Dubai Locomote Destinations: How To Renew The Ownership Of A Vehicle Registered Inwards Dubai

Renewing Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Vehicle Ownership

Required documents

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: Electronic insurance of the vehicle on a status that the remaining menses of the insurance is non less than half dozen months

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: Technical inspection for vehicles if needed (new vehicles that were purchased from an authorised dealer yesteryear the Ministry of Economy are exempted from the technical testify for iii years starting the appointment of registration. Companies' vehicles are non exempted from the technical test)

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: For companies: re-create of the merchandise license to update the information

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: Electronically redeemed mortgage inward illustration of a mortgaged vehicle.

Service fees

Renewal fees

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 350 AED Light vehicle private/public

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 400 AED vehicle betwixt iii as well as 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 650 AED populace vehicle betwixt iii as well as 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 800 AED vehicle exceeding 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 1,000 AED populace vehicle exceeding 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 500 AED lite mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 800 AED populace lite mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 800 AED heavy mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 1,000 AED populace heavy mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 120 AED trailer as well as semi-trailer

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 300 AED autobus amongst a number of passengers betwixt xiv as well as 26

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 600 AED autobus amongst a number of passengers exceeding 26

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 200 AED motorcycle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: +20 AED Knowledge as well as Innovation fees.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Note: If the ownership has been expired for to a greater extent than than a year, the fees function every bit follows:

Re-registration fees

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 400 AED Light vehicle private/public

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 500 AED vehicle betwixt iii as well as 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 750 AED populace vehicle betwixt iii as well as 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 900 AED vehicle exceeding 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 1,200 AED populace vehicle exceeding 12 tonnes

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 600 AED lite mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 800 AED populace lite mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 1,000 AED heavy mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 1,300 AED populace heavy mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 120 AED trailer as well as semi-trailer

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 500 AED autobus amongst a number of passengers betwixt xiv as well as 26

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 1,200 AED autobus amongst a number of passengers exceeding 26

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 200 AED motorcycle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: +20 AED Knowledge as well as Innovation fees.

Inspection fees

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 150 AED inspection of a lite vehicle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 200 AED inspection of a heavy vehicle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 150 AED inspection of a motorcycle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 100 AED inspection of a quad bike

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 150 AED inspection of a lite mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 200 AED inspection of a heavy mechanical equipment

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 50 AED re-inspection of a lite vehicle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 75 AED re-inspection of heavy vehicle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 150 AED trailer as well as semi-trailer

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 100 AED export technical inspection

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: 420 AED technical inspection of classical vehicle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: +20 AED Knowledge as well as Innovation fees.

Renewing Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Vehicle Ownership Process

Through online channels:

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client enters the required information

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client is required to settle the service fees yesteryear credit card

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives a temporary re-create of the ownership certificate through email

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives the ownership certificate as well as the sticker through 1 of the next channels:

    1. Dubai Travel Destinations: Through a courier companionship for a accuse of 25 AED. The courier companionship makes iii attempts to deliver the certificate earlier sending it dorsum to the centre where the client collects it

    2. Dubai Travel Destinations: Through the Customer Happiness Centre inward Deira or Al Barsha

    3. Dubai Travel Destinations: Through kiosks yesteryear entering the details of the transaction. The client receives the service from the printer of the kiosk.

Through kiosks:

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client chooses online services

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client proceeds to the desired service as well as enters the vehicle's details

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives the ownership certificate as well as the sticker from the printer of the kiosk.

Through service centres:

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client heads to the centre where he submits the required documents

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client is required to settle the fees

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives the ownership certificate as well as the sticker.

Through service providers:

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client heads to the service provider where he submits the required documents

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The companionship inspects the vehicle

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client is required to settle the service fees

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives the ownership certificate as well as the sticker.

Through telephone telephone centre:

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client contacts the telephone telephone centre on the next number: 8009090

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client requests the renewal of the vehicle ownership certificate

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client is required to pay the fees yesteryear credit card

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives the temporary ownership yesteryear email

  • Dubai Travel Destinations: The client receives the certificate as well as the sticker through 1 of the next channels:

    1. Dubai Travel Destinations: Through a courier companionship for a accuse of 25 AED. The courier companionship makes iii attempts to deliver the service earlier sending it dorsum to the centre where the client collects it

    2. Dubai Travel Destinations: Through the Customer Happiness Centre inward Deira or Al Barsha

    3. Dubai Travel Destinations: Through kiosks yesteryear entering the details of the transaction. The client receives the service from the printer of the kiosk.

