john hindhaugh: for the firstcall at abernathy, [inaudible] six and seven is tight. [inaudible] almost going pastthe pace car. [inaudible] has beenout-dragged

Dubai Autodrome, into the first corner. fantastic [inaudible]down there. everyone holding station. great watch for [inaudible].
impressive. we've got an incidentout on the circuit. it's one of the saudi falcons. it is one of thesaudi falcons. it's the 12 car. disaster for dominik baumannin the bmw z4. quite clearly that wasa substantial impact. that is the saudi falconpit there. a lot of work being done.
that clap you heard, we'vejust dropped in another woman at 59. she is the only driver to havegone beneath the two minutes. there may be a problem for the24 saudi falcons, the team clustering around the car. yeah. it doesn't have the sense ofknowing exactly what they're going to do about it. i fear we're strikingone of the top
three out of this race. number 24, the saudi falcon'steam schubert, bmw z4 gt, and that car is more than likelygoing to be a retirement. -it's just tough to handle, andto perform as good as we did and then after 19 hours,something breaks in the car and you're out. -we were second for a bit. and then we had an engineoil warming. it was just too muchdamage to fix.
-but it is what it is. it's racing. and it looks like it's goingto wait for another year.

john hindhaugh: for the firstcall at abernathy, [inaudible] six and seven is tight. [inaudible] almost going pastthe pace car. [inaudible] has beenout-dragged

Dubai Autodrome, into the first corner. fantastic [inaudible]down there. everyone holding station. great watch for [inaudible].
impressive. we've got an incidentout on the circuit. it's one of the saudi falcons. it is one of thesaudi falcons. it's the 12 car. disaster for dominik baumannin the bmw z4. quite clearly that wasa substantial impact. that is the saudi falconpit there. a lot of work being done.
that clap you heard, we'vejust dropped in another woman at 59. she is the only driver to havegone beneath the two minutes. there may be a problem for the24 saudi falcons, the team clustering around the car. yeah. it doesn't have the sense ofknowing exactly what they're going to do about it. i fear we're strikingone of the top
three out of this race. number 24, the saudi falcon'steam schubert, bmw z4 gt, and that car is more than likelygoing to be a retirement. -it's just tough to handle, andto perform as good as we did and then after 19 hours,something breaks in the car and you're out. -we were second for a bit. and then we had an engineoil warming. it was just too muchdamage to fix.
-but it is what it is. it's racing. and it looks like it's goingto wait for another year.