. paul robinett renetto peter oakley geriatric geriatric gripes and grumbles, mentions his service for britain during wwii peter schiff schiffreport a financial broker and ceo of euro pacific capital, peter schiff is known for the video peter schiff was right – nd edition by youtuber jdouche. his internet fame created a grassroots movement which prompted him to run for senate in connecticut, albeit unsuccessfully. peter shukoff nicepeter, nicepetertoo, erb, erb a self described comic guitar hero best known for the musical comedy on his youtube channel, nicepeter, and co-creating the comedial series known as epic rap battles of history, along with epiclloyd. phil davison theonlygodiszeus local politician from minerva, ohio. his impassioned stump speech as a candidate for treasurer of stark county, ohio has been viewed more than a million times on youtube. phil lester amazingphil, lessamazingphil british vlogger and bbc radio host; co-host of super amazing project phil mason thunderf t atheist vlogger, creator of the video series why people laugh at creationists philip defranco sxephil, philipdefranco news reporter, known for the philip defranco show, and being the creator of sourcefed. phillip wang, wesley chan and ted fu wongfuproductions film-making trio. known for film shorts, music videos for other musicians and their vlogs called wong fu weekends. pomplamoose pomplamoosemusic a musical duo composed of jack conte and nataly dawn. psy officialpsy his gangnam style music video is recognized by guinness world records as the most viewed and most liked video in youtube history, and for being the first to surpass billion views. qrusers channels notes references randy pausch gave the lecture really achieving your childhood dreams. randy phillips areyousuprised while serving in the united states air force to come out as a homosexual during the final months of the u.s. military's policy known as don't ask, don't tell ray william johnson raywilliamjohnson, yourfavoritemartian, breakingnyc the fourth most subscribed channel on youtube, reviews viral videos, recently started a second animated music video channel. rebecca black rebecca an american teen who became famous after posting her song friday that received more than million views and hugely negative comments dubbing the song the worst song ever. rebecca flint xbextahx a british teen who became known as beckii cruel by recreating a dance called the danjo. she now has a record deal with tokuma japan communications. rhett and link rhettandlink, rhettandlink known as rhett mclaughlin and link neal. ronald jenkees ronaldjenkees american composer and musician rucka rucka ali wheres rucka, itsrucka, ruckawho, ruckawhat, ruckas black he has been labelled one of the most successful artists to come out of youtube, where he has received over million hits with hits such as ching chang chong and justin's beaver. citation needed ryan higa nigahiga, higatv the sixth most subscribed youtube channel. he is known for his video how to be a ninja. susers channels notes references salman khan khanacademy educational videos on a wide range of topics. sam tsui thesamtsui best known for covering and performing songs by popular artists, as well as original medleys and mashups. samwell brownmarkfilms most notable for the video what what in the butt . sammy stephens teedadawg best known for a commercial for flea market montgomery in which stephens, raps about the store claiming it's just like a mini mall. santhosh pandit krishnanum radhayum he is a malayalam movie actor and director who was criticized for making the low-budget movie krishnanum radhayum. the song rathri subharathri from the movie became an instant hit with the malayali population around the world. sarah austin pop sarah meyers sara niemietz saraniemietz singer, song writer, actress featured on the ellen degeneres show sean plott day tv a kansas born starcraft brood war professional who has since become a popular starcraft commentator and e-sports promoter. sean is most famous for his daily show; where he breaks down sc games for analysis, and shoutcasting at events such as mlg and dreamhack sgt scott moore gowithmemila known for his successful viral video campaign asking mila kunis to the marine corps ball while stationed in afghanistan. his video achieved nation-wide news attention and has been viewed over million times. shane dawson shanedawsontv, shanedawsontv , shane makes comedy sketches, featuring several well-known characters. shay carl shaycarl, shaytards, shayloss, iphonetard daily life vlogger, comedian, in top most subscribed list and has appeared on no ordinary family. simon and martina simonandmartina, simonandmartinabonus creators of the eat your kimchi videos and website spencer and dylan householdhacker known as traveler real name unknown and dylan frosty brain ; youtube channel, household hacker, is the th most subscribed as of august . straight no chaser sncmusic straight no chaser was an undergraduate a capella group whose -year-old version of days of christmas went viral in . atlantic records signed them to a five album deal because of their youtube success. sungha jung jwcfree guitarist tusers channels notes references taryn southern hott hill hillary clinton campaign video. tay zonday tayzonday, tayvox most notable for the chocolate rain video. ted williams most notable for the man with the golden radio voice. terra naomi terranaomi singer-songwriter formerly signed to island records tessa violet meekakitty american vlogger – comedy. the laughing baby spacelord known as haha, laughing baby, cute adorable baby thomas ridgewell tomska, darksquidge known for appearance in eddsworld and the asdfmovie series. he has appeared on the one show and bbc news. tiffany alvord tiffanyalvord singer-songwriter and cover artist, among the top most subscribed music channels on youtube. tim chantarangsu timothydelaghetto , thetimothydelaghetto, traphikmusik, timsbakery filmmaker, musician, vlogger, rapper. also known as traphikrap name tj terroja kirk theamazingatheist, tjdoeslife known for his rants on religion, pop culture and societal issues. toby dale directortoby filmmaker. toby turner tobuscus, tobyturner, tobygames comedian, actor, known for his literal trailers and reviewing various videos on youtube cute, win, fail and playing nerville on annoying orange. tom cassell thesyndicateproject, syndicatecentral known for his minecraft and call of duty videos. tom dickson blendtec star of will it blend? tyler oakley tyleroakley vlogger and advocate for gay youth, presenting on topics such as queer politics and pop culture. uvusers channels notes references venus palermo venusangelic had a # hit with a cover of i love it. vi hart vihart mathemusician with over a million hits viktoriya yermolyeva vkgoeswild pianist with over a million hits who's worked with lazar berman and nine inch nails drummer brian viglione. wusers channels notes references william sledd williamsledd vlogger that produces videos which center around fashion. matthew woodworth woodysgamertag video game vlogger. videos mainly based around the call of duty series. also co-host of the pain killer already pka podcast. winner of season of dance showdown. xyusers channels notes references the yogscast yogscast lewis and simon, yogscast hannah, yogscast duncan, yogscast sips, yogscast sjin, yogscast martyn, yogscast nilesy, yogscast panda, hat films, yogscast rythian, yogscast zoey, yogscast strippin, yogscast kim, yogscast parv, yogscast zylus, yogscast davechaos producers of comedic gaming videos and minecraft parodies of famous songs. best known for their minecraft series. ysabella brave ysabellabrave a vocalist that was signed by cordless recordings. yuya mariand castrejon lady makeup, yuyacst mexican vlogger who posts beauty, relationships, decoration and style-related tutorials and vlogs. particularly known for her high pitched voice, she is the latin american woman with the most youtube suscribers. zusers channels notes references zack drapala ghostrobo best known for his gameplay walkthrough commentaries. zdoggmd zdoggmd a doctor known for his hiphop inspired medical comedy videos. zoe sugg aka zoella zoella , morezoella her vlogs and blog posts centre around beauty, fashion and lifestyle. she was named best beauty blogger at the cosmopoltian blog awards on . zoella was also awarded with the best british vlogger award in bbc radio 's teen awards . by subscribersthe following is a chart featuring a list of the most subscribed youtube channels, including vevo channels with approximate subscribers . as of september , rank channel subscriber count pewdiepie . million smosh . million holasoygerman . million jennamarbles . million raywilliamjohnson . million nigahiga . million rihannavevo . million machinima . million onedirectionvevo . million rb . million heellenshow . million freddiew . million officialpsy . million roosterteeth . million eminemvevo . million werevertumorro . million taylorswiftvevo . million yogscast lewis and simon . million justinbiebervevo . million thefinebros . million theofficialskrillex . million epicmealtime . million skydoesminecraft . million tobygames . million portadosfundos . million captainsparklez . million thelonelyisland . million thesyndicateproject . million collegehumor . million vsauce . million elektrarecords . million shanedawsontv . million tobuscus . million katyperryvevo . million michellephan . million ukfdubstep . million fpsrussia . million nba . million league of legends . million davidguettavevo . million nickiminajatvevo . million movieclipstrailers . million lady makeup . million boyceavenue . million adelevevo . million enchufetv . million programagalofrito . million adamthomasmoran . million prankvsprank . million pinkvevo . million see alsoferal horses are born and live in the wild, but are descended from domesticated animals.[129] many populations of feral horses exist throughout the world.[156][157] studies of feral herds have provided useful insights into the behavior of prehistoric horses,[158] as well as greater understanding of the instincts and behaviors that drive horses that live in domesticated conditions.[159]there are also semi-feral horses in many parts of the world, such as dartmoor and the new forest in the uk, where the animals are all privately owned but live for significant amounts of time in wild conditions on undeveloped, often public, lands. owners of such animals often pay a fee for grazing rights.[160][161]breedsmain article horse breed, list of horse breeds, and horse breedingthe concept of purebred bloodstock and a controlled, written breed registry has come to be particularly significant and important in modern times. sometimes purebred horses are incorrectly or inaccurately called thoroughbreds. thoroughbred is a specific breed of horse, while a purebred is a horse or any other animal with a defined pedigree recognized by a breed registry.[162] horse breeds are groups of horses with distinctive characteristics that are transmitted consistently to their offspring, such as conformation, color, performance ability, or disposition. these inherited traits result from a combination of natural crosses and artificial selection methods. horses have been selectively bred since their domestication. an early example of people who practiced selective horse breeding were the bedouin, who had a reputation for careful practices, keeping extensive pedigrees of their arabian horses and placing great value upon pure bloodlines.[163] these pedigrees were originally transmitted via an oral tradition.[164] in the 14th century, carthusian monks of southern spain kept meticulous pedigrees of bloodstock lineages still found today in the andalusian horse.[165]breeds developed due to a need for form to function, the necessity to develop certain characteristics in order to perform a particular type of work.[166] thus, a powerful but refined breed such as the andalusian developed as riding horses with an aptitude for dressage.[166] heavy draft horses developed out of a need to perform demanding farm work and pull heavy wagons.[167] other horse breeds developed specifically for light agricultural work, carriage and road work, various sport disciplines, or simply as pets.[168] some breeds developed through centuries of crossing other breeds, while others descended from a single foundation sire, or other limited or restricted foundation bloodstock. one of the earliest formal registries was general stud book for thoroughbreds, which began in 1791 and traced back to the foundation bloodstock for the breed.[169] there are more than 300 horse breeds in the world today.[170]interaction with humansworldwide, horses play a role within human cultures and have done so for millennia. horses are used for leisure activities, sports, and working purposes. the food and agriculture organization fao estimates that in 2008, there were almost 59,000,000 horses in the world, with around 33,500,000 in the americas, 13,800,000 in asia and 6,300,000 in europe and smaller portions in africa and oceania. there are estimated to be 9,500,000 horses in the united states alone.[171] the american horse council estimates that horse-related activities have a direct impact on the economy of the united states of over $39 billion, and when indirect spending is considered, the impact is over $102 billion.[172] in a 2004 poll conducted by animal planet, more than 50,000 viewers from 73 countries voted for the horse as the world's 4th favorite animal.[173]communication between human and horse is paramount in any equestrian activity;[174] to aid this process horses are usually ridden with a saddle on their backs to assist the rider with balance and positioning, and a bridle or related headgear to assist the rider in maintaining control.[175] sometimes horses are ridden without a saddle,[176] and occasionally, horses are trained to perform without a bridle or other headgear.[177] many horses are also driven, which requires a harness, bridle, and some type of vehicle.[178]sport a horse and rider in dressage competition at the olympicsmain articles equestrianism, horse racing, horse training, and horse tackhistorically, equestrians honed their skills through games and races. equestrian sports provided entertainment for crowds and honed the excellent horsemanship that was needed in battle. many sports, such as dressage, eventing and show jumping, have origins in military training, which were focused on control and balance of both horse and rider. other sports, such as rodeo, developed from practical skills such as those needed on working ranches and stations. sport hunting from horseback evolved from earlier practical hunting techniques.[174] horse racing of all types evolved from impromptu competitions between riders or drivers. all forms of competition, requiring demanding and specialized skills from both horse and rider, resulted in the systematic development of specialized breeds and equipment for each sport. the popularity of equestrian sports through the centuries has resulted in the preservation of skills that would otherwise have disappeared after horses stopped being used in combat.[179]horses are trained to be ridden or driven in a variety of sporting competitions. examples include show jumping, dressage, three-day eventing, competitive driving, endurance riding, gymkhana, rodeos, and fox hunting.[180] horse shows, which have their origins in medieval european fairs, are held around the world. they host a huge range of classes, covering all of the mounted and harness disciplines, as well as in-hand classes where the horses are led, rather than ridden, to be evaluated on their conformation. the method of judging varies with the discipline, but winning usually depends on style and ability of both horse and rider.[181] sports such as polo do not judge the horse itself, but rather use the horse as a partner for human competitors as a necessary part of the game. although the horse requires specialized training to participate, the details of its performance are not judged, only the result of the rider's actions—be it getting a ball through a goal or some other task.[182] examples of these sport of partnership between human and horse include jousting, in which the main goal is for one rider to unseat the other,[183] and buzkashi, a team game played throughout central asia, the aim being to capture a goat carcass while on horseback.[182]horse racing is an equestrian sport and major international industry, watched in almost every nation of the world. there are three types flat racing; steeplechasing, i.e. racing over jumps; and harness racing, where horses trot or pace while pulling a driver in a small, light cart known as a sulky.[184] a major part of horse racing's economic importance lies in the gambling associated with it.[185]work a mounted police officer in polandthere are certain jobs that horses do very well, and no technology has yet developed to fully replace them. for example, mounted police horses are still effective for certain types of patrol duties and crowd control.[186] cattle ranches still require riders on horseback to round up cattle that are scattered across remote, rugged terrain.[187] search and rescue organizations in some countries depend upon mounted teams to locate people, particularly hikers and children, and to provide disaster relief assistance.[188] horses can also be used in areas where it is necessary to avoid vehicular disruption to delicate soil, such as nature reserves. they may also be the only form of transport allowed in wilderness areas. horses are quieter than motorized vehicles. law enforcement officers such as park rangers or game wardens may use horses for patrols, and horses or mules may also be used for clearing trails or other work in areas of rough terrain where vehicles are less effective.although machinery has replaced horses in many parts of the world, an estimated 100 million horses, donkeys and mules are still used for agriculture and transportation in less developed areas. this number includes around 27 million working animals in africa alone.[190] some land management practices such as cultivating and logging can be efficiently performed with horses. in agriculture, less fossil fuel is used and increased environmental conservation occurs over time with the use of draft animals such as horses.[191][192] logging with horses can result in reduced damage to soil structure and less damage to trees due to more selective logging.[193]entertainment and culturesee also horses in art and horse worshipmodern horses are often used to reenact many of their historical work purposes. horses are used, complete with equipment that is authentic or a meticulously recreated replica, in various live action historical reenactments of specific periods of history, especially recreations of famous battles.[194] horses are also used to preserve cultural traditions and for ceremonial purposes. countries such as the united kingdom still use horse-drawn carriages to convey royalty and other vips to and from certain culturally significant events.[195] public exhibitions are another example, such as the budweiser clydesdales, seen in parades and other public settings, a team of draft horses that pull a beer wagon similar to that used before the invention of the modern motorized truck.[196]horses are frequently seen in television, films and literature. they are sometimes featured as a major character in films about particular animals, but also used as visual elements that assure the accuracy of historical stories.[197] both live horses and iconic images of horses are used in advertising to promote a variety of products.[198] the horse frequently appears in coats of arms in heraldry, in a variety of poses and equipment.[199] the mythologies of many cultures, including greco-roman, hindu, islamic, and norse, include references to both normal horses and those with wings or additional limbs, and multiple myths also call upon the horse to draw the chariots of the moon and sun.[200] the horse also appears in the 12-year cycle of animals in the chinese zodiac related to the chinese calendar.[201]therapeutic usesee also hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback ridingpeople of all ages with physical and mental disabilities obtain beneficial results from association with horses. therapeutic riding is used to mentally and physically stimulate disabled persons and help them improve their lives through improved balance and coordination, increased self-confidence, and a greater feeling of freedom and independence.[202] the benefits of equestrian activity for people with disabilities has also been recognized with the addition of equestrian events to the paralympic games and recognition of para-equestrian events by the international federation for equestrian sports fei .[203] hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding are names for different physical, occupational, and speech therapy treatment strategies that utilize equine movement. in hippotherapy, a therapist uses the horse's movement to improve their patient's cognitive, coordination, balance, and fine motor skills, whereas therapeutic horseback riding uses specific riding skills.[204]horses also provide psychological benefits to people whether they actually ride or not. equine-assisted or equine-facilitated therapy is a form of experiential psychotherapy that uses horses as companion animals to assist people with mental illness, including anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, behavioral difficulties, and those who are going through major life changes.[205] there are also experimental programs using horses in prison settings. exposure to horses appears to improve the behavior of inmates and help reduce recidivism when they leave.[206]warfaremain article horses in warfareturkish cavalry, 1917horses have been used in warfare for most of recorded history. the first archaeological evidence of horses used in warfare dates to between 4000 to 3000 bc,[207] and the use of horses in warfare was widespread by the end of the bronze age.[208][209] although mechanization has largely replaced the horse as a weapon of war, horses are still seen today in limited military uses, mostly for ceremonial purposes, or for reconnaissance and transport activities in areas of rough terrain where motorized vehicles are ineffective. horses have been used in the 21st century by the janjaweed militias in the war in darfur.[210]productshorses are raw material for many products made by humans throughout history, including byproducts from the slaughter of horses as well as materials collected from living horses.products collected from living horses include mare's milk, used by people with large horse herds, such as the mongols, who let it ferment to produce kumis.[211] horse blood was once used as food by the mongols and other nomadic tribes, who found it a convenient source of nutrition when traveling. drinking their own horses' blood allowed the mongols to ride for extended periods of time without stopping to eat.[211] the drug premarin is a mixture of estrogens extracted from the urine of pregnant mares pregnant mares' urine , and was previously a widely used drug for hormone replacement therapy.[212] the tail hair of horses can be used for making bows for string instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, and double bass.[213]horse meat has been used as food for humans and carnivorous animals throughout the ages. it is eaten in many parts of the world, though consumption is taboo in some cultures,[214] and a subject of political controversy in others.[215] horsehide leather has been used for boots, gloves, jackets,[216] baseballs,[217] and baseball gloves. horse hooves can also be used to produce animal glue.[218] horse bones can be used to make implements.[219] specifically, in italian cuisine, the horse tibia is sharpened into a probe called a spinto, which is used to test the readiness of a pig ham as it cures.[220] in asia, the saba is a horsehide vessel used in the production of kumis.[221]caremain article horse caresee also equine nutrition, horse grooming, veterinary medicine, and farrierchecking teeth and other physical examinations are an important part of horse care.horses are grazing animals, and their major source of nutrients is good-quality forage from hay or pasture.[222] they can consume approximately 2% to 2.5% of their body weight in dry feed each day. therefore, a 450-kilogram 990 lb adult horse could eat up to 11 kilograms 24 lb of food.[223] sometimes, concentrated feed such as grain is fed in addition to pasture or hay, especially when the animal is very active.[224] when grain is fed, equine nutritionists recommend that 50% or more of the animal's diet by weight should still be forage.[225]horses require a plentiful supply of clean water, a minimum of 10 us gallons 38 l to 12 us gallons 45 l per day.[226] although horses are adapted to live outside, they require shelter from the wind and precipitation, which can range from a simple shed or shelter to an elaborate stable.[227]horses require routine hoof care from a farrier, as well as vaccinations to protect against various diseases, and dental examinations from a veterinarian or a specialized equine dentist.[228] if horses are kept inside in a barn, they require regular daily exercise for their physical health and mental well-being.[229] when turned outside, they require well-maintained, sturdy fences to be safely contained.[230] regular grooming is also helpful to help the horse maintain good health of the hair coat and underlying skin.[231]child sexual abuse or child molestation is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation.[1][2] forms of child sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities regardless of the outcome , indecent exposure of the genitals, female nipples, etc. to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires, or to intimidate or groom the child, physical sexual contact with a child, or using a child to produce child pornography.[1][3][4]the effects of child sexual abuse can include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] complex post-traumatic stress disorder,[8] propensity to further victimization in adulthood,[9] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[10] sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest.[11]the global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 19.7% for females and 7.9% for males, according to a 2009 study published in clinical psychology review that examined 65 studies from 22 countries. using the available data, the highest prevalence rate of child sexual abuse geographically was found in africa 34.4% , primarily because of high rates in south africa; europe showed the lowest prevalence rate 9.2% ; america and asia had prevalence rates between 10.1% and 23.9%.[12] in the past, other research has concluded similarly that in north america, for example, approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children.[13][14][15] most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often brothers, fathers, uncles or cousins; around 60% are other acquaintances such as 'friends' of the family, babysitters, or neighbors; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual abuse cases.[13] most child sexual abuse is committed by men; studies show that women commit 14% to 40% of offenses reported against boys and 6% of offenses reported against girls.[13][14][16] some sources report that most offenders who sexually abuse prepubescent children are pedophiles,[17] but some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia.[18][19]under the law, child sexual abuse is an umbrella term describing criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor or exploits a minor for the purpose of sexual gratification.[4][20] the american psychiatric association states that children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults, and condemns any such action by an adult an adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior.[21]youtube, hd, the avengers age of ultron, joss whedon, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the accidental genius, , drama, the avengers age of ultron, joss whedon, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the accidental genius, , drama, the parsifal mosaic, ron howard, drama, mystery, thrilleredge of tomorrow, doug liman, action, sci_fi, perry mason, , comedy, crime, edge of tomorrow, doug liman, action, sci_fi, perry mason, , comedy, crime, tehran, , drama, thrillerrobocop, josã© padilha, action, crime, sci_fi, thriller, the judge, david dobkin, drama, robocop, josã© padilha, action, crime, sci_fi, thriller, the judge, david dobkin, drama, the day trader, derick martini, crimegravity, alfonso cuarã³n, drama, sci_fi, thriller, suburbicon, joel coen, comedy, gravity, alfonso cuarã³n, drama, sci_fi, thriller, suburbicon, joel coen, comedy, the tale of the body thief, , fantasy, horrorthe amazing spider-man 2, marc webb, action, adventure, fantasy, the substitute, scott derrickson, comedy, fantasy, horror, sci_fi, the amazing spider-man 2, marc webb, action, adventure, fantasy, the substitute, scott derrickson, comedy, fantasy, horror, sci_fi, go mutants!, , adventure, comedythe hobbit the desolation of smaug, peter jackson, adventure, drama, fantasy, burst 3d, , horror, the hobbit the desolation of smaug, peter jackson, adventure, drama, fantasy, burst 3d, , horror, east of eden, gary ross, dramaguardians of the galaxy, james gunn, action, adventure, sci_fi, the casebook of victor frankenstein, , drama, horror, guardians of the galaxy, james gunn, action, adventure, sci_fi, the casebook of victor frankenstein, , drama, horror, my best friend, , comedy47 ronin, carl rinsch, action, adventure, fantasy, cineplex, , horror, 47 ronin, carl rinsch, action, adventure, fantasy, cineplex, , horror, the serpent and the eagle, , drama, historythor the dark world, alan taylor, action, adventure, fantasy, just another love story, marc webb, crime, drama, thriller, thor the dark world, alan taylor, action, adventure, fantasy, just another love story, marc webb, crime, drama, thriller, l.a. riots, justin lin, dramadivergent, neil burger, action, adventure, romance, sci_fi, the wee free men, , action, comedy, family, fantasy, divergent, neil burger, action, adventure, romance, sci_fi, the wee free men, , action, comedy, family, fantasy, b-minor, ron howard, dramax-men days of future past, bryan singer, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the day of the triffids, , adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, x-men days of future past, bryan singer, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the day of the triffids, , adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, under the banner of heaven, ron howard, dramatransformers age of extinction, michael bay, action, adventure, sci_fi, monster zoo, , action, adventure, transformers age of extinction, michael bay, action, adventure, sci_fi, monster zoo, , action, adventure, y the last man, daniel trachtenberg, action, sci_fioldboy, spike lee, action, drama, mystery, thriller, refuge, corin hardy, horror, thriller, oldboy, spike lee, action, drama, mystery, thriller, refuge, corin hardy, horror, thriller, heaven's shadow, , sci_fifury, david ayer, action, drama, war, bzrk, , fantasy, fury, david ayer, action, drama, war, bzrk, , fantasy, untitled david s. goyer supernatural thriller project, , thrillerant-man, edgar wright, action, sci_fi, tt0915475, , , ant-man, edgar wright, action, sci_fi, tt0915475, , , the phoenix, , thrillersin city a dame to kill for, frank miller, robert rodriguez, action, crime, thriller, earp saints for sinners, sam raimi, action, sci_fi, western, sin city a dame to kill for, frank miller, robert rodriguez, action, crime, thriller, earp saints for sinners, sam raimi, action, sci_fi, western, the charm school, , action, dramajurassic world, colin trevorrow, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, archenemies, , action, jurassic world, colin trevorrow, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, archenemies, , action, fathers and guns, , comedygodzilla, gareth edwards, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, thriller, this man, , horror, thriller, godzilla, gareth edwards, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, thriller, this man, , horror, thriller, a matter of honor, , action, adventure, thrillerender's game, gavin hood, action, adventure, sci_fi, squirrels to the nuts, peter bogdanovich, comedy, ender's game, gavin hood, action, adventure, sci_fi, squirrels to the nuts, peter bogdanovich, comedy, who framed roger rabbit 2, , animation, comedycaptain america the winter soldier, anthony russo, joe russo, action, adventure, sci_fi, machete kills again... in space!, robert rodriguez, action, captain america the winter soldier, anthony russo, joe russo, action, adventure, sci_fi, machete kills again... in space!, robert rodriguez, action, games of 1940, , dramayoung ones, jake paltrow, action, drama, sci_fi, fire and ice, robert rodriguez, adventure, fantasy, young ones, jake paltrow, action, drama, sci_fi, fire and ice, robert rodriguez, adventure, fantasy, american by blood, , drama, warjack ryan shadow recruit, kenneth branagh, action, drama, thriller, madman, george huang, action, sci_fi, thriller, jack ryan shadow recruit, kenneth branagh, action, drama, thriller, madman, george huang, action, sci_fi, thriller, the fugees, audrey wells, drama, sportlone survivor, peter berg, action, drama, thriller, war, bonzai shadowhands, jason reitman, action, comedy, drama, lone survivor, peter berg, action, drama, thriller, war, bonzai shadowhands, jason reitman, action, comedy, drama, untitled milli vanilli project, florian gallenberger, comedy, dramariddick, david twohy, action, sci_fi, thriller, elliot allagash, jason reitman, comedy, drama, riddick, david twohy, action, sci_fi, thriller, elliot allagash, jason reitman, comedy, drama, the best a man can get, karey kirkpatrick, comedy, dramathe hunger games catching fire, francis lawrence, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, miss peregrine's home for peculiar children, tim burton, fantasy, the hunger games catching fire, francis lawrence, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, miss peregrine's home for peculiar children, tim burton, fantasy, even silence has an end, , dramaseventh son, sergei bodrov, adventure, family, fantasy, mai, the psychic girl, tim burton, action, adventure, crime, thriller, seventh son, sergei bodrov, adventure, family, fantasy, mai, the psychic girl, tim burton, action, adventure, crime, thriller, twisted metal, brian taylor, actionmaleficent, robert stromberg, action, adventure, drama, family, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, monsterpocalypse, , action, adventure, comedy, sci_fi, maleficent, robert stromberg, action, adventure, drama, family, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, monsterpocalypse, , action, adventure, comedy, sci_fi, stretch armstrong, , actionthe zero theorem, terry