Frequently asked questions most Renewing Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Vehicle Ownership inward Dubai

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 1: In illustration of an expired vehicle ownership certificate, what are the fines that the client is required to settle?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 1: The client is required to settle all vehicle pending fines inward the illustration of an expired ownership as well as all Salik fines registered on his traffic file.

Dubai Travel Destinations: The client is required to settle these fines alone at the federal branches as well as at the Licensing Department inward Deira as well as Al Barsha as well as at the Customer Happiness Centre- Umm Ramool.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 2: Is it required to periodically inspect vehicles of governmental as well as semi-governmental bodies as well as companies?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 2: Yes, vehicles must undergo the technical testify yearly.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 3: If the client owns to a greater extent than than 1 vehicle, renewing the registration of which i is considered a priority?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 3: If the client owns two or to a greater extent than vehicles, he must e'er start yesteryear renewing the ownership or removing the ownership of vehicles listed on his traffic file amongst an expired registration.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 4: If the vehicle is registered inward about other emirate as well as the client has a residence visa from the same emirate, is he allowed to renew the ownership inward Dubai?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 4: Yes, the service is alone available for individuals as well as it tin move alone performed at Deira, Um Ramool, Al Aweer, Al Barsha as well as Al Manara Customer Happiness Centers.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 5: Can the client renew the ownership inward Dubai if he is from about other emirate as well as the vehicle is registered inward about other emirate?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 5: Yes, the client must move an private as well as must render all the required documents to renew the ownership including the residence visa if he is non from Dubai. Any someone tin correspond the client to renew the ownership.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Example: If the vehicle is registered inward Sharjah as well as the customer’s residence visa is issued inward Abu Dhabi, the client tin renew the ownership at a vehicle registration centre inward Dubai.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 6: Can the client renew the ownership of a vehicle registered inward Dubai inward about other emirate?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 6: Yes, private customers are eligible to renew the ownership of a vehicle registered inward Dubai inward about other emirate.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 7: Can the client renew the ownership of a vehicle registered exterior Dubai if he has a residence visa from the mentioned emirate?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 7: Yes, the client tin renew the ownership of a vehicle registered exterior Dubai if he has a residence visa from the mentioned emirate.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 8: What is the validity of the technical test?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 8: The technical testify remains valid for xxx days from the appointment of its issuance.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 9: What is the physical care for if the vehicle is novel precisely the traffic arrangement requests its inspection?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 9: If the vehicle is build new, bought amongst 0 miles as well as the client is the start possessor precisely the arrangement requests its inspection, as well as then the client must banking concern gibe amongst the Customer Happiness Centre inward Deira or Al Barsha.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 10: What is the validity of the tyres when renewing the ownership?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 10: The validity of the tyres is iii years if they are novel (2012-2013-2014). If the tyres are damaged, the client must alter them to hand the inspection test.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Note: The client must acquaint a registration bill of fare to inspect the vehicle.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 11: Is the client required to perform the inspection testify if the vehicle is novel as well as its ownership was non renewed for half dozen months?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 11: In illustration of registration of a build novel motorcar bought from an accredited motorcar agency, never preregistered, as well as amongst a valid custom certificate, it tin move renewed on a yearly footing for the start iii years without a technical test, provided that the renewal is done i solar daytime earlier the expiration of the registration. Any alter of ownership volition require technical inspection, fifty-fifty if done during the start iii years.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 12: Is the client required to update whatever data when applying for this service through the online channels?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 12: When applying for this service through the online channels, the client must update the insurance details on the traffic arrangement (through the insurance company) as well as must update the details of the vehicle if necessary (through the inspection centre).

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 13: When is the client required to inspect the vehicles registered nether the company’s traffic file?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 13: Vehicles registered nether the company’s traffic file must move inspected yearly later the registration. The companionship tin renew the ownership certificate of the vehicle 149 days earlier its expiry.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 14: What are the steps that the client must follow if the client owns to a greater extent than than 1 vehicle as well as desires to renew ownership or cancel it later its expiry?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 14: If the vehicle is novel as well as the client delays the renewal of its ownership for to a greater extent than than half dozen months from the appointment of the start renewal, the vehicle must undergo a technical inspection testify fifty-fifty if it is novel earlier proceeding amongst the registration.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 15: Does RTA bring universal inspection tests to renew the ownership of a vehicle?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 15: No, RTA does non bring these tests.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 16: What is a vehicle cancellation?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 16: The cancellation of a vehicle is crossing it out from the traffic arrangement either yesteryear issuing an ownership certificate or a transfer certificate or an export certificate.

