Al Qudra Lake Dubai

Al Qudra Lake Dubai - Best Place to Travel

[background music: smooth jazz]>> andy: as you can see, i've got a new toy! the sigma 150 to 600mm contemporary superzoom lens, and it is absolutely amazing! the image quality, the picture quality, andthe build quality is just fantastic. i don't have enough good things to say aboutthis lens. it has a lot of awesome features, and, youknow, it just looks amazing.

Al Qudra Lake Dubai

Al Qudra Lake Dubai, and even though i've only had it for a littlemore than 24 hours i have already fallen in love with it, and i even feel prepared togive a fairly thorough early review of it, in fact. i don't think my opinions are going to changein any negative way as i use it further.

so, lets rewind time a bit and unbox thisthing! as you can see, i bought this lens from adorama,and i must say that i got a pretty good deal: $790 in a bundle with sigma's usb dock. that's coming separately, and i'm lookingforward to trying it out. i'm really impressed by sigma's packagingof this lens. it's a great unboxing experience, and they'veincluded a lot of thoughtful accessories. the lens comes in this nice soft shell protectivecase, and the accessories are in this box. there's a nice big lens cap a rubber ring to replace the tripod collarif you want to just shoot hand held

and a couple of straps for the lens and theincluded lens case. look who showed up to help! or not, everyone seems to have other placesto be when i start talking about lenses. i don't know why, as it's a conversation ican carry on single handedly for hours. now for the part you've all been waiting for,lets take a look at the lens itself - it sure has some weight to it! you can definitely tell there's a lot of glassin this thing, it has a satisfying heft to it. absolutely beautiful, great job sigma!

let's take a closer look at this lens. the camera mount has a bit of rubber sealingas we can see, this rubber gasket. that means it should be a bit more weatherresistant than your typical lens. there's a removable trip collar that you reallyneed for this long and heavy of a lens. the autofocus selection swtich has three settings,autofocus, manuel overide, and manuel focus. manuel overide is a setting that is customizablewith the sigma usb dock, and is engaged by either the switch or by turning the focusring while autofocusing. next is the focus limiting switch. limiting the autofocus improves the speedof the autofocus when you know roughly how

far away your subject will be. there is also the optical stabilization switch,which has two different modes. mode 1 is for general shooting, and mode 2is optimized for panning shots. finally we have the custom modes switch, whichyou can set up with the sigma usb dock. this switch allows you to lock the zoom ata number of different focal ranges. the focus dial is smooth and accurate. the zoom ring is also very smooth, thoughit is a huge rotation to go from 150 to 600 millimeters. i can just about do it without shifting mygrip, but that's only because i have these

huge meaty claws. i love the distance scale, this is a reallyprofessional looking feature. so, i've been doing a lot of photography herearound the house. i'm getting some great pictures of birds atthe feaders. i even got a really good picture of a hawkway up in the top of a tree over there, and i'll take this moment to demonstrate justhow long the zoom range of this lens is. how far it'll just go way out there, it'lljust go way out there, and i can get that picture of the hawk, and if i crop it downit's actually a really nice photo. but anyway, i'm off to get some pictures ofwaterfowl to get some pictures of waterfowl.

hopefully i'll see something other than mallards,because that's what you usually see. but, even then i'll be able to test out thecapabilities of this, and we'll really see what it can do. so, let's go! [dramatic music] [end dramatic music][background music: smooth jazz] >> andy: well, that was fun. i'm now going to go into the darkroom, or,lightroom as the case may be, and edit some of my photos, and i'll share with you theresults of that.

i'm pretty confident that they're going toturn out absolutely fantastic. i'll include not only the images themselveshere, but also detailed zooms into the photos so you can see just how sharp this lens is. [music] >> andy: so, in conclusion, this lens is awesome. i really can't have enough nice things tosay about it. a few complaints i might have about it isthat the focus is a little bit slow at dark apertures and fully extended. but, it works pretty well.

it's a little bit off, and i'm looking forwardto seeing if the sigma usb dock can maybe offer some adjustments that will let me correctthat, and make the autofocus more accurate. i did miss a few shots because of that, buti really think i'll be able to correct that with the usb dock. other than that, everything is just aboutideal with this lens. the aperture is a little dark for if yourshooting in low light situations, but if you're shooting during the day like you probablywill be since this largely for sports and wildlife,you will have plenty of light in most situations where you would want to use this lens.

really this is just an amazing value. even if you bought it at the list price ofa thousand dollars you'd still have a bargain, because for this kind of zoom reach, or evenfor a prime lens that this kind of range, at 600 millimeters you're looking at a hugechunk of money. so, if you're on a budget, this is reallythe best option for a wildife lens. it's affordable, high quality, and amazinglyversatile. we'll see how the next few months go withit, and if my opinion changes i will let you know, here on illuminations from the attic. and i really hope you subscribe, hit thatnotification button so you keep up to date

with all my new videos. i'm making a lot of new content with dronefootage and adventure videos and reviews like this. and i really like sharing my experiences withyou all, so, yeah, thanks for watching, and i'll see you all again next time. bye!