gilliam, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, night of the living, , animation, the zero theorem, terry gilliam, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, night of the living, , animation, bad santa 2, , comedyrio 2, carlos saldanha, animation, adventure, comedy, family, pinocchio, , adventure, fantasy, rio 2, carlos saldanha, animation, adventure, comedy, family, pinocchio, , adventure, fantasy, gears of war, , action, sci_fi, warpinocchio, guillermo del toro, mark gustafson, animation, fantasy, skippy dies, neil jordan, comedy, drama, pinocchio, guillermo del toro, mark gustafson, animation, fantasy, skippy dies, neil jordan, comedy, drama, id forever part ii, roland emmerich, action, sci_fii, frankenstein, stuart beattie, action, fantasy, sci_fi, the man from u.n.c.l.e., guy ritchie, action, adventure, comedy, i, frankenstein, stuart beattie, action, fantasy, sci_fi, the man from u.n.c.l.e., guy ritchie, action, adventure, comedy, jumper 2, doug liman, action, adventure, sci_fi, thrillerthe wolf of wall street, martin scorsese, biography, crime, drama, the cannonball run, guy ritchie, action, comedy, the wolf of wall street, martin scorsese, biography, crime, drama, the cannonball run, guy ritchie, action, comedy, sinbad, , action, adventureamerican hustle, david o. russell, crime, drama, maximum city, danny boyle, drama, american hustle, david o. russell, crime, drama, maximum city, danny boyle, drama, popeye, genndy tartakovsky, animationfoxcatcher, bennett miller, drama, tt2096652, , , foxcatcher, bennett miller, drama, tt2096652, , , eliza graves, brad anderson, thrillervampire academy, mark waters, action, fantasy, mystery, untitled laura vikmanis project, , drama, vampire academy, mark waters, action, fantasy, mystery, untitled laura vikmanis project, , drama, untitled bruce almighty sequel, , comedy, drama, fantasydawn of the planet of the apes, matt reeves, action, drama, sci_fi, thriller, desiring da ming palace, antoine fuqua, history, dawn of the planet of the apes, matt reeves, action, drama, sci_fi, thriller, desiring da ming palace, antoine fuqua, history, enchanted 2, anne fletcher, animation, adventure, family, fantasy, romanceneighbors, nicholas stoller, comedy, southpaw, antoine fuqua, drama, neighbors, nicholas stoller, comedy, southpaw, antoine fuqua, drama, untitled dr. seuss project, , dramaneed for speed, scott waugh, action, chicagoland, antoine fuqua, crime, drama, need for speed, scott waugh, action, chicagoland, antoine fuqua, crime, drama, the rocky horror picture show, , horror, musical, thrillerprisoners, denis villeneuve, crime, drama, thriller, sis, , crime, drama, prisoners, denis villeneuve, crime, drama, thriller, sis, , crime, drama, sub-mariner, jonathan mostow, action, adventure, dramaeuropa report, sebastiã¡n cordero, horror, sci_fi, thriller, storming las vegas, antoine fuqua, crime, drama, europa report, sebastiã¡n cordero, horror, sci_fi, thriller, storming las vegas, antoine fuqua, crime, drama, savage planet, , actionpompeii, paul w.s. anderson, action, adventure, drama, romance, can a song save your life?, john carney, comedy, drama, music, romance, pompeii, paul w.s. anderson, action, adventure, drama, romance, can a song save your life?, john carney, comedy, drama, music, romance, infamous, , action300 rise of an empire, noam murro, action, drama, war, house of joel, , comedy, horror, 300 rise of an empire, noam murro, action, drama, war, house of joel, , comedy, horror, deathlok, , action, adventure, sci_fitracks, john curran, adventure, biography, drama, untitled paul feig project, paul feig, comedy, tracks, john curran, adventure, biography, drama, untitled paul feig project, paul feig, comedy, ghost in the shell, , action, crime, drama, sci_fired sonja, simon west, action, adventure, thriller, do-gooders, , comedy, red sonja, simon west, action, adventure, thriller, do-gooders, , comedy, luke cage, , action, crime, drama, fantasy, thrillerthird person, paul haggis, drama, romance, attorneys at raw, , comedy, third person, paul haggis, drama, romance, attorneys at raw, , comedy, doctor strange, , adventure, fantasyblood ties, guillaume canet, crime, drama, thriller, untitled aziz ansari randy project, , comedy, blood ties, guillaume canet, crime, drama, thriller, untitled aziz ansari randy project, , comedy, uncharted drake's fortune, , actionhow to train your dragon 2, dean deblois, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, let's do this, , comedy, how to train your dragon 2, dean deblois, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, let's do this, , comedy, maximum ride, james patterson, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, sci_fi, thrillerthe secret life of walter mitty, ben stiller, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, business trip, , comedy, the secret life of walter mitty, ben stiller, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, business trip, , comedy, the hands of shang-chi, , action, adventure, crimehell & back, tom gianas, ross shuman, animation, comedy, untitled pee-wee-herman project, , adventure, comedy, hell & back, tom gianas, ross shuman, animation, comedy, untitled pee-wee-herman project, , adventure, comedy, the killing sea, , action, drama, romancehaunter, vincenzo natali, horror, mystery, thriller, untitled sherlock holmes project, , comedy, haunter, vincenzo natali, horror, mystery, thriller, untitled sherlock holmes project, , comedy, peony in love, , dramathe counselor, ridley scott, crime, drama, thriller, a whole new hugh, , comedy, the counselor, ridley scott, crime, drama, thriller, a whole new hugh, , comedy, get santa, christopher smith, comedy, familythis is the end, evan goldberg, seth rogen, comedy, fantasy, friday night lights, , drama, sport, this is the end, evan goldberg, seth rogen, comedy, fantasy, friday night lights, , drama, sport, in vitro, , horror, thrillerthe redemption of cain, will smith, drama, the man who killed don quixote, terry gilliam, adventure, the redemption of cain, will smith, drama, the man who killed don quixote, terry gilliam, adventure, the kind one, ridley scott, crime, drama, thrillercaptain phillips, paul greengrass, action, adventure, biography, crime, drama, thriller, mr. vertigo, , fantasy, captain phillips, paul greengrass, action, adventure, biography, crime, drama, thriller, mr. vertigo, , fantasy, before i go to sleep, rowan joffe, mystery, thrillerthe legend of cain, will smith, drama, the defective detective, , fantasy, the legend of cain, will smith, drama, the defective detective, , fantasy, wool, j blakeson, sci_finoah, darren aronofsky, drama, fantasy, time bandits, , adventure, comedy, fantasy, sci_fi, , sidney hall, shawn christensen, drama12 years a slave, steve mcqueen, biography, drama, history, the matarese circle, , action, drama, mystery, thriller, , gucci, jordan scott, biography, drama, historymandela long walk to freedom, justin chadwick, biography, drama, history, as she climbed across the table, , drama, romance, sci_fi, , town house, , comedy, dramalast vegas, jon turteltaub, comedy, london fields, mathew cullen, crime, mystery, thriller, , reykjavik, mike newell, labor day, jason reitman, drama, league of monster slayers, aaron woodley, fantasy, , nemesis, joe carnahan, action, adventure, fantasysabotage, david ayer, action, crime, drama, thriller, tt0379788, , , , settle down, , dramaout of the furnace, scott cooper, drama, thriller, brooklyn loves michael jackson, , drama, , the passage, matt reeves, action, adventure, fantasy, horrorinsidious chapter 2, james wan, horror, thriller, untitled marion barry biopic, spike lee, biography, , untitled luca guadagnino project, luca guadagnino, dramacarrie, kimberly peirce, drama, horror, miss better living through crime, , crime, drama, thriller, , fly me to the moon, sharon maguire, comedy, romancefinding dory, andrew stanton, animation, adventure, comedy, family, time traveler, , drama, , the last werewolf, , dramathe world's end, edgar wright, action, comedy, sci_fi, untitled j.j. abrams billy ray project, , adventure, , blood red road, , dramaduke nukem, , action, comedy, sci_fi, thriller, zanbato, , action, sci_fi, , conspiracy of paper, , dramafrozen, chris buck, jennifer lee, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, fantasy, musical, mystery, romance, thriller, boilerplate, j.j. abrams, action, sci_fi, , empire of the summer moon, , westernleft behind, vic armstrong, action, sci_fi, thriller, infinitely polar bear, maya forbes, comedy, , the color of lightening, ridley scott, drama, westernrush, ron howard, action, biography, drama, sport, 7 minutes in heaven, jack bender, mystery, thriller, , internet dates from hell, , comedyserena, susanne bier, drama, mystery on fifth avenue, , drama, mystery, , champions, , drama, action, adventure, sci_fithe heat, paul feig, action, comedy, crime, little darlings, , comedy, , an ordinary spy, , dramaanchorman 2 the legend continues, adam mckay, comedy, untitled brad parker j.j. abrams matt reeves project, bradley parker, action, , untitled les grossman project, , comedythe colony, jeff renfroe, action, sci_fi, thriller, hot for teacher, , comedy, , selling time, , thriller, horrornymphomaniac, lars von trier, drama, one last thing before i go, mike nichols, drama, , the wild bunch, , westernher, spike jonze, comedy, drama, romance, sci_fi, the invisible woman, , drama, thriller, , the hunger 2, , horrorbelle, amma asante, drama, nailed, david o. russell, comedy, romance, , untitled chippendales project, , biographythe fifth estate, bill condon, biography, drama, thriller, king of the nudies, , biography, drama, , warriors, , action, adventure, crime, dramathe wind rises, hayao miyazaki, animation, biography, drama, history, romance, untitled ice cube david o. russell project, , action, drama, , shadow divers, , adventure, dramafighting back, martin j. thomas, action, crime, thriller, untitled buddy cianci biopic, david o. russell, biography, crime, drama, , hell's angels, , dramabig eyes, tim burton, biography, drama, maps to the stars, david cronenberg, drama, , lucky strike, , actionthe good dinosaur, , animation, comedy, family, fantasy, shadow of the colossus, josh trank, adventure, fantasy, , foreverman, , action, adventure, dramaonly lovers left alive, jim jarmusch, drama, horror, romance, tt1674777, , , , apollo rising, , dramanon-stop, jaume collet-serra, action, mystery, thriller, the flash, greg berlanti, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, , tigress, , comedy, dramamr. peabody & sherman, rob minkoff, animation, adventure, family, sci_fi, wonder woman, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , the annihilator, , action, adventureblue jasmine, woody allen, comedy, drama, untitled tom hardy outlaw biker project, , action, drama, , legion of 5, , animation, actionthe family, luc besson, comedy, crime, thriller, jinx, , , , venom, josh trank, action, dramarunner runner, brad furman, crime, drama, thriller, agent 13, , action, sci_fi, , untitled keith gordon project, keith gordon, thrilleraugust osage county, john wells, comedy, drama, florence of arabia, , comedy, , the keys to the street, julius sevcã­k, thrillergrace of monaco, olivier dahan, biography, drama, ladies night, fred savage, comedy, , motor city, albert hughes, action, crime, drama, mystery, thrillerromeo and juliet, carlo carlei, drama, romance, cities of refuge, , crime, thriller, , fully automatic, , action, comedysuite franã§aise, saul dibb, drama, romance, war, uptown saturday night, adam mckay, comedy, , the envoy, , action, thrillerthe congress, ari folman, animation, sci_fi, wheeler dealers, , drama, , don quixote, , adventure, drama, fantasyjustin and the knights of valour, manuel sicilia, animation, adventure, joe, , drama, , untitled ben 10 project, , action, adventure, comedy, family, sci_fifata morgana, juha wuolijoki, thriller, the american can, edward zwick, drama, , forbidden planet, , sci_ficollider, jason butler, sci_fi, angelology, , drama, , hood, andy wachowski, lana wachowski, action, adventure, dramalee daniels' the butler, lee daniels, biography, drama, the last pharaoh, , drama, , line of sight, mike mccoy, action, thrillerhow i live now, kevin macdonald, action, drama, thriller, war, tt0790809, , , , untitled project x sequel, , comedythe rover, david michã´d, drama, tt0783529, , , , world war x, , actionparanoia, robert luketic, drama, thriller, tt0454139, , , , the galton case, , crimeveronica mars, rob thomas, comedy, crime, drama, tt0460872, , , , tt1376410, , killing season, mark steven johnson, action, drama, thriller, welcome to the sticks, , comedy, , gypsy, , biography, comedy, drama, musicalsaving mr. banks, john lee hancock, biography, comedy, drama, family, history, music, time share, , comedy, , dirty dozen, , action, drama, warblood, nick murphy, crime, drama, thriller, annie, will gluck, comedy, drama, family, musical, , homecourt advantage, , dramateenage mutant ninja turtles, jonathan liebesman, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, sci_fi, untitled dr. s. allen counter project, , drama, , tt0806098, , kane & lynch, , action, crime, drama, thriller, what would kenny do?, , comedy, , diamond anniversary, , comedytop gun 2, , action, monster witness relocation program, , sci_fi, , hench, , action, comedy, crimeuntitled batman reboot, , action, crime, drama, brushback, malcolm d. lee, comedy, , goosebumps, rob letterman, horrormad max fury road, george miller, action, adventure, sci_fi, the billionaire's vinegar, david koepp, drama, , bachelorette, , comedyescape plan, mikael hã¥fstrã¶m, action, mystery, thriller, cooked, , drama, , the complete history of my sexual failures, jay roach, comedyhancock 2, , action, fantasy, newton's law, , adventure, comedy, family, , world's most wanted, , action, thrillertwo eyes staring, scott derrickson, horror, mystery, thriller, my wife hates your wife, dany boon, comedy, , the insane laws, , comedywinter's tale, akiva goldsman, fantasy, sisters of mercy, , comedy, drama, romance, , tt0446741, , real steel 2, , action, drama, sci_fi, the city that sailed, , drama, fantasy, , the boys, adam mckay, actionrobopocalypse, , action, sci_fi, thriller, overboard, , comedy, romance, , man-witch, , comedyinterstellar, christopher nolan, sci_fi, interpol, , comedy, , planet terry, , comedyvoyage of time, terrence malick, drama, college fright night, brad leo lyon, comedy, horror, , invertigo, d.j. caruso, dramasalt 2, , action, crime, mystery, thriller, tt1656174, , , , criminal macabre, , horroruntitled blade runner project, ridley scott, sci_fi, the eternal, justin mcconnell, action, crime, drama, horror, , the art of racing in the rain, , comedy, dramasafe haven, , drama, scholomance the devil's school, , horror, , untitled big man japan sequel, , comedy, sci_fizombieland 2, , action, comedy, horror, flowers for algernon, , drama, , save the date, , drama, romanceavatar 2, james cameron, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, the long run, laura trevino, drama, , skyscraper, , action, thrillerindiana jones 5, steven spielberg, action, adventure, comedy, ghost graduation, , comedy, fantasy, , heat, simon west, crime, drama, thrillerghostbusters iii, , action, comedy, sci_fi, harold and the purple crayon, , animation, , untitled big man japan remake, , comedy, sci_fidune, , sci_fi, the magnificent seven, , action, , to catch a thief, , crime, mystery, romance, thrilleruntitled daredevil reboot, , action, adventure, crime, drama, thriller, paper wings, , drama, romance, , agent ox, , action, adventure, sci_fisilver surfer, , action, fantasy, sci_fi, adventurer's club, , adventure, , untitled ryan reynolds bradley cooper project, , action, comedyhercules the thracian wars, brett ratner, action, adventure, the hardy men, , comedy, , escape from new york, , action, thrillerthe chronicles of narnia the silver chair, , fantasy, red light winter, adam rapp, drama, , a lion called christian, , comedy, familypirates of the caribbean 6, , action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, an enemy of the people, , drama, , 100 cupboards, , fantasyblack panther, , action, drama, sci_fi, my monster, mark ruffalo, drama, , the ring 3d, , drama, horrorthe chronicles of narnia the magician's nephew, , fantasy, low down, jeff preiss, biography, drama, family, music, , frankenstein, guillermo del toro, horrorharker, eli roth, action, fantasy, thriller, untitled basketball project, , drama, , dr. jekyll and mr. hyde, guillermo del toro, horrorlucifer the movie, ray griggs, action, the disciple program, morten tyldum, thriller, , the haunted mansion, guillermo del toro, action, drama, family, fantasy, horror, mysterycliffhanger, , action, adventure, thriller, tt1992269, , , , the bloody benders, , thrillerarabian nights, chuck russell, action, adventure, drama, the wheelman, john singleton, action, adventure, thriller, , drood, guillermo del toro, drama, thrillerassassin's creed, , action, adventure, sci_fi, hannibal the conqueror, vin diesel, adventure, biography, drama, history, , book of life, jorge r. gutierrez, animationterminator, alan taylor, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, the machine, adam shankman, action, comedy, , beauty and the beast, guillermo del toro, fantasyi am legend 2, , action, sci_fi, thriller, the bricklayer, , action, thriller, , death the high cost of living, neil gaiman, fantasyi, robot 2, , sci_fi, the garden of last days, , drama, , the orphanage, mark pellington, horror, thrilleravatar 3, james cameron, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, manhunt, breck eisner, action, thriller, , saturn and the end of days, guillermo del toro, national treasure 3, jon turteltaub, action, adventure, brilliant, robert luketic, thriller, , trollhunters, guillermo del toro, rodrigo blaas, animationbad boys 3, michael bay, action, crime, thriller, bobby blue sky, , comedy, , alma, rodrigo blaas, animation, fantasy, horror, mysterythe brazilian job, , action, adventure, crime, thriller, untitled nat faxon and jim rash action comedy, , action, comedy, , midnight delivery, , action, dramaxxx the return of xander cage, , action, adventure, thriller, clown girl, , comedy, , untitled space adventure project, , adventure, sci_fitoy story 4, , animation, comedy, fantasy, pride and prejudice and zombies, burr steers, horror, romance, thriller, , world war robot, , action, warpoltergeist, gil kenan, horror, thriller, chaos walking, robert zemeckis, sci_fi, , shattered union, , thrillertomorrowland, brad bird, mystery, sci_fi, frank or francis, charlie kaufman, comedy, musical, , alien legion, , sci_fihellraiser, , horror, tell no one, , thriller, , how to survive a garden gnome attack, , animationbattle angel, james cameron, action, adventure, romance, sci_fi, thriller, the stand, scott cooper, adventure, drama, fantasy, horror, sci_fi, thriller, , timeless, , sci_fiakira, jaume collet-serra, action, drama, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, nathan decker, , comedy, drama, , stoneheart, , action, adventure, fantasytt0284236, , , the trade, , drama, sport, , airman, gil kenan, animation, adventure, family, sci_fiparadise lost, , comedy, dali & i the surreal story, , drama, , charles fort, , horrorthe addams family, , animation, brick mansions, camille delamarre, action, crime, drama, , an animated american, , animationaustin powers 4, , comedy, ruby tuesday, gaã«tan brizzi, paul brizzi, animation, musical, , dark life, , adventurett2007511, , , volcano, , crime, drama, , demonologist, , horrorthe unpleasant profession of jonathan hoag, alex proyas, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, liars a-e , richard linklater, comedy, romance, , measle and the wrathmonk, thor freudenthal, comedyamerican jesus, , action, comedy, nagasaki deadline, , action, thriller, , bound by flesh, leslie zemeckis, documentaryhyperion, , sci_fi, the dive, martin campbell, drama, , the alchemist, , dramathe equalizer, antoine fuqua, action, crime, thriller, untitled james cameron project, , , , the seven samurai, scott mann, action, drama, historytt1230526, , , the last train from hiroshima the survivors look back, james cameron, drama, history, , the lives of others, , dramasingularity, roland emmerich, sci_fi, untitled animated action adventure, dusan strugar, animation, , tulip fever, justin chadwick, drama, romancemajor matt mason, robert zemeckis, action, a walk among the tombstones, scott frank, action, crime, drama, , solomon grundy, danny boyle, comedy, dramajupiter ascending, andy wachowski, lana wachowski, action, adventure, sci_fi, important artifacts and personal property from the collection of lenore doolan and harold morris, including books, street fashion, and jewelry, , comedy, romance, , tt0787509, , the revenant, alejandro gonzã¡lez iã±ã¡rritu, adventure, drama, the marriage plot, , drama, , come drink with me, , actionlast man, fred schepisi, drama, war, torrente, , action, comedy, crime, , rain in spain, , drama, romancethe mission, , action, drama, thriller, untitled sacha baron cohen project, , comedy, , untouchable, tom shadyac, comedy, dramaxoxo, george nolfi, crime, drama, mystery, romance, thriller, untitled freddie mercury biopic, , biography, , knight rider, , action, crime, sci_fi, thrillerthe key man, ã“skar thã³r axelsson, thriller, masters of the universe, , action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, , halloween iii, patrick lussier, horrordevil's knot, atom egoyan, biography, crime, drama, thriller, the ax, chan-wook park, comedy, crime, drama, thriller, , the only living boy in new york, marc webb, dramathe snowman, , crime, drama, running wild, kevin kerslake, crime, drama, thriller, , the has-beens, seth gordon, comedyblood nation, , fantasy, thriller, ion, , sci_fi, , ground control to major tom, seth gordon, comedy, romancegold, , drama, elfquest, , action, adventure, fantasy, , citizen hughes the power, the money and the madness, , biography, dramahoudini, francis lawrence, drama, untitled mike tyson biopic, , biography, drama, , the general, darren aronofsky, dramathe red star, josh trank, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, war, the power of duff, , drama, , tt0843323, , unknown soldier, , action, fantasy, welcome to the jungle, , animation, adventure, family, , the third side of the river, celina murga, dramathe current war, timur bekmambetov, drama, ninja scroll, , action, adventure, fantasy, , silence, martin scorsese, drama, historyvan helsing, rupert sanders, action, adventure, fantasy, the creed of violence, todd field, action, crime, drama, , furious love, martin scorsese, dramathe adventures of tintin prisoners of the sun, peter jackson, animation, adventure, tombstone smackdown, frank coraci, comedy, , the long play, , drama, musicjeepers creepers iii, victor salva, horror, mystery, thriller, beasts of no nation, cary fukunaga, drama, war, , untitled martha mitchell project, diane ladd, dramaconstantine 2, , action, drama, fantasy, horror, thriller, no blood, no guts, no glory, gavin o'connor, drama, , silver ghost, richard attenborough, dramamission impossible 5, christopher mcquarrie, action, adventure, thriller, it, cary fukunaga, horror, thriller, , the five obstructions scorsese vs. trier, martin scorsese, documentaryuntitled cloverfield sequel, , action, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, the great wall, , mystery, thriller, , the rise of theodore roosevelt, , adventure, biography, drama, history, warfoundation, roland emmerich, sci_fi, the ten o'clock people, tom holland, horror, thriller, , revenge of the green dragons, wai-keung lau, andrew loo, action, crime, dramahighlander, , action, fantasy, sci_fi, creepshow, , horror, , high and low, mike nichols, crime, drama, thrillerid forever part i, roland emmerich, action, adventure, sci_fi, firestarter, , sci_fi, thriller, , a star is born, clint eastwood, drama, musical, romancekill bill vol. 3, quentin tarantino, action, crime, thriller, rose madder, , horror, , big tuna, michael mann, pirates of the caribbean dead men tell no tales, joachim rã¸nning, espen sandberg, action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, pet sematary, , horror, , damage control, , dramarambo last stand, , action, thriller, tt2403027, , , , the tam, , dramasherlock holmes 3, , action, mystery, thriller, the reaper's image, mark pavia, thriller, , waiting for robert capa, , biographyuntitled spawn reboot, , thriller, the one, kevin costner, comedy, , death of a dissident, michael mann, crimezorro, , action, infinity, , drama, , go like hell, joseph kosinski, actionwarcraft, duncan jones, action, adventure, fantasy, wings, , comedy, drama, fantasy, , agincourt, michael mann, drama, history, waruntitled mummy reboot, andrã©s muschietti, action, adventure, fantasy, tt1326273, , , , inherent vice, paul thomas anderson, crimetomb raider, , action, adventure, fantasy, delirium, rodrigo garcã­a, adventure, fantasy, romance, sci_fi, , halo, , action, adventure, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, fallen, scott hicks, adventure, drama, fantasy, romance, thriller, , deadpool, tim miller, action, fantasy, sci_fi, wicked lovely, mary harron, fantasy, romance, , cobra the space pirate, alexandre aja, action, adventure, drama, fantasy, sci_fi, firelight, , fantasy, , better living through chemistry, geoff moore, david posamentier, comedy, drama, gone, , action, , cocaine cowboys, peter berg, drama, untitled max landis project, brandon landers, adventure, , when corruption was king, , crime, drama, runaways, , action, drama, , the raven, ricardo de montreuil, action, sci_fi, thriller, splinter cell, , action, adventure, crime, drama, thriller, , three mississippi, sean anders, comedy, the suicide forest, hideo nakata, action, thriller, , the partner, , thriller, the elephant man, david dobkin, biography, drama, , bait and switch, , action, comedy, corpus christi, richard kelly, drama, thriller, , sharky's machine, , action, crime, drama, el fuego caliente, , comedy, , quasimodo, yimou zhang, drama, airtight, , crime, , tt1134807, , , whiskey river, , drama, , the normal heart, ryan murphy, drama, travel writing, , drama, , the side effect, ti west, horror, sci_fi, pig scrolls, barry sonnenfeld, animation, , zoolander 2, justin theroux, comedy, dominion dinosaurs versus aliens, barry sonnenfeld, action, sci_fi, , dark void, , action, sci_fi, the spellman files, barry sonnenfeld, comedy, , heavy rain, , adventure, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, men are from mars, women are from venus, bryan buckley, comedy, romance, , spy vs. spy, ron howard, action, comedy, olympia, , action, adventure, drama, , the punisher, , action, matt helm, , drama, , the raid, , action, the big one, , drama, , starship troopers, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, the defenders, , adventure, , cicero, david yates, biography, the 28th amendment, florian henckel von donnersmarck, drama, mystery, thriller, , clash of the titans 3, , action, adventure, fantasy, untitled view-master project, , action, adventure, family, , the zombie survival guide, , drama, horror, sci_fi, deep sea cowboys, , adventure, , preacher, d.j. caruso, adventure, drama, sci_fi, paradise lost, , action, drama, fantasy, , scarface, david yates, crime, drama, thriller, stay close, , drama, , gods and kings, ang lee, drama, history, defending jacob, steve kloves, mystery, thriller, , monopoly, , comedy, the jungle book, steve kloves, drama, , king of the elves, , animation, fantasy, ness, , crime, drama, history, thriller, , the true confessions of charlotte doyle, , action, adventure, family, this gun for hire, , thriller, , the night stalker, edgar wright, crime, mystery, thriller, untitled explorers project, brian beletic, adventure, , 2012 the war for souls, , sci_fi, videodrome, adam berg, horror, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, , the tiger, michaã«l r. roskam, adventure, drama, thriller, tt0790790, , , , marco polo, a young man in love, , adventure, a killing on carnival row, tarsem singh, fantasy, horror, mystery, sci_fi, thriller, , gertrude bell, ridley scott, biography, city of lies, tim robbins, comedy, romance, , cleopatra, ang lee, biography, history, booksmart, , comedy, , the gambler, rupert wyatt, drama, eating animals, christopher dillon quinn, documentary, , sinatra, martin scorsese, biography, drama, best buds, , comedy, , the irishman, martin scorsese, crime, drama, jane got a gun, gavin o'connor, action, drama, western, , fleming, , biography, drama, quartermain, , adventure, , the devil in the white city, , drama, history, thriller, damaged, , action, drama, , wargames, seth gordon, drama, thriller, sci_fi, dan dare, , sci_fi, , cyclops, james mangold, action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, the ten best days of my life, , comedy, , steve jobs, , biography, dark places, gilles paquet-brenner, drama, mystery, thriller, , untitled whitey bulger project, ben affleck, crime, drama, object of beauty, , drama, romance, , shadow runner, , action, thriller, electric slide, tristan patterson, action, biography, crime, drama, thriller, , asteroids, roland emmerich, action, no good deed, sam miller, thriller, , the witches, guillermo del toro, fantasy, untitled m. night shyamalan project, m. night shyamalan, drama, mystery, thriller, , battle royale, , action, sci_fi, thriller, five against a bullet, , action, thriller, , faster, pussycat kill kill, quentin tarantino, action, stano, john g. avildsen, , , untitled 12-year project, richard linklater, drama, mantivities, michael patrick jann, comedy, , myth, , action, sci_fi, tt2402219, , , , dead island, , horror, the boys in the boat, kenneth branagh, drama, sport, , untitled julius caesar project, jonathan liebesman, drama, italian shoes, kenneth branagh, drama, , odysseus, jonathan liebesman, action, drama, fantasy, boy nobody, , action, , the girl who played with fire, , action, mystery, thriller, the disappearance of eleanor rigby, ned benson, drama, , 1984, , drama, days and nights, christian camargo, drama, , afterburn, tommy wirkola, comedy, sci_fi, testament of youth, , drama, , chronicle 2, , action, sci_fi, thriller, closer to the moon, nae caranfil, drama, , the lost symbol, mark romanek, drama, mystery, city state, james mangold, crime, thriller, , the illustrated man, zack snyder, drama, mystery, sci_fi, juliet, james mangold, drama, romance, , the last photograph, zack snyder, adventure, drama, three little words, james mangold, drama, , bloodshot, matthew vaughn, action, drama, fantasy, tt0770789, , , , the golden age, , sci_fi, the gunslinger, , western, , iq 83, , sci_fi, shoe addicts anonymous, , comedy, , septimus heap magyk, david frankel, adventure, fantasy, the harbor, robert moresco, crime, thriller, , battlestar galactica, bryan singer, sci_fi, nightlight, scott beck, bryan woods, , , freedom formula, , action, forever, gareth edwards, sci_fi, , capeshooters, , action, monsters dark continent, tom green, drama, sci_fi, thriller, , temeraire, peter jackson, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, queen of the desert, werner herzog, biography, drama, , untitled third tintin film, , adventure, untitled dia de los muertos project, lee unkrich, animation, , chappie, neill blomkamp, comedy, sci_fi, death wish, gerardo naranjo, action, crime, drama, thriller, , untitled rfk new regency project, , biography, continue, joe carnahan, action, comedy, , tender is the night, , drama, romance, cross brothers, joe carnahan, drama, , father daughter time a tale of armed robbery and eskimo kisses, matt damon, crime, umbra, martin campbell, thriller, , untitled michael banks and j. gordon cooney, jr. project, , drama, white jazz, joe carnahan, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, , cleo, , drama, musical, romance, the angriest man in brooklyn, phil alden robinson, comedy, drama, , the great antonio, , comedy, affected provincial's companion, , comedy, , making jack falcone, , crime, untitled paul revere project, , drama, , untitled jodie foster sci-fi thriller, , sci_fi, thriller, inamorata, , drama, romance, , flora plum, , drama, romance, the grand budapest hotel, wes anderson, comedy, drama, , cockeyed, jodie foster, drama, tt0923844, , , , my stroke of insight, ron howard, drama, in the hand of dante, , drama, , 20,000 leagues under the sea captain nemo, , action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, attica, , adventure, fantasy, , the automatic detective, , animation, fierce invalids home from hot climates, , comedy, , the goon, jeff fowler, tim miller, animation, action, adventure, comedy, horror, my american lover, lasse hallstrã¶m, drama, romance, , panic attack, , thriller, happy days, terry zwigoff, drama, , black hole, david fincher, drama, horror, romance, the vault, , action, sci_fi, thriller, , untitled dorothea lange project, leslie dektor, drama, caliber, john woo, action, , the reincarnation of peter proud, david fincher, thriller, the thin man, , comedy, crime, drama, mystery, romance, , the big short inside the doomsday machine, , drama, desperate hours, , drama, , the fortress of solitude, alfonso gomez-rejon, drama, shantaram, garth davis, action, crime, drama, thriller, , the imperfectionists, , drama, rex mundi, , adventure, drama, fantasy, , the night manager, , action, drama, thriller, the ginger man, , drama, , battling boy, , action, honeymoon with harry, , comedy, drama, , beautiful boy, cameron crowe, drama, untitled allan loeb baseball project, , drama, , zebra murders, , drama, american sniper, clint eastwood, action, , the killer, , action, here there be monsters, jaume collet-serra, sci_fi, fantasy, , untitled linda trest project, , drama, me and my shadow, alessandro carloni, animation, , untitled jerry lee lewis project, terrence malick, biography, without remorse, christopher mcquarrie, action, thriller, war, , vlad, anthony mandler, drama, horror, romance, cali, nick cassavetes, action, comedy, , selma, ava duvernay, drama, history, thriller, super max, david s. goyer, action, drama, thriller, , peace like a river, , drama, yellow earth, max mannix, drama, war, , marching powder, josã© padilha, drama, queer, steve buscemi, drama, , chasing vermeer, p.j. hogan, adventure, mystery, mis-fits, l.d. napier, comedy, , the book of joe, , comedy, untitled bill & ted project, dean parisot, comedy, , the odyssey, , adventure, drama, sci_fi, metal gear solid, , action, adventure, sci_fi, , the operators, , drama, war, the hobbit there and back again, peter jackson, adventure, fantasy, , miki falls, , comedy, idea in america, cecilia miniucchi, comedy, , churchill and roosevelt, , drama, bloom, scott ellis, comedy, , the dark tower, ron howard, fantasy, horror, sci_fi, western, jekyll, , drama, horror, sci_fi, , untitled luc besson angelina jolie project, luc besson, thriller, passengers, brian kirk, adventure, sci_fi, , untitled kay scarpetta project, , crime, thriller, entourage, doug ellin, comedy, , bond 24, sam mendes, action, adventure, crime, thriller, kung