Standard Chartered Marathon

Standard Chartered Marathon - Best Place to Travel

for me, running is hard work. the training is difficultand race day is painful. when i signed up forthe stanchart half marathon last year, i wanted to run for a reason

Standard Chartered Marathon

Standard Chartered Marathon, other than my ownpersonal fitness. about four years ago,we lost our gorgeous, 7-year-old daughter, katie,to cancer. so the decision to fundraisefor the singapore cancer society

was an easy one. the support i got from the peoplewho pledged money from the run was motivating. it was really one of the--the best parts of it. in keeping everyone updatedwith the training progress and best of all, letting them knowthe results at the end. on race day, i could almost see katie sittingon my shoulder saying,

"run, daddy, run!" wow, i never ran so fastin my life. crossing the finish line was-- was very sweet. it was a-- it was a great moment.great moment. it's something you've--you'll always remember. and i almost well up just-- just thinking about-- remembering crossingthat finish line

and finishing that race for me,for katie, for the people who supported meduring the run... and for the cause. my name is jonathanand i ran for good. (our better world) (powered by singaporeinternational foundation) (

for me, running is hard work. the training is difficultand race day is painful. when i signed up forthe stanchart half marathon last year, i wanted to run for a reason

Standard Chartered Marathon

Standard Chartered Marathon, other than my ownpersonal fitness. about four years ago,we lost our gorgeous, 7-year-old daughter, katie,to cancer. so the decision to fundraisefor the singapore cancer society

was an easy one. the support i got from the peoplewho pledged money from the run was motivating. it was really one of the--the best parts of it. in keeping everyone updatedwith the training progress and best of all, letting them knowthe results at the end. on race day, i could almost see katie sittingon my shoulder saying,

"run, daddy, run!" wow, i never ran so fastin my life. crossing the finish line was-- was very sweet. it was a-- it was a great moment.great moment. it's something you've--you'll always remember. and i almost well up just-- just thinking about-- remembering crossingthat finish line

and finishing that race for me,for katie, for the people who supported meduring the run... and for the cause. my name is jonathanand i ran for good. (our better world) (powered by singaporeinternational foundation) (

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