[background music: smooth jazz]>> andy: as you can see, i've got a new toy! the sigma 150 to 600mm contemporary superzoom lens, and it is absolutely amazing! the image quality, the picture quality, andthe build quality is just fantastic. i don't have enough good things to say aboutthis lens. it has a lot of awesome features, and, youknow, it just looks amazing.

Al Qudra Lake Dubai

Al Qudra Lake Dubai, and even though i've only had it for a littlemore than 24 hours i have already fallen in love with it, and i even feel prepared togive a fairly thorough early review of it, in fact. i don't think my opinions are going to changein any negative way as i use it further.

so, lets rewind time a bit and unbox thisthing! as you can see, i bought this lens from adorama,and i must say that i got a pretty good deal: $790 in a bundle with sigma's usb dock. that's coming separately, and i'm lookingforward to trying it out. i'm really impressed by sigma's packagingof this lens. it's a great unboxing experience, and they'veincluded a lot of thoughtful accessories. the lens comes in this nice soft shell protectivecase, and the accessories are in this box. there's a nice big lens cap a rubber ring to replace the tripod collarif you want to just shoot hand held

and a couple of straps for the lens and theincluded lens case. look who showed up to help! or not, everyone seems to have other placesto be when i start talking about lenses. i don't know why, as it's a conversation ican carry on single handedly for hours. now for the part you've all been waiting for,lets take a look at the lens itself - it sure has some weight to it! you can definitely tell there's a lot of glassin this thing, it has a satisfying heft to it. absolutely beautiful, great job sigma!

let's take a closer look at this lens. the camera mount has a bit of rubber sealingas we can see, this rubber gasket. that means it should be a bit more weatherresistant than your typical lens. there's a removable trip collar that you reallyneed for this long and heavy of a lens. the autofocus selection swtich has three settings,autofocus, manuel overide, and manuel focus. manuel overide is a setting that is customizablewith the sigma usb dock, and is engaged by either the switch or by turning the focusring while autofocusing. next is the focus limiting switch. limiting the autofocus improves the speedof the autofocus when you know roughly how

far away your subject will be. there is also the optical stabilization switch,which has two different modes. mode 1 is for general shooting, and mode 2is optimized for panning shots. finally we have the custom modes switch, whichyou can set up with the sigma usb dock. this switch allows you to lock the zoom ata number of different focal ranges. the focus dial is smooth and accurate. the zoom ring is also very smooth, thoughit is a huge rotation to go from 150 to 600 millimeters. i can just about do it without shifting mygrip, but that's only because i have these

huge meaty claws. i love the distance scale, this is a reallyprofessional looking feature. so, i've been doing a lot of photography herearound the house. i'm getting some great pictures of birds atthe feaders. i even got a really good picture of a hawkway up in the top of a tree over there, and i'll take this moment to demonstrate justhow long the zoom range of this lens is. how far it'll just go way out there, it'lljust go way out there, and i can get that picture of the hawk, and if i crop it downit's actually a really nice photo. but anyway, i'm off to get some pictures ofwaterfowl to get some pictures of waterfowl.

hopefully i'll see something other than mallards,because that's what you usually see. but, even then i'll be able to test out thecapabilities of this, and we'll really see what it can do. so, let's go! [dramatic music] [end dramatic music][background music: smooth jazz] >> andy: well, that was fun. i'm now going to go into the darkroom, or,lightroom as the case may be, and edit some of my photos, and i'll share with you theresults of that.

i'm pretty confident that they're going toturn out absolutely fantastic. i'll include not only the images themselveshere, but also detailed zooms into the photos so you can see just how sharp this lens is. [music] >> andy: so, in conclusion, this lens is awesome. i really can't have enough nice things tosay about it. a few complaints i might have about it isthat the focus is a little bit slow at dark apertures and fully extended. but, it works pretty well.

it's a little bit off, and i'm looking forwardto seeing if the sigma usb dock can maybe offer some adjustments that will let me correctthat, and make the autofocus more accurate. i did miss a few shots because of that, buti really think i'll be able to correct that with the usb dock. other than that, everything is just aboutideal with this lens. the aperture is a little dark for if yourshooting in low light situations, but if you're shooting during the day like you probablywill be since this largely for sports and wildlife,you will have plenty of light in most situations where you would want to use this lens.

really this is just an amazing value. even if you bought it at the list price ofa thousand dollars you'd still have a bargain, because for this kind of zoom reach, or evenfor a prime lens that this kind of range, at 600 millimeters you're looking at a hugechunk of money. so, if you're on a budget, this is reallythe best option for a wildife lens. it's affordable, high quality, and amazinglyversatile. we'll see how the next few months go withit, and if my opinion changes i will let you know, here on illuminations from the attic. and i really hope you subscribe, hit thatnotification button so you keep up to date

with all my new videos. i'm making a lot of new content with dronefootage and adventure videos and reviews like this. and i really like sharing my experiences withyou all, so, yeah, thanks for watching, and i'll see you all again next time. bye!

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