fu panda 3, jennifer yuh, animation, action, adventure, comedy, family, , brooklyn, john crowley, drama, trolls, mike mitchell, animation, adventure, family, fantasy, , on chesil beach, mike newell, drama, maggie, henry hobson, drama, horror, thriller, , netherland, , drama, the drummer, randall miller, biography, , lost in austen, , drama, dance of the mirlitons, evan greenberg, comedy, , middlemarch, , , the penguins of madagascar, simon j. smith, animation, adventure, comedy, family, , butcher's crossing, , drama, western, home, tim johnson, animation, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , patriot down, , action, thriller, minions, kyle balda, pierre coffin, animation, comedy, family, , untitled barry manilow project, , comedy, musical, romance, untitled alaska adventure project, gavin hood, adventure, drama, , american idiot, michael mayer, drama, musical, timeless, vadim perelman, drama, , the story of edgar sawtelle, , drama, mystery, captain blood, michael spierig, peter spierig, action, adventure, , boone's lick, , drama, western, journey 3 from the earth to the moon, brad peyton, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , how starbucks saved my life, , comedy, drama, take my wife, tyler perry, drama, , talk of the town, , comedy, untitled charley pride project, craig brewer, biography, drama, music, romance, , 1776, , drama, history, war, untitled jerry bruckheimer dwayne johnson project, , drama, , summer hours, , drama, dan mintner badass for hire, david leitch, comedy, , a wilderness of monkeys, , comedy, drama, solace, afonso poyart, mystery, thriller, , they marched into sunlight, , drama, war, the song of names, vadim perelman, drama, , agent zigzag, james bobin, comedy, snow white and the huntsman 2, , action, adventure, drama, fantasy, , jungle cruise, , adventure, heart of the sea, ron howard, drama, , in the garden of beasts, michel hazanavicius, drama, lie down in darkness, scott cooper, drama, , portofino, , thriller, the wind, nic mathieu, sci_fi, , the many deaths of barnaby james, , drama, article ii, lorna davis, drama, , travis mcgee, paul greengrass, adventure, biography, drama, mystery, everest, doug liman, drama, , the chancellor manuscript, marc forster, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, trust your eyes, todd phillips, thriller, , conspiracy of fools, robert schwentke, drama, the homesman, tommy lee jones, drama, , atari, , biography, drama, baywatch, robert ben garant, comedy, , untitled twilight zone project, joseph kosinski, drama, sci_fi, thriller, horns, alexandre aja, drama, fantasy, horror, thriller, , satori, , thriller, phineas and ferb, , animation, adventure, comedy, family, , aquaman, , action, adventure, sci_fi, tt2380181, , , , brave new world, ridley scott, sci_fi, leo the lion, , animation, , live by night, ben affleck, crime, drama, the trick or treaters, , animation, , the infiltrator, , action, drama, thriller, illusions the adventures of a reluctant messiah, , action, , logan's run, , action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, thriller, madame bovary, sophie barthes, drama, , untitled nicolas winding refn project, nicolas winding refn, comedy, carol, todd haynes, drama, romance, , untitled dorian doc paskowitz biopic, , biography, the warded man, paul w.s. anderson, fantasy, horror, , untitled will gluck emma stone project, will gluck, comedy, reach me, john herzfeld, drama, , little white corvette, michael diliberti, comedy, star wars episode vii, j.j. abrams, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , at the mountains of madness, , adventure, fantasy, horror, thriller, star wars episode viii, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , amped, alex proyas, sci_fi, thriller, star wars episode ix, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , e.d.f., , action, sci_fi, the last of the tribe, , drama, , 8 o'clock in the morning, matt reeves, sci_fi, thriller, attica, doug liman, drama, , g, , sci_fi, luna, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , high rise, ben wheatley, sci_fi, the rough diamond, , drama, , fantastic voyage, shawn levy, adventure, sci_fi, the wonder, peter hewitt, adventure, family, fantasy, , the runner, marc forster, sci_fi, the loft, erik van looy, thriller, , the how-to guide for saving the world, barry sonnenfeld, action, comedy, sci_fi, overdrive, antonio negret, action, thriller, , knight of cups, terrence malick, drama, romance, untitled lisandro alonso project, lisandro alonso, drama, , concrete island, brad anderson, drama, thriller, untitled tron legacy sequel, joseph kosinski, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , the black hole, joseph kosinski, sci_fi, the keeping room, daniel barber, drama, , hunter killer, mcg, action, thriller, relanxious, christopher storer, comedy, , untitled romantic dramedy, , comedy, drama, romance, ted 2, , comedy, , racing dreams, lance acord, action, untitled mark wahlberg hacker project, , action, thriller, , thunder run, simon west, action, drama, war, point blank, , action, thriller, , the forever war, ridley scott, sci_fi, the amory wars, , fantasy, sci_fi, , dumb and dumber to, bobby farrelly, peter farrelly, comedy, avon man, , comedy, , pierre pierre, larry charles, comedy, the fighter 2, , drama, , walter the farting dog, tim hill, comedy, dynamo, , drama, sport, , ripley's believe it or not!, ron zimmerman, action, adventure, biography, drama, murder mystery, anne fletcher, action, comedy, drama, mystery, romance, , sober buddies, , comedy, a million ways to die in the west, seth macfarlane, comedy, western, , me time, , comedy, child 44, daniel espinosa, drama, thriller, , under cover, , comedy, animal rescue, michaã«l r. roskam, crime, drama, , one hit wonders, ryan murphy, comedy, musical, locke, steven knight, drama, thriller, , mommy & me, , comedy, untitled animal poaching project, , drama, , untitled michael patrick king project, michael patrick king, comedy, tt2463184, , , , one of the guys, , comedy, samarkand, , drama, , untitled kay cannon project, peter sollett, comedy, romance, birdsong, rupert wyatt, drama, history, romance, war, , get happy the life of judy garland, , biography, drama, the ends of the earth, , biography, drama, romance, , puzzler, , thriller, the greatest showman on earth, michael gracey, drama, musical, , get smart 2, peter segal, comedy, unbound captives, madeleine stowe, drama, western, , engagement games, , comedy, orders to kill, lee daniels, drama, , your voice in my head, francesca gregorini, drama, carousel, , drama, musical, romance, , untitled buddy cop project, , action, comedy, untitled hugh jackman project, , action, adventure, , jamaica, jonathan levine, comedy, prometheus 2, , adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , art of the steal, , crime, thriller, the mountain between us, hany abu-assad, drama, , einstein theory, , sci_fi, irish myths, , fantasy, , untitled workplace comedy, , comedy, at swim-two-birds, brendan gleeson, , , the b team, , action, comedy, genius, michael grandage, drama, , sausage party, conrad vernon, greg tiernan, animation, comedy, tt2215603, , , , b.o.o. bureau of otherworldly operations, anthony leondis, animation, comedy, family, rosaline, alex timbers, comedy, , megalomania, michel gondry, paul gondry, animation, tt2190984, , , , true story, rupert goold, drama, crimson peak, guillermo del toro, horror, , the adventurer's handbook, akiva schaffer, adventure, comedy, pacific rim 2, , action, sci_fi, , pure imagination, , comedy, romance, the secret garden, , drama, fantasy, , untitled tomorrowland project, , sci_fi, dark universe, guillermo del toro, fantasy, sci_fi, , lore, dave green, action, adventure, army of darkness 2, , action, comedy, fantasy, horror, , monster hunter's survival guide, , action, adventure, the shadow, , action, crime, drama, thriller, , ciudad, john pogue, action, drama, thriller, angelfall, , fantasy, , yakuza, gavin o'connor, crime, drama, murder of a cat, gillian greene, comedy, thriller, , blood brothers, sergey bodrov, thriller, tales from the hanging head, alfonso cuarã³n, sara driver, animation, family, fantasy, , the contortionist's handbook, , drama, romance, thriller, collider, edgar wright, sci_fi, , what's left of us, , drama, this dark endeavor the apprenticeship of victor frankenstein, matt reeves, action, drama, adventure, , d, roman polanski, drama, history, birdman, alejandro gonzã¡lez iã±ã¡rritu, comedy, , true crimes, roman polanski, crime, drama, thriller, age of rage, marc webb, fantasy, , the farm, , drama, reincarnate, daniel stamm, mystery, thriller, , untitled mississippi basketball project, , drama, mortal engines, peter jackson, sci_fi, , cobalt 60, zack snyder, action, sci_fi, after earth 2, m. night shyamalan, sci_fi, , dead sea, brandon slagle, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, focus, glenn ficarra, john requa, comedy, , now wait for last year, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, yukikaze, , action, sci_fi, , ubik, michel gondry, sci_fi, the twilight zone, , mystery, , flow my tears, the policeman said, , sci_fi, angry birds, clay kaytis, fergal reilly, animation, , nebulus, brian t. jaynes, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, 22 jump street, phil lord, chris miller, action, comedy, , tt0446706, , , beware the night, scott derrickson, action, crime, horror, thriller, , the fantastic four, josh trank, action, fantasy, sci_fi, dracula untold, gary shore, action, drama, fantasy, horror, war, , bolivar, kealan o'rourke, animation, our kind of traitor, susanna white, thriller, , sgt. rock, francis lawrence, action, adventure, the salvation, kristian levring, drama, western, , panzer 88, peter briggs, action, fantasy, thriller, war, fast & furious 7, james wan, action, crime, thriller, , magic kingdom for sale, , adventure, fantasy, sinister 2, , horror, , heart shaped box, neil jordan, thriller, the amazing spider-man 3, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , lucid, , action, the amazing spider-man 4, , action, adventure, fantasy, thriller, , mr. and mrs. jones, , action, comedy, the expendables 3, patrick hughes, action, adventure, thriller, , amulet, , adventure, family, batman vs. superman, zack snyder, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, , the battle of midway, , action, drama, war, run all night, jaume collet-serra, action, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, , those across the river, tod williams, horror, transcendence, wally pfister, action, drama, sci_fi, thriller, , robotech, nic mathieu, action, adventure, sci_fi, war, midnight special, jeff nichols, drama, sci_fi, , in the small, francis lawrence, drama, native, , drama, , the incredible mr. limpet, , animation, comedy, inside passage, , thriller, , the toxic avenger, steve pink, action, comedy, the boy who played with fusion, jeff nichols, thriller, , nick fury, , action, adventure, thriller, the juliet, rupert sanders, drama, sci_fi, , human nature, darren aronofsky, action, sci_fi, the kill list, rupert sanders, thriller, , justice league, , action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, 90 church, rupert sanders, crime, , green lantern 2, , action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, untitled rupert sanders sci-fi project, rupert sanders, sci_fi, , the glass castle, destin cretton, drama, untitled dea project, rupert sanders, drama, , sweet tea, sissy spacek, drama, safari, robert stromberg, sci_fi, , heatseekers, timur bekmambetov, action, the flatwoods monster, r. michael givens, horror, , zombies vs. robots, , action, tomorrow, when the war began 3, stuart beattie, action, , inherit the earth, , action, adventure, sci_fi, star trek 3, rupert wyatt, action, adventure, sci_fi, thriller, , gideon's sword, michael bay, action, half-life, , sci_fi, , the hauntrepreneur, , fantasy, portal, , sci_fi, , ouija, stiles white, action, adventure, thriller, wunderkind, , action, thriller, , the monster squad, rob cohen, action, comedy, horror, sci_fi, the stops along the way, j.j. abrams, mystery, , untitled michael bay taylor lautner project, , action, thriller, god particle, julius onah, sci_fi, , existence 2.0, alfred gough, miles millar, adventure, all i've got, ron howard, drama, , fiasco heights, , thriller, untitled j.j. abrams animated project, , animation, , butcherhouse chronicles, frank borin, horror, micronauts, j.j. abrams, action, , confidential alien project, robert glickert, sci_fi, 11 22 63, , mystery, , voices from the dead, , thriller, drama, untitled j.j. abrams earthquake project, , action, drama, thriller, , untitled james hunt biopic, steven spielberg, action, biography, drama, untitled lance armstrong project, , drama, , pirate latitudes, steven spielberg, drama, untitled j.j. abrams diamond heist project, , action, crime, drama, , the 39 clues, , adventure, let the great world spin, , drama, , the rivals, michael sucsy, drama, untitled josh campbell matt stuecken project, , thriller, , chocky, steven spielberg, fantasy, sci_fi, the legend of conan, paul verhoeven, action, adventure, fantasy, , the trial of the chicago 7, , drama, triplets, ivan reitman, comedy, , cal of the wild, , comedy, captive, , drama, thriller, , bride of frankenstein, , horror, boston strangler, , thriller, , arrested development, , comedy, untitled josh hamilton project, casey affleck, drama, sport, , sick day, , comedy, race to the south pole, , drama, , mockingbird, bryan bertino, horror, horrible bosses 2, sean anders, comedy, , paranormalists, , action, comedy, sci_fi, badlanders, enzo g. castellari, western, , true north, , comedy, drama, killer crow, quentin tarantino, drama, , 364, ron howard, drama, apaches, , drama, , ballers, malcolm d. lee, comedy, sport, campaign dads, , comedy, , real genius, , comedy, sci_fi, the imitation game, morten tyldum, biography, drama, thriller, , the most wonderful time, jessie nelson, comedy, the man who, paul mcguigan, biography, drama, , the originals, bryce dallas howard, drama, the lost city of z, james gray, action, adventure, biography, drama, history, , the emperor's children, scott cooper, comedy, consequence, , drama, , the hunger games mockingjay - part 1, francis lawrence, action, adventure, drama, sci_fi, game boys, , action, sci_fi, , amnesty, ron howard, adventure, thriller, gemini man, , action, drama, sci_fi, , those who kill, joe carnahan, action, crime, thriller, flying horse, gary oldman, drama, , blood wars, , action, thriller, magik, stephen wallis, animation, fantasy, , the strange adventures of h.p. lovecraft, ron howard, thriller, horse soldiers, nicolai fuglsig, drama, , bra boys, , comedy, killing rommel, , drama, , the school, oliver hirschbiegel, drama, shake, , thriller, , magnum p.i., rawson marshall thurber, action, adventure, comedy, drama, mystery, kill the messenger, michael cuesta, crime, drama, mystery, thriller, , mr. machine, , comedy, king of heists, , action, biography, drama, , the incredible shrinking man, , action, comedy, sci_fi, slingshot, , action, biography, drama, sport, , no hearts club, , comedy, untitled steve mcqueen biopic, ivan zachariã¡s, biography, drama, , frenemy of the state, , adventure, untitled lance armstrong biopic, stephen frears, biography, drama, sport, , lowriders, ricardo de montreuil, drama, untitled cameron crowe project, cameron crowe, adventure, comedy, romance, , merman, , romance, dark invasion, , thriller, , in black and white, , biography, drama, red blooded american, , drama, , the rosenthal suite, , comedy, untitled kokowaah remake, , comedy, , would you rather, , comedy, bad blood and trouble, j blakeson, thriller, , the boss of it all, mitchell hurwitz, comedy, chef, john wells, comedy, , inside man 2, spike lee, crime, drama, thriller, the man from primrose lane, , crime, drama, thriller, , lensman, , sci_fi, avatar 4, james cameron, action, adventure, fantasy, sci_fi, ,she was still at school when offered her first film role, starring opposite dileep in ishtam in 2001. there followed roles in partnership with dileep, in films such as mazhathullikkilukkam, kunjikoonan, kalyanaraman, pandippada, gramaphone and pattanathil sundaran.the most popular character of navya is that of 'balamani' in nandanam. critics commented that balamani is a very memorable one. like any live wire girl, she is opinionated, works hard and dishes out her verdict on anything and anyone if you want it or not. navya lived the character of balamani in a flawless performance.she won the kerala state film award for best actress in 2002 for nandanam.2 prithviraj sukumaran is considered as her best partner in films. prithviraj-navya nair jodi was popular in 2002-2003. prithviraj and navya came together for the first time in 'nandanam' 2002 . they went on to act together in movies such as 'vellithira', 'ammakkilikoodu' and 'calendar'. she has been paired with superstars of the malayalam film industry including mohanlal, mammooty, suresh gopi, jayaram, dileep, prithviraj sukumaran, and jayasurya. she has had plastic surgery performed on her lips when she tore them while shooting a malayalam film immini nalloral.many of her films were remade in other languages,like kunjikoonan and nandanam. she is attracted to offbeat movies, such as saira and kanne madanguka. saira was the opening film in the section tous les cinemas du monde at the cannes international film festival in 2007, which was the 4th malayalam film screened at the cannes international film festival. saira has participated in 21 other international film festivals like usa, brazil, israel, russia, italy, greece, zimbabwe, belgium, bangladesh etc. the film was selected at the indian panorama 2006. critics wrote that navya nair has brilliantly portrayed saira during different stages of her life - as the plucky journalist and as the helpless victim of rape and police harassment and portrayal of karunya in kanne madanguka, from a simple school girl with just studies in her mind, she turns to a wage earner and the changes in her character are very well done. she won the state award again in 2005 for her performance in kanne madanguka and saira.3her debut in tamil cinema came with azhagiya theeye and her first role in kannada cinema was in gaja but the most notable one was the 2009 tamil movie aadum koothu, which won the national award for the best tamil film. the t.v.chandran film revolved around a character called manimekala played by navya nair. she was considered for the national award for best actress, which happened for the third time, the first two times being in 2002 for nandanam and in 2005 for saira. she concentrated on performance oriented character in tamil as she had done in malayalam. she won the kalaimamani award. even though she has done only a few kannada movies, all were commercially and critically successful.she has around 50 movies to her credit. after marriage she made her comeback as a judge in munch dance dance in asianet.after marriage, she came back to film through 'scene onnu nammude veedu' in which she had the role of a school teacher named wow!! dubai miracle garden, really d miracle of 45 million flowers dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle garden dubai miracle gardendubai miracle garden, the most beautiful and biggest natural flower garden in the world, dubai miracle garden, the highest flower pyramid in the world, the longest flower wall in the world, a visit to the miracle gardens at dubailand. the botanical masterpiece is home to 45 million flowers and recently opened it's doors to visitorslocation dubai land, dubai. entry fee aed 20 -, nearest metro station mall of emirates taxi fare from metro station aed 30 -thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.thanks for watching.. subscribe for updates.madhuri dixit debuts as playback singerin her next flick gulaab gang.romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, dupsy - gentleman m v psy - psy - gentleman m v gentleman m v bai burj khalifa, dubai bus, dubai metro control room, dubai metro construction, dubai metro train accident, dubai metro,dubai horse racing world cup, dubai horse show, dubai horse racing, dubai world expo, dubai world trade center, dubai world cup, dubai night club dance indian, dubai night bar dance, dubai night secrets, dubai nightlife women, dubai night club dance, dubai accident, dubai new year fireworks, dubai harlem shake, dubai mall, dubai miracle garden, dubai police lamborghini, gitex shopper spring 2013, 2014, 2015 at the dubai world trade centerdwtc !!created under the directive of his highness sheikh mohammed bin rashid al maktoum, vice president uae, prime minister and ruler of dubai, and similar in concept to its long-established sister show gitex shopper which takes place every autumn, the spring version runs from 3 – 6 april 2013, 2014, 2015. and will offer the crazy offers on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the world’s leading tech brands. with a wide range of products under one roof in sheikh s romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du romeo and juliet official trailer, 1st night official us release trailer #1 2013, 2014, 2015 , tribeca film festival 2013, 2014, 2015 mashup hd, us box office this week, funny babies accidents, funny babies videos ever, funny babies dancing gangnam style, funny babies falling, funny babies laughing, funny babies dancing, funny babies, funny animals, funny football, funny commercials, funny cats, funny arabs, funny babies, funny clips, funny videos of people falling, funny pranks, funny video, lyrics of gangnam style, fun we are young, fun some nights, you belong with me taylor swift lyrics, you are beautiful, you and me lifehouse, you and i, you and i, you and i, you raise me up, you belong with me, lulu mall kochi opening, apple bottom jeans, apple iphone 5 vs samsung galaxy s3, apple iphone 6, apple iphone 5, samsung galaxy s4 launch, samsung galaxy s4 official video,samsung galaxy s4, dubai airport flash mob, dubai burj khalifa opening ceremony, dubai burj khalifa water dance, dubai burj khalifa new years eve 2013, 2014, 2015 fireworks, du aeed halls 1, 2 and 3, gitex shopper spring will offer the best bargains on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the region’s power retailers, including e-max, e-city, jacky’s electronics, jumbo electronic and sharaf dg. visitors can expect more choice, more convenience and a great shopping experience and stand a chance to win a car everyday! in addition to platinum sponsor samsung, other brands and retailers represented at the show include blackberry, dell, nikon, nokia, one mobile, and many more. gitex shopper spring 2013, 2014, 2015 at the dubai world trade centerdwtc !!created under the directive of his highness sheikh mohammed bin rashid al maktoum, vice president uae, prime minister and ruler of dubai, and similar in concept to its long-established sister show gitex shopper which takes place every autumn, the spring version runs from 3 – 6 april 2013, 2014, 2015. and will offer the crazy offers on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the world’s leading tech brands. with a wide range of products under one roof in sheikh saeed halls 1, 2 and 3, gitex shopper spring will offer the best bargains on the latest electronic products and gadgets from the region’s power retailers, including e-max, e-city, jacky’s electronics, jumbo electronic and sharaf dg. visitors can expect more choice, more convenience and a great shopping experience and stand a chance to win a car everyday! in addition to platinum sponsor samsung, other brands and retailers represented at the show include blackberry, dell, nikon, nokia, one mobile, and many more. at the center of the stars court of al ain mall lies a water fountain with a winged horse statue. it resembles the fantastical and mythological creature named pegasus, though this statue looks more of a bronze. pegasus, by the way, is a winged divine horse usually in white color in the greek mythology playing with water inside water fall from dubai mall. playing with water inside water fall from dubai mall. playing with water inside water fall from dubai mall. kavya madhavan - is an indian film actress who works in malayalam cinema. she made her debut in pookkalam varavayi 1991 as a child artist. she won the kerala state film award for best actress twice, for her performances in the films perumazhakkalam 2004 and khaddama 2010 . after the divorce with nishan she continued her acting career.then kavya acted with her most successful partner onscreen dileep for pappy appacha which brings another success to her career.aishwarya and aaradhya bachchan make the bachchans proud and happy kuttipattalam kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,v,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalammkuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam,kuttipattalam, kuttipattalam kuttipattalamkuttipattalam kuttipattalam kuttipattalam, v, kuttipattalam, aishwarya rai is an indian film actress. she worked as a model before starting her acting career, and ultimately won the miss india and miss world pageant titles in 1994 ranjini haridas born on 23 april 1982 in kochi, kerala, is a popular television asianet idea star singer anchor, leading model and former miss kerala. idea star singer anchor renjini haridas is doing the heroin role in malayalam film 'entry'. bethenny frankel and husband jason hoppy have called it quits after almost three years of marriage. it brings me great sadness to say that jason and i are separating. this was an extremely difficult decision that as a woman and a mother, i have to accept as the best choice for our family, frankel said in a statement sunday. we have love and respect for one another and will continue to amicably co-parent our daughter who is and will always remain our first priority, the statement continues. this is an immensely painful and heartbreaking time for us. deepika padukone has revealed that shah rukh khan makes her feel special.she told ians i feel shah rukh is still the same as before. he is as talented as he was then. now i have got even closer to him than before. you never get bored with him! he always makes me feel special.the actor will be reuniting with khan in the upcoming romance chennai express.preity zinta's dimpled smile won the heart of millions. she is an indian film actress. she has appeared in hindi films of bollywood, as well as telugu, punjabi and english language films. today most of the girls are stick-thin and that's a tragedy - raveena tandon i stopped .. but u can't !! can u dine with lalettan mohanlal fans enjoying with lalettan in dubaidehraadundiary adhyayan suman, rohit bakhshi, ragini nandwani, ashwini kalsekar milind ukey thriller dekha jo pehli baar shahnawaz khan, kanika kotnala, charu asopa mohd. shamim khan romance meri shadi karao gurdeep mehndi syed noor comedyraywilliamjohnson jennamarbles nigahiga rihannavevo machinima pewdiepie onedirectionvevo holasoygerman freddiew movies theellenshow eminemvevo bluexephos theofficialskrillex tv shows epicmealtime werevertumorro collegehumor taylorswiftvevo roosterteeth fpsrussia thelonelyisland justinbiebervevo erb tobygames shanedawsontv michellephan youtube riotgamesinc tobuscus captainsparklez ukfdubstep officialpsy thefinebros thesyndicateproject adelevevo katyperryvevo sauce nba realannoyingorange davidguettavevo kevjumba nickiminajatvevo bruno mars boyceavenue ign barely political adamthomasmoran sxephil ianh prankvsprank nationalgeographic ladygagavevo mysteryguitarman smtown linkinparktv machinimarespawn evo lmfaovevo kassemg vetealaversha nqtv kurthugoschneider just for laughs gags topgear lady16makeup chrisbrownvevo canal parafernalha fred yourfavoritemartian zeldaxlove64 portadosfundos kidrauhl monsieurdream shanedawsontv2 maroon5vevo nicepeter macbarbe07 thisishorosho thexfactorusa skydoesminecraft beyoncevevo redbull lindseystomp whiteboy7thst charlieissocoollike programagalofrito felipe neto smoshgames hishedotcom itskingsleybitch seananners pitbullvevo badlipreading ksiolajidebt caelike timothydelaghetto2 tomska pinkvevo rajdhani express leander paes, jimmy sheirgill, priyanshu chatterjee, sudhanshu pandey ashok kohli drama, social table no.rajeev khandelwal, tena desae, paresh rawal aditya datt thriller gangoobai sarita joshi, purab kohli, meeta vasisht priya krishnaswamy drama matru ki bijlee ka mandola imran khan, anushka sharma, pankaj kapoor, shabana azmi vishal bhardwaj comedy pyaar mein aisa hota hai mohd nazim, aanamika bawa, rohit rajawat rajeesh kumar romance bandook aditya om, manisha kelkar, arshad khan shiv sagar, aditya om crime inkaar arjun rampal, chitrangda singh sudhir mishra romance, crime mumbai mirror sachiin joshi, gihani khan, prakash raj ankush bhatt crime, thriller akaash vani kartik tiwari, nushrat bharucha luv ranjan comedy, romance main krishna hoon rajniesh duggall, juhi chawla, hrithik roshan, katrina kaif rajiv s. ruia animation race saif ali khan, anil kapoor, john, deepika, jacqueline, ameesha abbas-mustan action, thriller david neil nitin mukesh, chiyaan vikram, vinay virmani, lara dutta bejoy nambiar comedy, crime listen. amaya farooq sheikh, deepti naval, swara bhaskar avinash kumar singh drama mai. asha bhosle, padmini kolhapure, shivani joshi, ram kapoor mahesh kodiyal drama deewana main deewana govinda, priyanka chopra k. c. bokadia comedy, romance vishwaroop kamal haasan, pooja kumar, shekhar kapur, rahul bose kamal haasan thriller abcd - any body can dance prabhu dheva, salman yusuf khan, lauren gottlieb, prince, dharmesh remo dsouza dance special 2akshay kumar, kajal aggarwal, manoj bajpayee, anupam kher neeraj pandey crime the unsound shadaab khan, anurita jha alok shrivastav thriller jayanta bhai ki luv story vivek oberoi, neha sharma vinnil markan crime murder randeep hooda, aditi rao hydari, mona laizza vishesh bhatt thriller feb 2kai po che! sushant singh rajput, amit sadh, raj kumar yadav, amrita puri abhishek kapoor drama feb 2zila ghaziabad sanjay dutt, arshad warsi, vivek oberoi, minissha lamba anand kumar action bloody isshq akash singh, shilpa anand arup dutta romance, thriller i, me aur main john abraham, chitrangda singh, prachi desai kapil sharma romance the attacks of 26 1nana patekar, sanjeev jaiswal, ganesh yadav ram gopal varma crime beehad - the ravines maa ingh deep, mangal singh, sunil sawara krishna mishra drama saare jahaan se mehnga sanjay mishra, vishwa mohan badola, zakir hussain anshul sharma comedy 3g neil nitin mukesh, sonal chauhan sheershak anand, shantanu ray chhibber thriller jolly l.l.b. arshad warsi, amrita rao, boman irani subhash kapoor comedy mere dad ki maruti saqib saleem, rhea chakraborty, prabal punjabi, ram kapoor ashima chibber comedy aatma bipasha basu, nawazuddin siddiqui suparn verma thriller rangrezz jackky bhagnani, priya anand, rajpal yadav priyadarshan drama sona spa naseeruddin shah, aahana kumrah, shruti vyas makrand deshpande thriller warning santosh barmola, suzana rodrigues gurmmeet singh thriller zindagi 50-5riya sen, veena malik, rajpal yadav, rajan verma rajiv s. ruia social himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah bhatia, paresh rawal sajid khan action chasme baddoor ali zafar, tapsee pannu, siddharth david dhawan comedy rise of the zombie luke kenny, kirti kulhari luke kenny, devaki singh thriller, horror commando vidyut jamwal, pooja chopra, jaideep ahlawat dilip ghosh drama nautanki saala! ayushmann khurrana, kunaal roy kapur, abhishek bachchan, evelyn sharma rohan sippy comedy, romance ek thi daayan emraan hashmi, konkona sen sharma, kalki koechlin, huma qureshi kannan iyer thriller i love ny sunny deol, kangna ranaut radhika rao, vinay sapru comedy, romance shootout at wadala john abraham, anil kapoor, ronit roy, siddhant kapoor, kangna ranaut sanjay gupta crime bombay talkies amitabh bachchan, rani mukerji, katrina kaif, ranbir kapoor anurag, karan, zoya, dibakar drama aashiqui aditya roy kapur, shraddha kapoor, shaad randhawa mohit suri romance ankur arora murder case kay kay menon, paoli dam, arjun mathur suhail tatari thriller gippi riya vij, taaha shah sonam nair children go goa gone saif ali khan, kunal khemu, vir das krishna dk, raj nidimoru comedy, action zanjeer ram charan, priyanka chopra apoorva lakhia action, thriller aurangzeb arjun kapoor, sasha aagha atul sabharwal romance mickey virus manish paul, varun badola, manish choudhary saurabh varma thriller hum hai raahi car ke dev goel, adah sharma, juhi chawla, sanjay dutt jyotin goel comedy, romantic yeh jaawani hai deewani ranbir kapoor, deepika padukone ayan mukerji romance yamla pagla deewana sunny deol, bobby deol, dharmendra, neha sharma sangeeth sivan comedy bang bang bangkok namit khanna, sahil anand, sidhant gupta vikram pradhan comedy, action fukrey pulkit samrat, richa chadda, manjot singh mrigdeep singh lamba comedy policegiri sanjay dutt, prakash raj, om puri, prachi desai k. s. ravikumar action ramaiya vastavaiya girish taurani, shruti haasan, randhir kapoor, vinod khanna prabhu dheva romance, musical shortcut romeo neil nitin mukesh, ameesha patel, puja gupta susi ganesh romance, thriller ghanchakkar emraan hashmi, vidya balan, rajesh sharma rajkumar gupta comedy, romance raanjhnaa dhanush, sonam kapoor aanand. l. rai romance gulaab gang madhuri dixit, juhi chawla, mahi gill, tannishtha chatterjee soumik sen crime, social lootera ranveer singh, sonakshi sinha vikramaditya motwane romance bhaag milkha bhaag farhan akhtar, sonam kapoor, dalip tahil rakeysh omprakash mehra drama, sports d-day arjun rampal, rishi kapoor, irrfan, huma qureshi nikhil advani thriller singh sahab the great sunny deol, amrita rao, johny lever anil sharma social aman ki aasha ali zafar, yaami gautam e niwas drama kaanchi rishi kapoor, mithun chakraborty subhash ghai musical phata poster nikla hero shahid kapoor, ileana dcruz rajkumar santoshi drama satyagraha amitabh bachchan, kareena kapoor, ajay devgn, manoj bajpayee prakash jha drama madras cafe ayushmann khurrana, rashi khanna, john abraham, sheetal malhar shoojit sircar thriller kuku mathur ki jhand ho gayi siddharth gupta, simran kaur mundi bejoy nambiar comedy bullet raja saif ali khan, sonakshi sinha, jimmy sheirgill tigmanshu dhulia action ungli sanjay dutt, emraan hashmi, kangna ranaut, neha dhupia rensil dsilva comedy queen kangna ranaut, rajkumar yadav vikas bahl romance chennai express shahrukh khan, deepika padukone rohit shetty comedy gunday ranveer singh, arjun kapoor, priyanka chopra ali abbas zafar crime, romance highway randeep hooda, alia bhatt imtiaz ali romance besharam ranbir kapoor, pallavi sharda, rishi kapoor, neetu singh abhinav kashyap romance ragini mms sunny leone bhushan patel thriller, horror boss akshay kumar, aditi rao hydari, shiv pandit, mithun chakraborty anthony dsouza drama mental salman khan, daisy shah, sana khan sohail khan romance gori tere pyar mein imran khan, kareena kapoor punit malhotra romance rambo rajkumar shahid kapoor, sonakshi sinha prabh gh, deepika padukone sanjay leela bhansali drama krrish hrithik roshan, priyanka chopra, vivek oberoi