Dubai Travel Destinations: To cancel the vehicle, the client must acquaint the master copy Emirates ID + re-create of ID.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 17: What volition spill out if the client did non renew the expired vehicle registration later two months?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 17: The traffic file volition move blocked later iii months as well as the client volition have a notification through sms.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 18: When was the ownership e-card implemented for individuals?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 18: Phase 1 on Jan 1, 2018: Government, rental as well as taxi vehicles.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Phase two on May 1, 2018: diplomatic as well as corporate vehicles.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Phase iii on September 1, 2018: Individuals vehicles.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 19: What is permanent ownership as well as what details it includes?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 19: Permanent ownership is an ownership bill of fare provided to the client i fourth dimension alone as well as it includes all the vehicle’s details featured on the electrical flow license except for the decease appointment as well as insurance details.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 20: What is ownership e-card as well as what details it includes?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 20: The ownership e-card is an electronic document called (Vehicle License) sent to the client via email. It includes all the ownership details including the decease date, mortgage as well as insurance. This e-card is issued yesteryear the Road as well as Transport Authority as well as the client has to impress it or salvage it on their telephone to demo it to concerned authorities when needed.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 21: How tin customers impress the ownership e-card or whatever other document inward illustration they didn’t have an electronic mail or they wanted to verify the vehicle details, renewal appointment as well as insurance details?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 21: The ownership e-card may move printed every bit follows:

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Login to

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Select Licensing services.

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Scroll downward the Certificate Verification service as well as press (Click Here).

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Select service type (Vehicle License) as well as then larn into the vehicle details to demo the impress order.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 22: What details are featured on the vehicle license?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 22: The vehicle license features all the details related to the vehicle including the decease date, the mortgage as well as the insurance details. It is sent via electronic mail to the client inward a printable format.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 23: What happens when constabulary patrols or officers asking the ownership card?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 23: The client shows the ownership e-card featured inward RTA applications as well as saved on his phone, or shows the printed re-create of the e-card.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 24: How does the client demo the e-card to the licensing department?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 24: The client shows the ownership e-card featured inward RTA applications as well as saved on his phone, or shows the printed re-create of the e-card.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 25: What is required when crossing the borders?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 25: For UAE as well as GCC countries:

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Permanent ownership bill of fare as well as vehicle license.

Dubai Travel Destinations: -If the costumer is non from GCC countries: Permanent ownership card, vehicle license, tourist certificate, as well as trip ticket

Dubai Travel Destinations: For other countries:

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Permanent ownership card, vehicle license, tourist certificate, as well as trip ticket.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 26: How tin the client access the insurance details?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 26: The insurance details are featured on the ownership e-card accessible through RTA mobile application, or on the printed re-create of the vehicle license.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 27: How tin the client access the mortgage details?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 27: Mortgage details are features on all the documents including the permanent ownership.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 28: What happens when the ownership details are amended?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 28: In illustration whatever of the vehicle details larn amended such every bit changing the plate number or the color:

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Details are updated on the permanent ownership as well as a novel certificate is issued against the due fee.

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Details are updated on the ownership e-card as well as the vehicle’s license.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 29: What happens inward illustration of loss or impairment of the permanent ownership certificate?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 29: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 novel re-create is issued against the due fee.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 30: When the private stage is implemented as well as inward illustration the client doesn’t cause got RTA application, tin the vehicle license move printed through the client service center?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 30: There is no demand for the client service representative to impress the vehicle license. The client may impress it through the link sent via email.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 31: Is the client obliged to supervene upon the vehicle license i time the electronic ownership stage implemented?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 31: The ownership certificate is replaced alone upon its renewal, or inward illustration of replacement of lost/damaged license or alter inward ownership document such every bit alter of color or plate number or adding or redeeming a mortgage.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 32: In illustration the customer’s telephone number was registered wrongly, how tin the link move resent to him?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 32: The customers shall update their personal details though RTA Call Center: 8009090. Also he tin impress the ownership e-card every bit follows:

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Login to

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Select Licensing services.

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Scroll downward the Certificate Verification service as well as press (Click Here).

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Select service type (Vehicle License) as well as then larn into the vehicle details to demo the impress order.

Dubai Travel Destinations: Question 33: How tin customers banking concern gibe the decease appointment of their vehicle license?

Dubai Travel Destinations: Answer 33: The vehicle’s decease appointment tin move checked inward several ways:

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Through the details featured on the vehicle’s license.

Dubai Travel Destinations: -Through the brusque messages sent to the customers’ mobile numbers

Dubai Travel Destinations: For to a greater extent than information Check website


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