even in the age of technology, the idf did not give up on the abilities of the older trackers who for years kept the country's borders along the fences today give their experience in fighting terrorism and in pursuit of terrorists in the judea and samaria avi firs joined the trackers this weekto their old-new missions

Bedouin Village, it's no secret that for months,it's very tense in judea and samaria throwing stones and molotov cocktailsit's commonplace shooting attack from ambush or from a passing vehiclethey also no longer rare in any such event,all the security forces in the area are coming
including the trackers, field expertsas ahmed gadir and farid harambeh i'm working all day longit's insane any event that happens in the areawe arrive, participate however, in the pictures which broadcastinglive from the scene of the attacks most likely you will not see them, the trackers calling to emergency squad!calling to emergency squad! until we will heard about what happened in homethey will already be in the fields, on the mountains in the midst of chasing terroristthe chase against time there is incident, we come
while, we start to connect the incidentto understand what's going on a group of terrorists opened fire while driving on an israeli vehicle containing a couple we see the bullet casingswe know that there ... what is it, you see bullet casingsscattered on the floor? yes, scattered here we split into two groups, trackers we tested the two sides,there was no another point or arrival then we realized immediately that it was a passing vehicle
yes, it was the team of ahmadwithin minutes, in the dark they recognized that this was a group of terrorists,the shooting was from a passing vehicle, and not from an ambush and even to what direction they fled with this information set outthe shin bet and the idf which ended with the seizure of the squad listen, i'm trying to think, you now know that there were terrorists here, for that matter what are you looking for?there is a field, there's ... what are you looking for? we know how to find the thread we neededand from that moment the chase begins in fact, true? once you have found?from this moment the chase begins.
until several years ago the work of trackersfocused on the fences of the border long tours on the blurring trailsback and forth 24/7 in the recent years, the trackers went to the friction areas in judea and samaria to the forefront in protecting the safety of the residents i got here at the same eventi recognized his trace then i start my scans 360 monitor, bring me monitorthere is pulse? that's how it looks after the atrocious murder of the girl hillel ariel in her sleep morning in kiryat arba,in the ariel's house turns out the size of horror
200 meters from the fence of the communityfarid in pursuit of the terrorist trail i come herei recognize a trace here the heel half of his shoe.now you know that it's the same shoe print that you saw therethat i saw, yes you recognize that it's the same shoe print and while scanning, i check that they didn't put explosives on our way or if someone is hiding for us down the road suddenly i saw a black bag in this place the terrorist took his knife,ran toward the house
get inside from the window,and made what he committed there is the scene that takes place near the house,near to the terrorist body now begins the investigation,what happened? how did he came? and you give the answer.where he jumped, what his shoe, if there is more people with him i reported that he had a knife, not a gunand he was alone if the trackers were once idf's eyes those who see the hidden anything for me it tracesfor me this stone that rolled over
as a tracker it's a trace in today's reality technology is the bon ton more and more sophisticated measures that are supposed to replace the traditional eyes and ears in the air, at sea and on the land the veteran trackers refuse to get excited today there is cameras everywhere, there is a lookout there are lots of technological measures,we still need the trackers? certainly you need to follow the man's footprints
if there is explosives on the way,camera detects explosives on the way? at the end the last word is of the tracker no incident is happening and the tracker doesn't have to come and close the circle what it means? it was a goat here?yes. what kind? turns out that to the trackers, there is sometimes limitations but that's not the only secret that we reveal here, in connection with the trackers unit hint, it's about coffee we make the coffee in love, in fun
he cooks it slowly until the foam fell there is a debate between all reservists,when adding the sugar? when you take it off the gas burner, you put the sugar if you put the sugar from now,you burn the sugar ahalan wa sahalanahalan wa sahalan isn't there some waffles? we say:the coffee on me, the cake on you

even in the age of technology, the idf did not give up on the abilities of the older trackers who for years kept the country's borders along the fences today give their experience in fighting terrorism and in pursuit of terrorists in the judea and samaria avi firs joined the trackers this weekto their old-new missions

Bedouin Village, it's no secret that for months,it's very tense in judea and samaria throwing stones and molotov cocktailsit's commonplace shooting attack from ambush or from a passing vehiclethey also no longer rare in any such event,all the security forces in the area are coming
including the trackers, field expertsas ahmed gadir and farid harambeh i'm working all day longit's insane any event that happens in the areawe arrive, participate however, in the pictures which broadcastinglive from the scene of the attacks most likely you will not see them, the trackers calling to emergency squad!calling to emergency squad! until we will heard about what happened in homethey will already be in the fields, on the mountains in the midst of chasing terroristthe chase against time there is incident, we come
while, we start to connect the incidentto understand what's going on a group of terrorists opened fire while driving on an israeli vehicle containing a couple we see the bullet casingswe know that there ... what is it, you see bullet casingsscattered on the floor? yes, scattered here we split into two groups, trackers we tested the two sides,there was no another point or arrival then we realized immediately that it was a passing vehicle
yes, it was the team of ahmadwithin minutes, in the dark they recognized that this was a group of terrorists,the shooting was from a passing vehicle, and not from an ambush and even to what direction they fled with this information set outthe shin bet and the idf which ended with the seizure of the squad listen, i'm trying to think, you now know that there were terrorists here, for that matter what are you looking for?there is a field, there's ... what are you looking for? we know how to find the thread we neededand from that moment the chase begins in fact, true? once you have found?from this moment the chase begins.
until several years ago the work of trackersfocused on the fences of the border long tours on the blurring trailsback and forth 24/7 in the recent years, the trackers went to the friction areas in judea and samaria to the forefront in protecting the safety of the residents i got here at the same eventi recognized his trace then i start my scans 360 monitor, bring me monitorthere is pulse? that's how it looks after the atrocious murder of the girl hillel ariel in her sleep morning in kiryat arba,in the ariel's house turns out the size of horror
200 meters from the fence of the communityfarid in pursuit of the terrorist trail i come herei recognize a trace here the heel half of his shoe.now you know that it's the same shoe print that you saw therethat i saw, yes you recognize that it's the same shoe print and while scanning, i check that they didn't put explosives on our way or if someone is hiding for us down the road suddenly i saw a black bag in this place the terrorist took his knife,ran toward the house
get inside from the window,and made what he committed there is the scene that takes place near the house,near to the terrorist body now begins the investigation,what happened? how did he came? and you give the answer.where he jumped, what his shoe, if there is more people with him i reported that he had a knife, not a gunand he was alone if the trackers were once idf's eyes those who see the hidden anything for me it tracesfor me this stone that rolled over
as a tracker it's a trace in today's reality technology is the bon ton more and more sophisticated measures that are supposed to replace the traditional eyes and ears in the air, at sea and on the land the veteran trackers refuse to get excited today there is cameras everywhere, there is a lookout there are lots of technological measures,we still need the trackers? certainly you need to follow the man's footprints
if there is explosives on the way,camera detects explosives on the way? at the end the last word is of the tracker no incident is happening and the tracker doesn't have to come and close the circle what it means? it was a goat here?yes. what kind? turns out that to the trackers, there is sometimes limitations but that's not the only secret that we reveal here, in connection with the trackers unit hint, it's about coffee we make the coffee in love, in fun
he cooks it slowly until the foam fell there is a debate between all reservists,when adding the sugar? when you take it off the gas burner, you put the sugar if you put the sugar from now,you burn the sugar ahalan wa sahalanahalan wa sahalan isn't there some waffles? we say:the coffee on me, the cake on you