rakesh roshan sci-fi dedh ishqiya madhuri dixit, arshad warsi, naseeruddin shah abhishek chaubey romance, thriller shaadi ke side effects farhan akhtar, vidya balan saket chowdhary comedy, romance dhoom aamir khan, katrina kaif, abhishek bachchan, uday chopra vijay krishna acharya action naino mein sapna himmatwala amit kumar sajid-wajid saadi gali nautanki saala! ayushmann khurrana, neeti mohan ayushmann khurrana, rochak kohli taki taki himmatwala mika singh, shreya ghoshal sajid-wajid haaay mere dad ki maruti panjabi mc, manake panjabi mc hookah bar khiladi 78himesh reshammiya, vineet singh, aman trikha himesh reshammiya 1mere dad ki maruti mere dad ki maruti diljit dosanjh sachin gupta radha student of the year shreya ghoshal, vishal-shekhar, udit narayan vishal-shekhar 2ishq shava jab tak hai jaan raghav mathur, shilpa rao a r rahman 2yaaram ek thi daayan sunidhi chauhan, clinton cerejo vishal bhardwaj new entry - ishq wala love student of the year shekhar ravjiani, salim merchant, neeti mohan vishal-shekhar 2vele student of the year shekhar ravjiani vishal-shekhar 12fevicol se dabangg mamta sharma, wajid, keerthi sagathia sajid-wajid 11the disco song student of the year benny dayal, sunidhi chauhan, nazia hassan vishal-shekhar 12long drive khiladi 78mika singh himesh reshammiya 11dil ko aaya sukoon rangrezz rahat fateh ali khan, hiral brahmbhatt sajid-wajid saans jab tak hai jaan mohit chauhan, shreya ghoshal a r rahman 12punjabiyaan di battery mere dad ki maruti mika singh, yo yo honey singh sachin gupta 1thank god its friday himmatwala sunidhi chauhan sajid-wajid 1jhooth boliya jolly l.l.b. kamal khan krsna 1naa jaane i, me aur main neeraj shridhar, anushka manchanda sachin-jigar 1babli badmaash shootout at wadala priyanka chopra, john abraham ahmed khan taki taki himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah farah khan naino mein sapna himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah bhatia farah khan tum hi ho aashiqui aditya roy kapoor, shraddha kapoor - haaay! mere dad ki maruti rhea chakraborthy, saqib saleem rajeev surti dhoka dhoka himmatwala surveen chawla, amruta khanvilkar, mona tripha farah khan ishq shava jab tak hai jaan shahrukh khan, katrina kaif vaibhavi merchant fevicol se dabangg kareena kapoor, salman khan farah khan radha student of the year alia bhatt, sidharth malhotra, varun dhawan bosco-caesar bum pe laat himmatwala ajay devgn, tamannaah bhatia farah khan harlem shake baauer single mad decent thrift shop macklemore, ryan lewis ft. wanz the heist macklemore, llc when i was your man bruno mars unorthodox wmg lets get ready to rhumble pj & duncan psyche sony bmg stay rihanna ft. mikky ekko unapologetic the island def jam music group just give me a reason p!nk ft. nate ruess the truth about love rca records i knew you were trouble taylor swift red big machine records started from the bottom drake started from the bottom cash money records feel this moment pitbull ft. christina aguilera global warming rca records mirrors justin timberlake the 20 2experience rca records main fan bhagat singh da bikkar bai senti mental diljit dosanjh sony music baghi sadda haq jazzy b jazzy b records tauba tauba daddy cool munde fool amrinder gill speed records jatt senti bikkar bai senti mental jassi jaraj sony music classmate remix daddy cool munde fool jassi gill, kaur b speed records new entry - lamian caran long car raja baath t-series soohe khat afsaaney sartaaj de satinder sartaaj firdaus production raatan daddy cool munde fool amrinder gill speed records new entry - desi gaana lucky di unlucky story gippy grewal gippy grewal records new entry - pardesi jhanjhar harjeet harman t-series annayum rasoolumrajeev ravi fahadh faasil, andrea jeremiah romance enterajesh touchriver siddique, anjali patil, lakshmi menon drama entry rajesh amanakara baburaj, ranjini haridas, bhagath manuel, sija rose action, drama lisammayude veedubabu janardhanan meera jasmine, rahul madhav, salim kumar drama my fan ramu nikhil k. menon saiju kurup, rajeev pillai comedy nee ko njaa chagireesh sunny wayne, parvathy nair comedy isaac newton s o philipose v bosse lal, nedumudi venu, abhinaya, tini tom comedy maad dad revathy s varma lal, nazriya nazim, meghana raj drama yathrakkoduvilbasil zak sreejith vijay, vidya, thilakan drama romans boban samuel kunchacko boban, biju menon, niveda thomas, aparna nair comedy annum innum ennumrajesh nair nishan, jishnu, thilakan drama 1nakhangalsuresh krisshnan rakendu, madan mohan, megha, sumesh family, thriller 1oru yathrayilpriyanandanan, major ravi, rajesh amanakara, mathews vineeth kumar, remya nambeesan, lakshmi gopalaswami anthology, drama 1proprietors kammath & kammath thomson k. thomas mammootty, dileep, rima kallingal, karthika nair comedy, action 1players vasudev sanal jayasurya, kavya madhavan, jishnu, nishanth sagar romance, drama 1lokpal joshiy mohanlal, kavya madhavan drama 1dracula 2013, 2014, 2015d vinayan sudheer sukumaran, prabhu, shraddha das, monal gajjar, thilakan horror 1natholi oru cheriya meenallav. k. prakash fahadh faasil, kamalinee mukherjee, rima kallingal, aishwarya romance, comedy 1oru nerinte nombaramp. sivaram anoop david, vaigha, ashamol, baby hridya drama 1celluloid kamal prithviraj, mamta mohandas, chandni biopic 2cowboy p. balachandrakumar asif ali, mythili, bala action, comedy 2breaking news live sudhir ambalapadu kavya madhavan, mythili, vineeth drama 2black butterfly rajaputra ranjith mithun, malavika romance 2housefull linson antony tini tom, jyothirmayi comedy 2am local call manu sudhakaran lal, nishan, kailash, shritha sivadas thriller 2david & goliath rajeev nath jayasurya, anoop menon, soumya, anumol thriller 2shutter joy mathew lal, sreenivasan, sajitha madathil thriller 2kili poyivinay govind asif ali, aju varghese stoner film 2omega.exe binoy george hareesh raj, vineeth, sanchu, iniya drama 2rose guitarinaalranjan pramod richard joy thomas, athmeeya rajan, rejith menon romance,music 3mahatma ayyankalisooriya deva saju, sajilal, madhu biopic 3rebecca uthup kizhakkemala sunder das ann augustine, sidharth bharathan, jishnu sports film,romance,drama 3lucky star deepu anthikad jayaram, rachana narayanankutty, mukesh comedy,drama 3pakaramsreevallabhan om prakash, radhika, siddique thriller,revenge 3radio umer mohammed iniya, sarayu, nishan, sreejith vijay drama 3poombattakalude taazhvaaram v.m.akhilesh nima, rajesh mohan, prethiknjan, dhirar, sandhra drama 3dolls shalil kallur john, sruthi nair,parvathy nair romance,drama 3papilio buddha jayan k. cherian sreekumar, saritha sunil, prakash bare, thampi antony, padmapriya drama, environmental film 3ithu manthramo thanthramo kuthanthramo sainu pallithazhathu mukesh, baburaj, suraj venjaramoodu, sruthi lakshmi, nayana comedy 3kanaa paadam ameen jawher bhasi, aarya gaythri drama 4ithu pathiramanal m. padmakumar unni mukundan, jayasurya, remya nambeesan action 4good idea p. k. sakir sreejith vijay , hanna bella, unni sivapal romance 4red wine salam bappu mohanlal, fahad fazil, asif ali, meghana raj, meera nandan, mia romance 4amen lijo jose pellissery indrajith, fahadh faasil , swati reddy, rachana romance 4dots sugeeth kunchacko boban, biju menon, prathap pothan, janani iyer romance 4yathra thudarunnu jayan sivapuram lakshmi gopalaswami, irshad, nedumudi venu drama 4kutteem kolum guinness pakru guinness pakru, aditya, sanusha, leya drama 4edit malayalam dubbed filmsno. release date title original title original language director cast genre ref january hai ram charan orange telugu bhaskar ram charan teja, genelia dsouza, shazahn padamsee, sanchita shetty action, romance 4march pizza pizza tamil karthik subbaraj vijay sethupathi, ramya nambeesan thriller 4march naayak naayak telugu v. v. vinayak ram charan teja, kajal aggarwal, amala paul action, romance this table will be updated after each new release.edit notable deathsmonth date name age profession notable films march rajasulochana 7actress manasakshi joseph chacko505158actor snapaka yohannan.the the people5sukumari 7actress chettathi.odaruthammava aalariyam.boeing boeing.vandanam.mizhikal sakshi.gramam kalla thuppakki logiyas kutty anand, sampath ram, viccy, prabhakaran, sravanthika kanavu kadhalan udhay, saritha yadav kurumbukkara pasanga t. samydurai sanjeev, monica, manobala, pandiarajan mayil paarai nanbargal gavanathirkku k. jayakumar varshan, manisha jith, sanjeev nimidangal geetha krishna sashan, priyanka, suman, atul kulkarni crime alex pandian suraj karthi, anushka shetty, santhanam, nikita thukral, milind soman, suman action-masala produced by kjsurya productions kanna laddu thinna aasaiya k. s. manikandan santhanam, srinivasan, vishakha singh, sethu comedy produced by hand made films & sri thenandal films samar thiru vishal, trisha krishnan, sunaina action produced by balaji real media puthagam vijay adhiraj sathya, jagapati babu, rakul preet singh, sanjay bharati, rachana maurya drama produced by ram pictures private limited vijayanagaram tanveer sivan, haasini, bhanu chander, aryan pathaayiram kodi srinivasan sundar dhruv bhandari, madalasa sharma, vivek comedy kadal mani ratnam gautham karthik, thulasi nair, arjun, arvind swamy, lakshmi manchu drama produced by madras talkies david bejoy nambiar vikram, jiiva, tabu, isha sharvani, lara dutta drama produced by reliance mediaworks vishwaroopam kamal haasan kamal haasan, pooja kumar, rahul bose, andrea jeremiah spy thriller produced by rajkamal international nesam nesapaduthe illunu oru sandhippu ravi lallin vimal, dipa shah, oviya romance vana yuddham a. m. r. ramesh kishore, arjun, vijayalakshmi, lakshmi rai ameerin aadhi bhagavan ameer sultan jayam ravi, neetu chandra, sudha chandran action produced by anbu pictures ariyathavan puriyathavan j. k j. k, unnimaya drama produced by jk productions haridas g. n. r. kumaravelan kishore, sneha, prithviraj das drama produced by dr v ram production private limited paati aandava perumal sathish kumar sivan, sasi, idhaya, jeeva romance produced by r. jana chuda chuda idhayan idhayan, durga, shobina, udhayana chandamama radhakrishnan karunas, shweta basu prasad, harish kalyan comedy produced by classic cinemas lollu dada parag parag k. viyasan mansoor ali khan, shilpha comedy produced by vijayamuralee naangam pirai 3d vinayan sudheer sukumaran, prabhu, thilakan, monal gajjar, shraddha das horror produced by akash films vellachi velu viswanath pintu, suchitra unni, ganja karuppu romance produced by k. ananthan mathil mel poonai barani jayapal vijay vasanth, vibha natarajan thriller produced by peenics creations 1onbadhule guru p. t. selvakumar vinay rai, aravind akash, premgi amaren, lakshmi rai comedy 1pesamal pesinaal 1sundaattam brahma g. dev irfan, arundhathi, madhu produced by film fame production 1garuda paarvai 1karumpuli 1paradesi bala adharvaa, vedhicka, dhansika drama produced by b studios 1vatthikuchi kinslin dhileban, anjali, jayaprakash, saranya, sampath raj thriller produced by murugadoss productions & fox star studios 1karuppampatti tha. prabhu raja cholan ajmal ameer, aparnaa bajpai, alice tantardini drama produced by sundar pictures kan pesum varthaigal r. balaji mirchi senthil, iniya romance produced by sri krithik creations 2maranthen mannithen kumar nagendra aadhi, taapsee, lakshmi manchu, sundeep kishan produced by manchu productions 2chennaiyil oru naal shaheed kader sarathkumar, cheran, prakash raj, prasanna, nassar, radhika, iniya, parvathi menon drama produced by kjsurya productions kedi billa killadi ranga pandiraj vimal, sivakarthikeyan, bindu madhavi, regina cassandra comedy produced by pasanga productions azhagan azhagi nandha periyasaamy jack, aarthi comedy keeripulla feroze khan yuvan, disha pandey, ganja karuppu action settai r. kannan arya, anjali, hansika motwani, santhanam, premgi amaren comedy produced by sun pictures january – marchopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. a dark truth magnolia pictures damian lee director screenwriter ; andy garcia, kim coates, eva longoria, forest whitaker, deborah kara unger, devon bostick, al sapienza, steven bauer, kevin durand, claudette lali action, thriller table no. 2eros international aditya datt director ; jimmy-sen screenplay ; tena desae, rajeev khandelwal, paresh rawal action, thriller texas chainsaw 3d lionsgate john luessenhop director ; kirsten elms, adam marcus, debra sullivan screenplay ; alexandra daddario, dan yeager, trey songz, scott eastwood, tania raymonde horror the grandmaster block pictures jet tone films wong kar-wai director screenplay ; tony leung chiu-wai, zhang ziyi, song hye-kyo, chang chen, zhao benshan, yuen woo-ping, xiaoshenyang, cung le, lo hoi-pang, leung siu-lung, julian cheung, lo mang, berg ng action, drama gangster squad warner bros. ruben fleischer director ; will beall screenplay ; ryan gosling, emma stone, sean penn, josh brolin, robert patrick, michael peã±a, giovanni ribisi, anthony mackie, nick nolte, wade williams, mireille enos, sullivan stapleton, frank grillo action, crime, drama a haunted house open road films michael tiddes director ; marlon wayans, rick alvarez screenplay ; marlon wayans, nick swardson, david koechner, essence atkins, cedric the entertainer, alanna ubach, jamie noel comedy, horror matru ki bijlee ka mandola fox star studios vishal bhardwaj director screenplay ; abhishek chaubey screenplay ; imran khan, anushka sharma, pankaj kapur, shabana azmi, arya babbar, aamir khan, ajay devgan romantic comedy 1broken city 20th century fox allen hughes director ; brian tucker screenplay ; mark wahlberg, russell crowe, catherine zeta-jones, barry pepper, kyle chandler, natalie martinez, justin chambers, alona tal, jeffrey wright, catherine kim poon, justin chambers, alona tal, james rawlings, james ransone, judd lormand crime, drama 1luv indomina media sheldon candis director screenplay ; common, dennis haysbert, danny glover, charles s. dutton, meagan good drama 1mama universal pictures andres muschietti director screenplay ; neil cross, barbara muschietti screenplay ; jessica chastain, nikolaj coster-waldau, daniel kash, david fox horror, thriller 1officer down anchor bay films brian a miller director ; john chase screenplay ; stephen dorff, dominic purcell, david boreanaz, soulja boy, stephen lang, james woods, walton goggins, tommy flanagan, oleg taktarov, johnny messner action 1the last stand lionsgate kim ji-woon director ; andrew knauer, jeffrey nachmanoff screenplay ; arnold schwarzenegger, forest whitaker, peter stormare, jaimie alexander, rodrigo santoro, zach gilford, johnny knoxville, harry dean stanton, luis guzmã¡n, gã©nesis rodrã­guez, daniel henney action 1hansel and gretel. witch hunters paramount pictures mgm mtv films tommy wirkola director screenplay ; dante harper screenplay ; jeremy renner, gemma arterton, zoe bell, famke janssen, peter stormare, ingrid bolso berdal, derek mears, thomas mann, pihla viitala, robin atkin downes, rainer bock, monique ganderton, joanna kulig action, fantasy 1john dies at the end magnolia pictures don coscarelli director screenplay ; paul giamatti, clancy brown, glynn turman, doug jones, daniel roebuck, jimmy wong, angus scrimm comedy, horror 1knife fight ifc films bill guttentag director screenplay ; chris lehane screenplay ; rob lowe, carrie-anne moss, jamie chung, richard schiff, eric mccormack, julie bowen, jennifer morrison, amanda crew, saffron burrows, shirley manson, davey havok political thriller 1movie 4relativity media patrik forsberg director screenplay ; elizabeth banks, steven brill, steve carr, rusty cundieff, james duffy, griffin dunne, peter farrelly, james gunn, bob odenkirk, brett ratner, jonathan van tulleken directors ; steve baker, will carlough, matt portenoy, greg pritikin, rocky russo, jeremy sosenko, elizabeth wright shapiro screenplay ; hugh jackman, emma stone, gerard butler, chloã« grace moretz, elizabeth banks, kristen bell, naomi watts, anna faris, chris pratt, kate winslet, josh duhamel, richard gere, uma thurman, halle berry, patrick warburton, christopher mintz-plasse, liev schreiber, seann william scott, jason sudeikis, kate bosworth, bobby cannavale, justin long, j. b. smoove, kieran culkin, leslie bibb, terrence howard, jack mcbrayer, tony shalhoub, matt walsh, stephen merchant, jimmy bennett, emily alyn lind, jeremy allen white comedy 2parker filmdistrict taylor hackford director ; john mclaughlin screenplay ; jason statham, jennifer lopez, bobby cannavale, clifton collins, jr., wendell pierce, michael chiklis, nick nolte, sala baker crime, action 2race tips music films abbas-mustan director ; shiraz ahmed screenplay ; anil kapoor, saif ali khan, deepika padukone, john abraham, jacqueline fernandez, ameesha patel, rajesh khattar, bipasha basu action 2bullet to the head warner bros. walter hill director screenplay ; alessandro camon screenplay ; sylvester stallone, sung kang, sarah shahi, adewale akinnuoye-agbaje, christian slater, jason mamoa, jon seda, brian van holt crime, action 2sound city therapy studios dave grohl director ; mark monroe screenplay ; documentary 2stand up guys lionsgate fisher stevens director ; noah haidle screenplay ; al pacino, christopher walken, julianna margulies, mark margolis, alan arkin, bill burr crime, comedy 2the haunting in connecticut 2. ghosts of georgia gold circle films tom elkins director ; dave coggeshall screenplay ; chad michael murray, abigail spencer, katee sackhoff, cicely tyson, emily alyn lind horror 2warm bodies summit entertainment jonathan levine director screenplay ; nicholas hoult, teresa palmer, rob corddry, john malkovich, analeigh tipton, dave franco, cory hardrict horror, romance 2a glimpse inside the mind of charles swan iii a2roman coppola director screenplay ; charlie sheen, jason schwartzmann, bill murray, katheryn winnick, patricia arquette, aubrey plaza, mary elizabeth winstead comedy, drama 2identity thief universal pictures seth gordon director ; steve conrad, craig mazin screenplay ; jason bateman, melissa mccarthy, amanda peet, john cho, clark duke, maggie elizabeth jones, mary-charles jones, jon favreau, gã©nesis rodrã­guez, eric stonestreet, t.i., ben falcone, morris chestnut, justin wheelon crime, comedy 3side effects open road films steven soderbergh director ; scott z. burns screenplay ; rooney mara, jude law, channing tatum, catherine zeta-jones, vinessa shaw, david costabile drama, thriller 3special 2viacom 1motion pictures neeraj pandey director screenplay ; akshay kumar, kajal aggarwal, anupam kher, jimmy shergill, divya dutta, manoj bajpai, kharaj mukherjee, rajesh sharma, kishor kadam, deepraj rana crime, drama, thriller 32top gun 3d paramount pictures tony scott director ; jim cash, jack epps jr. screenplay ; tom cruise, kelly mcgillis, val kilmer, james tolkan, tom skerritt, rick rossovich, michael ironside, john stockwell, tim robbins, whip hubley, barry tubb, david patterson, adrian pasdar, clarence gilyard, jr., duke stroud, linda rae jurgens action, drama 3journey to the west. conquering the demons huayi brothers china film group stephen chow, derek kwok director ; huang bo, shu qi, wen zhang, show luo, chrissie chau action, comedy 3beautiful creatures warner bros. richard lagravenese director screenplay ; viola davis, alice englert, emma thompson, emmy rossum, jeremy irons, alden ehrenreich, thomas mann, kyle gallner fantasy, romance 3a good day to die hard 20th century fox john moore director ; skip woods screenplay ; bruce willis, jai courtney, sebastian koch, yuliya snigir, radivoje bukvic, cole hauser, amaury nolasco, mary elizabeth winstead action, thriller 3murder fox star studios vishesh bhatt director screenplay ; randeep hooda, aditi rao hydari, sara loren thriller 3safe haven relativity media lasse hallstrã¶m director ; dana stevens, leslie bohem screenplay ; josh duhamel, julianne hough, david lyons, cobie smulders, mimi kirkland, noah lomax, mike pniewski drama, romance 3escape from planet earth the weinstein company cal brunker director screenplay ; bob barlen screenplay ; brendan fraser, rob corddry, jessica alba, william shatner, sarah jessica parker, jane lynch, sofã­a vergara, george lopez, craig robinson comedy, family, sci-fi 4bless me, ultima arenas entertainment carl franklin director screenplay ; mã­riam colã³n, benito martinez, dolores heredia, cã¡stulo guerra drama 4dark skies dimension films scott charles stewart director screenplay ; keri russell, josh hamilton, dakota goyo horror, sci-fi 4kai po che! utv motion pictures abhishek kapoor director screenplay ; chetan bhagat screenplay ; sushant singh rajput, amit sadh, raj yadav, amrita puri, ajay jadeja drama, musical 4snitch summit entertainment ric roman waugh director screenplay ; justin haythe screenplay ; dwayne johnson, susan sarandon, benjamin bratt, barry pepper action 4over relativity media jon lucas, scott moore director screenplay ; miles teller, justin chon, skylar astin, sarah wright, franã§ois chau, jonathan keltz, daniel booko, dustin ybarra comedy 4i, me aur main reliance entertainment kapil sharma director screenplay ; shrishti behl arya screenplay ; john abraham, prachi desai, chitrangada singh, zarina wahab, raima sen drama, musical 4jack the giant slayer warner bros. new line cinema bryan singer director ; dan studney, darren lemke, christopher mcquarrie screenplay ; nicholas hoult, eleanor tomlinson, stanley tucci, ewan mcgregor, bill nighy, ian mcshane, eddie marsan, john kassir action, adventure, fantasy 4phantom rcr media group todd robinson director screenplay ; ed harris, david duchovny, william fichtner, sean patrick flanery thriller 4stoker fox searchlight pictures park chan-wook director ; wentworth miller screenplay ; mia wasikowska, nicole kidman, matthew goode, dermot mulroney, jacki weaver, alden ehrenreich, lucas till thriller 4the last exorcism part ii cbs films ed gass-donnelly director screenplay ; damien chazelle screenplay ; ashley bell, spencer treat clark, muse watson, louis herthum, judd lormand horror, thriller 5dead man down filmdistrict niels arden oplev director ; j.h. wyman screenplay ; colin farrell, noomi rapace, dominic cooper, terrence howard, wade barrett action 5emperor lionsgate roadside attractions peter webber director ; vera blasi david klass screenplay ; matthew fox, tommy lee jones, eriko hatsune, toshiyuki nishida drama 5oz the great and powerful walt disney pictures sam raimi director ; david lindsay-abaire, mitchell kapner screenplay ; james franco, mila kunis, michelle williams, rachel weisz, joey king, zach braff, bruce campbell, abigail spencer, tony cox, bill cobbs fantasy, adventure, family 5spring breakers a2harmony korine director screenplay ; james franco, selena gomez, vanessa hudgens, ashley benson, rachel korine, heather morris, gucci mane action, comedy 5the call tristar pictures brad anderson director ; richard dovidio screenplay ; abigail breslin, halle berry, morris chestnut, michael eklund, michael imperioli, david otunga mystery 5the incredible burt wonderstone warner bros. new line cinema don scardino director ; chad kultgen, john francis daley, jonathan m. goldstein screenplay ; steve carell, jim carrey, steve buscemi, olivia wilde, james gandolfini, alan arkin, gillian jacobs, zachary gordon, brad garrett, jay mohr, david copperfield comedy 5welcome to the punch ifc films eran creevy director screenplay ; james mcavoy, mark strong, andrea riseborough, elyes gabel, peter mullan, david morrissey, daniel mays, johnny harris, dannielle brent, jason flemyng thriller 5admission focus features paul weitz director screenplay ; karen croner screenplay ; tina fey, paul rudd, michael sheen, gloria reuben, wallace shawn, lily tomlin comedy 5inappropriate comedy freestyle releasing vince offer director screenwriter ; ari shaffir, ken pringle screenplay ; rob schneider, michelle rodriguez, adrien brody, lindsay lohan comedy 5love and honor ifc films danny mooney director ; jim burnstein, garrett k. schiff screenplay ; liam hemsworth, aimee teegarden, teresa palmer, austin stowell romance, drama 6olympus has fallen filmdistrict antoine fuqua director ; creighton rothenburger, katrin benedikt screenplay ; gerard butler, aaron eckhart, morgan freeman, rick yune, dylan mcdermott, angela bassett, radha mitchell, ashley judd, melissa leo action 6the croods 20th century fox dreamworks animation chris sanders, kirk demicco directors screenplay ; nicolas cage, ryan reynolds, emma stone, catherine keener, clark duke, cloris leachman adventure, comedy, family 6g.i. joe. retaliation paramount pictures mgm hasbro jon chu director ; rhett reese, paul wernick screenplay ; channing tatum, ray park, dwayne johnson, bruce willis, elodie yung, d.j. cotrona, adrianne palicki, ray stevenson, byung-hun lee, jonathan pryce, rza, walton goggins, joseph mazzello, deray davis, robert baker action, adventure, sci-fi 6himmatwala utv motion pictures sajid khan director screenplay ; ajay devgan, tamannaah, paresh rawal, adhyayan suman, zarina wahab, leena jumani, surveen chawla, amruta khanvilkar, sayantani ghosh, mona thiba, dheer charan srivastav action, romance 6temptation lionsgate tyler perry director screenplay ; jurnee smollett, lance gross, robbie jones, vanessa williams, kim kardashian, brandy norwood, ella joyce drama, romance 6the host open road films andrew niccol director screenplay ; saoirse ronan, max irons, jake abel, diane kruger, william hurt, frances fisher sci-fi, romance, teen 6the place beyond the pines focus features derek cianfrance director screenplay ; ben coccio, darius marder screenplay ; ryan gosling, bradley cooper, rose byrne, eva mendes, ray liotta, bruce greenwood, ben mendelsohn, dane dehaan crime, drama 6wrong drafthouse films mr. oizo director screenplay ; jack plotnick, ã‰ric judor, alexis dziena, steve little, william fichtner, regan burns, arden myrin, maile flanagan, gary valentine comedy 6edit april – juneopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. evil dead tristar pictures fede alvarez director screenplay ; diablo cody, sam raimi, rodo sayagues screenplay ; jane levy, shiloh fernandez, lou taylor pucci, elizabeth blackmore, jessica lucas horror 6jurassic park 3d universal pictures steven spielberg director ; michael crichton, david koepp screenplay ; sam neill, laura dern, jeff goldblum, richard attenborough, bob peck, martin ferrero, joseph mazzello, ariana richards, samuel l. jackson, bd wong, wayne knight adventure, sci-fi 7upstream color erbp shane carruth director screenplay ; amy seimetz, thiago martins romance, thriller 7trance fox searchlight pictures danny boyle director , john hodge, joe ahearne screenplay james mcavoy, vincent cassell, rosario dawson crime 7warner bros. brian helgeland director screenplay ; harrison ford, chadwick boseman, christopher meloni, ryan merriman, brad beyer, toby huss, t. r. knight, alan tudyk, hamish linklater biography, drama, sports 7disconnect ld entertainment henry alex-rubin director ; andrew stern screenplay ; jason bateman, hope davis, frank grillo, michael nyqvist, paula patton, andrea riseborough, alexander skarsgã¥rd, max thieriot, colin ford, jonah bobo, haley ramm crime 7scary movie dimension films malcolm d. lee director screenplay ; david zucker, pat proft screenplay ; ashley tisdale, lindsay lohan, charlie sheen, terry crews, kate walsh, molly shannon, heather locklear, erica ash, mike tyson, audrina patridge, kendra wilkinson comedy, horror 7home run samuel goldwyn films provident films david boyd director ; scott elrod, dorian brown, vivica a. fox, charles henry wyson drama 7oblivion universal pictures joseph kosinski director ; william monahan, michael arndt, karl gajdusek screenplay ; tom cruise, olga kurylenko, andrea riseborough, morgan freeman, nikolaj coster-waldau, melissa leo action, sci-fi 7the lords of salem sony pictures rob zombie director screenwriter ; sheri moon zombie, bruce davison, jeff daniel phillips, meg foster, sid haig, lisa marie horror 7pain & gain paramount pictures michael bay director ; christopher markus, stephen mcfeely, scott rosenberg screenplay ; mark wahlberg, dwayne johnson, ed harris, ken jeong, anthony mackie, tony shalhoub, rebel wilson, rob corddry action, comedy 7the big wedding lionsgate justin zackham director screenplay ; robert de niro, katherine heigl, diane keaton, amanda seyfried, topher grace, ben barnes, christine ebersole, susan sarandon, robin williams romantic comedy 8iron man marvel studios shane black director screenplay ; drew pearce screenplay ; robert downey, jr., ben kingsley, don cheadle, gwyneth paltrow, guy pearce, james badge dale, ashley hamilton, rebecca hall, jon favreau, paul bettany, stephanie szostak, william sadler action, adventure, sci-fi 8aftershock dimension films radius-twc nicolas lopez director screenplay ; eli roth, guillermo amoedo screenplay ; eli roth, andrea osvã¡rt, ariel levy, nicolas martinez, lorenza izzo, natasha yarovenko, selena gomez horror, thriller 8the great gatsby warner bros. baz luhrmann director screenplay ; leonardo dicaprio, tobey maguire, joel edgerton, carey mulligan, isla fisher, jason clarke, elizabeth debicki, amitabh bachchan drama, romance 8peeples lionsgate tina gordon chism director screenplay ; craig robinson, kerry washington, david alan grier, s. epatha merkerson, tyler williams, melvin van peebles, diahann carroll, malcolm barrett, kali hawk, ana gasteyer, kimrie lewis-davis comedy 8black rock ld entertainment katie aselton director screenplay ; mark duplass screenplay ; katie aselton, lake bell, kate bosworth horror 8star trek into darkness paramount pictures bad robot j. j. abrams director ; roberto orci, alex kurtzman, damon lindelof screenplay ; chris pine, zachary quinto, zoe saldana, karl urban, anton yelchin, john cho, simon pegg, alice eve, peter weller, benedict cumberbatch, bruce greenwood, nolan north, nazneen contractor, noel clarke action, adventure, sci-fi 8epic 20th century fox blue sky studios chris wedge director ; tom j. astle, matt ember, james v. hart, william joyce, daniel shere screenplay ; beyoncã© knowles, colin farrell, josh hutcherson, amanda seyfried, christoph waltz, aziz ansari, pitbull, jason sudeikis, chris odowd, steven tyler, blake anderson, judah friedlander adventure, comedy, fantasy, family 8fast and furious universal pictures justin lin director ; chris morgan screenplay ; paul walker, vin diesel, dwayne johnson, michelle rodriguez, luke evans, joe taslim, jordana brewster, tyrese gibson, gina carano action 8the hangover part iii warner bros. todd phillips director screenplay ; craig mazin screenplay ; bradley cooper, zach galifianakis, ed helms, ken jeong, mike epps, mike tyson, heather graham, john goodman, sasha barrese, sondra currie, justin bartha, jeffrey tambor, gillian vigman, jamie chung comedy 8now you see me summit entertainment louis leterrier director ; josh appelbaum, andre nemec, ed solomon, boaz yakin, edward ricourt screenplay ; jesse eisenberg, isla fisher, morgan freeman, woody harrelson, mark ruffalo, michael caine, common, dave franco, elias koteas, laura cayouette, david warshofsky crime 9the east fox searchlight pictures zal batmanglij director screenplay ; brit marling screenplay ; brit marling, alexander skarsgard, ellen page, julia ormond, patricia clarkson drama 9the purge universal pictures james demonaco director screenplay ; ethan hawke, lena headey, max burkholder, edwin hodge, rhys wakefield sci-fi, thriller 9after earth columbia pictures m. night shyamalan director ; stephen gaghan, gary whitta screenplay ; jaden smith, will smith, isabelle fuhrman, zoe kravitz sci-fi 9much ado about nothing lionsgate roadside attractions joss whedon director screenplay ; amy acker, nathan fillion, clark gregg, fran kranz comedy 9the internship 20th century fox shawn levy director ; vince vaughn screenplay ; vince vaughn, owen wilson, dylan obrien, rose byrne, jessica szohr, max minghella, aasif mandvi, john goodman, will ferrell, joanna garcia, eric andre, josh brener, tiya sircar, tobit raphael, josh gad comedy 9man of steel warner bros. dc comics zack snyder director ; david s. goyer screenplay ; henry cavill, amy adams, kevin costner, diane lane, russell crowe, ayelet zurer, michael shannon, antje traue, christopher meloni, laurence fishburne, richard schiff, harry lennix action, adventure 9the bling ring a2sofia coppola director screenplay ; emma watson, israel broussard, katie chang, claire julien, taissa farmiga, leslie mann, gavin rossdale, paris hilton comedy, crime 9this is the end columbia pictures mandate pictures evan goldberg, seth rogen directors screenplay ; seth rogen, jay baruchel, james franco, craig robinson, danny mcbride, jonah hill, emma watson, jason segel, paul rudd, michael cera, rihanna, kevin hart, david krumholtz, mindy kaling, aziz ansari comedy, sci-fi 9monsters university walt disney pictures pixar animation studios dan scanlon director ; billy crystal, john goodman, steve buscemi, joel murray, sean hayes, dave foley, peter sohn, charlie day, kelsey grammer, frank oz, dan gerson, julia sweeney, helen mirren, alfred molina, ken jeong, rob riggle, j. b. smoove comedy, family 9world war z paramount pictures gk films marc forster director ; matthew michael carnahan, drew goddard screenplay ; brad pitt, mireille enos, james badge dale, daniella kertesz, matthew fox, david morse action, horror, thriller 10the heat 20th century fox paul feig director ; katie dippold, lee eisenberg, gene stupnitsky screenplay ; sandra bullock, melissa mccarthy, kaitlin olson, tony hale, demian bichir, michael rapaport, taran killam, thomas f. wilson action, comedy 10white house down columbia pictures roland emmerich director ; james vanderbilt screenplay ; channing tatum, jamie foxx, maggie gyllenhaal, james woods, richard jenkins, joey king, jason clarke action 10edit july – septemberopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. despicable me universal pictures illumination entertainment chris renaud, pierre coffin directors ; cinco paul, ken daurio screenplay ; steve carell, kristen wiig, miranda cosgrove, russell brand, al pacino, steve coogan, ken jeong, moises arias comedy, family 10the lone ranger walt disney pictures gore verbinski director ; ted elliott, terry rossio, eric aronson, justin haythe screenplay ; armie hammer, johnny depp, ruth wilson, william fichtner, helena bonham carter, james badge dale, barry pepper, tom wilkinson, james frain action, adventure, western 10the way, way back fox searchlight pictures nat faxon, jim rash directors screenplay ; steve carell, toni collette, allison janney, annasophia robb, sam rockwell, maya rudolph, liam james, amanda peet, rob corddry comedy, drama 10grown ups columbia pictures dennis dugan director ; fred wolf screenplay ; adam sandler, kevin james, chris rock, david spade, taylor lautner, david henrie, patrick schwarzenegger, nick swardson, cheri oteri, salma hayek, steve buscemi, milo ventimiglia, maria bello, aly michalka, maya rudolph, alexander ludwig, andy samberg, steve austin, will forte, taran killam, jon lovitz, akiva schaffer, jorma taccone, tim meadows, shaquille oneal, colin quinn, bobby moynihan, paul brittain comedy 10pacific rim warner bros. guillermo del toro director ; travis beacham screenplay ; charlie hunnam, idris elba, charlie day, rinko kikuchi, max martini, willem dafoe, robert kazinsky, clifton collins, jr., diego klattenhoff, ron perlman, robert maillet, burn gorman action, sci-fi 10the conjuring warner bros. new line cinema james wan director ; chad hayes, carey hayes screenplay ; patrick wilson, vera farmiga, ron livingston, lili taylor, shannon kook, mackenzie foy, joey king, shanley caswell, hayley mcfarland, steve coulter, john brotherton thriller, horror 10girl most likely lionsgate roadside attractions robert pulcini, shari springer berman directors ; michelle morgan screenplay ; kristen wiig, annette benning, matt dillon, christopher fitzgerald, darren criss comedy 10red summit entertainment dc comics dean parisot director ; erich hoeber, jon hoeber screenplay ; bruce willis, john malkovich, helen mirren, mary-louise parker, catherine zeta-jones, byung-hun lee, karl urban, neal mcdonough, anthony hopkins, david thewlis action, comedy 1.i.p.d. universal pictures robert schwentke director ; matt manfredi, phil hay screenplay ; ryan reynolds, jeff bridges, kevin bacon, stephanie szostak, mary-louise parker, marissa miller, mike omalley, james hong, robert knepper action, comedy 11turbo 20th century fox dreamworks animation david soren director screenplay ; robert siegel, darren lemke screenplay ; ryan reynolds, paul giamatti, michael pena, luis guzmã¡n, bill hader, richard jenkins, ken jeong, michelle rodriguez, maya rudolph, ben schwartz, kurtwood smith, snoop dogg, samuel l. jackson comedy, family 11blue jasmine sony pictures classics woody allen director, screenwriter ; alec baldwin, cate blanchett, bobby cannavale, louis c.k., andrew dice clay, sally hawkins, peter sarsgaard, michael stuhlbarg comedy 11fruitvale the weinstein company ryan coogler director screenplay ; michael b. jordan, octavia spencer, melonie diaz, ahna oreilly, kevin durand, chad michael murray drama 11the wolverine 20th century fox marvel entertainment james mangold director ; christopher mcquarrie, mark bomback screenplay ; hugh jackman, hiroyuki sanada, hal yamanouchi, tao okamoto, rila fukushima, will yun lee, svetlana khodchenkova, brian tee action, adventure 113the smurfs columbia pictures sony pictures animation raja gosnell director ; j. david stern, david n. weiss, karey kirkpatrick, jay sherick, david ronn screenplay ; neil patrick harris, jayma mays, sofã­a vergara, hank azaria, tim gunn, brendan gleeson, katy perry, jonathan winters, alan cumming, fred armisen, george lopez, anton yelchin, john oliver, christina ricci, j.b. smoove, frank welker adventure, family, comedy 11rise of an empire warner bros. noam murro director ; zack snyder, kurt johnstad screenplay ; rodrigo santoro, eva green, sullivan stapleton, jack oconnell, andrew tiernan, callan mulvey, ygal naor, ashraf barhom, andrew pleavin action, fantasy 11guns universal pictures baltasar kormã¡kur director ; blake masters screenplay ; mark wahlberg, denzel washington, paula patton, bill paxton, edward james olmos, james marsden, allie deberry action, crime 118the spectacular now a2james ponsoldt director ; scott neustadter, michael weber screenplay ; miles teller, shailene woodley, kaitlyn dever, brie larson, dayo okeniyi, kyle chandler, bob odenkirk, andre royo, mary elizabeth winstead drama 12elysium columbia pictures neill blomkamp director screenplay ; matt damon, jodie foster, sharlto copley, wagner moura, alice braga, diego luna, william fichtner futuristic, sci-fi 12metallica. through the never picturehouse nimrã³d antal director screenplay ; dane dehaan, lars ulrich, kirk hammett, james hetfield, robert trujillo documentary, music 12planes walt disney pictures klay hall director ; dane cook, stacy keach, brad garrett, priyanka chopra, carlos alazraqui, roger craig smith, teri hatcher, david croft, julia louis-dreyfus, john cleese, colin cowherd, cedric the entertainer, gabriel iglesias, val kilmer, anthony edwards, oliver kalkofe, grey delisle, rob paulsen, brent musburger family, comedy 12were the millers warner bros. new line cinema rawson thurber director ; sean anders, steve faber, bob fisher, dan fybel, john morris, rick rinaldi screenplay ; jennifer aniston, emma roberts, ed helms, jason sudeikis, thomas lennon, nick offerman, kathryn hahn, will poulter comedy 12kick-ass universal pictures jeff wadlow director screenplay ; matthew vaughn screenplay ; aaron johnson, chloã« grace moretz, christopher mintz-plasse, john leguizamo, donald faison, robert emms, morris chestnut, nicolas cage, lyndsy fonseca, lindy booth, jim carrey, clark duke action, comedy 125percy jackson. sea of monsters 20th century fox thor freudenthal director ; scott alexander, larry karaszewski screenplay ; logan lerman, alexandra daddario, douglas smith, mary birdsong, yvette nicole brown, missi pyle, nathan fillion, anthony head, paloma kwaitkowski, leven rambin, stanley tucci, robert maillet adventure, fantasy, family 12the to do list cbs films maggie carey director screenplay ; aubrey plaza, rachel bilson, bill hader, andy samberg, scott porter, connie britton, clark gregg, christopher mintz-plasse, donald glover, johnny simmons, sarah steele, alia shawkat, nolan gould comedy 12the mortal instruments. city of bones screen gems harald zwart director ; jessica postigo, i. marlene king screenplay ; lily collins, jamie campbell bower, robert sheehan, jemima west, kevin durand, robert maillet, lena headey, jared harris, godfrey gao, jonathan rhys meyers, aidan turner action, fantasy, teen 12youre next lionsgate adam wingard director ; simon barrett screenplay ; sharni vinson, joe swanberg, aj bowen, nicholas tucci, barbara crampton horror 13closed circuit focus features john crowley director ; steven knight screenplay ; eric bana, rebecca hall, riz ahmed, jim broadbent, kenneth cranham, anne-marie duff, ciaran hinds, julia stiles crime 13getaway warner bros. courtney solomon, yaron levy directors ; sean finegan, gregg maxwell parker screenplay ; ethan hawke, selena gomez, jon voight action 13this is us tristar pictures morgan spurlock director ; harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn malik, liam payne documentary, musical 13random the weinstein company olly blackburn director ; anthony jaswinski screenplay ; haley bennett, ashley greene, lucas till horror 13about time universal pictures richard curtis director screenplay ; rachel mcadams, domhnall gleeson, bill nighy, tom hollander, margot robbie, lydia wilson, vanessa kirby comedy, sci-fi 13riddick universal pictures david twohy director screenplay ; vin diesel, karl urban, katee sackhoff, dave bautista action, sci-fi 13battle of the year screen gems benson lee director ; brin hill, chris parker screenplay ; josh holloway, laz alonso, josh peck, caity lotz, chris brown, terrence jenkins, luis rosado, weronika rosati, jesse erwin, ivan velez, steve terada musical 13i, frankenstein lionsgate stuart beattie director screenplay ; kevin grevioux screenplay ; aaron eckhart, socratis otto, yvonne strahovski, miranda otto, aden young, bill nighy, jai courtney horror, suspense thriller 13machete kills open road films robert rodriguez director ; kyle ward screenplay ; amber heard, mel gibson, sofia vergara, jessica alba, danny trejo, charlie sheen, alexa vega, michelle rodriguez, vanessa hudgens, antonio banderas, cuba gooding jr., william sadler, lady gaga, demian bichir, marko zaror action 13insidious chapter filmdistrict james wan director ; leigh whannell screenplay ; patrick wilson, rose byrne, lin shaye, ty simpkins horror 14prisoners warner bros. denis villeneuve director ; aaron guzikowski screenplay ; jake gyllenhaal, hugh jackman, paul dano, melissa leo, viola davis, maria bello, terrence howard crime 14rush universal pictures ron howard director ; peter morgan screenplay ; chris hemsworth, daniel bruhl, olivia wilde, alexandra maria lara action, thriller 14baggage claim fox searchlight pictures david e. talbert director screenplay ; paula patton, trey songz, adam brody, djimon honsou, christina milian, taye diggs comedy 14cloudy with a chance of meatballs columbia pictures sony pictures animation cody cameron, kris pearn directors ; john francis daley, jonathan m. goldstein, erica rivinoja screenplay ; anna faris, bill hader, andy samberg, kristen schaal, james caan, neil patrick harris, benjamin bratt, terry crews, will forte family, comedy 14runner, runner 20th century fox brad furman director ; brian koppelman, david levien screenplay ; ben affleck, justin timberlake, gemma arterton, anthony mackie crime 14the tomb summit entertainment mikael hafstrom director ; miles chapman, jason keller screenplay ; sylvester stallone, arnold schwarzenegger, jim caviezel, vincent donofrio, 5cent, vinnie jones, sam neill, amy ryan, faran tahir action 14edit october – decemberopening title studio cast and crew genre ref. delivery man touchstone pictures dreamworks pictures ken scott director screenplay ; cobie smulders, chris pratt, vince vaughn, britt robertson comedy 14gravity warner bros. alfonso cuaron director screenplay ; jonas cuaron, rodrigo garcia screenplay ; sandra bullock, george clooney sci-fi 14paranoia relativity media robert luketic director ; barry levy, jason dean hall screenplay ; liam hemsworth, harrison ford, gary oldman, lucas till, amber heard, julian mcmahon, richard dreyfuss crime 14sin city. a dame to kill for dimension films frank miller, robert rodriguez director screenplay ; william monahan screenplay ; mickey rourke, jessica alba, michael madsen, rosario dawson, clive owen, jaime king, jamie chung, alexa vega, dennis haysbert, joseph gordon-levitt, josh brolin, ray liotta, juno temple, jeremy piven, bruce willis, eva green, stacy keach action, crime 15captain phillips columbia pictures paul greengrass director ; billy ray screenplay ; tom hanks, catherine keener, max martini, yul vazquez, michael chernus, chris mulkey, corey johnson, david warshofsky, john magaro, angus macinnes biography 15the devils rapture ld entertainment christian e. christiansen director ; karl mueller screenplay ; jennifer carpenter, alycia debnam-carey, rufus sewell, thomas mcdonell, adelaide kane, leah pipes, colm meaney, stacey edwards, ric reitz horror 15haunt 20th century fox mac carter director ; andrew barrer screenplay ; jacki weaver, liana liberato, danielle chuchran, harrison gilbertson, kasia kowalska, aline andrade, brenden whitney, maggie scott, sebastian michael barr, jarrod phillips horror 15oldboy filmdistrict spike lee director ; mark protosevich screenplay ; samuel l. jackson, elizabeth olsen, josh brolin, sharlto copley crime 15the butler the weinstein company lee daniels director screenplay ; danny strong screenplay ; forest whitaker, oprah winfrey, david oyelowo, liam neeson, john cusack, alan rickman, jane fonda, robin williams, james marsden, aml ameen, liev schreiber biography 15carrie screen gems mgm kimberly peirce director ; roberto aguirre-sacasa screenplay ; chloã« grace moretz, julianne moore, gabriella wilde, portia doubleday, judy greer, ansel elgort, alex russell, cynthia preston, michelle nolden horror, thriller 15malavita relativity media luc besson director screenplay ; michael caleo screenplay ; robert de niro, michelle pfeiffer, dianna agron, tommy lee jones, vincent pastore crime 15seventh son warner bros. sergei bodrov director ; matt greenberg, chuck leavitt, steve knight, max borenstein screenplay ; jeff bridges, ben barnes, julianne moore, alicia vikander, kit harington, antje traue, olivia williams, djimon honsou action, adventure, fantasy 15paranormal activity paramount pictures oren peli director ; katie featherston horror 15the worlds end focus features edgar wright director screenplay ; simon pegg screenplay ; simon pegg, rosamund pike, martin freeman, nick frost comedy 16enders game summit entertainment gavin hood director screenplay ; asa butterfield, ben kingsley, harrison ford, hailee steinfeld, abigail breslin, viola davis, nonso anozie, moises arias, aramis knight, jimmy jax pinchak, brendan meyer, stevie ray dillmore, andrea powell, conor carroll, suraj parthasarathy, khylin rhambo action, adventure, sci-fi 16free birds relativity media jimmy hayward director ; craig mazin, david i. stern, john j. strauss screenplay ; woody harrelson, owen wilson, dan fogler, amy poehler, lesley nicol, george takei, colm meaney, keith david comedy, family 16last vegas cbs films jon turteltaub director ; dan fogelman, adam brooks screenplay ; robert de niro, morgan freeman, michael douglas, mary steenburgen, kevin kline comedy 16august. osage county the weinstein company john wells director ; tracy letts screenplay ; julia roberts, meryl streep, benedict cumberbatch, margo martindale, chris cooper, sam shepard, misty upham comedy, drama 16thor. the dark world walt disney pictures marvel studios alan taylor director ; robert rodat, don payne, christopher yost, stephen mcfeely, christopher markus screenplay ; chris hemsworth, natalie portman, tom hiddleston, jaimie alexander, idris elba, zachary levi, stellan skarsgã¥rd, anthony hopkins, ray stevenson, tadanobu asano, christopher eccleston, kat dennings, adewale akinnuoye-agbaje, rene russo action, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy 16the best man holiday universal pictures malcolm d. lee director screenplay ; taye diggs, nia long, morris chestnut, harold perrineau, terrence howard, regina hall comedy 16the counselor 20th century fox ridley scott director ; cormac mccarthy screenplay ; brad pitt, michael fassbender, javier bardem, cameron diaz, penelope cruz, natalie dormer, john leguizamo, dean norris crime 16the fifth estate touchstone pictures dreamworks pictures bill condon director ; josh singer screenplay ; benedict cumberbatch, daniel bruhl, laura linney, anthony mackie, david thewlis, peter capaldi drama 16the wolf of wall street paramount pictures martin scorsese director ; terence winter screenplay ; leonardo dicaprio, jonah hill, matthew mcconaughey, kyle chandler, jean dujardin, margot robbie, jon bernthal, rob reiner, p.j. byrne crime, drama 16the hunger games. catching fire lionsgate francis lawrence director ; simon beaufoy, michael arndt screenplay ; jennifer lawrence, josh hutcherson, liam hemsworth, woody harrelson, elizabeth banks, lenny kravitz, stanley tucci, donald sutherland, toby jones, philip seymour hoffman, jena malone, amanda plummer, willow shields, lynn cohen, patrick st. esprit, meta golding, sam claflin, jeffrey wright action, adventure, sci-fi, teen 17frozen walt disney pictures jennifer lee director screenplay ; chris buck director ; shane morris screenplay ; kristen bell, idina menzel, josh gad, jonathan groff family, musical, adventure, comedy 17mandela. long walk to freedom the weinstein company justin chadwick director ; william nicholson screenplay ; idris elba, naomie harris, tony kgoroge, riaad moosa, zolani mkiva, jamie bartlett, lindiwe matshikiza, deon lotz, terry pheto drama 17a madea christmas lionsgate tyler perry director screenplay ; tyler perry comedy 17the hobbit. the desolation of smaug warner bros. new line cinema mgm peter jackson director screenplay ; fran walsh, philippa boyens, guillermo del toro screenplay ; martin freeman, ian mckellen, richard armitage, graham mctavish, ken stott, aidan turner, dean ogorman, mark hadlow, jed brophy, adam brown, john callen, peter hambleton, william kircher, james nesbitt, stephen hunter, benedict cumberbatch, andy serkis, hugo weaving, barry humphries, mikael persbrandt, lee pace, stephen fry, luke evans, cate blanchett, christopher lee, sylvester mccoy, elijah wood, ian holm, orlando bloom, evangeline lilly, ryan gage, mike mizrahi, jeffrey thomas, conan stevens, bret mckenzie, billy connolly adventure, fantasy 17monuments men columbia pictures 20th century fox george clooney director screenplay ; grant heslov screenplay ; daniel craig, cate blanchett, george clooney, bill murray, john goodman, jean dujardin, bob balaban war 17anchorman. the legend continues paramount pictures adam mckay director screenplay ; will ferrell screenplay ; will ferrell, christina applegate, paul rudd, david koechner, steve carell, kristen wiig, james marsden, dylan baker, meagan good, harrison ford, greg kinnear, josh lawson comedy 17saving mr. banks walt disney pictures john lee hancock director ; kelly marcel, sue smith screenplay ; tom hanks, emma thompson, colin farrell, paul giamatti, jason schwartzman, ruth wilson, b.j. novak drama 17walking with dinosaurs 3d 20th century fox neil nightengale, pierre de lespinois, barry cook directors ; john collee, theodore thomas screenplay ; charlie rowe family 17ronin universal pictures carl rinsch director ; chris morgan, hossein amini screenplay ; keanu reeves, hiroyuki sanada, kou shibasaki, tadanobu asano, rinko kikuchi action, adventure, fantasy 17jack ryan paramount pictures kenneth branagh director ; david koepp, adam cozad, anthony peckham, steve zaillian screenplay ; chris pine, kevin costner, keira knightley, kenneth branagh action, adventure 18american bullshit columbia pictures david o. russell director screenplay ; eric warren singer screenplay ; christian bale, bradley cooper, amy adams, jennifer lawrence, jeremy renner, louis c.k. crime 18the secret life of walter mitty 20th century fox ben stiller director ; steve conrad screenplay ; ben stiller, kristen wiig, shirley maclaine, patton oswalt, adam scott, kathryn hahn comedy, fantasy 18grace of monaco the weinstein company olivier dahan director ; arash amel screenplay ; nicole kidman, paz vega, tim roth, frank langella, parker posey, milo ventimiglia, derek jacobi biography 18twelve years a slave fox searchlight pictures steve mcqueen director screenplay ; john ridley screenplay ; michael fassbender, chiwetel ejiofor, paul dano, benedict cumberbatch, paul giamatti, garret dillahunt, sarah paulson, scoot mcnairy, ruth negga, alfre woodard, michael kenneth williams, brad pitt drama 18edit notable deathsmonth date name age nationality profession notable films january patti page 8american actress, singer boys night out.elmer gantry barbara werle 8american actress, singer battle of the bulge.the rare breed.krakatoa, east of java.harum scarum.charro!.tickle me.seconds.gone with the west.gunfight in abilene council cargle 7american actor detroit 9000.jackie brown ned wertimer 8american actor pirates of the caribbean. at worlds end.the strongest man in the long last love.mame.bad company.santa claus conquers the martians.the pack.lets rock.some kind of a nut.c.c. and company.the impossible years tony lip 8american actor the godfather.goodfellas.raging bull.the pope of greenwich village.year of the dragon.lock up.innocent blood.whos the man.donnie brasco.last rites.29th street.heart martha greenhouse 9american actress the stepford wives.bananas.up the down staircase.the group.daniel claude prã©fontaine 7canadian actor black robe.some girls david r. ellis 6american director, stuntman, actor snakes on a destination films.shark night.cellular.homeward bound ii. lost in san trek v. the final frontier.lethal weapon.rocky iii.airplane ii. the times at ridgemont high.harriet the spy.road house.hotel for dogs.smokey and the bandit.bound for glory.warlock. the armageddon.rudyard kiplings the jungle book.ghost dad.days of thunder.the strongest man in the world.catchfire.blind fury.the mighty quinn matthew dickens 5french-american actor, choreographer aviator rex trailer 8american actor, singer jaws.mermaids.the way west mariangela melato 7italian actress flash fine.dancers billy varga 9american actor raging bull.miss sadie thompson.oklahoma and costello meet the keystone kops.convicts 4.stewardess school bille brown 6australian actor the chronicles of narnia. the voyage of the dawn treader.killer elite.the man who sued god.singularity.fierce creatures.the dish.dirty and white.oscar and lucinda.passion conrad bain 8canadian-american actor bananas.c.h.o.m.p.s..coogans bluff.the anderson tapes.postcards from the edge.a new leaf.lovers and other strangers.i never sang for my!.madigan.last summer.a lovely way to die.who killed mary whats er name.up the sandbox.a fans notes perrette pradier 7french actress behold a pale of cards.that man in istanbul jeff cahill 4american actor the blues brothers.the shadow michael winner 7english director, producer death wish films.the mechanic.chatos land.the sentinel.the big sleep.the cool mikado.the system.the stone killer.scorpio.the games.ill never forget whatsisname.lawman.the nightcomers.won ton ton, the dog who saved hollywood.appointment with death.firepower.a chorus of disapproval.the wicked lady leslie frankenheimer 6american set designer blade runner.the blues brothers.the from the heart.rapid fire.even money susan douglas rubes 8austrian-canadian actress five.targets.the private affairs of bel ami.lost boundaries.forbidden journey janice knickrehm 8american actress halloween. the curse of michael myers.slc punk!.little secrets normand corbeil 5canadian composer double jeopardy.white noise. the light.the statement.the contract.the art of war.the assignment.screamers.extreme ops patricia lovell 8australian producer picnic at hanging rock.gallipoli.summerfield.monkey grip.break of day lloyd phillips 6south african-new zealand producer the legend of zorro.vertical limit.the stripes.beyond borders.1monkeys.warlords of the 21st century.nate and hayes.ruby cairo sally starr 9american actress the outlaws is coming.the in crowd.mannequin two. on the move bernard horsfall 8english actor braveheart.gandhi.stone of at the devil.on her majestys secret service.guns at batasi.brass target.the one that got away.high flight.the angry in the moon.the steel bayonet garrett lewis 7american set decorator hook.pretty woman.steel magnolias.mrs. crashers.face with dick and jane.georgia rule.panic room.i am sam.bubble boy.bedazzled.bram stokers dracula.glory.beaches.hidalgo.enemy of the state.against all odds.sweet dreams.dear god.the monster squad gilbert clayton 9american set designer, actor armageddon.batman & robin.throw momma from the train.the untouchables.sphere.dying young.grandview, u.s.a..breakheart pass.american gigolo.outrageous fortune.lucas february robin sachs 6english actor the lost world. jurassic park.oceans eleven.galaxy quest.northfork.vampire circus.the six wives of henry viii.the disappearance john kerr 8american actor class of 44.king of women from hell.the pit and the pendulum.tea and sympathy.gaby.south pacific.the cobweb.the vintage.girl of the night peter gilmore 8german-english actor carry on.warlords of atlantis.oh! what a lovely war.the abominable dr. phibes.the great st trinians train lover my son.the jokers.freelance.ive gotta horse stuart freeborn 9english make-up artist star wars.superman.2001. a space odyssey.the omen.oh! what a lovely war.the adventure of sherlock holmes smarter brother.alices adventures in wonderland.oliver twist.the story of robin hood and his merrie men.santa claus. the movie.tarzan goes to india.oscar wilde.murder on the orient express.the optimists of nine elms.young winston gerry hambling 8english film editor pink floyd—the the name of the father.the whole truth.the life of david gale.angelas ashes.absolute beginners.midnight express.mississippi burning.the commitments.the boxer.the road to wellville.shoot the moon.white squall.angel heart.leonard part 6.birdy.bugsy malone paul tanner 9american actor the glenn miller story.orchestra wives.sun valley serenade chris brinker 4american producer, director the boondock saints.the boondock saints ii. all saints day.whiskey bay alan sharp 7scottish-american screenwriter the hired hand.ulzanas raid.billy two hats.night moves.the osterman weekend.rob roy.damnation alley.the last run rick huxley 7english actor catch us if you can.pit of darkness gerry day 9american screenwriter the black hole.the watcher in the woods richard j. collins 9american screenwriter the adventures of hajji of russia.thousands cheer.the gun is quick.journey into fear.little giant.riot in cell block 11.rulers of the or die.edge of eternity.spanish affair.china venture harald siepermann 5german animator enchanted.tarzan.mulan.treasure chimps.who framed roger rabbit.balto richard briers 7english actor peter pan.spice world.frankenstein.hamlet.the three musketeers.henry v.murder, she in distress.watership down.much ado about nothing.the four musketeers.fathom.the you like it.peters friends.loves labours lost.cockneys vs zombies.a chorus of disapproval elspet gray 8scottish actress four weddings and a funeral.goodbye, mr. chips.the girl in a swing.the night we got the bird.the blind in waiting.reluctant heroes matt mattox 9american actor, dancer guys and dolls.theres no business like show brides for seven brothers.good of norway.the band wagon.till the clouds roll by.easy to wed.ziegfeld follies.yolanda and the thief.gentlemen prefer blondes.pepe.the merry widow.dreamboat.walking my baby back home.the girl rush john brascia 8american actor, dancer white me in las vegas.the wrecking crew.executive action.the ambushers.walking tall lou myers 7american actor the wedding stella got her groove back.the fighting temptations.its kind of a funny story.cobb.volcano.tin cup.bulworth.goodbye lover bob godfrey 9australian-english animator, actor great.the road to hong kong.the big parade.inn for!.a hard days night.the bliss of mrs. blossom del tenney 8american actor, director, producer, screenwriter the horror of party beach.the curse of the living corpse.i eat your skin.the wild one.satan in high heels.stalag 1george ives 8american actor intolerable cruelty.the man who wasnt there.the secret war of harry rods to hell.get to know your rabbit.the ballad of josie dale robertson 8american actor the man from button willow.sitting bull.son of sinbad.lure of the wilderness.the secret of convict lake.the boy with green hair.take care of my little me mister.two flags west.flamingo of the lawless.blood on the arrow.high terrace.return of the texan.golden girl.lydia bailey bonnie franklin 6american actress a summer place.the wrong man.the kettles in the ozarks pat keen 7english actress fierce creatures.clockwise.shadowlands.the rachel papers.without a clue.a kind of loving.we think the world of you.the sailors return ric menello 6american screenwriter tougher than leather.two lovers michael d. moore 9canadian-american actor, director the dramatic life of abraham lincoln.the king of kings.the man from red gulch.the impossible mrs. bellew.manslaughter.something to think about.cytherea paradise, hawaiian style.buckskin.kill a dragon.the fastest guitar eye for an eye.the unpainted woman fran warren 8american actress, singer abbott and costello meet captain imperium robert relyea 8american producer last action hero.the day of the dolphin.blame it on rio arthur storch 8american actor the exorcist.the strange one.girl of the night.the mugger kenny ball 8english actor live it up!.its trad, dad! sybil christopher 8welsh-american actress the last days of dolwyn.kitty damiano damiani 9italian director amityville ii. the possession.the devil is a woman willy switkes 8american actor tootsie.playing for keeps.ghostbusters driver.bananas.the french unmarried woman.the arrangement malachi throne 8american actor catch me if you can.beau geste.the greatest.stunts edward bland 8american composer, director cry of jazz.a soldiers story.ganja & hess subas herrero 6filipino actor delta force 2. the colombian mama white mama.bamboo gods and iron men.the big bird cage.enter the ninja.too hot to handle.supercock.savage sisters terry lightfoot 7english actor, arranger plenty.its trad, dad! leverne mcdonnell 4australian actress the interview.four of a kind.oscar and lucinda.gross misconduct frank thornton 9english actor are you being served.the three musketeers.the private life of sherlock lmes.gosford park.gonks go beat.carry on screaming!.the magic christian.a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.the bed-sitting room.victim.the assassination bureau.the dock brief.the bliss of mrs. blossom.battle of the v-1.the rise and rise of michael rimmer.bless this house.up the chastity belt.the big sex please, were british rosine delamare 10french costume designer the madwoman of chaillot.the night of the generals.the day of the jackal.hello-goodbye.the 25th hour.the roots of heaven.a little romance.a time for loving risã« stevens 9american actress, singer going my way.journey back to oz.the chocolate soldier.carnegie hall jack stokes 9english animator yellow submarine.the princess and the goblin.heavy metal.the water babies.tarzoon. shame of the jungle david early 7american actor dawn of the dead.the silence of the lambs.zack and miri make a for the money.creepshow.houseguest.double dragon.innocent blood.the dark half.passed away.monkey shines.the prince of pennsylvania norman palmer 9american film editor white wilderness.midnight madness.the shaggy d.a..the gnome-mobile.the incredible journey.the legend of lobo.ten who dared.rascal.the african lion.the living desert peter duryea 7american actor lt. robin crusoe, u.s.n..catalina caper.the carpetbaggers.taggart don payne 4american screenwriter thor.fantastic four. rise of the silver super ex-girlfriend.thor. the dark world fay kanin 9american screenwriter, actress goodbye, my pal gus.rhapsody.the opposite sex.teachers pet.the right approach.the outrage.sunday punch.blondie for victory.swordsman of and famous.a double life richard griffiths 6english actor harry potter.pirates of the caribbean. on stranger tides.superman ii.gandhi.hugo.sleepy hollow.bedtime stories.the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.the naked gun 2â½. the smell of fear.greystoke. the legend of tarzan, lord of the apes.the history boys.withnail and i.chariots of fire.jackboots on whitehall.venus.stage beauty.the french lieutenants woman.ragtime.king ralph.blame it on the bellboy.shanghai surprise.gorky park.a private function.britannia hospital.vatel.funny bones.guarding tess.breaking shouldnt happen to a vet title russian title director cast genre notes stalingrad fedor bondarchuk petr fedorov, dmitry lysenkov, alexey barabash, andrey smolyakov war drama considered as russia’s first big-budget 3d movie alexey uchitel - action territory alexandre melnik - history, adventure dark world. balance . oleg asadulin maria pirogova, pavel priluchniy fantasy, science fiction sequel for dark world viy. returning . oleg stepchenko alexey chadov fantasy, science fiction ku! kin-dza-dza-dza! ! -- tatyana ilina nikolai gubenko, andrei leonov dystopia, animation animated version for kin-dza-dza-dza! minutes 2vasily serikov denis nikiforov, viktor sukhorukov action drama based on true events adalbert ox vyacheslav rudenko roman savushkin, natalia prozorova history, drama arventour irina evteeva - fantasy the invisibles sergey komarov ilya lyubimov, ekaterina guseva, andrei merzlikin fantasy science fiction metro anton megerdicheva sergei puskepalis, anatoly bely disaster ristin, wiig, will, ferrell, smosh, smosh, and, pewdiepie, pewdiepie, and, smosh, pewdiepie, smosh, smosh, pewdiepie, pewdiepie, animals, are, loose, youtube, smosh, games, smoshgames, pewdiepie, plays, pewdiepie, bully, smoshgames, pewdiepie, smosh, games, pewdiepie, i, got, a, boy, snsd, i, got, a, boy, i, got, a, boy, snsd, girls, generation, snsd, girls, generation, i, got, a, boy, smtown, girls, generation, i, got, a, boy, mv, snsd, i, got, a, boy, mv, i, got, a, boy, mv, girl, generaion, i, got, a, boy, i, got, a, boy, girls, generation, i, got, a, boy, snsd, mv, snsd, i, got, a, boy, live, got, a, boy, i, got, a, boy, music, girls, generation, dancing, queen, i, gotta, boy, girl, snsd, i, got, a, boy, live, got, a, boy, invisible, driver, prank, invisible, drive, thru, prank, drive, thru, invisible, driver, prank, 2, drive, thru, invisible, driver, prank, magicofrahat, magic, of, rahat, drive, thru, invisible, driver, drive, thru, prank, drive, thru, pranks, invisible, driver, drive, through, invisible prank, invisible, drive, thru, pranks, rahat, magicofrahat, invisible, driver, drive, thru, pranks, invisible, drive, thru, invisible, invisible, driver, prank, 2, drive, thru, invisible, prank, invisible, driver, prank, magic, of, rahat, invisible, driver, prank, penguin, magic, drive, thru, drive, thru, prank, invisible, invisible, drive, through, magicofrahat, channel, invisible, driver, drive, thru, prank, drive, through, prank, invisible, drive, through, prank, penguin, magic, ranks, drive, thru, static, shock, no, driver, prank, drive, thru, invisable, driver, prank, floating, cup, prank, drive, through, pranks, driverless, car, prank, rahat, magician, invisable, driver, prank, drive, thru, drive, through, invisible, driver, prank, car, prank, magicofrahat, drive, thru, drive, through, invisible, driver, ghost, driver, prank, drive, through, invisible, invisable, drive, thru, prank, penguin, magic, invisible, car, seat, prank, invisable, drive, thru, .africa, algeriaalgiers, zoo, oran, zoo, beninjardin, botanique, et, zoologique, de, luniversitã©, dabomey, calavi, burkina, fasoouagadougou, zoo, cameroonmvog, betsi, zoo, yaoundã©, congo,, democratic, republic, of, thejardin, zoologique, et, botanique, deala, parc, zoologique, de, lubumbashi, zoo, national, de, kinshasa, cã´te, divoireabidjan, zoo, egyptalexandria, zoo, giza, zoo, qariyet, el, assad, lions, village , ethiopiaaddis, ababa, lion, zoo, ghanakumasi, zoo, kenyamwaluganje, elephant, sanctuary, kwale, district,, coast, province, libyatripoli, zoo, tripoli, benghazi, zoo, il, bosco, , benghazi, madagascartsimbazaza, zoo, antananarivo, croc, farm, antananarivo, lemurs, park, near, antananarivo1, parc, ivoloina, toamasina, madagascar, exotic, marozevo, parc, endemika, sainte, marie, malawiblantyre, zoological, gardens, malibamako, zoo, moroccojardins, exotiques, de, bouknadel, parc, zoologique, de, rabat, mozambiquejardim, zoolã³gico, de, moã§ambique, maputo, nigeriaabuja, childrens, zoo, abuja, audu, bako, zoo, kano, enugu, zoo, enugu, ibadan, university, zoo, ibadan, jos, wildlife, park, sanda, kyarimi, zoo, maiduguri, senegalparcs, forestier, et, zoologique, de, hann, dakar, south, africabester, birds, and, animals, zoo, park, bloemfontein, zoo, east, london, zoological, gardens, emerald, zoo, vanderbijlpark, hartebeesport, dam, snake, and, animal, park, johannesburg, zoo, lory, park, zoo, national, zoo, pretoria, elephant, sanctuary, plettenberg, bay, plettenberg, bay2, elephant, sanctuary, hartbeespoort, dam, hartbeespoort, dam3, elephant, sanctuary, hazyview, hazyview4, world, of, birds, wildlife, sanctuary, and, monkey, park, cape, town5, sudankhartoum, zoo, tanzaniadar, es, salaam, zoo, dar, es, salaam6, saa, nane, museum, and, zoo, mwanza, tunisiazoo, du, parc, de, belvedere,, tunis, ugandauganda, wildlife, education, centre, entebbe7, zambiamunda, wanga, zoo, lusaka8, asia, afghanistankabul, zoo, kabul, armeniayerevan, zoo, yerevan, azerbaijanbaku, zoo, baku, bangladeshmain, article, list, of, zoos, bangladesh, bhutanmotithang, takin, preserve, motithang, chinabadaling, safari, world, beijing, zoo, bifengxia, wild, animal, park, che, gdu, zoo, dalian, forest, zoo, hangzhou, zoo, harbin, northern, forest, zoo, guangzhou, zoo, guangzhou, panyu, chime, long, night, zoo, guangzhou, xiangjian, safari, park, jinan, safari, park, nanjing, hongshan, forest, zoo, qingdao, forest, wildlife, world, qingdao, zoo, shanghai, zoo, shanghai, wild, animal, park, shenzhen, safari, park, suzhou, zoo, tianjin, zoo, edward, youde, aviary, hong, kong, park, hong, kong, wetland, park, hong, kong, zoological, and, botanical, gardens, kadoorie, farm, and, botanic, garden, lai, chi, kok, zoo, closed , ocean, park, hong, kong, breeding, centers, bifengxia, giant, panda, base, chengdu, research, base, of, giant, panda, breeding, wolong, giant, panda, breeding, center, sichuan, indiamain, article, list, of, zoos, india, indonesiabatu, secret, zoo,, batu, east, java, bali, safari, and, marine, park,, gianyar, bali, bali, zoo,, ubud, bali, kebun, binatang, bandung, bandung,west, java, kebun, binatang, surabaya, surabaya,, east, java, kebun, binatang, gembiraloka, yogyakarta, kebun, binatang, ragunan, jakarta, taman, safari, bogor,, west, java, taman, safari, ii, pasuruan,, east, java, iranamol, zoo, bandar, abbas, zoo, darabad, museum, of, wildlife, tehran, isfahan, zoo, tehran, zoo,, tehran, iraqbaghdad, zoo, israelarena, tropical, world, herzliya, beer, sheba, municipal, zoological, garden, beersheba, carmel, hai, bar, nature, reserve, haifa, childrens, zoo, saad, educational, zoo, of, haifa, biological, institute, haifa, hai, kef, rishon, lezion, hai, park, kiryat, motzkin, hamat, gader, crocodile, farm,, terrarium, and, mini, zoo, hamat, gader, i., meier, segals, garden, zoological, research, tel, aviv, jerusalem, bird, observatory, jerusalem, monkey, park, kfar, daniel, nahariya, zoo, botanical, garden, nahariya, nir, david, australian, animal, park, nir, david, petah, tikva, zoo, petah, tikva, tel, aviv, bird, park, tel, aviv, tisch, family, biblical, zoological, gardens, jerusalem, zoological, center, of, tel, aviv, ramat, gan, ramat, gan, japanmain, article, list, of, zoos, japan, kazakhstanalmaty, zoo, almaty, karaganda, zoo, karaganda, shymkent, zoo, shymkent, temirtau, aquapark, of, childrens, park, temirtau, north, koreakorea, central, zoo, pyongyan, g, south, koreabusan, childrens, grand, park, busan, everland, zoo, topia, yongin, seoul, childrens, zoo, gwacheon, seoul, grand, park, zoo, gwacheon, kuwaitkuwait, zoo, kuwait, city, al, omariya, macautwo, dragon, throat, public, garden, malaysiakuala, lumpur, bird, park, kuala, lumpur, zoo, melaka, ayer, keroh,, malacca, national, zoo, of, malaysia, zoo, negara , ulu, klang,, kuala, lumpur, zoo, taiping, taiping,, perak, lok, kawi, wildlife, park, lok, kawi,, sabah, zoo, johor, johor, bahru,, johor, zoo, terengganu, kemaman,, terengganu, sunway, lagoon, wildlife, park, petaling, jaya,, selangor, sunway, petting, zoo, subang, jaya,, selangor, lost, world, petting, zoo, ipoh,, perak, kuala, krai, mini, zoo, kuala, krai,, kelantan, butterfly, &, reptiles, sanctuary, malacca, kuala, lumpur, butterfly, park, kuala, lumpur, penang, butterfly, farm, teluk, bahang,, penang, bukit, jambul, orchid,, hibiscus, and, reptile, farm,, penang, taman, teruntum, mini, zoo, taman, teruntum,, pahang, kuala, lumpur, deer, park, kuala, lumpur, danga, bay, mini, zoo, danga, bay,, johor, afamosa, animal, world, safari, alo, r, gajah,, malacca, langkawi, bird, paradise, langkawi,, kedah, snake, and, reptile, farm, perlis, langkawi, crocodile, farm, langkawi,, kedah, ayer, keroh, crocodile, farm, ayer, keroh,, malacca, jong, crocodile, farm, kuching,, sarawak, sandakan, crocodile, farm, sandakan,, sabah, myanmaryadanabon, zoological, gardens, mandalay, nepalcentral, zoo,, jawalakhel, pakistanmain, article, list, of, zoos, pakistan, palestinian, territoriesgaza, zoo, gaza, qalqilya, zoo, west, bank, philippinesalbay, park, and, wildlife, legazpi, city,, albay9, animal, island, zoo , binakayan,, kawit,, cavite10, animal, wonderland, star, city,, pasay, city, ark, avilon, zoo, frontera, verde,, ortigas, avenue,, pasig, city, ave, maria, sanctuary, and, park, carcar, city,, cebu, avilon, zoo, rodriguez,, rizal, baluarte, zoo, vigan, city,, ilocos, sur11, birds, international, quezon, city, botolan, wildlife, farm, san, juan,, botolan,, zambales12, cavite, city, zoological, and, botanical, park, sampaguita, road,, seabreeze, subdivision,, santa, cruz,, cavite, city,, cavite, cebu, city, zoo, and, conservation, zoo, calunasan,, cebu, city,, cebu, corregidor, aviary, and, theme, park, corregidor, island,, cavite, crocolandia, foundation, biasong,, talisay, city,, cebu, davao, crocodile, park, diversion, highway,, ma, a,, davao, city13, dfamily, park, mini, zoo, talamban,, cebu, city,, cebu, eden, nature, park, and, resort, toril,, davao, city14, father, 645, pm, 1 22 2013, 2014, 2015tropas, spaceship, 2000, zoo, zamboanguita,, negros, oriental, laguna, wildlife, park, and, rescue, center, la, vista, pansol, complex,, pansol,, calamba, city,, laguna, lombija, wildlife, park, and, heritage, resort, napandong,, nueva, valencia,, guimaras15, lungsod, kalikasan, quezon, city, malabon, zoo, and, aquarium, governor, pascual, street,, potrero,, malabon, city, manila, orchidarium, and, butterfly, pavilion, rizal, park,, manila, manila, zoological, and, botanical, garden,, m., adriatico, street,, malate,, manila, mari, wildlife, conservation, park, lambunao,, iloilo, maze, park, and, resort, mini, zoo, mimbalot, buru, un,, iligan, city,, lanao, del, norte, negros, forests, &, ecological, foundation, south, capitol, road,, bacolod, city,, negros, occidental16, ninoy, a, uino, parks, &, wildlife, center, diliman,, quezon, city, palawan, butterfly, garden, santa, monica,, puerto, princesa, city,, palawan, palawan, wildlife, rescue, and, conservation, center, irawan,, puerto, princesa, city,, palawan, paradizoo, mendez,, cavite17, paradise, reptile, zoo, puerto, galera,, oriental, mindoro, philippine, eagle, center, malagos,, davao, city18, philippine, tarsier, and, wildlife, sanctuary, corella,, bohol19, racsos, woodland, mini, hotel, and, wildlife, resort, rizal, tuguisan,, guimbal,, iloilo, residence, inn, mini, zoo, barrio, neogan,, tagaytay, city,, cavite20, san, fernando, mini, zoo, and, butterfly, sanctuary, san, fernando, city,, la, union, sagbayan, peak, tarsier, sanctuary, and, butterfly, dome, sagbayan,, bohol21, silangang, nayon, mini, zoo, pagbilao,, quezon, silliman, university, center, tropical, conservation, studies, also, known, as, a.y., reyes, zoological, and, botanical, garden , ipil, street,, daro,, dumaguete, city22, silliman, university, marine, laboratory, bantayan,, dumaguete, city23, win, rescue, center, subic, bay, freeport, zone,, zambales, zoo, paradise, of, world, zamboanguita,, negros, oriental, zoobic, safari, subic,, zambales24, zoocobia, fun, zoo, clark, freeport, zone,, angeles, city,, pampanga25, qatardoha, zoo, doha, singaporejurong, bird, park, jurong, reptile, park, closed, 2006 , night, safari, singapore, river, safari, singapore, crocodile, farm, closed, 2012 , singapore, zoo, sri, lankaahungalla, animal, park, dehiwala, zoo, pinnawela, zoo, taiwan1, lan, wild, animal, rescue, centre, far, east, animal, farm, feng, hung, ku, bird, park, hsinchu, city, zoo, kaohsiung, zoo, leefoo, zoo, national, museum, of, marine, biology aquarium, ocean, world, yehliu, wanli, pintung, rescue, centre, taipei, zoo, taipei, thailandchiang, mai, night, safari, chiang, mai, zoo, crocodiles, farm, and, elephant, theme, show, sampran, nakorn, pathom, samutprakarn, crocodile, farm, and, zoo, dusit, zoo, elephant, nature, park, chiang, mai, province, khao, kheow, open, zoo, khao, kho, open, zoo, khao, suan, kwang, zoo, lopburi, zoo, nakhon, ratchasima, zoo, pata, zoo, bangkok, phuket, zoo, phuket, safari, park, kanchanaburi, kanchanaburi, 26, safari, world, songkhla, zoo, sriracha, tiger, zoo, chonburi, million, years, park, and, pattaya, crocodiles, farm, united, arab, emiratesal, ain, zoo, al, ain, dubai, zoo, dubai, emirates, park, zoo,, abu, dhabi, uzbekistantashkent, zoo, tashkent, vietnamsaigon, zoo, and, botanical, gardens, saigon, ha, noi, zoo, ha, noi, australia oceania, australiamain, article, list, of, zoos, australia, fijikula, eco, park, sigatoka, guamcushing, zoo, tumon, new, caledoniaparc, forestier, de, noumã©a, noumã©a, new, zealandauckland, zoo, auckland, brooklands, zoo, new, plymouth, caroline, bay, aviary, timaru, franklin, zoo, tuakau, hamilton, zoo, hamilton, kingdom, of, zion, whangarei, kiwi, birdlife, park, queenstown, kiwi, house,, otorohanga, living, art, wildlife, park, tauranga, natureland, zoo, nelson, orana, wildlife, park, christchurch, otago, museum, butterfly, house, dunedin, wellington, zoo, wellington, willowbank, wildlife, reserve, christchurch, papua, new, guineathe, rainforest, habitat, lae, europe, albaniatirana, zoo, tirana, austriaalpenzoo, innsbruck, innsbruck, haus, des, meeres, vienna, tiergarten, hellbrunn, salzburg, tiergarten, schã¶nbrunn, vienna, schloss, herberstein, zoo, and, nature, park, schloss, herberstein,, styria, zoo, salzburg, salzburg, zoo, schmiding, krenglbach, near, wels, belarusgrodno, zoo, grodno, minsk, zoo, minsk, belgiumantwerp, zoo, antwerp, olmen, zoo, olmen,, mol, pairi, daiza, cambron, casteau, planckendael, muizen,, mechelen28, bellewaerde, ieper, bosnia, and, herzegovinapionirska, dolina, sarajevo, trapisti, banja, luka, bulgarialovech, zoo, lovech, pleven, zoo, pleven, plovdiv, zoo, plovdiv, sofia, zoo, sofia, stara, zagora, zoo, stara, zagora, varna, zoo, varna, croatiabizik, family, zoo, naå¡ice, milec, family, zoo, ruå¡cica, osijek, zoo, osijek, split, zoo, split, zagreb, zoo, zagreb, cypruslimassol, zoo, czech, republicbrno, zoo, brno, chleby, zoo, chleby, homutov, zoo, chomutov, decã­n, zoo, decã­n, dvur, krã¡lovã©, zoo, dvur, krã¡lovã©, nad, labem, hodonã­n, zoo, hodonã­n, hlubokã¡, nad, vltavou, zoo,, hlubokã¡, nad, vltavou, jihlava, zoo, jihlava, liberec, zoo, liberec, olomouc, zoo, olomouc, ostrava, zoo, ostrava, plzen, zoo, plzen, prague, zoo, prague, ãšstã­, nad, labem, zoo, ãšstã­, nad, labem, zlã­n, leå¡nã¡, zoo, zlã­n, zoopark, vyå¡kov, vyå¡kov, zoopark, zã¡jezd, zã¡jezd, denmarkaalborg, zoo, aalborg, copenhagen, zoo, copenhagen, ebeltoft, zoo, ebeltoft, givskud, zoo, givskud, jesperhus, mors, island , odense, zoo, odense, randers, tropical, zoo, randers, ree, park, ebeltoft, safari, ebeltoft, estoniaelistvere, loomapark, elistvere,, jãµgeva, county, tallinn, zoo, tallinn, 1939 , finlandã„htã¤ri, zoo, escurial, zoo, and, flower, park27, kitee, zoo, korkeasaari,, an, island, zoo, outside, helsinki, 1889 , kuopio, zoo, orimattilan, kotielã¤inpuisto, orimattila, pikkukili, lieksa28, ranua, zoo, ranua, sã¤rkã¤nniemi, childrens, zoo, tampere, tropicario, helsinki., zoolandia, near, turku, francecitadel, of, besanã§on, besanã§on, cleres, zoological, park, clã¨res, jardin, zoologique, dacclimatation, du, bois, de, boulogne, paris, jardin, zoologique, de, la, tãªte, dor, parc, de, la, tãªte, dor,, lyon, la, palmyre, zoo, les, mathes, la, vallã©e, des, singes, romagne, mã©nagerie, du, jardin, des, plantes, paris, parc, animalier, de, sainte, croix, rhodes, parc, des, fã©lins, nesles, parc, des, oiseaux, villars, les, dombes29, parc, phå“nix, nice, parc, zoologique, de, la, haute, touche, obterre, parc, zoologique, de, lunaret, montpellier, parc, zoologique, et, botanique, de, mulhouse, mulhouse, planete, sauvage, safari, park , port, saint, pã¨re, rã©serve, africaine, &, parc, zoologique, et, botanique, de, thoiry, thoiry, rã©serve, africaine, de, sigean, sigean, safari, de, peaugres, peaugres, zoo, and, botanical, garden, of, branfã©rã©, le, guerno, zoo, damnã©ville, amnã©ville, zoo, de, cerza, hermival, les, vaux, zoo, de, douã©, douã©, la, fontaine, zoo, de, la, flã¨che, la, flã¨che, zoo, de, vincennes, paris, zooparc, de, beauval, saint, aignan, sur, cher, germanymain, article, list, of, zoos, germany, gibraltaralameda, wildlife, conservation, park, greeceattica, zoological, park, athens, zoological, park, of, st., paul, thessaloniki, hungarybudakeszi, wildlife, park, budakeszi, budapest, zoo, &, botanical, garden, budapest, debrecen, zoo, jã¡szberã©ny, zoo, &, botanical, garden, kittenberger, kã¡lmã¡n, zoo, &, botanica, l, garden, veszprã©m, miskolc, zoo, pã©cs, zoo, sã³stã³, zoo, nyã­regyhã¡za, szeged, wildlife, park, tropicarium, budapest, xantus, jã¡nos, zoo, gyor, irelanddublin, zoo, phoenix, park,, dublin, fota, wildlife, park, county, cork, italyparco, faunistico, cappeller, cartigliano,, vicenza30, bioparco, di, roma, rome, lo, zoo, di, napoli, naples, parco, natura, viva, bussolengo, parco, faunistico, le, cornelle, valrembo, zoo, di, pistoia, pistoia, villa, dorleans, palermo, parco, zoo, falconara, ancona, parco, zoo, di, lignano, sabbiadoro, zoosafari, fasanolandia, fasano, latviariga, zoo, latgales, zoo, daugavpils31, lithuanialithuanian, zoo, kaunas, macedoniabitola, zoo, bitola, skopje, zoo, skopje, moldovachisinau, zoo,, chisinau, monacojardin, animalier, netherlandsapenheul, apeldoorn, apes, and, monkeys, only,, most, of, them, not, separated, from, public , artis, amsterdam, bestzoo, best, burgers, zoo, arnhem, castle, arcen, arcen, dierenpark, amersfoort, amersfoort, dierenpark, emmen, emmen, dierenpark, &, reptielenhuis, de, oliemeulen, tilburg, dierenpark, tilburg, tilburg, closed , dierenpark, wissel, epe, dierenrijk, mierlodiergaarde, blijdorp,, rotterdam, dolfinarium, harderwijk, gaiapark, kerkrade, zoo, kerkrade, ouwehands, dierenpark, rhenen, rhenen, papegaaienpark, nop, oerle, reptielenzoo, serpo, delft, safaripark, beekse, bergen, hilvarenbeek, taman, indonesia, kallenkote, uilen, en, dierenpark, de, paay, beesd, vogelpark, avifauna, alphen, aan, den, rijn, zoo, labyrinth, boekelo, boekelo, zoo, park, overloon, overloon, norwaykristiansand, zoo, and, amusement, park, kristiansand, namsskogan, familiepark32, polar, zoo, bardu33, vassfaret, bear, park, flã¥34, polandmiejski, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, wybrzeza, w, gdansku, oliwie, gdansk, ogrã³d, zoobotaniczny, w, toruniu, torun, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, krakowie, krakã³w, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, lodzi, lã³dz, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, plocku, plock, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, poznaniu, poznan, stare, zoo, nowe, zoo, ogrã³d, zoologiczny, w, zamosciu, zamosc, silesian, zoological, garden, chorzã³w, warsaw, zoo, warsaw, zoo, opole, opole, zoological, garden, wroclaw, wroclaw, portugalbadoca, safari, park, vila, nova, de, santo, andrã©35, lisbon, zoo, lisbon, parque, biolã³gico, de, gaia, vila, nova, de, gaia36, parque, zoolã³gico, de, lagos, lagos37, zoo, de, lourosa, lourosa38, zoo, da, maia, maia39, zoomarine, albufeira,, algarve40, zoo, santo, inã¡cio, zoo, santo, inã¡cio, vngaia41, romaniabaia, mare, zoological, garden, baia, mare, braov, zoological, garden, braov, cartierul, noua42, braila, zoological, garden, braila, bucov, zoological, garden, bucov, near, ploiesti, buhusi, zoological, garden, buhusi, near, bacau, calarasi, zoological, garden, calarasi, caracal, zoological, garden, caracal, craiova, zoological, garden, craiova, focsani, zoological, garden, focsani, galati, zoological, garden, galati, iasi, zoological, garden, iasi, onesti, zoological, garden, onesti, oradea, zoological, garden, oradea, piatra, neamt, zoological, garden, piatra, neamt, pitesti, zoological, garden, pitesti, rã¢mnicu, vã¢lcea, zoological, garden, rã¢mnicu, vã¢lcea, slatina, zoological, garden, slatina, tã¢rgoviste, zoological, garden, tã¢rgoviste, tecuci, zoological, garden, tecuci, timisoara, zo, ological, garden, timisoara43, zarnesti, zoological, garden, zarnesti, near, braov, zoo, baneasa, bucharest, zoo, bã¢rlad, bã¢rlad, zoo, hunedoara, hunedoara, zoo, resita, resita, zoo, sibiu, sibiu, zoo, tã¢rgu, mures, tã¢rgu, mures44, russiaabakan, wildlife, cente, abakan, cheboksary, zoo, cheboksary, chita, zoo, chita, ekaterinburg, zoo, ekaterinburgivanovo, zoo, ivanovo, kaliningrad, zoo, kaliningrad , kazan, zoo, kazan, khabarovsk, zoo, khabarovsk, krasnoyarsk, park, of, flory, and, fauny, roev, ruchei, krasnoyarsk, leningrad, zoo, saint, petersburg, lipetsk, zoo, lipetsk, moscow, zoo, moscow, novosibirsk, zoo, novosibirsk, omsk, zoo, bolshereche,, omsk, penza, zoo, penza, perm, zoo, perm, rostov, on, don, zoo, rostov, on, don, samara, zoo, samara, tula, exotarium, tula, yakutsk, zoo, yakutsk, serbiabelgrade, zoo, belgrade, beogradski, zoo, vrt, dobre, nade, belgrade, good, hope, zoological, garden , jagodina, zoo, jagodina, palic, zoo, palic, bor, zoo, bor, zoo, park, koki, indija, zoo, miki, kolut, slovakiabojnice, zoo, bojnice, bratislava, zoo, bratisla, va, koå¡ice, zoo, koå¡ice, spiå¡skã¡, novã¡, ves, zoo, spiå¡skã¡, novã¡, ves, zoo, stropkov, stropkov, slovenialjubljana, zoo, ljubljana, spainbarcelona, zoo, barcelona, las, ãguilas, jungle, park, tenerife, loro, parque, tenerife, mundomar, benidorm, parque, de, la, naturaleza, de, cabã¡rceno, obregã³n45, parque, zoolã³gico, de, guadalajara, guadalajara46, parque, zoolã³gico, y, jardã­n, botã¡nico, alberto, durã¡n, jerez, de, la, frontera47, rancho, texas, park, lanzarote, terra, natura, murcia, valencia, bioparc, valencia48, zoo, aquarium, de, madrid, madrid, zoo, de, fuengirola, mã¡laga49, zoo, de, santillana, santillana, del, mar, zoo, de, sevilla, seville50, swedenborã¥s, djurpark, borã¥s, frã¶sã¶, zoo, frã¶sã¶n, furuviksparken, gã¤vle, grã¶nã¥sens, ã„lgpark, kosta, orsa, grã¶nklitt, orsa, gutezoo, ljugarn, jã¤rvzoo, jã¤rvsã¶, junsele, djur, och, nã¶jespark, junsele, kolmã¥rden, wildlife, park, brã¥viken, bay, lycksele, zoo, lycksele, motala, zoo.gangnam style baby justin bieber featuring ludacris on the floor jennifer lopez featuring pitbull love the way you lie eminem featuring rihanna party rock anthem lmfao featuring lauren bennett and goonrock charlie bit my finger – again! harry and charlie davies-carrwaka waka this time for africa shakirabad romance lady gagaai se eu te pego michel telã³ call me maybe carly rae jepsen, danza kuduro don omar featuring lucenzo , not afraid eminem rain over me pitbull featuring marc anthony rolling in the deep adele somebody that i used to know gotye featuring kimbra the lazy song bruno mars never say never justin bieber featuring jaden smith what makes you beautiful one direction firework katy perry party in the u.s.a. miley cyrus super bass nicki minaj oppa is just my style psy & hyuna one time justin bieber the gummy bear song gummibã¤r whats my name rihanna featuring drake grenade bruno mars just the way you are bruno mars give me everything pitbull featuring ne-yo, afrojack, and nayer only girl in the world rihanna sexy and i know it lmfao aiken drum scotlanda was an apple pie englanda wise old owl usaa-tisket, a-tasket usaas i was going by charing cross englandas i was going to st ives englandbaa, baa, black sheep englandbilly boy usabingo englandbobby shaftos gone to sea englandbye, baby bunting englandcock a doodle doo englanddid you ever see a lassie usa scotlanddiddle, diddle, dumpling, my son john englandding dong bell englanddoctor foster englandeeny, meeny, miny, moe britain or usaeeper weeper englandfive little speckled frogs usafrog went a-courting englandgeorgie porgie englandgirls and boys come out to play englandgoosey goosey gander englandhere we go round the mulberry bush englandhey diddle diddle englandhickory dickory dock englandhot cross buns englandhow many miles to babylon scotlandhumpty dumpty englandif wishes were horses, beggars would ride britaini do not like thee, doctor fell englandi had a little nut tree englandi love little pussy englandits raining, its pouring usaitsy bitsy spider usajack and jill englandjackanory englandjack be nimble englandjack sprat englandladybird ladybird britainlavenders blue englandlittle arabella miller usalittle bo peep englandlittle boy blue englandlittle jack horner englandlittle miss muffet englandlittle poll parrot englandlittle robin redbreast englandlittle tommy tucker englandlondon bridge is falling down englandlucy locket england or usamary had a little lamb usamary, mary, quite contrary englandmatthew, mark, luke and john britainmondays child englandneedles and pins englandnow i lay me down to sleep usanuts in may englandold king cole englandold mcdonald had a farm usaold mother hubbard englandon top of old smoky usaone for sorrow britainone, two, buckle my shoe england or usaone, two, three, four, five englandoranges and lemons englandpat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, bakers man englandpease porridge hot englandpeter peter pumpkin eater usapeter piper englandpolly put the kettle on englandpoor mary englandpop goes the weasel englandpretty little dutch girl usathe queen of hearts britainpussy cat pussy cat britainrain rain go away englandride a cock horse to banbury cross englandring a ring o roses englandrock-a-bye baby englandroses are red englandround and round the garden britainrow, row, row your boat usarub a dub dub englandsee saw margery daw britainsimple simon englandsing a song of sixpence englandsolomon grundy britainstar light, star bright usasticks and stones britaintaffy was a welshman englandten little indians usathe farmer in the dell germanythe grand old duke of york englandthe lion and the unicorn englandthe muffin man englandthere was a crooked man britainthere was an old woman who lived in a shoe englandthere was an old woman who lived under a hill englandthree wise men of gotham englandthis is the house that jack built englandthis little piggy englandthis old man englandthree blind mice englandthree little kittens usatinker, tailor englandto market, to market englandtom, tom, the pipers son britaintweedledum and tweedledee britaintwinkle twinkle little star britaintwo little dickie birds britainwee willie winkie scotlandwhat are little boys made of britainwho killed cock robin englandwind the bobbin up englandafrica algeriaalgiers zoooran zoobeninjardin botanique et zoologique de luniversitã© dabomey-calaviburkina fasoouagadougou zoocameroonmvog-betsi zoo - yaoundã©ongo, democratic republic of thejardin zoologique et botanique dealaparc zoologique de lubumbashizoo national de kinshasacã´te divoireabidjan zooegyptalexandria zoogiza zooqariyet el assad lions village ethiopiaaddis ababa lion zooghanakumasi zookenyamwaluganje elephant sanctuary - kwale district, coast provincelibyatripoli zoo - tripolibenghazi zoo il bosco - benghazimadagascartsimbazaza zoo - antananarivocroc farm - antananarivolemurs park - near antananarivo parc ivoloina - toamasinamadagascar exotic - marozevoparc endemika - sainte-mariemalawiblantyre zoological gardensmalibamako zoomoroccojardins exotiques de bouknadelparc zoologique de rabatmozambiquejardim zoolã³gico de moã§ambique - maputonigeriaabuja childrens zoo - abujaaudu bako zoo - kanoenugu zoo - enuguibadan university zoo - ibadanjos wildlife parksanda kyarimi zoo - maidugurisenegalparcs forestier et zoologique de hann - dakarsouth africabester birds and animals zoo parkbloemfontein zooeast london zoological gardensemerald zoo vanderbijlparkhartebeesport dam snake and animal parkjohannesburg zoolory park zoonational zoo - pretoriathe elephant sanctuary plettenberg bay - plettenberg bay the elephant sanctuary hartbeespoort dam - hartbeespoort dam the elephant sanctuary hazyview - hazyview world of birds wildlife sanctuary and monkey park - cape town sudankhartoum zootanzaniadar es salaam zoo - dar es salaam saa nane museum and zoo - mwanzatunisiazoo du parc de belvedere, tunisfriguia park, bouficha ugandauganda wildlife education centre - entebbe zambiamunda wanga zoo - lusaka asia afghanistankabul zoo - kabularmeniayerevan zoo - yerevanazerbaijanbaku zoo - bakubangladeshmain article list of zoos in bangladeshbhutanmotithang takin preserve - motithangchinabadaling safari worldbeijing zoobifengxia wild animal parkchengdu zoodalian forest zoo angzhou zooharbin northern forest zooguangzhou zooguangzhou panyu chime-long night zooguangzhou xiangjian safari parkjinan safari parknanjing hongshan forest zooqingdao forest wildlife worldqingdao zooshanghai zooshanghai wild animal parkshenzhen safari parksuzhou zootianjin zooedward youde aviary - hong kong parkhong kong wetland parkhong kong zoological and botanical gardenskadoorie farm and botanic gardenlai chi kok zoo closed ocean park hong kongbreeding centersbifengxia giant panda basechengdu research base of giant panda breedingwolong giant panda breeding center - sichuan indiamain article list of zoos in india indonesiabatu secret zoo, batu - east javabali safari and marine park, gianyar - balibali zoo, ubud - balikebun binatang bandung - bandung, west javakebun binatang surabaya - surabaya, east javakebun binatang gembiraloka - yogyakartakebun binatang ragunan - jakartataman safari - bogor, west javataman safari ii - pasuruan, east java iranvakil abad zoo, mashhadamol zoobandar abbas zoodarabad museum of wildlife, tehranisfahan zootehran zoo, tehraniraqbaghdad zooisraelarena tropical world - herzliyabeer sheba municipal zoological garden - beershebacarmel hai-bar nature reserve - haifachildrens zoo - saadeducational zoo of the haifa biological institute - haifahai kef - rishon lezionhai park - kiryat motzkinhamat-gader crocodile farm, terrarium and mini zoo - hamat gaderi. meier segals garden for zoological research - tel avivjerusalem bird observatory - jerusalemmonkey park - kfar danielnahariya zoo-botanical garden - nahariyanir-david australian animal park - nir davidpetah tikva zoo - petah tikvatel-aviv bird park - tel avivtisch family biblical zoological gardens - jerusalemzoological center of tel aviv-ramat gan - ramat ganjapanmain article list of zoos in japankazakhstanalmaty zoo - almatykaraganda zoo - karagandashymkent zoo - shymkenttemirtau aquapark of childrens park - temirtaunorth koreakorea central zoo - pyongyangsouth koreabusan childrens grand park - busaneverland zoo-topia - yonginseoul childrens zoo - gwacheonseoul grand park zoo - gwacheonkuwaitkuwait zoo - kuwait cityal omariyamacautwo dragon throat public gardenmalaysiakuala lumpur bird park - kuala lumpurzoo melaka - ayer keroh, malaccanational zoo of malaysia zoo negara - ulu klang, kuala lumpurzoo taiping - taiping, peraklok kawi wildlife park - lok kawi, sabahzoo johor - johor bahru, johorzoo terengganu - kemaman, terengganusunway lagoon wildlife park - petaling jaya, selangorsunway petting zoo - subang jaya, selangorlost world petting zoo - ipoh, perakkuala krai mini zoo - kuala krai, kelantanbutterfly & reptiles sanctuary - malaccakuala lumpur butterfly park - kuala lumpurpenang butterfly farm - teluk bahang, penangbukit jambul orchid, hibiscus and reptile farm, penangtaman teruntum mini zoo - taman teruntum, pahangkuala lumpur deer park - kuala lumpurdanga bay mini zoo - danga bay, johorafamosa animal world safari - alor gajah, malaccalangkawi bird paradise - langkawi, kedahsnake and reptile farm - perlislangkawi crocodile farm - langkawi, kedahayer keroh crocodile farm - ayer keroh, malaccajong crocodile farm - kuching, sarawaksandakan crocodile farm - sandakan, sabahmyanmaryadanabon zoological gardens - mandalaynepalcentral zoo, jawalakhelpakistanmain article list of zoos in pakistanpalestinian territoriesgaza zoo - gazaqalqilya zoo - west bankphilippinesalbay park and wildlife - legazpi city, albay animal island zoo - binakayan, kawit, cavite 1animal wonderland - star city, pasay cityark avilon zoo - frontera verde, ortigas avenue, pasig cityave maria sanctuary and park - carcar city, cebuavilon zoo - rodriguez, rizalbaluarte zoo - vigan city, ilocos sur 1birds international - quezon citybotolan wildlife farm - san juan, botolan, zambales 1cavite city zoological and botanical park - sampaguita road, seabreeze subdivision, santa cruz, cavite city, cavitecebu city zoo and conservation zoo - calunasan, cebu city, cebucorregidor aviary and theme park - corregidor island, cavitecrocolandia foundation - biasong, talisay city, cebudavao crocodile park - diversion highway, ma-a, davao city 1dfamily park mini-zoo - talamban, cebu city, cebueden nature park and resort - toril, davao city 1father tropas spaceship 200zoo - zamboanguita, negros orientallaguna wildlife park and rescue center - la vista pansol complex, pansol, calamba city, lagunalombija wildlife park and heritage resort - napandong, nueva valencia, guimaras 1lungsod kalikasan - quezon citymalabon zoo and aquarium - governor pascual street, potrero, malabon citymanila orchidarium and butterfly pavilion - rizal park, manilamanila zoological and botanical garden, m. adriatico street, malate, manilamari-it wildlife conservation park - lambunao, iloilomaze park and resort mini-zoo - mimbalot buru-un, iligan city, lanao del nortenegros forests & ecological foundation - south capitol road, bacolod city, negros occidental 1ninoy aquino parks & wildlife center - diliman, quezon citypalawan butterfly garden - santa monica, puerto princesa city, palawanpalawan wildlife rescue and conservation center - irawan, puerto princesa city, palawanparadizoo - mendez, cavite 1paradise reptile zoo - puerto galera, oriental mindorophilippine eagle center - malagos, davao city 1philippine tarsier and wildlife sanctuary - corella, bohol 2racsos woodland mini-hotel and wildlife resort - rizal-tuguisan, guimbal, iloiloresidence inn mini-zoo - barrio neogan, tagaytay city, cavite 2san fernando mini-zoo and butterfly sanctuary - san fernando city, la unionsagbayan peak tarsier sanctuary and butterfly dome - sagbayan, bohol 2silangang nayon mini-zoo - pagbilao, quezonsilliman university center for tropical conservation studies also known as the a.y. reyes zoological and botanical garden - ipil street, daro, dumaguete city 2silliman university marine laboratory - bantayan, dumaguete city 2win rescue center - subic bay freeport zone, zambaleszoo paradise of the world - zamboanguita, negros orientalzoobic safari - subic, zambales 2zoocobia fun zoo - clark freeport zone, angeles city, pampanga 2qatardoha zoo - dohasingaporejurong bird parkjurong reptile park closed 2006 night safari - singaporeriver safarisingapore crocodile farm closed 2012 singapore zoosri lankaahungalla animal parkdehiwala zoopinnawala elephant orphanagepinnawala elephant safari 2taiwan1-lan wild animal rescue centrefar east animal farmfeng-hung-ku bird parkhsinchu city zookaohsiung zooleefoo zoonational museum of marine biology aquariumocean world - yehliu wanlipintung rescue centretaipei zoo - taipei thailandchiang mai night safarichiang mai zoocrocodiles farm and elephant theme show sampran - nakorn pathomsamutprakarn crocodile farm and zoodusit zooelephant nature park - chiang mai provincekhao kheow open zookhao kho open zookhao suan kwang zoolopburi zoonakhon ratchasima zoopata zoo - bangkokphuket zoo - phuketsafari park kanchanaburi - kanchanaburi 2safari worldsongkhla zoosriracha tiger zoo - chonburithe million years park and pattaya crocodiles farmunited arab emiratesal ain zoo - al aindubai zoo - dubaiemirates park zoo, abu dhabiuzbekistantashkent zoo - tashkentvietnamsaigon zoo and botanical gardens - saigonha noi zoo - ha noiaustralia oceania australiamain article list of zoos in australiafijikula eco park - sigatokaguamcushing zoo - tumonnew caledoniaparc forestier de noumã©a - noumã©anew zealandauckland zoo - aucklandbrooklands zoo - new plymouthcaroline bay aviary - timarufranklin zoo - tuakauhamilton zoo - hamiltonkingdom of zion - whangareikiwi birdlife park - queenstownkiwi house, otorohangaliving art wildlife park - tauranganatureland zoo - nelsonorana wildlife park - christchurchotago museum butterfly house - dunedinwellington zoo - wellingtonwillowbank wildlife reserve - christchurchpapua new guineathe rainforest habitat - laeeurope albaniatirana zoo - tiranaaustriaalpenzoo innsbruck - innsbruckhaus des meeres - viennatiergarten hellbrunn - salzburgtiergarten schã¶nbrunn - viennaschloss herberstein zoo and nature park - schloss herberstein, styriazoo salzburg - salzburgzoo schmiding - krenglbach near welsbelarusgrodno zoo - grodnominsk zoo - minskbelgiumantwerp zoo - antwerpolmen zoo - olmen, molpairi daiza - cambron-casteauplanckendael - muizen, mechelen 2bellewaerde - ieperbosnia and herzegovinapionirska dolina - sarajevotrapisti - banja lukabulgarialovech zoo - lovechpleven zoo - plevenplovdiv zoo - plovdivsofia zoo - sofiastara zagora zoo - stara zagoravarna zoo - varnacroatiabizik family zoo - naå¡icemilec family zoo - ruå¡cicaosijek zoo - osijeksplit zoo - splitzagreb zoo - zagrebcypruslimassol zooczech republicbrno zoo - brnochleby zoo - chlebychomutov zoo - chomutovdecã­n zoo - decã­ndvur krã¡lovã© zoo - dvur krã¡lovã© nad labemhodonã­n zoo - hodonã­nhlubokã¡ nad vltavou zoo, hlubokã¡ nad vltavoujihlava zoo - jihlavaliberec zoo - liberecolomouc zoo - olomoucostrava zoo - ostravaplzen zoo - plzenprague zoo - pragueãšstã­ nad labem zoo - ãšstã­ nad labemzlã­n - leå¡nã¡ zoo - zlã­nzoopark vyå¡kov - vyå¡kovzoopark zã¡jezd - zã¡jezddenmarkaalborg zoo - aalborgcopenhagen zoo - copenhagenebeltoft zoo - ebeltoftgivskud zoo - givskudjesperhus - mors island odense zoo - odenseranders tropical zoo - randersree park - ebeltoft safari - ebeltoftestoniaelistvere loomapark - elistvere, jãµgeva countytallinn zoo - tallinn 1939 finlandã„htã¤ri zooescurial zoo and flower park 2kitee zookorkeasaari, an island zoo outside helsinki 1889 kuopio zooorimattilan kotielã¤inpuisto - orimattilapikkukili - lieksa 3ranua zoo - ranuasã¤rkã¤nniemi childrens zoo - tamperetropicario - helsinki.zoolandia - near turkufrancecitadel of besanã§on - besanã§oncleres zoological park - clã¨resjardin zoologique dacclimatation du bois de boulogne - parisjardin zoologique de la tãªte dor - parc de la tãªte dor, lyonla palmyre zoo - les mathesla vallã©e des singes - romagnemã©nagerie du jardin des plantes - parisparc animalier de sainte-croix - rhodesparc des fã©lins - neslesparc des oiseaux - villars-les-dombes 3parc phå“nix - niceparc zoologique de la haute-touche - obterreparc zoologique de lunaret - montpellierparc zoologique et botanique de mulhouse - mulhouseplanete sauvage safari park - port-saint-pã¨rerã©serve africaine & parc zoologique et botanique de thoiry - thoiryrã©serve africaine de sigean - sigeansafari de peaugres - peaugreszoo and botanical garden of branfã©rã© - le guernozoo damnã©ville - amnã©villezoo de cerza - hermival-les-vauxzoo de douã© - douã©-la-fontainezoo de la flã¨che - la flã¨chezoo de vincennes - pariszooparc de beauval - saint-aignan-sur-chergermanymain article list of zoos in germanygibraltaralameda wildlife conservation parkgreeceattica zoological park - athenszoological park of st. paul - thessalonikihungarybudakeszi wildlife park - budakeszibudapest zoo & botanical garden - budapestdebrecen zoojã¡szberã©ny zoo & botanical gardenkittenberger kã¡lmã¡n zoo & botanical garden - veszprã©mmiskolc zoopã©cs zoosã³stã³ zoo - nyã­regyhã¡zaszeged wildlife parktropicarium - budapestxantus jã¡nos zoo - gyorirelanddublin zoo - phoenix park, dublinfota wildlife park - county corkitalyparco faunistico cappeller - cartigliano, vicenza 3bioparco di roma - romelo zoo di napoli - naplesparco natura viva - bussolengoparco faunistico le cornelle - valrembozoo di pistoia - pistoiavilla dorleans - palermoparco zoo falconara - anconaparco zoo di lignano sabbiadorozoosafari fasanolandia - fasanolatviariga zoolatgales zoo - daugavpils 3lithuanialithuanian zoo - kaunasmacedoniabitola zoo - bitolaskopje zoo - skopjemoldovachisinau zoo, chisinaumonacojardin animaliernetherlandsapenheul - apeldoorn apes and monkeys only, most of them not separated from the public artis - amsterdambestzoo - bestburgers zoo - arnhemcastle arcen - arcendierenpark amersfoort - amersfoortdierenpark emmen - emmendierenpark & reptielenhuis de oliemeulen - tilburgdierenpark tilburg - tilburg closed dierenpark wissel - epedierenrijk - mierlodiergaarde blijdorp, rotterdamdolfinarium - harderwijkgaiapark kerkrade zoo - kerkradeouwehands dierenpark rhenen - rhenenpapegaaienpark nop - oerlereptielenzoo serpo - delftsafaripark beekse bergen - hilvarenbeektaman indonesia - kallenkoteuilen- en dierenpark de paay - beesdvogelpark avifauna - alphen aan den rijnzoo labyrinth boekelo - boekelozoo park overloon - overloonnorwaykristiansand zoo and amusement park - kristiansandnamsskogan familiepark 3polar zoo - bardu 3vassfaret bear park - fl㥠3polandmiejski ogrã³d zoologiczny wybrzeza w gdansku-oliwie - gdanskogrã³d zoobotaniczny w toruniu - torunogrã³d zoologiczny w krakowie - krakã³wogrã³d zoologiczny w lodzi - lã³dzogrã³d zoologiczny w plocku - plockogrã³d zoologiczny w poznaniu - poznan stare zoonowe zooogrã³d zoologiczny w zamosciu - zamoscsilesian zoological garden - chorzã³wwarsaw zoo - warsawzoo opole - opolezoological garden in wroclaw - wroclawportugalbadoca safari park - vila nova de santo andrã© 3lisbon zoo - lisbonparque biolã³gico de gaia - vila nova de gaia 3parque zoolã³gico de lagos - lagos 3zoo de lourosa - lourosa 4zoo da maia - maia 4zoomarine - albufeira, algarve 4zoo santo inã¡cio - zoo santo inã¡cio - vngaia 4romaniabaia mare zoological garden - baia marebraov zoological garden - braov cartierul noua 4braila zoological garden - brailabucov zoological garden - bucov near ploiestibuhusi zoological garden - buhusi near bacaucalarasi zoological garden - calarasicaracal zoological garden - caracalcraiova zoological garden - craiovafocsani zoological garden - focsanigalati zoological garden - galatiiasi zoological garden - iasionesti zoological garden - onestioradea zoological garden - oradeapiatra neamt zoological garden - piatra neamtpitesti zoological garden - pitestirã¢mnicu vã¢lcea zoological garden - rã¢mnicu vã¢lceaslatina zoological garden - slatinatã¢rgoviste zoological garden - tã¢rgovistetecuci zoological garden - tecucitimisoara zoological garden - timisoara 4zarnesti zoological garden - zarnesti near braovzoo baneasa - bucharestzoo bã¢rlad - bã¢rladzoo hunedoara - hunedoarazoo resita - resitazoo sibiu - sibiuzoo tã¢rgu mures - tã¢rgu mures 4 russiaabakan wildlife cente - abakancheboksary zoo - cheboksarychita zoo - chitaekaterinburg zoo - ekaterinburgivanovo zoo - ivanovokaliningrad zoo - kaliningrad kazan zoo - kazankhabarovsk zoo - khabarovskkrasnoyarsk park of flory and fauny roev ruchei - krasnoyarskleningrad zoo - saint petersburglipetsk zoo - lipetskmoscow zoo - moscownovosibirsk zoo - novosibirskomsk zoo - bolshereche, omskpenza zoo - penzaperm zoo - permrostov-on-don zoo - rostov-on-donsamara zoo - samaratula exotarium - tulayakutsk zoo - yakutsk serbiabelgrade zoo - belgrade beogradski zoo vrt dobre nade - belgrade good hope zoological garden jagodina zoo - jagodinapalic zoo - palicbor zoo - borzoo park koki - indijazoo miki - kolut slovakiabojnice zoo - bojnicebratislava zoo - bratislavakoå¡ice zoo - koå¡icespiå¡skã¡ novã¡ ves zoo - spiå¡skã¡ novã¡ veszoo stropkov - stropkov slovenialjubljana zoo - ljubljana spainbarcelona zoo - barcelonacabarceno natural park - cantabrialas ãguilas jungle park - tenerifeloro parque - tenerifemundomar - benidormparque de la naturaleza de cabã¡rceno - obregã³n 4parque zoolã³gico de guadalajara - guadalajara 4parque zoolã³gico y jardã­n botã¡nico alberto durã¡n - jerez de la frontera 4rancho texas park - lanzaroteterra natura - murciavalencia bioparc - valencia 5zoo aquarium de madrid - madridzoo de fuengirola - mã¡laga 5zoo de santillana - santillana del marzoo de sevilla - seville 5 swedenborã¥s djurpark - borã¥sfrã¶s㶠zoo - frã¶sã¶nfuruviksparken - gã¤vlegrã¶nã¥sens ã„lgpark - kostaorsa grã¶nklitt - orsagutezoo - ljugarnjã¤rvzoo - jã¤rvsã¶junsele djur- och nã¶jespark - junselekolmã¥rden wildlife park - brã¥viken baylycksele zoo - lyckselemotala zoo - motalanordens ark - bohuslã¤nã–lands djur- och nã¶jespark - fã¤rjestaden, ã–landparken zoo - eskilstunaskã¥nes djurpark - hã¶ã¶r only containing nordic species skansen - stockholmslottsskogens djurpark - gã¶teborgystad djurpark - ystad switzerlandknies kinderzoo - rapperswiltierpark dã¤hlhã¶lzli - berntierpark goldau - goldautierpark lange erlen - baselwildpark bruderhaus - winterthurle bois du petit chateau - la chaux-de-fondswildpark langenberg - langnau am albiswildpark peter und paul - st. gallenzoo basel - baselzã¼rich zoologischer garten - zã¼rich turkeyankara zoo - ankarasoganli zoo - bursadarica zoo - istanbulnatural life park of sasali - izmirgaziantep zoo - gazianteppolonezkã¶y animal park - polonezkã¶ysile zoo - sile ukrainekharkiv zookherson zookiev zooodessa zooyalta zoo united kingdommain page template british zoosafrica alive - east angliaamazon world zoo - isle of wightamazona - east angliaamazonia world of reptiles - east angliabanham zoo - east angliabeale park - berkshire, englandbelfast zoo - belfast, northern irelandbelle vue zoological gardens - manchester closed 1977 birdland park and gardens - bourton-on-the-water, gloucestershirebirdworld - surrey, englandbirmingham nature centre - birminghamblackbrook zoological park - staffordshireblackpool zoo - lancashireblair drummond safari park - stirlingshire, scotlandborth animalarium - mid walesbristol zoo gardens - bristolbutterfly and wildlife park - lincolnshire 5camperdown wildlife centre part of camperdown country park - dundeechessington zoo - londonchester zoo - cheshirecolchester zoo - east angliacotswold wildlife park - oxfordshirecricket st thomas wildlife park - somersetcurraghs wildlife park - isle of mandartmoor zoological park - devondrayton manor zoo - part of drayton manor theme park, staffordshiredrusillas zoo park - east sussexdudley zoo - west midlandsdurrell wildlife park - jersey, channel islandsedinburgh zoo - edinburgh, scotlandexmoor zoo - devonfive sisters zoo - west calder, scotlandflamingo land resort - north yorkshirefolly farm adventure park and zooglasgow zoo - glasgow, scotland closed 2003 hamerton zoo - east angliaharewood bird gardens - at harewood house, west yorkshirethe hawk conservancy - hampshirehighland wildlife park - highland, scotlandhowletts wild animal park - kentinternational centre for birds of prey - gloucestershireisle of wight zoo - isle of wightknaresborough zoo - north yorkshire closed 1985 knowsley safari park - merseysidelakeland wildlife oasis - cumbrialinton zoological gardens - east anglialondon zoo - londonlongleat safari park - wiltshirelotherton hall bird garden - aberford, leeds, west yorkshiremanchester zoological gardens - broughton, salfordmarwell wildlife - hampshiremonkey world - dorsetnew forest wildlife park - hampshirenewquay zoo - cornwallnoahs ark zoo farm - bristolpaignton zoo - devonparadise park, cornwall - cornwallparadise wildlife park - hertfordshirepettitts animal adventure park - east angliaplantasia - swansea, walesport lympne wild animal park - kentsealife great yarmouth - east angliaseaview wildlife encounter - isle of wightshaldon wildlife trust - devonsouth lakes wild animal park - cumbriasouthport zoo - merseyside closed 2004 surrey zoological gardens - kenningtonthe living rainforest - berkshiretropiquaria - west somersetthrigby hall - east angliatropical world at roundhay park - leedstwycross zoo - leicestershirewales ape and monkey sanctuary formerly cefn-yr-erw primate sanctuary - waleswelsh mountain zoo - north waleswest midland safari park - worcestershirewetheriggs zoo and animal sanctuary - cumbriawhipsnade zoo - east angliawildwood discovery park - kentwindsor safari park - windsorwingham wildlife park - kentwoburn safari park - bedfordshireyorkshire wildlife park - doncaster north america belizebelize zoo bermudabermuda aquarium, museum and zoo canadamain article list of zoos in canada costa ricaafrica miainstituto clodomiro picadojardin de las mariposasla marina animal rescue centerla paz waterfall gardenslas pumas cat zoomundo de los insectosmonkey parkparque viboranaparque zoolã³gico nacional simã³n bolã­varranarium - monteverdereptilandiasnaketour serpentariumspirogyra jardin de mariposasthe ara project - alajuelatropical frog gardenworld of snakeszoo ave guatemalaauto safari chapinla aurora zoo mexicoafricam safari - pueblachapultepec zoo - mexico cityguadalajara zoo - guadalajara, jaliscoparque de aragã³n zoo - mexico cityparque loro - pueblazoo leã³n - leã³n, guanajuatozoofari - cuernavaca, moreloszoolã³gico benito juã¡rez - morelia, michoacã¡nzoolã³gico los coyotes - mexico cityzoolã³gico zacango - toluca, mã©xico statezoomat - tuxtla gutiã©rrez, chiapas panamaparque municipal summit - panama city puerto ricodr. juan a. rivero zoo - mayagã¼ez united statesmain article list of zoos in the united states south america argentinabubalcã³ - general roca, rã­o negrobuenos aires zoo - buenos airesestaciã³n de crã­a de animales salvajes - la plata, buenos aires provincemar del plata aquarium - mar del plata, buenos aires provincemendoza zoological park - mendoza, mendoza provincemundo marino - san clemente del tuyãº, buenos aires provinceparque independencia bahã­a blanca zoo - bahã­a blanca, buenos aires provincerawson zoo - rawson, chubut provincetemaikã¨n - belã©n de escobar, buenos aires provincezoo batã¡n - mar del plata, buenos aires provincezoo cã³rdoba - cã³rdoba, cã³rdoba provincezoo corrientes - corrientes, corrientes provincezoo de amã©rica - rivadavia, buenos aires province 2zoo de varela - florencio varela, buenos aires provincezoo la plata - la plata, buenos aires provincezoo lujã¡n - lujã¡n, buenos aires provincezoo paraiso - mar del plata, buenos aires provincezoo yku huasi - malvinas argentinas, buenos aires province brazil acrezoolã³gico do parque chico mendes - rio branco amazonasparque zoolã³gico municipal - manauszoolã³gico do centro de instruã§ã£o de guerra na selva - manaus 5 bahiaparque zoobotã¢nico getãºlio vargas - salvador 5parque zoobotã¢nico rolf - mata de sã£o joã£o 5 cearã¡parque zoolã³gico sargento prata - fortaleza distrito federaljardim zoolã³gico de brasã­lia - brasã­lia 5 goiã¡sparque zoolã³gico de goiã¢nia - goiã¢nia mato grossoparque zoolã³gico de rondonã³polis - rondonã³poliszoolã³gico da universidade federal de mato grosso - cuiabã¡zoolã³gico municipal de alta floresta - alta floresta minas geraisfundaã§ã£o zoo-botã¢nica de belo horizonte - belo horizontejardim zoolã³gico lauro palhares - parã¡ de minasparque zoobotã¢nico de pouso alegre - pouso alegreparque zoobotã¢nico doutor mã¡rio frota - varginhazoolã³gico municipal amaro sã¡tiro de araãºjo - montes claros 5zoolã³gico municipal de sete lagoas - sete lagoaszoolã³gico municipal de trãªs pontas - trãªs pontaszoolã³gico municipal parque do sabiã¡ - uberlã¢ndiazoolã³gico municipal parque dos jacarandã¡s - uberaba parã¡parque zoobotã¢nico do museu paraense emã­lio goeldi - belã©m 5parque zoobotã¢nico de carajã¡s - parauapebas 6 paranã¡parque ecolã³gico municipal danilo galafassi - cascavelzoolã³gico de matelã¢ndia - matelã¢ndiazoolã³gico municipal de curitiba - curitibazoolã³gico bosque guarani - foz do iguaã§u 6parque das aves - foz do iguaã§u 6 paraã­baparque zoolã³gico arruda cã¢mara - joã£o pessoa pernambucoparque dois irmã£os zoo botanical park dois irmaos - recife 6parque zoolã³gico municipal antã´nio melo verã§osa - vitã³ria de santo antã£o piauã­parque zoobotã¢nico - teresina rio de janeirojardim zoolã³gico de niterã³i - niterã³i 6rio de janeiro zoo - rio de janeiro 6zoolã³gico municipal de volta redonda - volta redonda 6 rio grande do sulpampas safari - gravataã­ 6parque zoolã³gico - sapucaia do sul 6zoolã³gico do litoral - osã³riozoolã³gico municipal de cachoeira do sul - cachoeira do sulzoolã³gico municipal de canoas - canoas rondã´niazoolã³gico de vilhena - vilhena roraimazoolã³gico do sã©timo batalhã£o de infantaria de selva - boa vista santa catarinaparque ecolã³gico e zoobotã¢nico de brusque - brusqueparque cyro gevaerd santur - balneã¡rio camboriãºparque zoobotã¢nico de joinville - joinvillezoolã³gico pomerode - pomerode 6 sã£o paulojardim zoobotã¢nico de franca - francaparque ecolã³gico dr. antã´nio t. viana - sã£o carlos 7parque ecolã³gico municipal cid almeida franco - americana 7parque zoolã³gico de ilha solteira - ilha solteirasã£o paulo zoo - sã£o pauloparque zoolã³gico dr. fã¡bio de sã¡ barreto - ribeirã£o pretoparque zoolã³gico eugãªnio walter - boituva 7parque zoolã³gico municipal de guarulhos guarulhos municipal zoological park quinzinho de barros - sorocaba 7zoolã³gico de jardinã³polis - jardinã³poliszoolã³gico municipal de araã§atuba dr. flã¡vio leite ribeiro - araã§atubazoolã³gico municipal de bauru - bauru 7zoolã³gico municipal de buri - burizoolã³gico municipal de campinas - campinaszoolã³gico municipal de catanduva - catanduvazoolã³gico municipal de garã§a dr. belã­rio guimarã£es brandã£o - garã§azoolã³gico municipal de leme - lemezoolã³gico municipal de limeira - limeira 7zoolã³gico municipal de lins - linszoolã³gico municipal de mogi guaã§u - mogi guaã§uzoolã³gico municipal de mogi mirim luiz gonzaga amoãªdo campos - mogi-mirimzoolã³gico municipal de pedreira - pedreirazoolã³gico municipal de piracicaba - piracicabazoolã³gico municipal de santa bã¡rbara doeste - santa bã¡rbara doestezoolã³gico municipal de sã£o bernardo do campo - sã£o bernardo do campozoolã³gico municipal de sã£o josã© do rio preto - sã£o josã© do rio preto 7zoolã³gico municipal de sã£o vicente - sã£o vicentezoolã³gico municipal de taboã£o da serra - taboã£o da serrazoolã³gico municipal henrique pedroni - sumarã©zoolã³gico municipal nestor bologna - vargem grande do sulzoolã³gico vale dos bichos - sã£o josã© dos campos 7zooparque itatiba - itatiba 7 sergipeboa luz eco parque - laranjeiras 7parque zoolã³gico - aracaju chilebuin zoo - buin, chilechilean national zoo - santiago, chilequilpue zoo - quilpue, chilela serena zoo - la serena, chileconcepciã³n zoo - concepciã³n, chileparque safari de rancagua - rancagua, chile colombiacali zoo - calihacienda nã¡poles - medellã­njaime duque park zoo - bogotã¡matecaã±a city zoo - pereirasanta fe zoo - medellã­n 8santa marta aquarium - santa martasantacruz zoo - san antonio del tequendama 3barranquilla zoo - barranquilla ecuadorguayabamba zoo - quito guyanaguyana zoo peruzoolã³gico de quistococha - iquitos, loretoparque de las leyendas, san miguel, limaparque zoolã³gico de huachipa - ate, limazoocriadero - lima 8 uruguaypan de azãºcar nature reserve - cerro pan de azãºcarparque lecocq - montevideozoolã³gico municipal villa dolores - montevideo fictional zoosjurassic park - with genetically reconstructed dinosaursslaughterhouse-five - humans in a zoo on another planethugos zoo - aliens from another planet displayed on earthprehistoric park - prehistoric animalsquahog zoo - in family guyspringfield zoo - in the simpsonsdillydale zoo - in the mr. men show 3rd season various lists of the wonders of the world have been compiled from antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world's most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures.the seven wonders of the ancient world is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the mediterranean rim. the number seven was chosen because the greeks believed it to be the representation of perfection and plenty because it was the number of the five planets known anciently plus the sun and moon.many similar lists have been made.contents hide seven wonders of the ancient worldlists from other erasrecent lists 3.american society of civil engineers3.new7wonders foundation3.usa today's new seven natural wonders of the world3.new7wonders of wonders of the underwater wonders of the industrial world3.other lists of wonders of the worldseven wonders of the solar systemsee alsonotesreferencesfurther readingexternal linksseven wonders of the ancient worldmain article seven wonders of the ancient worldthe great pyramid of giza, the only wonder of the ancient world still in existence the colosseum in rome the great wall of china hagia sophia stonehenge machu picchu taj mahal empire state building golden gate bridge the victoria falls contain the largest sheet of falling water in the world in terms of area cn tower chichen itza old city of jerusalem the aurora borealis or northern lights grand canyon the great barrier reef the london sewerage system's original abbey mills pumping stationthe historian herodotus 48– ca. 42bce , and the scholar callimachus of cyrene ca. 30– 24bce at the museum of alexandria, made early lists of seven wonders. their writings have not survived, except as references.the seven wonders were great pyramid of gizahanging gardens of babylonstatue of zeus at olympiatemple of artemis at ephesusmausoleum at halicarnassuscolossus of rhodeslighthouse of alexandriathe earliest lists had the ishtar gate as the seventh wonder of the world instead of the lighthouse of alexandriacitation needed.the list known today was compiled in the middle ages—by which time many of the sites were no longer in existence. today, the only ancient world wonder that still exists is the great pyramid of giza.lists from other erasin the 19th and early 20th centuries, some writers wrote about lists with names such as wonders of the middle ages, seven wonders of the middle ages, seven wonders of the medieval mind, and architectural wonders of the middle ages. however it is unlikely that these lists originated in the middle ages because the word medieval was not invented until the enlightenment-era, and the concept of a middle age did not become popular until the 16th century. brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable refers to them as later listssuggesting the lists were created after the middle ages.many of the structures on these lists were built much earlier than the medieval ages, but were well known.3typically representative are 2345stonehengecolosseumcatacombs of kom el shoqafagreat wall of chinaporcelain tower of nanjinghagia sophialeaning tower of pisaother sites sometimes included on such lists taj mahal6cairo citadel7ely cathedral8cluny abbey9recent listsfollowing in the tradition of the classical list, modern people and organisations have made their own lists of wonderful things ancient and modern. some of the most notable lists are presented below.american society of civil engineersthe american society of civil engineers compiled a list of wonders of the modern world 10wonder date started date finished location channel tunnel december 1, 198may 6, 199strait of dover, between the united kingdom and france cn tower february 6, 197june 26, 1976, tallest freestanding structure in the world 1976–2007. toronto, ontario, canada empire state building january 22, 193may 1, 1931, tallest structure in the world 1931–1967. first building with 100+ stories. new york, ny, u.s. golden gate bridge january 5, 193may 27, 193golden gate strait, north of san francisco, california, u.s. itaipu dam january 197may 5, 198paranã¡ river, between brazil and paraguay delta works zuiderzee works 192may 10, 199netherlands panama canal january 1, 188january 7, 191isthmus of panama new7wonders foundationmain article new7wonders of the worldin 200an initiative was started by the swiss corporation new7wonders foundation to choose the new7wonders of the world from a selection of 20existing monuments.1twenty-one finalists were announced january 1, 2006.1egyptians were not happy that the only surviving original wonder, the great pyramid of giza, would have to compete with the likes of the statue of liberty, the sydney opera house, and other landmarks, calling the project absurd. in response, giza was named an honorary candidate.1the results were announced on july 7, 2007, in lisbon, portugal 14wonder date of construction location great wall of china since 7th century bc1china petra c. 10bc jordan christ the redeemer opened october 12, 193brazil machu picchu c. ad 145peru chichen itza c. ad 60mexico colosseum completed ad 8italy taj mahal completed c. ad 164india great pyramid of giza honorary candidate completed c. 256bc egypt usa today's new seven wondersin november 200the american national newspaper usa today in conjunction with the american television show good morning america revealed a list of new seven wonders as chosen by six judges.1the wonders were announced one per day over a week on good morning america. an eighth wonder was chosen on november 24, 200from viewer feedback.17number wonder location potala palace lhasa, tibet, china old city of jerusalem jerusalemn polar ice caps polar regions papahanaumokuakea marine national monument hawaii, united states internet earth mayan ruins yucatã¡n peninsula, mã©xico great migration of serengeti and masai mara tanzania and kenya grand canyon viewer-chosen eighth wonder arizona, united states seven natural wonders of the worldsimilar to the other lists of wonders, there is no consensus on a list of seven natural wonders of the world, and there has been debate over how large the list should be. one of the many existing lists was compiled by cnn 18grand canyongreat barrier reefharbor of rio de janeiromount everestauroraparã­cutin volcanovictoria fallsnew7wonders of naturemain article new7wonders of naturenew7wonders of nature 2007–11 , a contemporary effort to create a list of seven natural wonders chosen through a global poll, was organized by the same group as the new7wonders of the world campaign.iguazu fallsjeju islandkomodo islandpuerto princesa underground rivertable mountainhalong bayamazon rainforestseven wonders of the underwater worldthe seven underwater wonders of the world was a list drawn up by cedam international, an american-based non-profit group for divers, dedicated to ocean preservation and 198cedam brought together a panel of marine scientists, including dr. eugenie clark, to pick underwater areas which they considered to be worthy of protection. the results were announced at the national aquarium in washington dc by actor lloyd bridges, star of tv's sea hunt 19palaubelize barrier reefgreat barrier reefdeep-sea ventsgalã¡pagos islandslake baikalnorthern red seaseven wonders of the industrial worldmain article seven wonders of the industrial worldbritish author deborah cadbury wrote seven wonders of the industrial world, a book telling the stories of seven great feats of engineering of the 19th and early 20th centuries. in 200the bbc made a seven-part documentary series on the book, with each episode dramatising the construction of one of the wonders. the seven industrial wonders are ss great easternbell rock lighthousebrooklyn bridgelondon sewerage systemfirst transcontinental railroadpanama canalhoover damother lists of wonders of the worldnumerous other authors and organisations have composed lists of the wonders of the world. travel writer howard hillman published two books on the subject, one with man-made wonders, and one with natural wonders.202british biographer, science writer, and novelist ronald w. clark published a book of man-made and natural wonders titled wonders of the world, which lists 5wonders, one for each week of the year.22seven wonders of the solar systemin a 199article, astronomy magazine listed the seven wonders of the solar system. this article was later made into a video.23enceladusthe great red spotthe asteroid beltthe surface of the sunthe oceans of earththe rings of saturnolympus monssee alsoeighth wonder of the worldworld heritage list – a list of over 90sites deemed by unesco to be of outstanding universal valuenational seven wonders seven wonders of canadaseven wonders of colombiatimes of india's list of seven wonders of indiaseven wonders of polandseven wonders of portugalseven wonders of russiaseven wonders of serbiaseven wonders of ukraineseven wonders of wales1treasures of spainseven wonders of fore fore abbey, ireland the world's most livable cities is an informal name given to any list of cities as they rank on a reputable annual survey of living conditions. two examples are the mercer quality of living survey and the economist intelligence unit's global liveability report.liveability rankings are designed for use by employers assigning hardship allowances as part of job relocation. there have been numerous arguments over the expansion of livability rankings for other purposes. however, the annual city rankings attract extensive media coverage, are a popular topic of discussion.citation neededmelbourne city skyline at night, the world's most livable city according to the eiu.contents hide the eiu's global liveability reportmercer's quality of living surveymonocle's most livable cities indexsee alsoreferencesexternal linksedit the eiu's global liveability reportthe eiu's global liveability reportcity country rating melbourne australia 99.vienna austria 97.vancouver canada 97.toronto canada 97.adelaide australia 96.calgary canada australia 96. helsinki finland 96.perth australia 95.auckland new zealand, australia was ranked by the economist intelligence unit as the world's most livable city since 20.3the economist intelligence unit's eiu most recent global liveability report shows cities in australia, canada, austria, finland and new zealand as the ideal destinations, thanks to a widespread availability of goods and services, low personal risk, and an effective infrastructure. it does not take into account climate or the cost of living as a factor in 'liveability.' the economist intelligence unit has been criticized by the new york times for being overly anglocentric, stating that the economist clearly equates livability with speaking english.4their august 20report placed melbourne, australia as the most livable city in the world, with vienna, austria taking second place, followed by vancouver, canada2, unchanged from the top three of the previous year.5other australian cities also ranked highly in the survey, with adelaide holding equal 5th position, with calgary in canada. sydney was at 7th position and perth at 9th. a third canadian city, toronto was among the top ten, holding the 4th spot. toronto is the largest city by population among the top ten cities, with nearly six million inhabitants within its metropolitan area.edit mercer's quality of living surveymercer 20quality of living survey6sdc city country vienna austria zurich switzerland auckland new zealand munich germany vancouver canada dã¼sseldorf germany frankfurt germany geneva switzerland copenhagen denmark bern switzerland sydney australia ienna, austriamain article mercer quality of living surveyamerican global human resource and related financial services consulting firm mercer releases annually the quality of living survey, comparing 2cities based on 3criteria. new york is given a baseline score of 0and other cities are rated in comparison. important criteria are safety, education, hygiene, health care, culture, environment, recreation, political-economic stability and public transportation.the list helps multi-national companies decide where to open offices or plants, and how much to pay the 2list of cities, the top of the list was dominated by europe, canada, and new zealand; and switzerland and germany both had cities in the top 0. the first entries from other countries were sydney at , singapore at 25, honolulu at 29, and tokyo at 46. baghdad was at the bottom of the list. of the 2cities at the bottom, were in africa. compared to lists for previous years, cities in south asia mainly india , east asia mainly china , the middle east and eastern europe were clearly on the rise.the 20rankings also identified the cities with the best eco-ranking based on water availability and drinkability, waste removal, quality of sewage systems, air pollution and traffic congestion. calgary was at the top of this index score 45.7 , followed by honolulu in second place score 45. and ottawa and helsinki in joint third score 39.9 . wellington in new zealand 5 , minneapolis 6 , adelaide 7 and copenhagen filled the next four slots, while kobe, oslo and stockholm shared ninth place. port-au-prince in haiti ranked at the bottom of this table with a score of only 27.8.edit monocle's most livable cities indexmonocle's most livable cities index 202city country 2zurich switzerland 02 helsinki finland 0 copenhagen denmark 03 vienna austria 06 munich germany 04 melbourne australia 05 tokyo japan 09 sydney australia 07 auckland new zealand 3 stockholm sweden helsinki, finlandsince 2007, the lifestyle magazine monocle has published an annual list of livable cities. the list in 200was named the most livable cities index and presented 2top locations for quality of life.important criteria in this survey are safety crime, international connectivity, climate sunshine, quality of architecture, public transportation, tolerance, environmental issues and access to nature, urban design, business conditions, pro-active policy developments and medical care.the 20rankings continued thus kyoto , fukuoka 2 , hong kong 3 , paris 4 , singapore 5 , hamburg 6 , honolulu 7 , berlin 8 , vancouver 9 , madrid 20 , barcelona 2 , portland 22 , san francisco 23 , montrã©al 24 and geneva 25 .hot n cold dubai gummy bear song gummy bear song bangla song gonna git get funny video funny bollywood malayalam movie india arie funny video funny video funny video linkin park linkin park shark attack bbc news asianet news live news hindi songs hot burj dubai love song the duck song happy birthday song gummibã¤r song funny videos funny video bollywood songs malayalam comedy india lil wayne amazing video funny video clips linkin park numb south park shark news asianet news tv9 telugu news hindi movie hot and cold dubai city happy birthday song duck song abc song aadisi nodu funny funny pranks bollywood dance malayalam full movie la india justin bieber gangnam style jism2 video songs numb linkin park linkin park numb great white shark news bloopers geo news news today old hindi songs hot girl dubai mall bed intruder song love song nepali song houseful 2 songs funny video clips funny cats bollywood movies malayalam dance india dance music video funniest video ever amazing video south park numb linkin park shark attacks fox news geo news live bbc news hindi movies katy perry dubai accident our song happy birthday song hindi song antha nilavathan song funny pranks funny videos bollywood movie malayalam film songs india arie beautiful eminem music video dookudu video songs jurassic park south park episodes shark tank autotune the news news ndtv news hindi lil wayne dubai scandal abc song rihanna gummy bear song indian ocean juno funny babies funny accidents bollywood hot malayalam movies india arie video nicki minaj justin bieber telugu video songs linkin park iridescent jurassic park megalodon shark sky news bbc news latest news hindi full movie hot problems dubai metro the duck song your song hindi songs kempe gowda kannada funny commercials funny babies hot bollywood malayalam songs chak de india taylor swift shakira inspirational video eminem linkin park faint sharks sky sports news manorama news asianet news hindi song avril lavigne hot dubai airport elmo song ebay song song bungee jumping funny accidents funny stuff bollywood music malayalam christian songs india vs australia michael jackson funny video iridescent linkin park lincoln park whale shark bbc news theme gma news asianet news live romantic hindi songs hot chelle rae dubai cars taylor swift eminem love song delhi 6 songs funny clips funny animals sytycd bollywood malayalam comedy movies india vs pakistan funniest video ever funny pranks video songs jurassic park 4 linkin park crawling shark fishing top gear news malayalam news news live sad songs hindi hot rod dubai fountain duck song lazy song titanic song avril lavine cricket funny moments funny commercials bollywood full movies malayalam comedy scenes video india arie beyonce michael jackson gangnam style linkin park faint frick park market shark vs crocodile geo news asianet news comedy suvarna news 24x7 hindi love songs hot for teacher dubai girls lil wayne michael jackson indian songs earthquake tinie tempah funny animals funny dogs bollywood kiss malayalam comedy show la india maria chris brown rihanna download youtube video linkin park live eminem land shark itv news tv patrol star news songs hindi hot kool aid atlantis dubai justin bieber abc song alphabet song beautiful couple song funny cats funny songs bollywood news new malayalam movie la fila india rihanna video motivational video linking park family guy shark week russell howard abs cbn news today news hindi movies 2011 hot tottie scandal dubai eminem titanic song tamil songs deutscher lustiger song funny cricket moments funny cat videos bollywood dance songs malayalam movie 2011 indian songs gangnam style lady gaga mirchi video songs crawling linkin park lil wayne goblin shark bad news news bloopers manorama news movies hot guys dubai mall aquarium lazy song justin bieber michael jackson abc pho funny ads funny kids bollywood dancing malayalam movie songs cricket lady gaga eminem kumki video songs numb trailer park boys strange wilderness shark onion news bangla news speakasiaonline latest news songs girls metro dubai the lazy song the lazy song gangnam style germanletsplay lache funny baby videos funny falls hindi songs akkara kazhchakal india irie drake taylor swift 3d video akon jay park megalodon monkey news gulf news tv9 kannada love songs hot chip accidents in dubai pokemon theme song curry song abcd song honda hero cricket funny fred bollywood songs 2012 malayalam song india cricket justin bieber baby akon michael jackson in the end linkin park iridescent shark tale bbc news bloopers tamil news news bloopers new hindi songs hot mess desert safari dubai selena gomez crazy frog indian song coldplay kingdom pakistani funny clips family guy bollywood kisses malayalam album songs india australia soulja boy britney spears nanban video songs linkin park crawling crawling linkin park octopus vs shark mock the week bollywood news tv9 new songs 2012 taylor swift dubai accident 2012 michael jackson gangnam style birthday song cocktail song funny videos ever funny people bollywood song malayalam film la india estupida katy perry beyonce murder2 video songs enrique iglesias south park mexican shark attack 3 bbc manorama news live abp news hindi comedy hot wheels dubai police chris brown chris brown mashallah song spanien em funny accidents videos funny baby bollywood songs 2011 malayalam movie comedy jill scott miley cyrus hindi songs justin bieber catalyst linkin park in the end shark night breaking news malayalam comedy zee news doraemon in hindi eminem burj khalifa obama song song shakira songs of welcome funny cricket pranks aishwarya rai malayalam movie 2010 beyonce britney spears inspirational video businessman video songs ken park jurassic park 4 jaws michael jackson cnn news sun news old songs hindi hot boys dubai beach rihanna christmas songs akon ellie goulding lights funny football cats funny jai ho malayalam hot india got talent selena gomez funny videos enrique iglesias green day south park naggers poptropica rt news pakistan news aaj tak bhajan hindi gabriel iglesias burj dubai opening best song ever pokemon theme song tamil song jaya hai baby funny video funny animal videos indian songs new malayalam movies india song baby justin bieber tamil songs funniest video ever south park episodes faint linkin park prehistoric shark funny asianet live news love songs hindi hot revolver harlem shake dubai crazy frog jcb song dabangg song 4 chors song funny vedios funny fails new bollywood songs malayalam movie full india music funny videos selena gomez youtube faint linkin park fred biggest shark funny news bloopers gma news latest tv9 news full movie miley cyrus dubai accidents best love song funny songs malayalam song birugali kannada song funny songs scary videos bollywood comedy malayalam comedy movie cricket india wiz khalifa chris brown honey singh justin bieber numb shark vs octopus bollywood news tv patrol news aaj tak news full hindi movies britney spears gta dubai city miley cyrus bruno mars best song ever elfenlied comedy videos funny cat best bollywood songs malayalam movie 2012 made in india shakira hidden video akon linkin park catalyst iridescent linkin park giant shark pakistan news cnn news today hindi news hindi movie songs hot sauce abu dhabi justin bieber baby justin bieber baby rihanna diljit gaddafi funny dogs justin bieber bollywood dances silsila malayalam album lauryn hill funny justin bieber baby funny videos linkin park songs nickelback worlds biggest shark news reporter bloopers news today news in hindi hindi movies 2010 avril lavigne soulja boy jls chammak challo american hits 2012 rajnikanth funny videos funny bloopers bollywood thriller mallu welcome to india usher funny accidents justin bieber baby metallica jurassic park theme shark boy ary news indiavision news live news channel funny video rihanna jumeirah beach dubai fred bangla song kolaveri di golden touch punjabi funny funny baby videos bollywood movies 2010 tamil movies india pakistan party rock anthem kumki video songs shakira justin bieber baby 106 and park kenny the shark itn news bangla news paper bollywood news hindi sad songs justin bieber wild wadi dubai mean kitty song akon waka waka shakira kailash kher songs comedy happy birthday funny bollywood songs 2010 malayalam movie, long beautiful india arie one direction 3d video hindi songs taylor swift linkin park papercut hammerhead shark geo news live latest news asianet news comedy sad songs hot dance russell peters dubai titanic song best song ever pashto song department film full funny stuff funny or die indian dance malayalam full movies india aire cat daddy funny babies hot michael jackson linkin park catalyst tiger shark top gear salman khan tamil news latest hindi songs hot kiss funny video lady gaga taylor swift sad song break your heart funny accident funny dog videos drake bollywood flow traffic malayalam movie india vs england nickelback funniest video google linkin park papercut linking park family guy shark bill bailey abscbn news breaking news album songs hindi hot avril lavigne russell peters party rock anthem jls new song love songs eminem balakrishna funny videos funny prank calls bollywood dance performance new malayalam songs la india seduceme black eyed peas telugu video songs fuccccking video rihanna green day eagle vs shark channel 4 news sri lanka news abp news live latest hindi movies lady gaga skydive dubai bruno mars lady gaga malayalam film songs kashmiri song karnabawafai cricket funny videos funny fights hindi movie mohanlal erykah badu kanye west one direction kolaveri di papercut linkin park three days grace giant squid news fail kantipur news today ndtv hindi old songs hot in here prostitution in dubai numa numa song bed intruder song bodyguard songs kambakkht ishq funny cricket videos funny song bollywood actress hindi songs india arie therapy christina aguilera lesbionic video gangnam style original new divide southpark pool shark bbc news intro malayalam news 24 bhakti songs hindi so what uae katy perry black eyed peas selena gomez indian girl dance funny animal videos gummy bear song nyan cat bollywood hindi movie alicia keys mariah carey baby justin bieber mankatha video songs shakira linkin park live funny video funny news asianet news funny pakistan news hindi songs 2011 hot mom dubai massage double rainbow song minecraft song arabic songs careless rapsody funny kids fights bollywood love songs comedy malayalam prostitution in india tik tok katy perry hd video songs avril lavigne disturbed laughing shark onion news network express news funny video hindi songs 2012 fred atlantis gangnam style funny song punjabi song guzaraish udi udi funny baby funniest video ever bollywood comedy scenes dileep malayalam movie estupida la india eminem not afraid jism2 video songs funny joggers park evanescence baby shark song rap news ndtv news suvarna news new songs 2011 supa hot fire ski dubai birthday song llama song songs hilary duff memories funny dance funny football old bollywood songs tamil songs air india kesha nicki minaj music video enrique soulja boy basking shark news anchor fail ary news telugu news old songs party rock anthem accident in dubai minecraft song nicki minaj barney snowwwhite silly song bunty funny punjabi funny jokes bollywood movies 2011 ordinary malayalam movie therapy india arie bruno mars download youtube video chikni chameli pitbull south park songs shark surfing funny video fox news star news live romantic songs inna hot dubai girl poop song katy perry thuppaki song song of mohanlal dogs funny funny clips new bollywood movies malayalam hot teacher india songs akon bruno mars badrinath video songs eminem not afraid likin park shark videos cnn news tv patrol world malayalam news new hindi movies hot for words dubai night club song rihanna new song kolavari song faishion hot sholay funny pranks funny bollywood remix malayalam hit songs voice of india friday rebecca black pitbull eminem summer of 69 chris brown shark song e news geo news today dd news old hindi movies womanizer dubai fireworks 2012 britney spears bruno mars grenade lazy song cbr1000rr motorvisio cricket kevin hart salman khan malayalam album incredible india pitbull harlem shake telugu songs baby justin bieber bleed it out bull shark bbc news countdown sun news geo news youtube beyonce cars dubai kim kardashian song one direction arabic song cailou song jokes funny funny videos ever indian music malayalam new movies ready for love boyfriend justin bieber masala video hd video gangnam style catalyst linkin park family guy news reporter fail malayalam news live todays news headlines duck tales hindi hot girl dancing pinays in dubai banana song blur song 2 bangla movie cocktail movie very funny videos cats bollywood awards 2012 mohanlal movies pakistan vs india stanky leg waka waka shakira tamil songs eminem lose yourself linken park bear vs shark bbc news 24 manorama news channel india tv news romantic songs hindi snoop dogg dubai dance bar emo song annoying orange happy birthday abba xmas song funny advertisement dogs funny hindi movies malayalam interview marc anthony inspirational video shakira waka waka baby funny video numb encore mac miller crocodile vs shark es news malayalam full movie salman khan comedy hot stuff fishing in dubai llama song cup song elmo song dasavatharam songs cats funny funny cartoons bollywood makeup cocktail malayalam movie india vs srilanka telephone lady gaga miley cyrus ayan video songs joggers park songs new divide baby shark 11-sep 24 oras google hollywood movies hot rod lincoln burj al arab the last song britney spears christmas songs call me maybe mr.bean funny videos funny pictures bollywood hot scenes chocolate malayalam movie michael jackson cupid shuffle amalayer video chammak challo linkinpark slipknot funny cats family guy malayalamanorama news paper youtube hindi video songs hot hot heat sama dubai revelation song selena gomez tom and jerry indian famous song funny video accidents lil wayne bollywood wedding songs prithviraj malayalam x factor india glee tamil video songs funny babies lil wayne korn dog bites shark bbc news today nepali news sun tv news hindi album songs funny dubai call girls christmas songs london underground song hot song ingrid michaelson everybody funny vedio funny dog bollywood awards vodafone comedy stars anthony hamilton lady gaga telephone nanban video songs trisha booth video david guetta numa numa shark night trailer hignfy cory aquino news india news new songs hot tottie usher dubai metro train thong song funny video crazy frog depaatment song amazing video dx funny moments latest bollywood songs malayalam old songs chris brown scary videos gangnam style dance taylor swift funny video breaking benjamin mako shark news at ten sun tv news zee news interview hindi hot hot pockets dubai rotating building spongebob squarepants pink malayalam full movie 911 lyrics funniest video ever funny prank bollywood awards 2011 pranayam malayalam movie pakistan carrie underwood jennifer lopez hindi video songs jurassic park theme papercut linkin park huge shark abc news tv9 telugu news sun news live comedy videos hot dog illuminati in dubai black eyed peas earth song justin bieber baby eminem mission impossible football funny videos michael jackson bollywood songs 2009 old malayalam songs mr india ciara murder2 video songs bodyguard songs black eyed peas chocolate rain sublime pool shark star news abs-cbn news zee news live hindi comedy movies linkin park dubai escorts cuppy cake song glee shakira waka waka german song monkey funny video one direction awards 2012 bollywood malayalam devotional songs india traffic bedrock chammak challo rangam video songs miley cyrus paramore dog attacks shark news blooper bangladesh news indiavision news live hindi movies full hot scene shakira harlem shake song cheryl cole new song deathstar funny punjabi fat people falling item songs bollywood devotional songs malayalam india dance 50 cent usher tamil video songs honey singh blue slide park monster shark bill bailey news abc news cnn news tom and jerry love story hungama in dubai akon rocky theme song kites song baba song funny football videos nigahiga shahrukh khan idea star singer seduceme la india lady gaga paparazzi funny video clips comedy videos linken park drake great white fail dubai tv9 live rock on hannah montana funny seether country song family guy hindi movie chennai pranks funny baby laughing bollywood music video christian songs mariah carey thriller music video nursery rhymes video racha video songs likin park what ive done justin bieber latest news india news todays news honey singh hot moms massage in dubai smosh lil wayne new songs 2012 elefant song wwe funny things om shanti om malayalam cinema india movie rick ross kolaveri di linkin park nickelback nicki minaj lego shark attack bed intruder song hot news women funny news google let it rock atlantis hotel dubai ebay song n dubz christmas song aaj phir tumpe football funny annoying orange bollywood romantic songs malayalam new songs the truth alicia keys mallu hot murder2 video song akon beautiful jay z big shark justin bieber sri lankan news ibn7 news live full movie 2012 kissing gangnam style rocky theme song gummy bear kim kardashian song aaron kalkbrenner indian idol funny smosh bollywood hits manjadi malayalam shakira video paiya video songs ko video songs lady gaga south central park skrillex shark attack good news ntv news today latest news today rowdy rathore songs so hot harlem shake numa numa the cup song pitbull jaya he ghost videos crazy frog planet bollywood prithviraj wardrobe malfunction india hannah montana black eyed peas chammak challo video linking park numb park bom fishing shark news report bbc news today salman khan news yesudas hindi songs usher dubai aquarium elmo baby justin bieber nepali folk song julia song funny clip laughing baby movies malayalam movies 2012 coke studio india jonas brothers pregnancy video baby justin bieber coldplay akon frilled shark sky news bloopers aaj tak news tv 9 news hindi romantic songs young hot reshma in dubai nigahiga grenade bruno mars mappila song english christmas song baby laughing prank calls bollywood flow bodyguard malayalam movie mr india songs metallica motivational video bhanwari devi video dbz linkin park justin bieber jenna marbles asianet news english news ntv news punjabi songs justin bieber baby dubai prostitution area the assumption song sad song baby justin bieber aley hindi funny falls charlie the unicorn sytycd comedy india westbrooks bad romance taliban attack video britney spears eminem space bound lady gaga shark bite the onion news news fail news fuse murder shakira dubai marina linkin park songs punjabi songs garba song dx funny moments talking cats bollywood hollywood full malayalam movie truth india arie baby avril lavigne jannat 2 songs linkin park parody linkin park lyrics funny shark boris johnson manny pacquiao fox news best hindi songs hollywood undead fight in dubai gummy bear usher chris brown deadashell tom and jerry funny movies hindi urumi malayalam movie john legend demi lovato malayalam full movie pitbull 50 cent rihanna megamouth shark rihanna iran news today hot news movie hot and fluffy belly dance dynamite taio cruz teletubbies theme song britney spears americano cricket fights eminem zumba bollywood malayalam rhymes dekh india dekh rebecca black friday enthiran video songs velayutham video songs linkin park hd blink 182 funny pranks tv9 telugu news philippines news today assam news hd videos 1080p nelly dubai mall fountain your song crazy frog song duck song kaya bolti kaya funny punjabi videos funny crashes top bollywood songs kiprajodreloaded marc anthony- garth brooks singam video songs rowdy rathore songs bleed it out taylor swift mega shark good news week asianet funny news aajtak news bollywood songs katy perry firework dubai night life cat daddy hannah montana enrique iglesias himachal pradesh funny commercial funny soccer aaja nachle malayalam masala india australia cricket justin bieber boyfriend linkin park eega video songs evanescence fort minor octopus eats shark charlie brooker bbc nacked news jannat 2 songs kanye west burj dubai 2009 pink ketchup song the lazy song aaron paul kalkbrenner facebook hilarious bollywood mimicry old malayalam movie monica moves like jagger video phone park avenged sevenfold fishing karl pilkington banana news indian news hot wiggles hot potato dubai drift kanye west cher lloyd beyonce facebook stalker song gangnam style halo 3 funny bollywood hot scene malayalam melodies elmo india arie adele bangla song faint linkin park runaway shakira ktn news kenya live news ptc news hindi movies 2012 dubai car accident happy birthday adele barbie bipasa hot song balayya funny videos comedy slumdog millionaire hindi movies kamasultra india hollywood undead hd video 21 guns south park movie white shark iran news bahrain news hindi songs hindi full movies justin bieber ghostbusters theme song ps3 song nepali modern song kapoor ranbir michael jackson funny faces shakira jayaram malayalam movie mother india grenade bruno mars christina aguilera linkin park lyrics linkin park reanimation skrillex manchester news soco abs cbn cricket doraemon dubai tv tesla love song alphabet song bruno mars dev d wwe funny moments fail full bollywood movies malayalam nursery rhymes india maria jay z vettaikaran video songs powerless linkin park headstrong worlds largest shark salman khan snn news current news hindi songs old dubai autodrome hmong song taliban song kids song kids song animation funny random funny stuff bollywood sad songs malayalam albums traffic in india young jeezy how to kiss jurassic park movie eminem lose yourself pool shark sublime auto tune onion news zee tv race dubai desert safari pokemon our song malayalam comedy dara j famalie funny cartoons funny fat people indian sex mammootty movies bollywood jason aldean madonna not afraid eminem 50 cent shark surfer boxing news tv patrol philippines malayalam full movie hindi movies 2009 kidzania dubai alphabet song ellie goulding ordinary song hsp hip hop funny dog videos funny music videos kareena kapoor malayalam movies 2011 driving in india lady gaga alejandro funny clips transformers 3 south park wow tiger attack brian blessed aaj tak barq news doremon dubai movie gummi bear song christmas song korean song bhojpuri holi song funny movies dane cook bollywood dance steps spirit malayalam movie giants of india kid cudi mariah carey greenday south park facebook shark eats shark pathe news uae news ntv telugu news cocktail songs girls in dubai graduation song poop song cocktail songs dubstep dance kerala funny videos miley cyrus songs mallu hot india pakistan cricket beyonce single ladies kissing lp my chemical romance soul surfer yorkshire news santhosh pandit english news song randi in dubai carrie underwood kim kardashian song kambakht ishq song benjamin blã¼mchen song youtube funny kittens awards 2011 bollywood salt and pepper funny video like a g6 mallu park secret videos 3 doors down dolphins youtube sirasa news today telugu movies rockstar songs dubai air show nickelback chipmunk teri meri bodyguard chaska full song funny cat videos funny pics 2012 bollywood songs anwar malayalam movie inna india starships nicki minaj tsunami video songs macarthur park shark week 2011 ufo bnn news india tv hindi comedy scenes dubai mujra victorious minecraft english song dharkan dharkan song bike stunts funny dance bollywood workout malayalam news india arie truth motivational video indian songs jurasic park nigahiga funny videos ggn news tamil news today calcutta news race 2 songs dancing fountain dubai beer song linkin park your song biene maja song songs funny people falling india neelathamara malayalam movie nicki minaj fireflies hidden video cameras fort minor naruto shark night 3d stv news charice aajtak news live kolaveri di katy perry dubai jonas brothers thong song engeyum eppothum song hot college dress funny jokes hilarious videos bollywood hit songs christian malayalam songs master chef india maroon 5 burn it down kyle park gummy bear song tvb news saksi news latest aajtak news hindi sad hindi songs flash mob harlem shake banana song nursery rhymes earth song cartoons funny funny home videos bollywood movies 2012 malayalam serial usher kid rock linkin park reanimation coldplay jump the shark news music abu dhabi manorama news live shinchan hindi episodes dubai national school cupid shuffle christina aguilera new songs 2011 baalgeet honey singh justin bieber baby bollywood hot songs malayalam love songs elmo abcs india call me maybe pink floyd headstrong linkin park shark bites central news sun news tamil ntv telugu bhojpuri hot songs massage dubai whisper song drake baby song current movies comedy circus happy birthday bollywood masala beautiful malayalam movie hindi songs fireflies owl city linkin park latest hershey park snl land shark funny news reports snn news today kannada news instrumental hindi songs city of life 311 love song chicken song john cena engengo engengo song funny animation funny video clips new songs 2012 malayalam melody songs lauren hill shane dawson english songs fred goes swimming sharks eating people harlem shake zee news live tv9 news today hindi pop songs fitness first dubai assumption song youtube myanmar song bhumika chawla funny adds funny vids bollywood comedy movies malayalam films india news disturbed linkin park runaway avril lavigne shark movies asianet news live autotune the news malayalam comedy hindi film massage adams song the curry song rowdy rathore songs independent love song babies funny videos funny scary pranks bollywood makeup tutorial mayamohini full movie india srilanka alejandro lady gaga youtube pink pet shark bed intruder ndtv live tv malayalam full movie dubai beach hot christina aguilera harlem shake song tokyo drift song atzen google funny dancing bollywood videos bodyguard india england boom boom pow linkin park blackout skillet snickers shark commercial britney spears malayala manorama news santhosh pandit hindi sex movies salman khan badger song new songs waka waka choot funny punjabi dubbing jonas brothers innocent comedy malayalam x factor 2011 harlem shake papercut jurassic park 3 alligator attack frankie boyle malayalam funny news cnn news today cocktail full movie dubai flash mob edge theme song teletubbies bangla hot song cola berry song gangnam style kavya madhavan set india video phone beyonce its my life south park obama shark tales reginald d hunter malayalam live news ntv english songs dubai escort alicia keys tinie tempah black eyed peas beintehaa selena gomez malayalam mimicry jerry rivera raywilliamjohnson park scandal sandara park piranha news bloopers 2012 bbc news theme aajtak old hindi song dubai driving love song rihanna happy birthday chikni chameli nicki minaj grandmaster malayalam movie whitney houston rascal flatts maroon 5 abney park shark vs dolphin bbc news music syria news today wowowee in dubai john cena pitbull bangla movie song sneezing panda laugh india laugh mindless behavior water park south park scientology michael jackson bbc world news urdu news kidzania dubai mall paramore the last song abc lady gaga india arie live hey soul sister akon smack that miley cyrus shark attacks helicopter halo 4 news malayalamanorama news malayalam funny pranks eminem hailies song elmo song ketchup song funny babys keri hilson lincon park crazy shark sky news theme tamil news live thai song new song the duck song black eyed peas bethany hamilton charlie brooker news alexandra burke linkin park forgotten anaconda titanic gangnam style crazy frog comedy circus 2012 commando trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 campus superstar 2013, 2014, 2015 fnb advert 2013, 2014, 2015 tao quan 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 kids cute puppies hollywood undead gangnam style dance india dance yevadu leaked song malayalam film songs new songs 2012 himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer david guetta 2013, 2014, 2015 usjr scandal 2013, 2014, 2015 jennifer lopez american idol 2013, 2014, 2015 movies 2013, 2014, 2015 hai 2013, 2014, 2015 new movies 2013, 2014, 2015 fail compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 funny kids cute kitten hollywood undead undead gangnam style original dance nayak leaked video short film 2012 filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 kbc 6 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers 300 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 fails 2013, 2014, 2015 korea wenasa 2013, 2014, 2015 adele grammy 2013, 2014, 2015 kids react cute hairstyles undead hollywood psy gangnam style dil dosti dance baadshah leaked song www six film full movie 2012 wwe buko jireh lim grammys 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers russian meteor 2013, 2014, 2015 filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 house mix 2013, 2014, 2015 mgmt kids cute hollywood oppa gangnam style belly dance racha leaked song short film tamil ipl 2012 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 scavengers 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer harlem shake farming simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 superbowl commercials 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers carrie trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 kids mgmt cute kittens hollywood undead young gangam style just dance veena mms leaked film avengers trailer 2012 royal rumble 2013, 2014, 2015 skyfall fliptop 100500 billboard 2013, 2014, 2015 harlem shake 2013, 2014, 2015 mustang v6 new songs 2012 nigerian movies 2013, 2014, 2015 kids songs cute babies undead hollywood undead gangnam style lyrics hip hop dance julayi leaked song blue movie indian idol 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers tamil songs 2012 harlem shake original crash compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 mama trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 fail compilation 2013, 2014, 2015 mao asada 2013, 2014, 2015 ellen degeneres 2013, 2014, 2015 justin timberlake 2013, 2014, 2015 kids dancing cute mario bros hollywood undead city gangnam style dance hrithik roshan dance leaked video hindi songs olympics 2012 youtube call me maybe smugglaz dead 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 pes 2013, 2014, 2015 mtbs 2013, 2014, 2015 2012 tiger woods akon 2013, 2014, 2015 litizzetto 2013, 2014, 2015 kids singing cute animals hollywood undead bullet oppan gangnam style michael jackson oosaravelli leaked song tamil short film honey singh zanjeer trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 fliptop 2013, 2014, 2015 pnina tornai 2013, 2014, 2015 grammy awards 2013, 2014, 2015 tomorrowland 2013, 2014, 2015 belajar bhs korea kusal perera batting hindi movies full cold war kids cute cats young hollywood undead rangrezz gangnam style break dance nayak video songs hindi film wwe ccl 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 nba atif aslam harlem shake epic fails 2013, 2014, 2015 meri bassai 2013, 2014, 2015 solvathellam unmai 2013, 2014, 2015 emblem 3 2013, 2014, 2015 kids react to cute puppy bullet hollywood undead style prabhu deva dance nayak trailer malayalam film malayalam full movie undertaker returns 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs x factor 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 movies academy himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer onpc the cool kids cute girls hollywood whore gagnam style best dance ever nayak leaked song blue filmfare awards 2012 qubool hai nancy ajram pop danthology 2013, 2014, 2015 music lion dance 2013, 2014, 2015 phil heath 2013, 2014, 2015 club mix audi a4 2013, 2014, 2015 africa 2013, 2014, 2015 cool kids cute baby christmas in hollywood hair style michael jackson dance svsc shooting leaked monica bellucci film hindi songs comedy circus 2013, 2014, 2015 obama inauguration 2013, 2014, 2015 buko oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 live golden globes 2013, 2014, 2015 pope election 2013, 2014, 2015 googoosh academy 2013, 2014, 2015 rich kids cute win fail hollywood undead circles baby justin bieber street dance leaked mms malayalam full movie youtube race 2 songs 2013, 2014, 2015 movies 2013, 2014, 2015 indian songs 2013, 2014, 2015 snsd 2013, 2014, 2015 countdown kick andy 2013, 2014, 2015 super bowl 2013, 2014, 2015 crime patrol 2012 hide your kids cute couples hollywood undead california gangnam style parody gangnam style veena malik mms hindi film songs movies new songs 2012 porsche 911 turbo temptation of wife 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2013, 2014, 2015 dancehall 2013, 2014, 2015 kim kardashian 2013, 2014, 2015 sun tv songs kids bop cute dogs circles hollywood undead gayle gangnam style chance pe dance nayak tamil songs gangnam style nach baliye 5 gmc sierra 2013, 2014, 2015 nba 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 football manager 2013, 2014, 2015 surgeon simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 stardust awards 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers funny funny cats city hollywood undead gangnam style psy slow motion dance leaked mallu 2012 full movie himmatwala 2013, 2014, 2015 ibrahim tatlises american idol 2013, 2014, 2015 churchill live 2013, 2014, 2015 taylor swift xaawo kiin 2013, 2014, 2015 joyce meyer 2013, 2014, 2015 google stupcat kids fighting cute cat eminem gangnam robot dance splitsvilla finale leaked bf punar vivah aatma trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 khabarnak one direction robocop 2013, 2014, 2015 one direction 2013, 2014, 2015 house music town 2013, 2014, 2015 resling 2013, 2014, 2015 soniyan by rahat fat kids cute things exploding everywhere i go kolaveri di did gabbar singh malayalam short film tomorrowland 2012 kitkat advertise 2013, 2014, 2015 gags 2013, 2014, 2015 gangnam style mustang 2013, 2014, 2015 commercial football manager 2013, 2014, 2015 trance trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 wwe 2013, 2014, 2015 edward maya 2013, 2014, 2015 googoosh academy 2013, 2014, 2015 mgmt cute stephen jerzak michael buble hollywood ganganam style allu arjun dance mms leaked malayalam comedy jannat 2 songs abcd full movie malayalam movie ina kapatid anak filmfare awards 2013, 2014, 2015 crime watch 2013, 2014, 2015 tomorrowland 2012 hoai linh 2013, 2014, 2015 akon hardwell ultra 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style movie songs dance pe chance facebook malayalam hindi songs 2012 abcd movie songs 2013, 2014, 2015 cebu scandal 2013, 2014, 2015 private mujra 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 funny pranks bill maher 2013, 2014, 2015 kusal perera epic fails 2013, 2014, 2015 kids ranqe taking back sunday california hollywood undead gangnam style song belly dance arabic ayyo papam song katrina kaif google comedy circus 2012 altima 2013, 2014, 2015 new song 2013, 2014, 2015 wp rally 2013, 2014, 2015 american idols 2013, 2014, 2015 caknun 2013, 2014, 2015 samsung galaxy s4 incredible india 2013, 2014, 2015 little kids dancing cute boys hollywood undead levitate rajnikanth style gangnam style dance oosaravelli malayalam movie pavitra rishta wwe raw 2013, 2014, 2015 gayuma abra one direction simcity 2013, 2014, 2015 myles munroe 2013, 2014, 2015 beautiful creatures ipl 2013, 2014, 2015 highlights remzie osmani 2013, 2014, 2015 kids music cute polish lil wayne open gangnam style baby dance omkar spoof 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sevenfold gangnam style video amazing dance riya sen mms namitha funny video punar vivah punjabi songs 2013, 2014, 2015 nba bloopers 2012 nba raw 2013, 2014, 2015 world war z rizana nafeek the oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 kids incorporated cute nail designs pain hollywood undead baby justin bieber avengers google wwe summerslam 2012 commando songs 2013, 2014, 2015 nadeem sarwar 2013, 2014, 2015 all star 2013, 2014, 2015 jay chou inventor 2013, 2014, 2015 tutorials american idol 2013, 2014, 2015 doramadalawa this week eurovision 2013, 2014, 2015 pbs kids kittens papa roach style movie indian dance baadshah movie songs telugu short film 2012 movie trailers pavitra rishta trance music 2013, 2014, 2015 harlem shake song 2013, 2014, 2015 movie trailers cny 2013, 2014, 2015 indian movies 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 15 sitha mage riduna tomorrowland 2013, 2014, 2015 fred cute bunny hollywood undead interview oppa indian style bharatanatyam dance www film blue cocktail full movie dhoom 3 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ferguson sinulog 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 oscars 2013, 2014, 2015 live academy awards 2013, 2014, 2015 tsagiin hurd 2013, 2014, 2015 golden parade 2013, 2014, 2015 best songs 2013, 2014, 2015 fat kids falling cute guys hollywood divorce gangnam style hd dharmesh sir audition ragini mms xx night time hindi movies cid cid 2013, 2014, 2015 cha cha dabarkads pes 2013, 2014, 2015 gameplay wwe pranks 2013, 2014, 2015 ftv januari 2013, 2014, 2015 pacific rim trailer gangnam style bad kids justin bieber hollywood undead apologize gangnam style rangrezz did season 3 mirchi leaked song hindi movie comedy circus 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 diamonds rihanna pes 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer michelle phan mtbs superbowl 2013, 2014, 2015 cristiano ronaldo 2013, 2014, 2015 tsagiin hurd 2013, 2014, 2015 the kids curse of curves young gangnam style indian hindi songs ram charan short films telugu wwe raw movies 2013, 2014, 2015 r8 2013, 2014, 2015 freestylers 2013, 2014, 2015 renault logan 2013, 2014, 2015 joyous celebration 17 2013, 2014, 2015 supercross spiders trailer 2013, 2014, 2015 humor 2013, 2014, 2015 stupcat kids with guns hairstyles hollywood undead pimpin opa gangnam style gangnam style original 7aam arivu trailer sex movie hollywood movies 2012 comedy circus hindi movies 2013, 2014, 2015 love songs audi s6 2013, 2014, 2015 victoria secret 2013, 2014, 2015 whackhead simpson 2013, 2014, 2015 wsc 2013, 2014, 2015 ape thaththa academy awards 2013, 2014, 2015 nigahiga cute nails hollywood tv gannam style kolaveri di baadshah leaked video trisha ek tha tiger new movies 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 smugglaz song pes 2013, 2014, 2015 faces all england 2013, 2014, 2015 pink juste debout 2013, 2014, 2015 thendral serial eminem too cute hollywood heights funny video dance steps honey singh movies race 2 songs zee tv full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 new songs 2012 new pope 2013, 2014, 2015 superbowl 2013, 2014, 2015 justin bieber baby fusion santhanam comedy 2013, 2014, 2015 oscar 2013, 2014, 2015 nominations gummy bear song cute feet slipknot psychosocial indian gangnam style bollywood dance badsha trailer short films iifa awards 2012 bigg boss 6 nani girl on fire glk 2013, 2014, 2015 rihanna diamonds golf 7 2013, 2014, 2015 genesis coupe dj earworm 2013, 2014, 2015 ford mustang 2013, 2014, 2015 kids choice awards cute kitties hollywood records gana wala song michael jackson dangerous dammu leaked song kannada new songs 2012 movie star plus serials pas mantab 2013, 2014, 2015 sinulog 2013, 2014, 2015 champion 2013, 2014, 2015 django unchained trailer dj earworm 2013, 2014, 2015 santa fe 2013, 2014, 2015 selena gomez 2013, 2014, 2015 chris brown paramore drake funny video clips wedding dance orange leaked song bazigar film songs vijay awards 2012 saraswatichandra 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer gandang gabi vice hai 2013, 2014, 2015 chinese zodiac 2012 games 2013, 2014, 2015 24 oras tamil songs 2012 hindi movies mgmt electric feel cute cuddly kittens no.5 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2014, 2015 wayo sangeeth infected 2013, 2014, 2015 trailer whip yo kids all time low justin bieber aiyya songs youtube baadshah ntr trailer justin bieber full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 john cena 2013, 2014, 2015 taylor swift viswaroopam full movie the soil kadal songs farming simulator 2013, 2014, 2015 just dance kids taylor swift american idol harlem shake dance again badshah video songs facebook malayalam full movie 2013, 2014, 2015 diamonds rihanna lyrics skoda octavia 2013, 2014, 2015 club penguin beyonce 2013, 2014, 2015 2013, 2014, 2015 altima mahela jayawardene fight new year 2013, 2014, 2015 kids these days cute baby animals eminem lose yourself style songs abcd movie songs naayak fear files ces 2013, 2014, 2015 jeep wrangler 2013, 2014, 2015 tom and jerry qubool hai nba 2k13 best smartphone 2013, 2014, 2015 hai hoai linh digu dasa 2 genta ismajli 2013, 2014, 2015 calvary kids cute puppy whistle hear me now gaganam style record dance poonam pandey mms saregamapa 2012 oblivion 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